The Gang of Five
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A new world...Same old faces


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Crack....the three fastbiters heard a noise as Nero turned his head in the direction of the noise and saw another fastbiter watching them as he simply smirked"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he spoke up as he started to walk towards Luna before stopping for a second and motioned for Luna to come over "Come, no need to be shy" he continued to smirk away.

Luna watched Nero for a second before she stepped forwards towards him and looked to Hazel and Roux as well, then looked back to Nero once again "What....what are you..." she begun.

"Doing out here might you ask? Just....surviving is all" Nero placed an arm around Luna as he walked her over to the other two.

"Surviving?" Luna asked back a bit curiously as she looked at the area that they were in.

Nero just gave off a small chuckle back "Might I enquire as to what one, such as yourself, is doing out here....all alone?"

"Oh, I'm not alone" Luna replied back "There are others out here....well, not other fastbiters, but other dinosaurs, you know, a longneck, a couple of threehorns, flyers"

Nero in turn, simply smirked back at what Luna had just told him and looked over to Hazel and Roux "Well, it seems as though our about to be satisfied" she chuckled a bit more darkly by that point.

Luna stepped back a little as she looked to Nero "No, can' them...."

"And why not? Our hunger must be satisfied.....and I suppose I should thank you for bringing us food like have my eternal....gratitude...." Nero told Luna and started to step past her.

Luna, in turn, remembered something that Hunter had told her and ran ahead of Nero, standing in front of him as she seemed to glare at him slightly "No! I can't let you do that!"

Nero just sighed back a little bit "My dear girl, let me tell you a little secret, it's called life you know, us meat eaters, we eat leaf eaters, it's as simple as that, we do not converse and befriend leaf eaters....they are nothing but food, however, if you wish to protect them....then I'm afraid that you too will soon join them in death" he told her rather coldly.

Luna gulped slightly, yet, still stood her ground "I don't care, I wont let you hurt them"

There was a pause at first, before Nero swung a claw at Luna, striking her across the face and in the process knocked her down onto the ground as he just looked to her before starting to walk off.

Luna sniffled a lttle bit, yet, she stood back up and started to rush at Nero, only to be attacked by Hazel instead, even recieving a bite to the back, which in turn, cause Luna to yell out in pain.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Almost immediately after hearing Viega's speech both Pearl and Sweetie were in tears.

Sweetie tears were falling faster, and she wasn't sure she ever would stop crying. It really sounded like Zaine to her and her emotions were becoming rapid and confusing as she wasn't sure wether to believe Viega or not. The only action she could be sure of was to continue crying after hearing what she believed was Zaines words of wisdom.

Pearl was shocked to hear Viega's words and she too was beginning to shed tears, but for a moment she looked over at her mate Longtail and frowned as she couldn't see any physical change in his appearance. He still seemed downtrodden... and distant as ever.

Despite his outward appearances Longtails heart was fluttering and his emotions, needless to say were literally out of his control... he was having numerous flashbacks to his childhood with Zaine, both the good and bad, and they were flashing by in rapid succession and finally his body reacted to his emotional overload. His scales began to change colors, from pale sky blue to pure snow white, to blood red, and finally to midnight blue, and the cycle continued that way for several minutes all the while his face still showing no outside emotion.

Hunter's head quickly turned around at the sound of the scream and she quickly and with making almost no noise took off towards where the scream had come from. 'Hold on Luna... just be safe!' said Hunter mentally hoping she'd get there in time.

Cyrix could see the changes happening to his nephew. But, he then heard a cry he recognized and immediately his head turned to face Hunter with concern. He the set Plate down on the ground in front of Littlefoot and looked up to the longneck and asked genuinely "Please look after him..." He then turned and raced off after Hunter.


  • Chomper
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Plate looked up at Littlefoot with some fear.

"Littlefoot, whats going on?" Plate asked.


  • Littlefoot
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Nero stopped in his tracks as he looked back at Luna and simply chuckled back, walking over to her and placing a foot on her, holding her down on the ground, crouching, just slightly as he smirked at Luna "And you thought that you could just simply....attack me, just like that? Look at yourself....pathetic"

Nero moved his foot closer to Luna's throat and was now starting to choke her, using on a single foot, holding her in her place as he simply stared at her, yet, his head turned slightly at the sound of, what seemed to be someone approaching "Hazel.....go check it out"

Hazel nodded back and rushed off straight away, in the direction of where Hunter and Cyrix were apprantly coming from, the female slid to a hault moments later and saw the two of them approaching, to which she stepped forward, glancing at Hunter first, then to Cyrix "What do you want? Can't you see that you're tresspassing? This is our area....stay out of it if you know what's good for you" she practically threatened the pair.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Pearl looked down at Littlefoot with a worried expression on her face as she asked, "W-will Longtail... be alright?"

Longtail's scale colors continued to change between the four colors and suddenly without warning, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body tensed for a moment before going limp and he slid to the ground unconscious, but his eyes remained open, and his scales still continued to change colors.

Cyrix slid to a stop and took a breath, thinking perhaps this could be done diplomatically. "I am terribly sorry if we are intruding in your territory, but we are looking for a friend of ours... perhaps you've seen her?" he asked Hazel.

Hunter stood perfectly still and was ready to move into action at a moments notice in case Hazel tried to make any sudden moves. "I would suggest you keep your answers short and sweet fast biter... and tell the truth." Commented Hunter with a glare.


  • Littlefoot
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"A friend of yours? No, sorry....I haven't seen anyone of the sort around here" Hazel replied back as she just looked at the two of them, keeping an eye on each of them, glancing back to where Nero and Roux were.


Nero on the other hand, kept his foot on Luna's throat, actualy choking her with a cold look in his eyes as he just looked at the young fast biter.

Luna in turn, tried to gasp for air and attampted to claw at him, yet, she was instead, was struck back by Nero and yelled out in pain once again already starting to bleed from the wounds she had recieved.

Nero glared at Luna some more "Now....whatever it is your name is....if you dare attempt to strike me again, I will not hessitate to end your life right here and now" he spoke and slamed his foot into Luna's throat, damaging it some more.

Luna gave off another bit of yell in pain as she stumbled to her feet, grabbing her throat which was in some pain now.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Without speaking a word to each other, Cyrix stepped forward with lightning speed, grabbed Hazel's head and forced it down to the ground holding her there.

And just as Cyrix reached forward for Hazel's head, Hunter took off running past the fast biter and after running for a moment she spotted Luna facing off against another fast biter who had friends standing behind him. She skidded to a stop next to Luna and gave her adoptive sister a warm smile. "I see you've started listening... good."


  • Cera
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Littlefoot looked down at Plate. "It's kind of a long story, a REALLY long story. A friend of ours recently died, and this fast biter claims to be hearing Zaine in his mind." Longtail's reaction caught him off guard, but at the same time he almost expected it. "Longtail! You have to calm down!" When Pearl asked if he would be okay, Littlefoot didn't know how to answer. "I don't know Pearl. The stress must be getting to him. I can't really blame him, but at the same time this doesn't seem normal."

Viega was now panicking. He didn't expect the flyer to react so suddenly, and he was unsure if he was going to hurt himself because of this. "What the heck do I do?" he asked frantically. "He's behaving so extreme!".

"I was afraid this would happen. Longtail is losing control over his emotions. If something isn't done now, he might lose himself entirely."

"Any suggestions?"

" Longtail's mind is too complicated for me to intervene for long, but I can try and reach out to him, but only for a short period of time."

"Whatever you do, you better do it fast!" Viega warned. He then tried to approach Longtail, trying not to get too close to him. "Longtail!" he called out. "Please calm down!"

"Longtail!" Zaine's voice echoed loudly throughout Longtail's mind. "I can only speak to you quickly! You're losing control over your emotions! You can't let that happen again, not now! Everybody needs you now!"


  • Chomper
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Plate looked scared.

"Died? This is confusing," Plate gave a slight cry, he quickly looked back at some rocks and a small Black Spinosaurus darted behind them "And I think we're being watched," Plate said sounded more scared then before.


  • Littlefoot
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Nero gave off a bit of a smirk as he saw Hunter approach "Well, well, well, another friend of the fastbiter here, welcome, welcome" he spoke in what sounded like a bit of a cheery voice as he stepped forward towards Hunter.

Luna looked to Nero for a moment, just seeming to glare at him, stepping back slightly.

Nero only smirked some more, looking to Luna a little, then looked back to Hunter "I'm afraid that she's been frightened rather badly, getting her friends and help all mixed up" he paused for a moment "But you need not worry about your friend here, she is once again, safe"

He then placed his fingers to his mouth and gave off a whistle.

Hazel, who was face down in the dirt thanks to Cyrix, simply smirked herself, grabbed the dirt in the ground for a second, moved her feet ever so slightly to break out of his grip, and in the process, threw the dirt into his face "Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't play with you anymore" he laughed to him and turned, rushing off back to where Nero was.

Cancerian Tiger

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Meanwhile, back at Spike's group, Ducky remained unusually quiet as the others conversed among themselves.  Aurelia was the first to notice, and slowly approached Ducky.

"What's wrong, Ducky?  You're bein' awfully quiet," Aurelia asked out of concern for her friend.

"I do not like what is happening around us, no no no.  Our home was destroyed, friends and family have been lost...," Ducky trailed off as she felt herself become too sad to talk.  Aurelia gently nuzzled Ducky in an attempt to calm her down.

"I know it's sad right now, and remember our conversation 'bout your family?  Even in death, they're never truly gone.  I'm certain they would want the living to feel lucky to be alive and stay strong enough to get through this tough time," Aurelia said.

"But, I do not think I am strong enough, oh no no no," Ducky sniffled.

"Well, that's where good friends step in.  You're not goin' through this alone, Ducky.  You've got all of us here, and as a herd we're helpin' each other out no matter who is stronger or weaker.  You've always got me to talk to, so don't ever hold those sad feelings in, okay?" Aurelia reassured Ducky.

"Okay," Ducky sniffled before she embraced her friend.  "Thank you for looking out for me."

"Well, you've gotten to be like a sister to me, so I couldn't help it.  Just stay as strong as ya can and let us do the rest, a'ight?" Aurelia said.

"I will, yep yep yep," Ducky whispered.

"Now, that's the Ducky I know.  C'mon, let's get back to the others," Aurelia said before the two made their way back over to the herd.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail at the moment he heard Zaines voice his body, both inside and out seemed to stop momentarily as he could swear he could see his brother in front of him. His eyes widened and his scales stopped changing colors as well as his eyes came back into focus and he began to speak softly. "Z-zaine... I... I just... wasn't strong... e-enough... to save you... I.. I can't save... anyone... c-can you... forgive me?"

Pearl could see Longtail's eyes come back into focus and his scale color returning as well, and she let go of a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding. "Thank... goodness..." she uttered to herself.

As Cyrix recovered from the dirt in his face he raced to catch back up with Hazel, and after a few moments had her within his sight. He was determined not to let her get to whoever she was running to rejoin. He then took his chances and leapt into the air, grabbing Hazel around her neck and using his body weight to force her to the ground. "I don't believe we're done yet." he said with a irritated tone in his voice.

Hunter on the other paw hadn't taken her gaze off of Nero as she replied, "You just said she was safe again... were you the one that hurt her?! Cause if you were... your precious survival will be limited to the next few MOMENTS!" she roared as she bared her teeth and claws ready to strike Nero down.


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Nero only chuckled back to Hunter "My, what big teeth you have....a shame to see them go to....such a waste really" he spoke, still sounding all the while calm and he simply smirked to Hunter.

He stepped forward towards the two of them, still smirking as he looked to Luna for a second and mouthed something to her before he turned and struck Hunter, right in the throat, practically ripping some flesh from her throat in the process "Now, you see, I do not enjoy being accused of a crime that....I did not commit" he spoke as he used one of his legs to then slam it into Hunter's chest before grabbing her by the throat a second time and bringing her down to the ground and putting a foot onto of her head, holding her down in the ground as he looked at her rather coldly.

Luna in turn, stepped back slightly, not believing what was happening before her eyes as she looked to Hunter for a second, then over to Nero "Stop this....please...." she begged him.

"'ll do what? Look at yourself, you're weak....pathetic, can't even look out for herself" Nero chuckled as he continued to hold Hunter where she was, applying more pressure to his foot that was still upon her head.

Hazel in turn, looked to Cyrix for a second and clawed at his feet before biting down on one of them, trying to get herself free as she spoke to him "I believe....that we are"


  • Chomper
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Plate cried as this accured and sudenly a rock came flying and hit Nero on the head, a Black Spinosaurus stood where the rock came from and he was holding another rock.

"Thats the way to hit! Right Munch?" the Spinosaurus said seemingly to the rock he held.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot sighed with relief as it seemed Longtail was starting to calm down. "Thank goodness that's over with." He then looked over at Pearl, who was sitting on his back. "Whoever this fast biter is, he may actually be of help to Longtail. If he can really hear Zaine in his mind, maybe we can all keep in some form of contact with him, if only through this fast biter." He looked back at Longtail. "Either way, he needs some encouragement. Poor Longtail."

Viega took another step towards Longtail, now feeling a bit safer that he was starting to calm down. "I may not know what you have gone through Longtail, but it seems to me like Zaine doesn't want you to blame yourself for what happened to him."

"Viega is right," Zaine spoke again in Longtail's mind. "I can't speak directly to you for too much longer, so I have to be quick. What happened to me was not your fault. None of this is your fault. Things happen that we can't change, and it's all part of the great Circle of Life. You can still help the others. No matter how much you want to deny it, you ARE strong. You always have been and always will be. You have to protect your uncle, your mate, and the rest of your friends in the herd. There is still hope." There was a small pause. "I have to go, but I will remain in contact through Viega. If you ever wish to speak to me, tell him what to say, and I will hear it. Remember, you aren't alone, brother. Just keep holding on, and you will make it through this. I have faith in you." With that, Zaine's voice vanished from Longtail's mind.

Viega could feel Zaine's presence in his mind. "Whatever you told him worked. He's certainly regaining control over himself."

"Yes, but this won't be the last time this happens. Please keep an eye on him especially. I don't want anything to happen to him."

"I'll do my best," Viega replied. "I promise."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix gritted his teeth in pain as he felt Hazel clawing and biting at his feet but smiled as he used his tail to whip her in the face and pressed he claws into her neck. "Yes... we are done... my sweet." he said with a suave, but arrogant tone.

Hunter could have freed herself easily... it wouldn't have been a challenge at all, but in truth part of her wanted to see exactly what Luna could do under a stressful situation like this, so she fringed weakness to see exactly what Luna would do. She then looked back with pseudo-fear induced eyes and said aloud, "Luna... help!"

Longtail sat on the ground for several minutes letting Zaine's words sink into his head. After another few moments he blinked, gave a heavy sigh, felt his world come back to life, and finally albeit slowly he stood up. He looked around at the herd and smiled as he did so, with his eyes settling on Pearl. But then he asked, "Wait... where's Cyrix and Hunter?"

Pearl gave a wide smile as she saw Longtail stand and grin. "Glad he's back to normal... sort of." she said with a giggle.


  • Littlefoot
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Hazel, however, moved, regardless of claws pressed against her neck and used, practically all of her might to push Cyrix off herself and stood back up as she looked to him.  She kept her eyes trailed on him all the while before she smirked only lightly to him and seconds later, lunged at him, her teeth coming down upon his neck, to the point of which she bit down rather hard and tore out some flesh.

Nero in turn, looked to Hunter, slamming his foot down onto her head in order to hurt Hunter even more as he looked back to Luna "Well, your call" he chuckled to her.

Luna however, could not think on what to do next.  She wanted to help out Hunter, but from Nero did to her last, she just wasn't sure, yet, she crouched down slightly and decided to try it again, lunging at Nero.

Nero smirked back at this as he removed his foot from Hunter's head for the moment, turned and lept back at Luna, knocking her down on the ground as he held her there, standing on top of her practically, to the point of which he kicked her in the face "Big mistake girl...." he then looked over to Roux, who had just been watching the whole time "Go get the others" he chuckled, to which Roux turned and rushed off.


Skye, meanwhile, was still sitting in her spot, looking to be rather bored at the moment as she stood up and walked over to Cera, sitting down beside her "I don't like this at al, these....friends of yours, the meat eaters, they've been gone for sometime now" she begun before she paused, leaning against Cera rather lightly, giving her a smile and nuzzled her some "And sorry, I'm not really all that used to calling the meat eaters friends....just feels weird is all"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter had a split second choice to make... and lucky for her, she knew that her choice was a simple one. She quickly shook off her pain and, swiftly grabbed Nero by the tail with her teeth smiling as she drew blood and said, "You made a mistake! I'm the true threat here!"

Cyrix cringed and would have screamed in pain if his neck weren't being constricted. He knew he had to fight. He placed his claws against the ground, pushing Hazel and himself off the ground, and brought his tail around whipping Hazel in the legs knocking them out from under her.

Longtail went rigid again and began to sniff the air. His eyes darted back and forth as his eyes followed the scents of Hunter, Luna and his uncle. But his eyes narrowed a moment afterward as he said aloud to the rest of the herd, "We have a sharptooth coming... I can smell her... and if I know the mysterious beyond... she won't be friendly!" He then took up a fighting stance prepared to defend the herd... our herd... thank you Zaine, for believing in me...'

Cera smiled at Skye and replied, "Heh... so you do care a little... that's good. But yeah... they have been gone for a while." She then raised her head and looked over upon hearing Longtail's comment and stood up brandishing her horns. "This can't be good." she said quietly.


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"True threat? My dear, dear seems you have become blind to what threat really is....your so-called threat of yours is a simple matter to deal away with" Nero told Hunter as his tail bled.  He glanced at the wound for a second before glancing back to Hunter once more.

The look on Nero's face showed that he had no fear up against either Luna, or Hunter for that matter.  The look he had was different as he gave off a light smirk in the process, almost as if he was pleased about something.  He looked at the two of them for a second before stepping back somewhat, all the while, simply smirking away "I'm afraid that your visit here is going to be more of a short one than anything else....I do wish you could stay around for longer...."

It was then that Roux had returned, looking to both Hunter and Luna for a split-second, then to Nero, just giving him a nod.  It seemed that Roux didn't do much talking, if any for that matter, yet, Nero in turn, could seem to understand what message she was passing along.

"Ladies" Nero addressed both Hunter and Luna "It seems as though plans have been altered I have a new idea, a brilliant one for that matter, which has just popped into my two, will be our special dinner guests for this afternoon.....the menu, might you ask?" and that's when Nero smirked even more as behind him, more fastbiters had arrived, they ranged from at least 20 of them.  Nero gave off a light sounding chuckle " of course" he turned to his herd " served....have fun" he chuckled even more and walked towards the herd, while they walked forward.

Luna in turn, was already starting to shake at the sheer number of fastbiters that were there as she gave off a gulp, stepping back a little bit, tugging Hunter by the tail a little as well.  She was, at the moment, speachless....and scared for that matter as many of the fastbiters in front of them were licking their lips in hunger.


Hazel in turn, was still fighting it out with Cyrix as her feet were knocked off the ground, but only for a moment, as the moment she had fallen, she rushed off her feet and seconds later, bit down onto one of Cyrix's wings "Odd....looks like you're getting weaker....what's the matter? Am I a bit too much for you to handle? Too much of a girl for you that is?" she chuckled some herself as she spat out what she had ripped off Cyrix and simply smirked some more.


Skye nodded back to Cera and got into position herself, her eyes searching the area "Sharpteeth....worst kind of enemy to have....I should know...." she told Cera in particular, her eyes continuously searching around.


  • Cera
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"Oh great," Littlefoot muttered. "Just what we don't need right now." He quickly scanned the area, and also noticed that Cyrix, Hunter, and Luna were missing. Damn it. I hope they're okay. "Pearl, Sweetie. Stay close to me. Cera! Protect Skye!" His eyes darted left and right. "Where do you see them Longtail?"

Viega unleashed his claws, ready to retaliate. "I smell them too. They're close, really close." "Where the hell are they?"

"Don't worry about the herd. They'll be fine. You have to find Cyrix and the others. I have a bad feeling about this."

"By the sound of things, they've been gone for a while." Viega sniffed the air until he caught the scent of sharpteeth as well as leaf eaters. "I've got them."

"Be careful." "Longtail! Follow me! I know where they are!" With that, Viega sprinted pass the herd towards the source of the scent. He eventually caught up to it and found a group of fast biters approaching a downed rainbow face and two sharpteeth. One was already approaching the downed sharpteeth, but without hesitation Viega lunged forward, body slamming the fast biter away and slashing at it's throat. Viega glared at the group and growled. "Back off!" he hissed in sharptooth.

"Taking them on by yourself? That's exactly what I would have done."