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Is there anyone in LBT that you would call evil?


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Quote from: Dr. Rex,Jan 6 2016 on  08:50 PM
Ozzy, Rinkus, and Sierra for me.
You said it. I wouldn't say that any of the sharpteeth are evil because they're just doing what's natural to them. Ozzy was always really mean to Strut, and he was relentlessly trying to kill the gang just because they took his egg! As for Rinkus and Sierra, they would've had no qualms about killing Ducky whatsoever.


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Ozzy trying to kill the gang came as a last resort, if I remember right. Originally all Ozzy wanted to do was scare them into not interfering with his future attempts at getting some egg food. It was only when the gang kept causing problems (such as getting them spotted by a flyer mother) that Ozzy decided it was better to just get rid of them. He was likely getting really hungry, which made him more irritable.

But what separates Ozzy from a sharptooth is that he doesn't need to eat only eggs. He was choosing to do this. He did have the option of eating green food. He and Strut were both omnivores. If he was getting hungry, he could have easily eaten some grass or berries or something, instead of using up all his energy taking the risk going after eggs.

Gentle Sharptooth

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From what I discern of LBT lore, according to the canon of the films, Sharpteeth are meant to be seen as evil. The Original LBT had Sharptooth as the principle villain and antagonist who chases the Gang of Five out of sinister motives. I mean why would a T-Rex waste time on a mouthful of infant dinosaurs when he could feast on larger dinner? Then again Sharptooth does have a vendetta against Little Foot for the thorn brush In the eye, his mother knocking him into the abyss and Cera’s guilt by association. There is also the case to be made that Sharptooth is so starved by the famine and earthquake, he will pursue any prey to keep himself from perishing. In the first two possibilities Sharptooth is a evil carnivore, in the third and last proposed possibility he is simply famished and pursues the Gang out of necessity.

However, it is evident that LBT the Original was not meant to be seen in prism of endless philosophy but in a clearer more absolutist point of view: good versus evil. I then conclude that Sharptooth in the first LBT is evil, but the sequels leave the morality of sharpteeth open to further interpretation; especially in the person of Chomper. 
« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 07:09:56 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Yes, Don Bluth himself considered him as not evil.

Only thing he did that went outside borders of nature - is trying to kill Littlefoot not only of hunger but also of revenge. This action moves my favorite sharptooth right to the border between being just natural predator and creature with evil intentions, but he definitelly didn't cross this border.

His first and third encounters with gang was pure fortune, I believe he didn't intentionally stalk ONLY gang. Due to hunger and terrible fight with Littlefoot's mom and fall to the abyss, he tried to eat small prey like children.

Third encounter (awakining) was also fortune plus Cera's actions, and btw, I do think he didn't even realized Cera was here, he just woke up from terrible fall and microcoma, so he possibly  could not recognize nearest objects.

Final encounter could not even happen, he could juss pass through... If Littlefoot didn't want to make evil revenge and risk his and his friends' lives only to make a vile deed and kill innocent creature who only tried to survive hahahahaha Littlefoot is the true villain!  :anger
*calms down*
Ok, final encounter could not even happen, if Littlefoot wasn't afraid that Sharptooth would find a valley and tried to get rid from him to protect his new home. BUUUUT I still also thinks our lovely longneck thought about pure revenge, and if not Cera, his revenge would cost lives of him and his newfound friends, that's not good.

I think Littlefoot also went veeeery close to border between being just natural dinosaur and creature with evil intentions... In the nature, herbivore creature doesn't just kill passing by carnivore, right? He does it only if there's direct danger to his life or his family.

Sigh... Revenge births another revenge... Evil births another evil...

Gentle Sharptooth

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To Sneak:

Your thesis is based then on the second of three motives I pose for Sharptooth: I. Villany, II. Revenge, and III. Hunger.

I think you can make a case for all three, but in the mind of a child Sharptooth is evil and stalks the Gang like the Headless Hessian or a Ghoulish demon (mich has been written about the supernatural aspects of Sharptooth, I believe you even made comments in those threads). However, I agree with you Sneak that there is a plausible case for Sharptooth having natural instincts of hunger and the emotional desire of vendetta. On the nucleus of the first film (excluding the sequels) we can infer that Sharptooth could be in famine mode and so his behavior is extra violent due to the strain on his vitals and Brain from not getting a sufficient amount of proteins. Thus when we see Sharptooth acting like a demon and stalking the Gang it could be that unlike Chomper’s parents, he is in state of total feeding frenzy (especially after his fall into the abyss and being comatose). This then would explain that Sharptooth wasn’t totally seeking revenge but sustinance. The case for this can be seen when men were at sea and shipwrecked. Over time hunger overcame their normal reservations and humanity and turned them into cannibals. Sharptooth I believe was in famine mode and the lack of nourishment drove him into a frenzy. Revenge though present for the story purposes, was IMHO a secondary motive.

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Well, if revenge was FIRST motive, then Sharptooth would spend a loooot of time to follow only gang's smells/traces. Being extremely excausted and hungry. I don't think he would do that.

Revenge aspect was semi-hidden element in the whole movie. I believe many people (including myself) didn't even notice that Sharptooth was after Littlefoot of revenge during first watching the movie. Revenge from Littlefoot's side was more exposed, since they still didn't find a valley and Littlefoot suddenly tells "we must get rid from him once and for all!". But his revenge wasn't showed on 100% too.

*sudden blast of lightning in my head!!!!*
*rushes to rewatch the movie, reread the book and reread script*
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 02:07:47 PM by Sneak »

Gentle Sharptooth

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I agree, the revenge motive is tertiary and hidden because Sharptooth doesnt have any dialogue, while as you rightly said Littlefoot makes his revenge unequivocal and obvious. Sharptooth Is hunting in famine feeding frenzy state; making revenge a pleasant bonus. The Gang takes his hint of them personally, but by the sequels and having been acquainted with other Sharpteeth, they come to understand it is instinct. The Gang makes the mistake we as humans often do, judging actions as malicious and premeditated when it could be “knee jerk,” or a response out of Old hurts and a history we do not know or even the behavior we witness has nothing to do with us at all and the person is merely venting in our earshot and eyesight. 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Gladly Littlefoot learns about it and does reasonable actions when he met Chomper, and during adventure on Island. If endless revenge towards any types of sharpteeth inhabited his heart after his mother died, who knows, he is brave and determined, and he would... ahem... kill future threat on its very root by himself... *shivers* If you know what I mean...

I don't tire to repeatedly thank developers for introducing Chomper as sharptooth's side that helped to reveal to us and to gang true nature of sharpteeth.

Gentle Sharptooth

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You raise an interesting point. Littlefoot’s acceptance and protection of Chomper is a major change in Littlefoot’s course. He hated Sharptooth for killing his mother but loves Chomper. He saw for the first time that even sharpteeth are little at some point and that nature and nurture can change them from being violent towards lead eaters to being friends. Littlefoot has come a long way.

Chomper was a major step in making Sharpteeth more than mindless meat eating machines. Even Chomper’s parents revealed that Sharpteeth care about their own offspring. I have stayed before that Chomper allowed me to admire sharpteeth with impunity and to root for him since he is a hero and part of the Gang.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sharptooth (book version) - villain
Ozzy and Strut - Villains
Rinkus and Sierra - Villains
Meanest Sharptooth - Villain
Red Claw - Villain
Screech and Thud - Villains

Didn't include Ichy and Dil since they're trying to eat, not murder for fun.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)

Gentle Sharptooth

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Sharptooth (book version) - villain
Ozzy and Strut - Villains
Rinkus and Sierra - Villains
Meanest Sharptooth - Villain
Red Claw - Villain
Screech and Thud - Villains

Didn't include Ichy and Dil since they're trying to eat, not murder for fun.

Ozzy and Strut I wouldn’t qualify as villains imho. Ozzy is motivated by a motus operandi and instijct to eat eggs, he only exhibits antagonistic characteristics when the Gang of Five tries to stop him from his eggcellent feast. Strut is reluctant, he doesn’t even like eggs, he prefers greens and would never have harbored negative feelings for the Gang if Ozzy hadn’t been denied eggs. I like to think about it this way, you are about to eat your meal, and someone steals it and says your a villain for wanting to eat it.

Ozzy is only doing what His species of dinosaur does, he eats eggs and yet he is portrayed on purpose as a villain in LBT II, the Truth is he is doing merely what his species does; it’s not malicious or villainous.

So while agree Ozzy and Strut are meant to be seen as villians, I personally wouldn’t label them villians since they are merely seeking out thief primary source of food. Ruby like Chomper did for Sharpteeth, helps balance that any particular herbivore, carnivour, and omnivore isn’t evil for what they eat. “It’s the circle of life.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Dr. Rex

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Quote from: Dr. Rex,Jan 6 2016 on  08:50 PM
Ozzy, Rinkus, and Sierra for me.
You said it. I wouldn't say that any of the sharpteeth are evil because they're just doing what's natural to them. Ozzy was always really mean to Strut, and he was relentlessly trying to kill the gang just because they took his egg! As for Rinkus and Sierra, they would've had no qualms about killing Ducky whatsoever.
Yeah, that's pretty much my consensus about them too.


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Definitely Ozzy, Rinkus, and Sierra as they are shown to have no qualms with killing for the sake of killing. The original Sharptooth might be, if you take what we understand of the cut scenes from the original, and what is in one of the books that came out around the same time as the movie that portrays him as being sadistic. However, what we are presented with in the movie makes it a bit difficult to regard the original Sharptooth as any more evil than the other sharpteeth throughout the series.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I wonder, considering that most villains seem to be just hungry predators, are there any in LBT that you could actually say are, well, evil?

I do worry about Chomper's parents.  I mean, that seems very cold to suggest, when your kid invites some friends over for dinner, or says he is going to, to reply "Sure, we could use some dessert."

 :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow

That almost does sound evil, if you really think about it.

(Note, this thread isn't really about them, but I thought I'd bring up that oddity.)

We are meant to view Sharpteeth as svil through the eyes of the Gang of Five. However, Chomper and his parents allowed us to have a more objective view of Sharpteeth considering, seeing them less as villians and more as simply meat eaters. The Original Sharptooth sure seeemd to be evil, but Snik and I discussed that Sharptooth could have been motivated by famine brain which drove him into a feeding frenzy.

I think evil in LBT is meant to be sny sharptooth except for Chomper, his parents being in a grey area because they were antagonists but changed to affectionate when The Gang helped save Chomper from drowning in The Mysterious Island.

I think Ozzy coukd qualify as evil: a) he wanted to eat eggs at all cost much like greedy person who is capable of anything, b) unlike sharpteeth which need meat to live, he tried to kill Chomper and the Gang for getting in the way of egg snatching, c) he refused to adapt like Strut to veggies to survive, and would prusue eggs to oblivion and finally d) he would have eaten Ducky’s unborn siblings and those of all the Great Valley inhabitants, commiting eggicide and hatchlingcide.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Dr. Rex

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I wonder, considering that most villains seem to be just hungry predators, are there any in LBT that you could actually say are, well, evil?

I do worry about Chomper's parents.  I mean, that seems very cold to suggest, when your kid invites some friends over for dinner, or says he is going to, to reply "Sure, we could use some dessert."

 :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow

That almost does sound evil, if you really think about it.

(Note, this thread isn't really about them, but I thought I'd bring up that oddity.)

We are meant to view Sharpteeth as svil through the eyes of the Gang of Five. However, Chomper and his parents allowed us to have a more objective view of Sharpteeth considering, seeing them less as villians and more as simply meat eaters. The Original Sharptooth sure seeemd to be evil, but Snik and I discussed that Sharptooth could have been motivated by famine brain which drove him into a feeding frenzy.

I think evil in LBT is meant to be sny sharptooth except for Chomper, his parents being in a grey area because they were antagonists but changed to affectionate when The Gang helped save Chomper from drowning in The Mysterious Island.

I think Ozzy coukd qualify as evil: a) he wanted to eat eggs at all cost much like greedy person who is capable of anything, b) unlike sharpteeth which need meat to live, he tried to kill Chomper and the Gang for getting in the way of egg snatching, c) he refused to adapt like Strut to veggies to survive, and would prusue eggs to oblivion and finally d) he would have eaten Ducky’s unborn siblings and those of all the Great Valley inhabitants, commiting eggicide and hatchlingcide.
The original Sharptooth being driven by famine and hunger is actually a pretty interesting theory. It would explain why he seems much wilder compared to other Sharpteeth we've seen.


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I must agree with Serris on this one. Sierra and Rinkus for me too. There are really not that many in the LBT universe who I would call evil, but they are very close.


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In my personal head canon, Old One is an evil  :bestsharptooth

She always gets across to me as an oppressive and matriarchal leader who is very purist (discriminating against other kinds) and truly wicked when it comes to making sure that nobody leaves the herd. Using that headcanon in my story SDP  :PCera
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Glad that Littlefoot from original movie is much more evil than innocent Sharptooth. XD
And it's partly canon, with that sudden "Let's get rid of him once and for all" and risking his friends' lives only to get his personal revenge.  :anger (at least it's what can be seen in theatrical version)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 05:45:12 AM by Sneak »


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In regards to The Sharptooth and his vendetta against the gang:
Littlefoot caused the thorn to hit Sharptooth in the eye
Littlefoot’s mom knocked him into a gorge
And Cera’s not just guilty by association. She rammed him in the head while he was lying in the gorge
The rest of the gang are guilty by association though

I’d say Sharptooth is evil in the book, but in the movie he’s not quite at “evil” - but also the first movie is the “darkest” so of course he’s gonna be the most extreme Sharptooth

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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Hmm, well Cera had moments that seemed considerably evil, like when she would tell Littlefoot in Episode 5, when she would pester him about being friends with Chomper and make fun of Chomper saying he would eat Littlefoot  :thinking