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Messages - Fyn16

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Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: October 04, 2017, 06:12:30 PM »
Well, the big issue here is that if the wave just hit, I'll need to retract my post and wait this one out, as my character's backstory involves those who fled the disaster. I'll stand by and see what happens.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:55:37 PM »
Perhaps it would be best to set everything in stone now, then, to avoid further confusion. We should be asking:

-Where are we right now?
-How close are we to the oasis?
-How far is the oasis from the ocean?
-How long ago did the tsunami hit?

I think everyone knows roughly where they are in the days following the tsunami; I simply think getting our timeline and exact location stated clearly will be enough for everyone to get their bearings. For example, you might say that the main party (if there is a main party) is at X. Knowing that, someone else can see that if the tsunami happened Y time ago, then given it's been Y since the tsunami, and the party is at X, then their character should be at Z, Z being their character's own time and place.

If this is confusing, I'll try to reword it. Trying to write on my phone.

It's Party Time! / Countdown
« on: October 03, 2017, 10:44:30 AM »

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: October 03, 2017, 09:52:11 AM »
I think my post might have brought about some confusion. My intent was to have my character near the oasis. Admittedly this was not made clear by my post, but that is the plan.

The only thing I'm really confused about is the timeline. How long after the wave could this realistically take place? Because it seems to me like this would have to be weeks or even months later for this to make sense, unless the oasis is really close to the shore.

Land Before Time RPG / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie!
« on: October 02, 2017, 04:10:02 PM »
Get up.

Orsur groaned as he shifted in place. The young, reddish-brown Sailbeak was perched atop a flat rock, his sail turned towards the Bright Circle. The night before had been a cold one, and despite his best efforts to warm himself up, he was still shivering.

He'd never liked the cold. When Cold Times came, he would usually find his parents and keep them close, curling up in his warm nest rather than exposing himself to the biting air. They understood. All the Sailbeaks understood. They never liked the chill in the air either.

But even as the memories surfaced, he felt a pang of sorrow pierce his gut. If he had been standing, he would have staggered, but all he could do was grimace as his hollow stomach cried out to him. He would never curl up in the nest beside his warm mother or father again. If the nest still existed at all, he had no doubt it belonged to someone else now, and as for his parents...

Orsur shivered, watching as the Bright Circle started its long climb. Soon it would crest the horizon, and then perhaps he could take some sort of artificial solace from its own warm touch.



"Yes, Orsur?"

"Who are they?"

The two Sailbeaks stood side by side at the edge of their nesting ground, their eyes thoroughly trained on a large gaggle of hunched, plodding forms that trailed dust high into the sky behind them. They were far away, and so neither of the two was able to make out just what sort of dinosaurs were moving towards them. What they both noticed immediately, however, was the silence.

Orsur and his family lived in a communal nesting ground, a place set right in the middle of a grassy plain where other families of Sailbeaks hatched and raised their own children. These lands were theirs to do with as they pleased; to graze, to drink, to live, and to love. And, in the case of the youngest of the Sailbeaks, to frolic. They were welcoming to all who passed through their lands, often even hospitable to the point that those who passed through found it difficult to leave at times. And yet as Orsur set his eyes upon the approaching dinosaurs, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. Something felt wrong. Very wrong.

"I don't know who they are," his father answered, not taking his eyes off of the herd of dark green leaf eaters, "but whoever they are, there are a lot of them, don't you think?"

Orsur nodded.

"There's not a lot in this world that makes a herd that size get up and start traveling. If I had to guess, I'd say something bad happened."

"Something bad?" Orsur piped up, his bright eyes wide with fear as he stared up at his father. For the first time since sighting the distant herd, his father managed to break his gaze away and give his son a reassuring smile.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Orsur. Whatever happened, it happened a while ago, and far away from here. We're safe."

Orsur breathed a sigh of relief, but he found that despite his father's comforting words, he was still trembling. There were so many of them, so many broken, dissheveled-looking adults plodding towards them. He saw very few children amid their ranks; this too helped to fuel his sense of doubt.

"Are we safe from them, though?" he asked, nodding towards the herd.

His father seemed caught off guard by this question.

"What sort of a question is that, Orsur? Mind your manners. We have always let others pass through our lands. This is no different."

Orsur turned back towards the herd, still unable to shake his growing feeling of unease. Even if his father seemed satisfied with the answer he had given, he was not.


The young Sailbeak stumbled down a shallow, sandy slope, pausing only at the bottom to chew absently on the tough, dry branch of a low-growing bush. The taste of the leaves was bitter, biting his tongue, but it served its purpose well enough: quelling the incessant growling of his stomach. As he pulled away from the branch, still chewing, a shimmer caught his eye. He'd learned that these shimmers were often nothing to get excited about, but this one seemed different, more natural than those caused by the Bright Circle's heat.

Water. had to be.

Orsur surged forward on shaking legs, hoping his suspicions were true, and as he drew closer, he felt his heart soar as he realized that it was indeed water he was coming up on. But almost as soon as grew excited, his mood shifted. There were two other dinosaurs there already- children like him, lapping greedily at the water of a pond, barely larger than a puddle. Orsur crouched low, hiding himself behind a stand of tall, dry grass. Neither of them had noticed him.

And both were significantly smaller than he was.


"Orsur, I don't understand. Why do you fear these outsiders?"

The young Sailbeak shrugged. "I don't know. I just don't like them. They look at us funny, not like the others did."

"Well, they're from far away. You must remember that."

Orsur sighed. "I know."

The two Sailbeaks were sitting together at the far end of the nesting grounds, drinking in the majesty of the night sky. Behind them, the nesting grounds were packed with slumbering dinosaurs- Spikethumbs, every last one of them, and all from a place they called the "Big Water." Evidently some massive wave had wiped out most of their home, and now they were on the move, looking for new lands. There were more on the way, they said, and despite his trepidation, Orsur couldn't help but gawk at the sheer amount of them. They vastly outnumbered their own kind, and with more on the way... it was a terrifying and simultaneously awe-inspiring thought.

"Look up, Orsur. Up at the stars."

Orsur did as his father told, following his gaze up into the starry heavens. Once, when he had been much younger, he had sworn that he would count everyone. A little older now, he was beginning to realize that such a feat was impossible.

"Look closely at them. No two stars look exactly the same, do they?"

Orsur had to squint to see his father's point, but the older Sailbeak was right. They were different, albeit in very subtle ways.

"I guess so," he replied.

"And yet they reside up there in perfect harmony, side by side."

Orsur was beginning to see where his father was going with this, but remained silent as he continued.

"Imagine what would happen if the stars could not live among one another. Imagine all the night sky, descended into chaos. If the stars could not live among one another, there would be no beauty in the night sky, would there?"

Orsur shook his head.

"We are like those stars, Orsur," his father went on. "We must strive to live with that same measure of harmony among one another. If we don't- if we cannot treat each other with respect and show some hospitality, then we scatter ourselves just like the falling stars we see every night."

As if to punctuate his point, one such star crossed the sky just above the horizon, fading elegantly from view.

The young Sailbeak sighed. "I guess."

Orsur's father chuckled. "Don't worry about it too much, son. Soon the Spikethumbs will be on their way, and the nesting grounds will be just the way they always were."

"Promise?" Orsur looked up at his father, almost pleading.



The two young Brightbills by the waterside never saw Orsur coming.

With a fierce bellow, the older dinosaur came charging out of the grass towards them. Neither young one knew what to think, but the fire in the Sailbeak's eyes was unmistakable. He meant them harm. With squeaks and yelps of fear, they scrambled from the waterside, fleeing as fast as their legs could carry them. Orsur deviated to pursue them, and as he did so, one fell, tripping over its own feet. Orsur charged forward regardless, bearing down on the young one as if to trample him, and just as it seemed he might go through with it, the young one got to his feet and bolted, scampering off in the direction of his rapidly-disappearing friend, brother, or whatever his companion was. Orsur shot a scowl in their direction, and then turned back to the water. The thought that the young dinosaurs might be wanderers like himself never once crossed his mind. That this water might have saved them from dying of thirst was equally unimportant.

What mattered most was that now it belonged to him. And with it, he could survive one more day, just one more of many before...


"Please understand. We do not mean to insult you. Our lands simply cannot support a much larger herd than-"

"Whether they can or cannot, they must. The rest of us cannot be left to wander and die."

"And I have no wish to see that happen! But surely there are other locations-"

"Perhaps, but we know of only this one. This is the most fertile stretch of land for days in any direction. You cannot expect us to simply go away. Our homes no longer exist."

From a safe distance, Orsur watched as his father and the leader of the Spikethumbs exchanged words. Word had come in that the rest of the Spikethumb herd was on its way, and with very little room left in the nesting grounds, his father had taken upon himself to finally inform the leader that they could take no more. The leader seemed none too pleased.

"Your plight speaks to me," his father said, pacing from side to side, "make no doubt about that. However I must look to my herd's well being before anyone else's. Surely you understand that."

The Spikethumb nodded solemnly. "Yes, I understand."

And in that moment Orsur saw something, a brief but clear indicator that something was very wrong. A pointed, white shape which stood at the ready by the Spikethumb's foot: it's famous jabbing claw.

"So you'll forgive me if I do the same."

And before Orsur's father could react, the Spikethumb was on top of him, driving the nearly-defenseless Sailbeak into the ground with blow after blow from his powerful tail and front feet. Orsur stood rooted, unable to believe what he was seeing, but even as his father's choked gasps reached his ears, Spikethumbs all over the nesting area rose up against their peaceful hosts.

"I thought-" he heard his father gasp before the booming sound of one of the Spikethumb leader's foot-blows silenced him.

"You knew this was coming."

He saw the glint again, a spurt of crimson, and then Orsur saw no more as he turned and ran. All around him, the nesting area descended into chaos. Mothers wailed and fought back with their lives as their nests were trampled. Children fled screaming, and fathers rushed to defend their families only to be cut down by the much stronger Spikethumbs. On that afternoon, the nesting grounds were full of falling stars.

But one star fled the night sky, never to return.


Orsur lapped at the water, savoring its refreshing touch in spite of the sandy grit within. Ideally, this water would be just enough to get him to the next source, wherever that may be. And as long as he could continue this rhythm every day, perhaps one day...

Perhaps one day he could exact the same terribly fury the Spikethumbs had brought to his home. He would return to the nesting grounds, and if his kind had reclaimed them by then, he would ignore them and press on to the "Big Water." Once there, he would trample their nests, cut down their adults, and drive the children out. He would plunge their own night sky into chaos, and he would bring the stars themselves down on top of them.

But to do that, he had to find water, and find food.

One day at a time, he reminded himself. The two Brightbills from before were watching him from a distance. He shot them a withering glare, and soon they ducked away.

One day at a time.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: October 01, 2017, 05:11:25 PM »
Since I won't be with the group for a while, what would you think of me solo posting? I could probably go through the arrival of the Spikethumbs and the loss of my nesting grounds, which would put me on my own just as the group arrives.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: September 27, 2017, 10:11:00 AM »
October 1st? Oh hell yeah! Put me wherever you want. I will adapt. I'm super excited to get this ball rolling! HYPE!

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: September 21, 2017, 05:25:00 PM »
Hello again, everyone!

It seems the dawn of a new season is quickly approaching! Along with that nip of cold in the air comes the prospect of new adventures, new friendships, and new characters to explore as we move onwards into season 2 of our fanfiction prompt challenge.

I'm excited. What about you?

But with that being said, there are some areas we need to go over before we launch on October 1, namely our prompt lineup. We promised you all that you'd have a say in which prompts make the final cut, and now it's time for us to make good on that promise. So, bearing that in mind, please take a look at the tentative prompt schedule below, and let us know what you think! We look forward to your feedback!


October- write a scary story, or at least a story with being scared as a central theme. How you interpret this is up to you. It could be a myth, perhaps a storytelling session in the Valley, a scary experience, etc. Just make sure it's Halloween-themed in some way! Note: this does not have to be a genuinely scary experience. Silly stories are just as welcome!

November- Either incorporate this into the dialogue, or use it as one of your story’s themes: ”Even in our times of hardship there is still much to be grateful for.”

-write a snow fic!
-write a fic about surviving the winter elements
-write a fic featuring Santa Claws :lol
-write a fic that parallels your own holiday of choice


January- Incorporate the following into your story: ”He (or she) had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd.  But not like this… not like this.”

February- Write a story about "undying love." What exactly this means is up to you.

March- write a myth or legend set in the Land Before Time universe

April- Nothing to see here, folks. Move on! :DD

May- incorporate the following phrase into your story: “when the bright circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley.”

June- (This one's tentative as I have not run it by Rhombus yet) Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

July- Your theme for this month: there comes a time in everyone's life where a choice must be made, one which may irreversibly alter the path ahead.

August- Goodbyes are never easy. Write a story about a parting.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: September 19, 2017, 05:03:07 PM »
I agree with Sovereign's proposal. As tempting as it is to start an origin point for this entire chain of events (i.e. the first two of our group meeting a la Littlefoot and Ducky), in the interest of encouraging participation from everyone, starting from a point at which we're all together makes the most sense. Using the example provided, if my character is staunchly defending a watering hole or feeding ground, the resulting confrontation establishes the personalities and characteristics of all of our characters, and provides a point from which the entire group can start their journey.

With that being said, I wouldn't have anything against people establishing their characters' backstories outside of the RP, particularly when it comes to writing about situations that may not come up in the RP itself. As an example, I will be doing a short piece on Orsur's past (which I know I said I would do earlier, but... combine school with crunch week for my play rehearsal and I just don't have any time). Extra steps like this aren't necessary, but they can be useful for getting into character.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: September 17, 2017, 05:04:56 PM »
Quote from: Sovereign,Sep 17 2017 on  03:59 PM

At this point, shouldn't our main focus be in establishing the setting for our first scenes?
Most certainly, and I think that's where the hang-up is. What we have to go on at the moment is that our starting point is somewhere inland past the Sailbeak nesting grounds after the tsunami. If I had to guess, we're looking at either an arid plain, a forest, or perhaps a "Badlands" of sorts.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: September 17, 2017, 04:06:35 PM »
So am I to assume that we're starting after the group meets up? I feel that once we get over the hurdle of our first post, the rest should be easy.

If you would like, I'm thinking about posting a very short reflective piece from the perspective of my character either later today or sometime soon. Could be a good example to follow.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: September 09, 2017, 02:45:21 PM »
Well, I think my character would be pretty far inland, given that he already lived far from the coast and was pushed out of his home. I could see him meeting our "gang" over a dispute, though we'd need a good reason (maybe a threat or something) for him to not run away from the group right off the bat.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: September 01, 2017, 09:26:10 PM »
If I had to guess, you could show up for scenes where you attack, track, and scheme, so to speak. As an ever-present threat, this should ensure you have plenty of posting time.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: September 01, 2017, 04:11:21 PM »
Quote from: Sovereign,Sep 1 2017 on  02:02 PM
What you're saying makes sense, Fyn, but there could also be some advantages in having some kind of  clear destination. Without a permanent motivator for the characters, things could become directionless and disorderly if we're not careful. However, as you said, many of our characters don't have a family to return to so that brings a problem to this approach.  We don't have to have a destination right away but sooner or later, the characters will have to learn to work together (more or less) which necessitates a clear goal, no matter how elusive it is. However, the initial conflicts inside our gang should spark enough interest at first so we shouldn't hurry with trying to build an early dominating storyline. The characters deserve to be fleshed out before anything else happens.

Because of the fact that some of our characters distrust each others' kinds, the motive should be universal and not bounded by the dinosaurs' traditions. Perhaps stories concerning some stellar phenomena or search for some kind of knowledge could work? :unsure: Anyway, all of this can certainly take a backseat in the roleplay but I'd say it could serve as a backburner for long-term developments as the undead long did in Game of Thrones.
Excellent points, and I do agree- we will eventually need to establish a destination. Though what a sort of destination in the North might look like is up for interpretation. Perhaps a thermally-heated tundra? In keeping with the Yellowstone vision, it would provide a comfortable place for our herbivores through the harsh winters.

That being said, I also agree that it makes more sense to pursue this goal in the latter half of the story. As you said, our starting group cohesion will be laughably bad at best, and the real first journey will be overcoming those personal barriers, likely through the characters being forced to work together in the face of threats like Sharpteeth and whatnot.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: August 31, 2017, 07:47:03 PM »
I've also been throwing a mental storyboard of sorts for a "trailer" for the RP, based on this song. It just seems to fit the mood of this potential story so we'll, conveying moments of friendship, loss, and wonder.

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: August 31, 2017, 05:23:33 PM »
Well, one thing I think most (if not all) of our characters have in common is a lack of parents. So, perhaps that makes their end goal different. After all, Littlefoot and the Gang went to the Valley in the first place to meet up with their families again. With no families to turn to, our motivations would be different. I would imagine that, as more and more herds press inland, feeding grounds would become scarcer, and largely controlled by "strong" herds. Bearing this in mind, the concentration of Sharpteeth in these areas would be downright terrifying, reason enough for a group of young dinosaurs to make like a tree and leave.

So if we roll with this, now we have a reason for leaving, but we also have fugitives without a cause. How do we solve this? One of two ways. We could drop hints about a promised land, a la Great Valley, or we could focus this story around the journey, rather than the destination. Think of it this way- what's the most important thing these dinosaurs need now more than ever? Family. At the end of the day, I think they'd rather have someone to regard as family than a veritable paradise. With that in mind, I propose that our "journey" here is a mental one rather than a physical one with a set destination in mind. Basically, this means they can settle in whatever feeding ground seems best (this makes the northern journey idea work, as no adult coastal dinosaur in its right mind would actually want to go where it's cold). It doesn't have to be a paradise, it doesn't have to be a legend, it only has to provide refuge for a gaggle of kids who eventually come to organize their own "family" among themselves. Personally I envisioned a setting similar to Yellowstone, but that's certainly not a requirement. We're all flexible.

Bearing that in mind, I'll summarize the advantages taking a journey narrative over a destination narrative would provide:
-It's better suited for an RP. Story is told in small chunks rather than a large, overarching plotline, so it's more similar in style to a TV series than a movie, as an example.
-Our destination can be anywhere, as long as the characters find it comfortable to settle down. There's even room to adopt a "destination" narrative later on if the characters pick up hints of something legendary (like the Great Valley) down the road.
-There's incredible room for character development and subplots. There's nothing crazy going on here, no large, herd-threatening catastrophes, just kids trying to survive the odds. We have a chance to tell a very personal tale here, and I think it gives us the chance to provide significantly more depth than most RPs provide.

Anyway, just my two cents!

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: August 31, 2017, 02:40:32 PM »
Well, the hardest part of any roleplay is definitely the start. The way I see it, we could do this one of two ways:

1. Start the story from the meeting point, and then work out characters' backgrounds through flashbacks, character development, and character interactions. As an example, let's say a group of three characters had already been traveling together for a while, and then run into the rest of the characters. In this case, the RP begins at that meeting point, and then we find out as they group up and travel together how the original group came together, what the others were doing before they met, etc. Essentially we choose a point somewhere in the middle of these characters' timelines and start there.

2. We introduce our characters individually through a brief writing piece for each one explaining where they are now at the start of the story. We then choose some focal characters and add the rest of the characters in as they appear in the story. The upside to this is that it's easier to start, but the downfalls are just as numerous. Some players won't be able to post right off the bat, and the focal characters will have to make quite a few posts in the early stages of the RP. That being said, if the non-focal characters can come up with  a storyline to take place while the others are making their journey (one which then converges with the main party when those characters meet) then I feel they could probably tailor their posts around said storyline until, once more, they become a part of the focal group.

The Fridge / Custom Kitchens
« on: August 29, 2017, 04:56:51 AM »
Why not both? A custom kitchen would be a great place to make cornflake biscuits!  :lol

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: August 28, 2017, 10:01:20 AM »
Quote from: jorrdy12,Aug 28 2017 on  08:09 AM
Sounds really cool! Would it be possible for me to join too? From what i read so far it will be really interesting to see how this will go :)
I believe we are still in the sign-up phase, so if you're interested, welcome! I don't believe we've posted the rough storyline on the main page yet, but you can get a pretty good idea of what we're doing by flipping through the posts. Glad to see you're interested!

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: August 27, 2017, 12:28:37 PM »
I'm impressed! Seems like all of us have a very unique backstory and personalities! I can't wait to see what such wildly varied characters do once they have the chance to interact!  :DD

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