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Ask Sovereign

Sovereign · 167 · 21547


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I don't know why I haven't done this thread before but here we go. Feel free to ask me anything you wish, whether it's about my hobbies, stories or something else and I'll answer to the best of my best ability.  You can see a few of my interests on my profile if you're interested to ask about those. Even then, I'm not too picky about your possible questions.  :)


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heh, maybe I should create my thread too?  :rolleyes:

Well, here's question (moved from different Ask me thread):


How do you see perfect villain in Land before time universe?

And yes, villain. Not antagonist. Not perfect natural antagonist like original Sharptooth was.

What villainous actions does he make to get such title?

and additional:
What can force him to enter in personal confrontation with our gang?


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That's actually a rather difficult question. I don't see LBT as a universe filled with consciously evil characters as most of its residents have more urgent things to think of. However, the peace of the Great Valley might open up a door for a manipulating and cunning character to try to become the leader of the united herd. This kind of character could use personal charisma and underlings to advance his/her agenda and to finally kill potential competitors, much like Scar in the Lion King. The potential motives for a villain are quite limited in LBT: in a natural environment, there are few other reasons than lust for power or revenge to consciously kill or harm others. Of course this could also be done with sharpteeth but I see this kind of behavior even more twisted when it comes to leaf-eaters.

I'd imagine the Gang being able to see through this deceit rather quickly even if most adults wouldn't mind the villain's antics. There could be potential in a conflict between the Gang and their parents and eventually with the other adults when they're trying to prove the antagonist's bad deeds. Another scenario would be a character trying to consciously thin the herds' numbers during migrations like in the first film. This would be a less ambitious and more scheming villain who actually wishes to increase his own probability of survival by turning on the others. Then again, LBT is a world where I mostly see the characters trying to survive without much enthusiasm for complex plots or schemes.


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thx very much! I liked to read your respond!

Not gonna post my position about this question and start discussion here since it's Ask me thread. :)

Here's new question:

Do you believe in rainbowfa... oops, I mean, in aliens. In that UFO stuff?

And opposite side from that question: Do you believe in supernatural? Ghosts, Demons, superhumans, etc?


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I'm glad you found my answer satisfactory !  :) I'd also like to hear your take on the issue sometime. As for your question, yes, I'm quite sure we're not alone in the Universe. It's mere size and the amount of stars and planets makes it almost impossible for Earth to be the only oasis of life. I disagree with the aliens' portrayal in the media, however. Out there, other kinds of circumstances and perhaps even different laws of physics might make alien life unrecognizable for us.

As for ghosts, I'm quite skeptical towards them but I wouldn't rule them out. There is zero reason to believe they exist but there has been too many sightings about them for me to completely close the door. I don't want to say to the hundreds of people who claim to have seen ghosts that they're being hysterical or simply paranoid. Even then, I personally doubt their existence but there's just too much we still have to know.

As for demons, deities, supernatural powers... no. I don't think there's any great fight between good or evil going on. You could call me an atheist but not proudly or defiantly so. For example, the entire origins of the Universe is beyond me. I'm simply staying out from those discussions. I believe in the Big Bang and stuff, for example, but it's hard to see this as a chaotic, lucky occasion. Then again, I don't believe they're actually guided events so I simply do not know. For more ordinary things, however, I don't believe there's anything or anyone invisible trying to guide or judge my life.


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Are you a fan of Disney? If so what are your favorite Disney films?


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You could certainly say that. I have a great interest for animation history of which Disney is a great part. I own quite a number of books about Disney animators and their work. They've been very helpful in helping me appreciate the great work behind these very familiar films. For me, Disney's early days (1937-1942) are the best and my favorite Disney films are Bambi, Fantasia and Snow White, in that order. Their animation style, music and the overall genius behind those films is mesmerizing.

I also like most of Disney's films of the 90s, especially Aladdin and Hercules, not as much as the "Golden Age" but they're still very enjoyable. However, I'm not that crazy about their last films, mostly because I don't like their style or humor. Frozen was pretty good but I haven't seen Moana or Zootopia as I usually don't like the CGI animation they use. Also, I've made a top 100 Disney (and other animated songs) video on Youtube if anyone is interested.

Thanks for the questions! Keep them coming as long as you wish to ask anything!  :yes


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What would you change in last four Land before time movies (with saving elements of original general plots), so these movies become GOOD movies?
I would like to see. :) (you can even write mini-scripts of general plots and its main events :D)


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It would be a real challenge to make Invasion of Tinysauruses a good film. The overall plot idea is just bad. However, making the Tinysauruses less annoying would be a good start. Big Daddy sounds and acts like a bad Pixar character (I don't like Pixar as I've mentioned earlier.) They are just one deviancy from the overall tone of LBT and making them more believable would be essential to improving the film. Also, I just hate Tria and this film because it introduced her into the series. Just cut her off.  :smile

The other plot point, Littlefoot's mistakes, wasn't handled maturely enough. His eventual confession was good enough but the scene with the Gang was very lackluster. Why did they have to handle it with mere sulking and a cartoony cry? Not like this. Also, the two first songs are terrible while If Only is just meh. The best case scenario I can see for this film is that the tinysauruses would have been neutral, frightened characters and there should have been more scenes of the Gang's internal struggles.

I don't have too much against the 12th film. Guido is one of my favorite guest characters and his personality was more interesting than many others'. However, I found parts of the film somewhat slow so there could have perhaps been some struggles with Guido's past, an old rival/enemy or something. There just wasn't too much going on. His sleepwalking scene took a good chunk of the film so it should have had more impact. And once again, cut Tria and Tricia.

The Great Day of the Fliers was a decent idea but there should have been more actual challenge in it. Right now, it was just that Petrie wan't able to fly in line.  :huh: There could have been more difficult tricks, more training or something that could have kept the show going on.

Surprisingly, I find only one element truly wrong with the Wisdom of Friends: the cursed Yellowbellies. The thing with the Wisdoms wasn't too clever but I didn't mind it. The plot of helping a group of dinosaurs find their home was okay (completely different from the ninth film  :p ) and the environments were satisfactory. Had the guest characters been better (as good as Guido or Shorty), the film could have been a solid retelling of the Journey to Big Water. The theme of questioning the conventional knowledge is alright and as I said, the look of the film was okay. But for goodness' sake, improve the animation!

I still like JOTB even if a lot of potential was lost. Making it really good would as simple as exchanging Wild Arms to Shorty and giving more time to Bron. This way the story would have had far more depth than any of the past sequels but Doi apparently wished to throw it out of the window for no reason. Ruby and Chomper should have been given more time, too. Even if it would have been nice to see more of them, I guess they're lucky to have been excluded from the 13th film. Also, cut the lizards, seriously what? I've skipped that scene ever since my first viewing.

I hope I managed to sort out some easy improvements for those films. These alone wouldn't make the films great but at least much more satisfactory.


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though our opinions are a bit different in some moments, I liked to read yours. :D
thank you


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I kind of understand how you feel about the CGI animated films. I don't really
mind CGI animation, but like you, I feel they should try making 2D animated films again,
and at least heed to many Disney fans's wishes for them to return to 2D animation.
If I worked at Disney and was a film director, I would honestly make a 2D animated
film for a change.
So what did you like about Frozen? I thought it was pretty good too.


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I truly hope the same even if Princess and the Frog wasn't exactly encouraging. To be honest, it was terrible. I just hope Bluth can create a miracle with the Dragon's Lair pitch presentation. Only three more months, I can't wait!  :cheers

As for Frozen, I guess the thing that made it stand out in comparison to other CGI films was the atmosphere. Most films of this genre have a comic overall tone (which I don't find funny at all) but Frozen felt more natural and more thoughtfully directed. Here, the characters and the world seemed to serve more purpose than telling puns and jokes. I mean that it's okay to have one or two funny characters, like in Frozen, but these days it's common for animated films to have every character constantly trying to be "funny" in some way. I want the overall feeling to be somewhat serious to be willing to invest myself in the story in any way. I know many people say Pixar and Dreamworks films are deeper than that but I just can't see it, sorry. In addition, Frozen is very pleasant to look at because the backgrounds look absolutely gorgeous and here the CGI doesn't seem as cartoony. I really dislike the CGI animation's look in almost every other film but here it's just smoother and more nuanced. Also, most of the songs are quite good. The whole movie didn't feel like a CGI film because of the rather classic atmosphere, it felt more like a 90s Disney film. Tangled was on the right track but the horse and too often Rapunzel herself still fell to the slapstick comedy category.


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Might I ask, what got you into Land Before Time? And who is your favourite character? Or two? Or any?


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Well, as most of us here, I loved Land Before Time as a child but a momentary, single memory led me to rediscover it later on. That was the music Discovery of the Great Valley. After I livened my memory afterwards somewhat, I was immediately immersed to the original film. The sequels took some time to grow on me but I'm happy I gave them a chance, too.

What got me back into the franchise was, as I mentioned, the soundtrack. However, after I rewatched the film for the first time, it was the rough look, the great characters and the immense emotional of the weight the movie still had on me and the new realizations about the film that mesmerized me. There is no other animated film that carries a similar amount of emotion, both sadness and happiness, in it. After my rediscovering of the first film, I tried to shun the sequels for some reason for a time but eventually I saw the potential in those ones too. While none of the sequels are perfect, they've widened and built the LBT universe to a more complete form. There are few other "universes" that have as much potential as this one.

As for my favorite characters, I'd name Littlefoot and Ruby (very original I know :p ) Littlefoot because of his kind personality but even more because of his faults. A character can strive to be perfect but he must not be perfect. Littlefoot strikes a fine balance in this case. Also, he has some of the most precious moments of character-building: his birth, the playing with the treestar, his first parting with Chomper and his words after the departure of the rainbowfaces.

Ruby because of her experience, personality and the complex nature of her species. Her creation was easily the best thing about the TV-series and I really like how she shares and uses her knowledge gained in the Mysterious Beyond. At the same time, she loses none of her cheer and interesting personality. She has a nice mix of kindness, curiosity and hard-gained knowledge. The episodes where she's in a major role are most often the more solid ones in the TV series. I love close to all of the main characters but these are the ones I'd name first.

I'm positively surprised by the amount of questions I've received. Thank you, everyone!  :)


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How do you feel about certain film trailers nowadays?
 I do enjoy seeing trailers for Disney or other animated films (provided that the film
in question, does not rely on too much humor, as we discussed), but I honestly feel
many, many live-action film trailers, especially of the action genre, are too loud and
rely way too much on dramatic sounds such as the "crash" and "bang" sounds
in the trailer's music.


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Actually, I don't watch film trailers that much and when I do, I'm not that impressed. Let's once again take Frozen as an example. The Sven/Olaf trailer was truly ridiculous and told nothing about the film itself. Also, the Warcraft movie trailer sucked (as did the film itself) and the Assassin's Creed film trailer's music was out of place. Most often, I see film trailers as too schematic and as you said, they rely too much on effects and "dramatic" lines. Most of the times there are just some good-looking shots, cheesy writing and lots of explosions or stuff. Then again, I haven't enjoyed those films so it's kinda natural I didn't like the trailers.

Let's take the Dead Men Tell No Tales trailer, for example. There's just some undead pirates, fighting and a line which tells that they're looking for Jack Sparrow. :rolleyes Very original but I'll probably go see it nonetheless. It's pretty hard to make an original trailer due to the limited time and the drive to find an effective way to make a good impression but the current formula isn't the greatest. I do watch them whenever there's an interesting film coming out but most of the time I'm not too impressed by the trailers. I must confess that there was one deviation, however. I thought that the Krampus trailer was very promising but I've seldom been as embarrassed or had such a cheated feeling as when I went to watch the film.  :oops If I were a film director, I would definitely hire that trailer's creator.


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I don't watch film trailers often either, but there are trailers that I like when I go
to the cinema. However, besides not liking the overused "dramatic" sounds and explosions
in live-action trailers, I also feel there are too many trailers. I mean, last time
I went to see a film, there was like SEVEN trailers. When I was a kid there was usually
just 4 or 5 trailers. When I went to see Disney's Moana, I can remember hearing a kid
quietly asking his mom in the theater when the film was going to start after like
the 4th trailer.
And like you, I'm often more unimpressed than impressed for live-action trailers.


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lol, Sovereign thread is under "spam" attack!

(also, I noticed you became more active last days ;) )

Well, here's question:

What changes would you like to do in original LBT film, and do you approve a lot of dark scenes in such cartoon movies? (I mean: don't these scenes make film worse?)


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I'll answer to this question on the proper thread, if that's okay  ;)


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I see that you like games from Blizzard. I thought I would ask, which games from them do you own and what are your favourite ones?