The Gang of Five
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Venatione Venatus


  • Spike
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Hi, and chapter 3 is finally here!!! Sorry its been so long, about 2 months? What have you done in 2 months? I've got married, had seven kids and got divorced again, dunno about you...

Anyway, here is the chapter, and in this SO MUCH HAPPENS! Plotlines develop, more characters are introduced...hope you enjoy it!  :lol:

 Chapter Three: The Pack


Many of the elders of the Great Valley said that Spike had a one-track mind, and for evidence they pointed to how Spike would immediately wander over to the nearest plantation of treestars and scoff the lot in ten seconds flat.

But those who knew Spike better were fully aware that treestars were not the only things he thought about. He also thought about tree-sweets, tall grass, sweet bubbles, berries, the spices you could get from different flower petals…

OK, as well as food, he also thought very deeply about his friends. And so whilst he was making short work of a pile of treestars whilst his friends were who knew where, he thought very pensively about Cera’s current situation.

Spike knew from experience that family didn’t necessarily mean those biologically related to you. In his time, he had never known those individuals, but to say he had no family would be a lie greater than him having no appetite. He considered Ducky and her family as his own, and had always done. Although he was fully aware of their differences, he very easily saw past them. Was that because they were the only family he had ever known? He guessed so.

Either way, he knew full well of family-like relationships with those who weren’t true family, and so he felt he could empathize fully with what Cera was feeling right now.

He took another bite out of the treestars. As he chewed them slowly, he wondered what would happen to Tria if she left Mr Threehorn. Would she never see Cera again? Well, Spike considered, that wouldn’t make a lot of sense, considering it was Mr Threehorn she was angry with, not Cera.
So maybe things would work out for her after all? Would Cera still be able to see Tria?

Spike was interrupted in his thoughts by the approach of a huge longneck. As he gazed up at his colossus, he was dimly aware that this was not one that he regularly saw around the Valley. Then again, they were coming into the wandering times, so this must be a far-walker.

The longneck’s bright yellow eyes flickered briefly to the young one beneath him. He gave a small nod of acknowledgement before tearing away at the leaves on a nearby tall tree without a word. It seemed that he was in deep thought as well, Spike reflected. But unfortunately, he himself wouldn’t be getting any peace and quiet – longnecks were very noisy eaters.

Spike began to walk away, but as he did so, he couldn’t help but look back at the wandering longneck. He knew it was wrong to judge, coming, but this longneck was…well, a bit weird. Not just his obscure, somewhat antisocial personality, but he looked weird as well…

After all, how many longnecks did you see around with spikes all over their bodies?


Chomper swallowed hard. All he could think about now was how much worse this situation had suddenly become. Screech and Thud seemed poised to tear him apart, and as if that weren’t bad enough, Redclaw couldn’t be far behind…

He glanced over at Seizon. Surely, someone who roughed the Mysterious Beyond like he did would be able to think of something? Seizon, like him, was standing stock-still, gazing intently at the two fast-biters. However, unlike Chomper, his expression was not fearful, merely annoyed.

“Dammit…” he muttered. “I should have known you two would show up eventually, ruining my day…can’t you see I have something important to do?”

“You mean abducting this little biter and turning him into a killer?” Screech asked, a look of scepticism on his face. “Somehow, Seizon, that’s not really a zeal I’d want to adhere to…the Great Valley will want their precious little pet project back soon…”

These insults bounced off Chomper, barely registering in his numb, frozen brain. He didn’t want to get on the wrong side of these two, and part of him felt like he should yell out a warning to Seizon.

Thud stepped forward slightly.

“You’re heading for trouble Seizon,” he warned, and Chomper could have sworn he detected a change in tone. No longer was his voice cold and sneering. It sounded like he thought he was giving Seizon sound advice.
“Following Xal will lend you nothing but the consequences of your mistakes…”

Seizon let out a snarl of anger.

“And I suppose your boss Redclaw fed you all of that Spiketail dirt, did he?” His amber eyes darted around slightly. “Where is he anyway?”

“Redclaw got into an accident and fell into a coma at least a cold time ago,” Thud replied levelly.

Well, that was news to Chomper. Did this mean an end to his tyrannical influence in the area?

“We take our commands from someone else now,” Screech added. “Someone who knows full well that following Xal will lead to death as sure as jumping into a Smoking Mountain.”

Chomper was about to ask who this person was, but before he could, Seizon let out a short bark of harsh laughter.

“I’m not surprised you need someone else to take orders from,” he sneered. “You always were pathetic cowardly scavengers!”

This provocation had gotten to Screech. Letting out a sharp growl of fury, he began charging towards the young bladeback, despite Thud’s yell of,

Seizon began to charge too. Then, leaping straight into the air, he latched onto the side of Screech’s body and sunk his teeth into the fast-biter’s arm.

Screech howled in pain, and Seizon took the opportunity to swing himself inwards, kicking Screech in the gut with both legs.

The misplaced rocks on the Great Wall had already caused Screech to be off-balance, and Seizon’s kick sent him tumbling head over heels. Seizon released his arm at just the right moment, and landed expertly on his feet.

As Screech fell, he dislodged some of the looser rocks, causing a mini-rockslide to carry him all the way to the bottom of the wall.

Thud stared intently at his fallen companion before glaring at Seizon.

“This isn’t the end,” he hissed. “Take heed my warning hatchling!”

And with that, he quickly leapt down the cliff-face, picked up Screech’s unconscious form, and sprinted off without a backwards glance.

“Yeah, you better run!!” Seizon hollered. He turned, grinning to Chomper.

“You see, my friend, that is the correct way to get rid of pests!”

This direct address seemed to snap Chomper out of his stunned miasma.

“They said they were taking orders from someone else,” he said. “Don’t you think it would have been worth finding out who it was?”

“Nah,” Seizon replied, unconcernedly. “Whoever he is will soon know not to mess with Xal!”

“It could be a ëshe’,” Saureen said waspishly. “They can be powerful and influential too, y’know!”

Seizon merely shrugged.


They soon made it down to the base of the Great Wall, and as they did so, Chomper looked back at the Valley. He had a horrible feeling of dread developing in the pit of his stomach. Would he ever see it again?

“Chomper, come on!” Saureen called back to him. Chomper sped up to catch up with her.

The three of them began to walk. Chomper wasn’t entirely sure where, but Seizon seemed to be leading him somewhere. Saureen, on the other hand, hung back with him.

“You know Screech and Thud right?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Chomper replied. “They’re always with Redclaw. Why?”

“They used to live near us,” Saureen told him. “In the Fanged Forest where Xal is in control of. And…they were nice.”

Chomper was shocked. The idea of Screech and Thud being nice was such a ludicrous concept, it made his head spin just to try and imagine it. It would have been easier to imagine Grandma and Grandpa Longneck as hatchlings.

“To be fair,” Saureen said. “We didn’t see a lot of them. They were just around, you know? One day, they just weren’t there anymore. When I heard they’d joined Redclaw, I just couldn’t believe it…but, listen, don’t tell Seizon, but my main worry is that Xal is the reason they left.”

Choosing Redclaw over Xal? Chomper’s blood ran cold. If that were true, Xal would be the last person on Earth he would want to meet…

“Saureen,” he said seriously. “What is Xal even like?”

“He’s…” the young twoclaw seemed at a loss for what to say. “Well, he’s alright. He’s quite kind to me and stuff…but…I don’t think he’s right in the head. Sometimes he just smiles to himself. There’s nobody else around to make him laugh or anything, but he just smiles, like there’s something he knows that we don’t…”

“OK, we’re here,” Seizon called out, cutting Saureen short.
They had arrived at a small cave on a rocky outcrop overlooking a stream. Chomper shivered slightly. The place was too quiet, and the lack of any animal larger than a scorpion was simply unnerving.

Seizon entered the cave without delay, Chomper and Saureen following. After walking in the semi-darkness for a short while, Seizon said loudly.

“Alright guys, here’s Chomper, our new addition to the pack!”

Chomper could see quickly to whom he was addressing – apparently snoozing in the corners of the cave were four young sharpteeth.

Two of them, evidently quilled fast-biters (Unquillosaurus) immediately got to their feet and strode over to Chomper, their eyes narrowed in curiosity.

The first, a vibrantly orange male began to sniff Chomper intently, as though trying to detect some trace of contamination.

“He absolutely reeks of leaf-eater,” he commented to Seizon, his mouth watering slightly.

“Yes. He lives with them,” Seizon replied impatiently. “He probably doesn’t taste like them though.”

The fast-biter turned back to Chomper.

“Pyron,” he said shortly, sticking out his claw. “That’s my sister, Nycha.”

After Chomper and Pyron shook, the former turned his attention to Nycha, who had a very obvious lilac tinge to her skin, making it hard to believe she and Pyron came out of the same gene pool.
She was looking Chomper up and down, a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

“A bit scrawny isn’t he?” she said, grabbing ahold of his arm without invitation and examining it.

“Certainly if it’s just his arm you’re looking at,” Seizon joked. Saureen shot him a look of disdain.

Nycha shrugged and walked back to the spot she had been dozing in a few moments before.

“Scrawniness doesn’t really matter to me,” said the third young Sharptooth, a burly female Slashclaw (Giganotosaurus) with dark, ruby-red scales and jewel-bright blue eyes. She strode over to Chomper and gazed at him intently, her eyes shining with delight.
“Hey, you can call me Lini,” she said, smiling brightly.

“Charmed…” Chomper muttered in reply. He didn’t know if it was her height, but he found her penetrating scrutinization of him quite unnerving.

“Never mind scrawny, he’s great!” Lini declared allowed, grabbing Chomper by the shoulders and whirling him around to face the fourth young Sharptooth. “What do you think, Al?”

Al, a Crunchbiter (Herrerasaurus) with a dull gold and black striped body-pattern, raised his head slightly and merely shrugged.

“Alright, that’s enough handling our guest,” Seizon said abruptly, and Lini released him.
Seizon, Chomper noticed, seemed to have asserted his authority over this group a long time ago. He spoke a stood with a confidence unrivalled by anyone Chomper had ever seen.

“Right,” Seizon continued. “Now that the hard water is broken, it’s time we got ourselves some dinner!”

Chomper swallowed hard. Somehow, he didn’t think dinner meant insects and lizards…


The Bright Circle was beginning its descent beyond the Horizon, bleaching the sky with a glorious golden-orange aura. And as the residents of the Great Valley were settling down for the night, a frantic cry rose up in the still air.

Littlefoot had been calling for his friend for hours, as had Ruby, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike (though in his case non-verbally). No such luck. It seemed as though Chomper had vanished into thin air.
Littlefoot gave a great sigh and was about to flop to the ground, exhausted, when he noticed that Chomper wasn’t the only one missing.

“Hey, where’s Cera?” he asked Petrie.

“She over there,” he told him, pointing.

Cera was indeed, sitting a distance away from, atop a small rock, deep in her own thought and gazing into the sky. Sure this could mean nothing good, Littlefoot gingerly approached her.

“You alright?” he asked.

Cera didn’t answer immediately, but continued to gaze at the dusk.

Eventually, she spoke without turning around.

“I went to see Tria,” she said, sounding as though she had a bad head-cold. “To ask her if she had seen Chomper. Whilst this conversation was going on, my dad arrived, and then…”
A fresh wave of tears took her over.
“I can’t even remember what the argument was about,” she sobbed. “But it was something so trivial that…”
Littlefoot tried to offer words of comfort, until he realised he was at a total loss for what to say.

About an hour later, under the Night Circle and stars, Littlefoot was walking slowly towards his sleeping spot, his head low. Today had begun in such a wonderful and happy way, and now Chomper was missing and Cera was inconsolable. He raised his head to look into the sky. As he did this, he noticed one of the stars shining brighter than the rest of them…

“How could it have come to this?” he whispered.

The star twinkled at him, and as it did so, a light breeze began to whisper in the trees, dislodging a fairly large treestar and sending it floating down to come at a rest right at Littlefoot’s feet. There was a small pool of water in the centre of it. It was probably due to some light sky water that had fallen earlier, but as he stared at his glum reflection, he again noticed the light of the bright star, shining just above him.

Maybe, he thought, that these two disastrous events were working together to result in a better solution? It was far-fetched thinking, but somehow, it felt right…

Littlefoot was cut across in his thoughts by the approach of heavy footsteps. Looking behind him, he caught the sight of a bizarre looking longneck, with spikes all the way down his neck, back and tail. Not wanting to be caught in this far-walker’s path, Littlefoot was about to slip off quietly to bed, when the longneck spoke.

“Hey, kid.”

Littlefoot paused, confused. He had never seen this longneck before in his life, so why was he addressing him as though they were old friends?

“Umm…hello,” he said in reply.

The longneck bent his neck low so that it was almost level with Littlefoot.

“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” he asked.

“I…I was just about to,” Littlefoot assured him. “But, I had a busy day…”

The longneck smiled.
“You too, huh?” He raised his neck again. “My name’s Kai. What’s yours?”
“Littlefoot,” Littlefoot replied, and he could have sworn he saw a flash of what might have been triumph in the Kai’s yellow eyes.
“I see,” he said. “I arrived here today. I travel a lot, and it feels good to settle down. How about you? What’s made your day so busy?”

Littlefoot lowered his head.
“My friend’s gone missing,” he sighed. “And I’ve looked for him everywhere…”
“Oh really?” Kai said, sounding interested. “I may have to look out for him. What species is he?”
Littlefoot’s heart skipped a beat. Kai may not be too chuffed to discover that a Sharptooth lived the in the Great Valley…
“He’s a Sprinter,” he said quickly, imagining Hyp’s species and their resemblance to Chomper’s. “Uhh…he’s quite small, indigo-coloured and his name’s Chomper.”

“Got it,” Kai replied, smiling once more. “You know, I’m glad I ran into you. Been looking for a fellow longneck all day. Well, I suppose I’ll be seeing more of you on my stay here Littlefoot. Goodnight.”

And with that, he walked away.

Littlefoot found himself gazing after him for quite a while. He seemed friendly enough, but there seemed to be something off about him. Littlefoot didn’t quite know what. It may have been the way he said something…
“Been looking for a fellow longneck all day…”
Why did that statement bother him?
He looked back down at the treestar in front of him.
“I don’t understand, mother…” he muttered, before picking up the leaf and placing it on his back. He then gazed back into the sky, his eyes fixed on the star shining brighter than the rest.
“But I still trust you…” he said, before walking off to bed.


And there you have it!
If I'm being honest, the star/treestar thing was spur of the moment - I didn't have it pre-planned, or anything, you know, it just took place.
So, yeah, hope you enjoyed this. Looking forward to your thoughts and views etc.  :wave


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Yay! Another well done chapter :DD

Your writing style is really good( much better than mine :p) and your ideas are very good.

It isn't bad, that you need so long for your chapters since they're really long.
It says: quality has its price in this case quality needs time  :yes

Keep writing :)
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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  • Ducky
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Very nice! Aha, so we are now introduced to the remaining members of the pack? Lini seems like she's the nicest of the bunch :)
And I love that part about Spike in the beginning. See? He's not dumb!
Look forward to more.
Also, one of my characters has a similar name to Pyron - he's a dragon named Pyren. :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Spike
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:lol That's understandable. The prefix 'pyro' means fire. I was naming him after the dinosaur Pyroraptor olympius


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Oh yeah! I remember the Pyroraptor from Pod's Travels :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Spike
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Yep! And the name Nycha is derived from Deinonychus, and Lini is taken from Giganotosaurus' species name, carolinii.


  • Spike
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OK, so from here, this is where things start to pick up.

Soon, more canon characters will be re-introduced. I've already decided to re-introduce Shorty, Ali and Bron. If there are any others you want to see, let me know!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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You could add some trouble caused by the old one ;)
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Spike
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Hm...there's an idea. With what I'm planning, that could be possible... ;)

OK, time to hear the readers theories - what relevance do you think Kai will have in the story?


  • Spike
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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yay! Sorry I never commented on your latest chapter. I'm interested in seeing what this Spiked longneck is up to, and what will happen with Chomper and the little pack of sharpteeth he's been forced into. :)
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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Guess the chapter's not coming along as quickly as I hoped...sorry guys!  :oops

But nevertheless, I have big plans for this fic...if you want to hear some of them, I'll be happy to tell you. Of course, some prefer to go without spoilers... ;)

Any questions?  :lol


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Nope :) I hate spoilers to be honest ^^

Don't force yourself to write the next chapter...better spend more time on it so it'll have a good quality :P:
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Spike
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  • Spike
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Finally! Its here, next chapter of VV. Sorry I haven't been as active recently - not just with writing this, but with spending much time on here at all...I just really wanted to get this done! Tell me what you think - the last parts are probably a bit rushed, as I wanted to get it finished quickly... :bang

Chapter Four: How to get things done

Seizon stepped out of the cave and gazed up at the darkened sky, adorned with stars twinkling innocently down at his snout. He sniffed the air enthusiastically.
It was nigh time to hunt.

With this merry thought in mind, the rest of his pack filed out of the cave. Saureen, his, as always, right-hand woman first, followed by Lini and then Nycha. Pyron and Al sauntered out more slowly, with Chomper bringing up the rear. He stumbled slightly as he crept out the cave. Seizon felt like cringing.

“Alright, listen up everyone,” Seizon called, and they all immediately stood to attention.
“I know this is the first time we’ve made a proper kill in weeks. But still, perhaps our rustiness on this skill will be a better pace for our rookie.” He spared Chomper a bemused look, which he didn’t return.

“Question, if I may, Seizon…” Pyron queried, raising his arm. “Why are we hunting in the dead of night? We won’t be able to see a thing.”

“And nor will they,” Seizon replied. “Anyway, skilled hunters like us don’t need night-vision. We have our sense of smell. Something that they barely have…”

Chomper could sense impending doom befalling upon his person. This was it, end of the line. Tonight he would be forced to kill a fellow dinosaur, one who’s language and emotions he understood perfectly. After he had done that, he told himself, he could never return to the Great Valley.

Seizon began to pace in front of the group, and Chomper could tell the young bladeback was deliberately avoiding his gaze. Maybe he was concerned about what he may see in it? Saureen gently placed her claw on Chomper’s skinny arm, but he shrugged her off. He wasn’t going to be mollycoddled.

Not yet.

“This is how it will work,” Seizon continued. “The usual way – some of us will chase the animal into the rest of us, so we’ve got it trapped and exhausted. Then we’ll move in…” He pounded his fist into his palm.
“…for the kill.”

Feeling slightly nauseous, Chomper spoke up.

“So, err…who’s going in which group then?”

“Well, the one’s giving the chase will be the one’s quicker on their feet,” Seizon replied, still not looking directly at him.
“Pyron and Nycha, that’ll be you two. And Al too. And Saureen…” he turned to look at her.
“I’d like you to be with them as well. Lini and Chomper, you’ll be with me, making the kill.”

Chomper’s insides disappeared. His whole body became rigid.

“N-no,” he managed to stutter. “You don’t want me in that group Seizon…I’m more the athletic type, I’ll be better in the chase group…”

“You have immensely powerful jaws,” Seizon said, now staring directly at him. His expression however, was unreadable. “They’ll come in handy.”

As though to emphasized the point, Lini grabbed Chomper playfully on the arm.

“Come on, Chomper,” she coaxed, her eyes shining. “Taking down a leaf-eater is great fun!”

Chomper wasn’t convinced. His insides had returned, only they felt like they had been filled with rocks in their absence.

“Right…” he mumbled.

Nycha stepped forward.

“Seizon, let him and me swap places. He’s too puny to be on the killing team. He could be better in my place, and me better in his.”

Chomper didn’t care that she had called him puny. If he were able to get out this one…?

“No, Nycha,” Seizon said firmly.


“Why not???” Nycha asked intently, staring at Seizon with shining eyes to rival Lini’s.

“Because I said so,” Seizon replied calmly.

Nycha looked distraught, but relented anyway.

“There’s still one more issue,” Saureen stated. “What prey are we even chasing?”

Seizon smiled.

“Sniff around,” he said. “I’m sure you’ll find something suitable.”

As it turned out, there was only one suitable prey (in Seizon’s eyes anyway) in the area. Pyron had managed to follow the trail of a lone Spikethumb (Iguanodon) that was grazing dolefully in an abandoned dark canyon.

“Looks like we struck lucky,” Seizon grinned. “OK, Chomper, Lini, come with me over to this small cavern.” He gestured to a conveniently placed gap in the canyon wall.
“Saureen and the rest of ya, make sure you chase him over here.”
Saureen and the others all gave affirmative nods before sprinting, hunched over to avoid being spotted by the herbivore to a place in which hemming it into the hole in the wall would be easy.

“It’s all very simple, my friend,” Seizon demonstrated, drawing a diagram in the earth just outside the mouth of the hole.
“Survival instincts dictate that whatever presents the most immediate danger is something worth running in the opposite direction to, even though you have no idea what might be waiting for you there…”
Seizon gave Chomper a trademark grin, displaying his shining white sharp teeth.

Chomper didn’t respond. He simply stared perplexedly into space, hardly believing what was happening. This morning, he had woken up without a care in the world, in the impeccable shelter of the Great Valley. Now, he was crouching at the mouth of a cave with fellow sharpteeth, both of whom were considerably stronger than him, waiting to take down a fellow dinosaur…
That went without mentioning whatever was up with Xal, Screech and Thud, and this mysterious spiked longneck. If the worst came to worst, their actions would result in war, spread across the entire dinosaur world…


Chomper jumped at the sound of the whispered voice. Lini had just tapped him on the shoulder, more gently than Chomper thought was capable for her.

“You OK?” she whispered.

Chomper wasn’t entirely sure how to respond. He opened his mouth, scrabbled around at a few words that were staggering around in his head before realising that they wouldn’t construct a particularly relevant sentence, and closed his mouth again.

Lini gave him a warm, comforting smile, which was strange, as Chomper had never associated those sort of smiles with her either.

“It’ll be OK,” she assured him, tapping him kindly on the shoulder. “I know this whole experience is a bit intense for you, growing up the way you have. But it’ll improve. We’ll all support you through this, don’t worry!”

And then, far beyond what Chomper was expecting, Lini leaned forward and hugged him tightly, her chin resting on top of his head.

It wasn’t as if Chomper had never been hugged before, but there were a lot more awkward physics being hugged by a leaf-eater. Chomper had no memory of being wrapped in a peer’s embrace like this, as though by an older sister. It felt wonderful, and yet at the same time, Chomper felt a horrible yearning from the experience…

As Lini released him, Chomper heard a loud roar in the distance, in a voice he recognised as Pyron’s. The hunt had begun.

Chomper could distinctly see the sillouhette of the spikethumb galloping towards them, emitting loud bellows of fear…
Seizon made the first move. Springing out from the hole, he clapsed his jaws around the neck of the unsuspecting victim, who desperately tried to swing him off. Lini soon joined in, biting with her powerful jaws on the animals flank, causing it to stagger and fall over. Saureen, Pyron, Nycha and Al all leapt on too, biting and clawing and the screaming, trashing creature…

Chomper was frozen in his spot, watching the massacre wide-eyed and fearful. There was nothing he could do as Seizon snapped the animal’s neck quickly and announced,
“It’s going to be a hell of job getting it back to our cave. Chomper, give us a hand.”

Chomper knew it would do no good for him to resist. Still numb with shock, he slowly clambered out of the hole in the canyon wall and walked towards the corpse.

“Atta boy!” Seizon praised, thumping him on the back. Chomper still didn’t respond. Silently, he helped the pack carry the massive body all the way back to their cave. Chomper hung back at the entrance. He felt that the sight of them all eating from the dead leaf-eater might just make him throw up.

He wasn’t waiting outside long before Seizon came out to join him.
“I didn’t expect you to participate in the killing the first time,” Seizon informed him. “In fact, I would have been astounded if you did. You’ve done nothing to be ashamed of.” He smiled to himself.
“In time, it’ll get better…”

“Are these supposed to be words of comfort?” Chomper demanded.

Seizon scowled.

“Look, I’m doing my best for you here, mate,” he snapped. “But if you can’t see that then it’s your own problem.” With that, he strode back into the cave, without another word.

Chomper remained outside, gathering his thoughts as a chilly wind whipped around him and dark, spidery sky puffies blocked the stars from view. Hardly a night you’d want to be caught out in in the mysterious beyond…he still couldn’t believe this was happening. He wondered what Littlefoot and the others were doing now…did they even care he was gone? It was no mystery, he felt, that they still held some amount of mistrust and fear about him. It was only natural. He had no business, as a Sharptooth, interfering with the peaceful flow of their lives – maybe it was time he moved on…


An uncertain voice had caught him unawares. Chomper turned to see the young Sharptooth cautiously emerge from the cave. This time it wasn’t Seizon, but Saureen. Feeling he could realistically get on with her better, Chomper tried to force his face into a weak smile.


“Are you…umm…going to eat?” Saureen asked tentatively. The smile slid from Chomper’s face faster than a rockslide and he turned away from her.

“No…” he murmured. “I can’t eat a fellow dinosaur…just imagining eating one of my friends…what happened to him was brutal and barbaric…”

Saureen approached him as his voice faltered. Gingerly, the placed a hand upon his shoulder, and slowly caressed it, creating a sense of comfort that Chomper needed all too well.

“Well, starving yourself isn’t going to bring him back,” Saureen reasoned. “Come on Chomper, you’ve got to eat! Your friends wouldn’t want you to starve yourself either, even for the sake of another leaf-eater…”

Chomper paused. How could she know that? For all she knew, they could secretly despise him…then again, she had watched him at play with them…and an outsider can often see the non-biased truth before them…and…her words were strangely soothing. They sounded like you could trust them…
Slowly, Chomper went with her back to the cave.



Littlefoot yawned, his eyes bleary. He had managed to convince his grandparents to let him set out early, although now his groggy demeanour was telling him it wasn’t such a good idea. Still, he had to know…

Around him, his five other friends were also sitting and waiting, in a circle amongst the tall grass. None of them said a word. Well, not until Spike helped himself to a mouthful of said grass, that is.

“Spike!” Ducky protested accusingly. “How can you be eating at a time like this???”

“He’s just trying to continue as normal…” Cera replied. And, Littlefoot noticed, that was exactly what she was trying to do. Although quieter than normal, Cera was certainly not the emotional wreck they had been introduced to yesterday. This heartened Littlefoot greatly – Cera, he could see, was having a worse time of it than any of them, so if she could take a stiff-upper lip approach to this, so could the rest of them!

As if responding to his change of heart, a group of flyers, including Petrie’s mother, all swooped down from the sky into their midst.

“Well?” Ruby asked nervously.

Mama Flyer shook her head sadly.

“There’s no sign of him. We’ve searched every area of the valley and much of the immediate mysterious beyond. Nothing…”

Ruby swallowed hard.

“But at the same time,” Mama Flyer continued. “That probably means he’s not dead from some weird accident or something, otherwise we would have found his body…”

“Kidnap…?” Littlefoot suggested uncertainly.

Mama Flyer shrugged.

“I guess we can’t rule out that possibility,” she replied, as her companions took flight. “I can’t see why anyone would kidnap Chomper, much less within our own valley, and then take him out, but don’t lose faith. Remember, the fact that we’ve found no body makes it very unlikely he’s dead.”

She also took off. As she hovered a few feet above them, she turned to look at her son.
“Petrie, are you coming?” she asked.

“Err, no…me stay here,” he replied.


After she had left, the six young dinosaurs all exchanged looks.
“Well,” Cera sighed. “That doesn’t leave us any the wiser…”
“No…” Littlefoot admitted. “I still can’t work out-”
“Work out what?” a voice behind them interjected.
Littlefoot turned to see Kai, the spiked wandering longneck from last night stride towards them.

“Oh, hello Kai,” Littlefoot greeted him offhandedly.
“Hey kid,” Kai smiled down at him, and Littlefoot couldn’t help but notice how he virtually ignored his companions.

“I’ve just spoke to your grandparents,” he said warmly. “They seem proud of you…”
“Umm…well, they would be…” Littlefoot replied, still quite confused. He could tell his friends were wondering what on earth this longneck wanted…
“Anyway, work out what?” Kai repeated, his voice becoming business-like. He stripped the nearby branch of a tree of leaves as he said this.

“I can’t work out where my friend is,” Littlefoot replied.

“Yeah,” Ruby added, speaking to Kai for the first time. “And we-”

“Well, I’m afraid I couldn’t find him, son,” Kai said, gazing down at Littlefoot, his voice heavy with sadness. But now Littlefoot was quite annoyed. It wasn’t often that he felt such irritation for an adult – only Petrie’s uncle Pterano had given this impression to him. But this time he knew why – Kai had completely ignored Ruby, not to mention interrupted her!

“Well,” Littlefoot continued, a bite of coldness in his voice. “Neither have a group of flyers who volunteered to look for him, and they say-”

But Littlefoot broke off, as, to his surprise, Kai chuckled.
“Think they could do a better job than us though?” he asked, amused.
Littlefoot didn’t quite know how to respond to this, so he just let the awkward silence hang in the air.

Eventually, Kai cleared his throat.
“Umm…anyway, I’ll see you around,” he muttered, wandering off.

“What a weirdo…” Cera muttered in an awed voice. “Where on earth did you find that guy?”

“He was just a far-walker that I met last night,” Littlefoot replied. “He doesn’t travel with a herd apparentley…” he shook his head.
“But never mind him. We still have a problem here – Chomper…”

“Well,” Ruby said slowly. “I was thinking we could go and ask Mr Thicknose if he has any idea what this is all about…”

Mr Thicknose didn’t seem in the least surprise to see them.
“I had a feeling you’d come along eventually…” he murmured.

“Yeah…” Littlefoot replied. “I was just wondering…do you have any idea what happened to Chomper?”

Thicknose shook his head.

“No……………but I have come up with a theory. It may be completely off, but if you came to hear my opinions…”

“Oh yes, yes, yes – we have!” Ducky insisted.

“Very well then,” Thicknose said briskly, and he began to pace back and forth.

“I suppose,” he said. “To start at the very beginning, you have to understand what it’s like for those who live outside the Great Valley. Particularly sharpteeth – I mean, they have to struggle every time they want to eat. It is surely a difficult life, and therefore, sometimes, community cohesion is required.”

“Community cohesion?” Cera repeated.

“Exactly. That basically means a lot of dinosaurs, often from different species, in the same sort of area coming together to work together, generally in harmony.” He smiled slightly. “One example, of course, would be our valley. It is one of the best places for community cohesion I’ve ever seen. But here we live in peace. We do not tend to be hostile to outsiders. That’s very different with Sharptooth communities. They will essentially, from what I’ve heard, form gangs or sects, and they will almost always be in a state of warfare with another sect. And when you’ve got those sort of problems, every individual you can lay your hands on counts.”

Thicknose took a deep breath.

“Imagine Chomper’s parents were to begin their own sect to combat Redclaw’s, for example. They would most definitely want their son to be part of it, and so they would then get hold of him by any means possible.”

He smiled at them.

“I may be wrong, but I think that is what happened. So, in that case, he is, most likely, absolutely fine.”


These words did provide comfort to Littlefoot, but he was still quite concerned. If Chomper’s parents had taken him, surely they would have let Chomper explain to the rest of them where he was going? And in any case, did him being with his parents make him any safer? He could tell they were extremely protective and caring for him, but being out in the mysterious beyond undoubtedly constantly put him at risk from Redclaw’s wrath. As far as he was concerned, they had to find him.

“I can’t stand around any longer,” Littlefoot declared.

“Maybe you sit down?” Petrie suggested.

“No, Petrie. I mean…I can’t just stay here whilst Chomper’s doing who knows what…I’ve…I’ve gotta go and find him.”

As he turned to go, he expected some form of resistance from his friends, most likely from Cera. But it seemed that Cera felt she wanted to stay as far from home as possible, and so, she trotted along beside him, nodding.
“Yeah. I know what you mean. Let’s go and find him.”

“I’m coming too,” Ruby added. Spike made a decisive noise and also went to follow Littlefoot. Convinced that Spike’s opinion was legible, Ducky and Petrie also declared their intentions to come along.

“Great,” Littlefoot said. “Then let’s go.”

However, just as they reached the passage leading to the mysterious beyond in the Great Wall, a voice behind them said,


They all recognised that voice. But as they turned to face Kai, Littlefoot couldn’t help but notice…he had addressed them all

“Yes?” he asked tentatively.

Kai shook his head sadly.

“I can’t believe you’re all planning to go into the mysterious beyond alone,” he said sagely. “It’s dangerous out there – it’s what I came here to escape!”

Littlefoot just hung his head awkwardly, but Cera spoke up.

“We’re going out there to help our friend. Perhaps you could wait until you knew the full story before to reprimanded us?”

Kai fixed her with a steely glare, which soon shut her up. Eventually, however, his face relaxed.

“Fair enough,” he said. “However – I shall be accompanying you.”

His words were greeted with silence. He took no notice of this, and just ploughed forward.

Littlefoot exchanged a look with his friends and they mutually decided it was best not to comment.


And there it is!!! Thanks for reading, and...what did you like about this chapter? Quite a bit of stuff happened... :blink: Not to mention, I'd like to hear your thoughts both about how I portrayed the main characters, and what you think of my OCs. Which of my sharptooth OCs is your favourite?  :lol:
Also, if anyone's interested to draw some fanart for this? There already is some, but I'm quite greedy... :rolleyes: How about a cover art concept? I dunno...anyway, enjoy!  :lol


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Whoo! new chapter :D

Well, I (especially)liked following aspects:

- The hunting scene: Though your Sharptooth OC's tried to convince Chomper that hunting leafeaters is a good thing Chomper still can't accept hunting and eating leafeating dinosaurs... I wonder whether he will someday(but don't tell me!! :smile ) It has some heartwarming scenes such as Lini(like her name btw :DD) hugging Chomper in it, too :)

- Kai: I'm glad you introduced him a bit more but he's still a mystery :lol

- The Gang's meeting: Cera doesn't have any objections against an idea of Littlefoot :huh This argue thing of Topsy and Tria outta be severe...

Next point: I think you portraited the main character right... I don't see any issues at least :P:

your OC's: Seizon and Saureen of course! They seem to be okay. I guess I'll like Lini since I tend to like the nice characters :lol

As for drawing some art for VV I don't think I'd be a great help because I can mainly draw and colour from screenshots so far and I don't think there are any of your OC's  :lol I never tried to draw a Sharptooth or any other kind of meet-eaters. Funny, I planned to ask, if someone could draw your OC's so that people can imagine their outward appearience better ;) You also should update your character post :yes

All in all a well-done chapter(as I expected lol :D). No doubt, it was worth the whole waiting :lol
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  • Spike
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Thanks!!!!!  :DD

Thanks for your analysis, it was very nicely done. I always enjoy a bit of analysing and dissecting my chapters. Which reminds me, my English teacher needs to get back to me...

About Kai - keep an eye on him, he'll be becoming important later...

And yes, Seizon and Saureen are the best, but keep an eye on all of them, character development will soon ARISE!!!

Is that even the correct word in this conext???  :blink:  :lol


  • Spike
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Hi everyone. Thinking of getting started on the next chapter in a bit!  :lol: I've finished all of my GCSEs now, so I have LOADS of free time on my hands.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I look forward to the next chapter :DD

Gotta update my fic soon :angel
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  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Ooh, loved this chappie - agh! I knew it was only a matter of time, poor Chomper :( in all of the fanfics I've read with him, he's always being forced to choose meat... bleh
Anyway, very well written and I especially like the dialogue between the members of the Gang; you've got them portrayed exactly, especially Spike^^
As for art, I may give this a shot - I've got more time on my hands now.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein