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Tony: She's still alive anymore; she is... perhaps a better woman than he was a man. She was always worried about his descent into criminality but... was always supportive as well. She prayed for him a lot... I dunno if I really believe in any of that, but it concerned her enough she would do it. Kind of a... silent enabler I guess you could call her. But still, she did see the good in my father too, and could see he was proudest of me, and I think family support is what made her happiest.


Hahah, how true! I had actually forgotten about that post but yep... he's hella ready!

Awe, what company did you work for before becoming an assassin? Your cushy corporate job so to speak.

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f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe: I worked for Werner Industries a major arms manufacturer. And it wasn't all that cushy.


Tony so when did you find out about you families business?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace on September 25, 2018, 09:57:48 PM
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace on September 25, 2018, 09:57:48 PM
Shelton, after hearing on your antimatter clones adventures did you express a wish that you had gotten a chance to explore that brave new world before it ad been destroyed?

Rudyard Shelton: Considering the mortality rate of those who went on that expedition, I'm more than happy to have missed out on that adventure.

Oscar Shelton: That whole situation was a huge kettle of fish. The three of us who survived were almost immediately quarantined by the government. We didn't even get a night's sleep before they were grilling us for hours in Carson City Camp, wanting to know everything about what we saw, what happened to the others, what technological breakthroughs we could remember. They were particularly interested in the shuttlecrafts, not that the three of us were able to tell them anything useful. Then it was over six months before Aisha convinced Admiral Tennes to let us live offsite unchaperoned, after we'd signed multiple NDAs and had our identities changed through witness protection.

Rudyard Shelton: Course, that didn't last long when Steven Johnson intentionally violated his NDA, not wanting his fallen teammates to have died in vain. Since this was right on the heels of all the Dragonstorm stuff, the public latched onto the mystery and people started poking their noses into things the government wanted covered up. Eventually, the government made the best of a bad situation and allowed the anti-matter team's story to go public, mostly to use it as a distraction for the Dragonstorm story they were still repressing. That actually kinda worked for them for a long time. Long enough for me to die in obscurity while Oscar got really, really famous...


Marita, have any new national parks been founded between 2018 and the time of Into the Black? If so, which one is your favorite?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 09:22:41 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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 Marita: A number of them, in particular the absolutely massive Bristol Bay National Park in Alaska. It covers nearly 80 million acres of land and water, and conserves the worlds largest intact salmon fishery. I've never been there, but its on my bucket list. As for my favorite, it would have to the New River Gorge National Park in West Virginia, its a favorite for BASE jumpers. You couldnt pay me enough to jump over the bridge myself, but its an absolutely gorgeous scene all the same.  If only i had more money, then  i could travel more.
 Tony, what business have you gotten into since your fathers death?"
 Ask Stripetail, Rose, and Marie, anything.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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James, what were your mother and father like? What was their jobs?

Question for the Werner and Hans who stayed on Gaman: How was life on Gaman's moon after you were unable to rebuild the Einstein-Rosen bridge?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 01:38:21 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Anti-matter Hans: It was hard at first, especially when we found out about what you call shelton's disease. We called it the gate plague.

Anti-matter Werner: Yeah, Luckily we were able to stabilize my father here momentarily. Just long enough for my daughter to make a brief jump to find a cure. Turns out the moon had some rare herbs native to it that we made into a potion. Well we had help from the sapaar and we discovered that it hinders the effects of shelton's disease if you have it. That was before the birth of my daughter though, and I discovered that the herbs have a healing effect in the womb, so she didn't get effected.


Dr. Joe were you like the others in being surprised when Werner arrived for his first day on the job?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Dr. Joe: No, I could tell from the start he was going to be something special. He always treated me with respect, and even a short conversation would quickly reveal he knew his stuff. Plus Snow liked him immediately, and Snow was scared of everyone on the science team.


Marie, you've held a lot of jobs. Which was your favorite? What would be your dream job if you could do anything?

Werner, what were your first impressions of Shelton when you arrived at Pelvandia?

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Well I thought him to be a bit skeptical of me at first. I was determined to prove myself to him.


anti-matter Dr Joe, do you think your Werner and Hans survived Gaman's destruction?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Anti-matter Dr. Joe: Oscar and Stephen always thought there was a chance. That Werner and Hans are resourceful enough, that maybe the planet survived, that they did have coordinates to a shuttlecraft. But I don't see it. I saw the ground disintegrate, there was no atmosphere left. And even if they'd reached a shuttlecraft, where would they go? I'm sorry, but Stephen, Oscar and I were the only survivors of that accursed expedition.


Hans, what was your life like before you joined the terrorists? Did you have a job?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2018, 09:20:20 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Hans: Well, I served in the East German army special forces mainly. I struggled a bit to find work after the reunification. I bounced around from various jobs until a former friend told be about the desert settlement. I thought it would be best if I left, though I told my wife about it. She wasn't thrilled but I told her I thought i could do good there.


Oscar Shelton. what were you up to between the time you returned to the present and building the gate system?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Oscar Shelton: Holy crap, a question for me. I've been here since the thread started nine years ago, and nobody ever asked me anything.

Rudyard Shelton: Didn't stop you from butting in on half of my answers.

Oscar Shelton: Pot calling the kettle black! Anyway, at first I moved to Sweden, wanting to get as far away from America as possible. I made a decent living as a university professor at ETH Zürich (they granted me an "honorary degree" in light of being a duplicate of an alumnus) until Uncle Sam contacted me when serious development on the bridge network stalled. Rudyard had abandoned his work and retired to Scotland on bad terms, they wanted me to take over his responsibilities and see if I could complete his research. I failed, have to admit, but then Stephen violated his NDA and I got rich and famous anyway. Ever wish you'd stuck around, Rudy?

Rudyard Shelton: No. Some of us have standards...


Soren, if you hadn't lost the remote that kills Emilena, would you still have pressed it when this was all over?

Marita, what do you think happened to Rose?

Tony, if you could go back and make one choice again, what life event would you pick and how would you change it?

Awe, what are your first impressions on Tony?


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Tony: I knew from an early age... probably around the time I was a teenager... my father took me into his confidence and told me we weren't just legitimate business owners... and wanted me to follow in his footsteps... didn't... try to at first but... after awhile, I did, yes.

Tony: Road paving and construction. My father had this scam where like... he'd run these heavy construction trucks and equipment down the roads, tearing them up, so that his paving company could be contracted to come in and pave the roads in their wake. It was lucrative but... I've stopped that. Mostly focusing on construction now.

Tony: Uhhh... if I could go back and change one event... it'd be to get my father better care, and ensure he took better care of himself... no drinking, no smoking, etc. I still really look up to him... even with his faults. But I mean... I'm doing OK so... I guess... that would be it.


Awe: How did you first get into your profession?

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f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe: Well I had heard of him and how he'd changed his fathers operation. I admire him for it. As for how I got into my profession I was orphaned as a child and raised by the head of Werner Industries to act as a corporate assassin.


Rudy Shelton would it be fair to say theat you and Oscar have a friendly rivalry?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Rudyard: Not really. Honestly, we saw each other more like brothers and got along really well. I used a lot of my $1m hush money helping both of us settle down. I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him since he moved to Sweden within a few years.

Oscar: Rudy's a great guy, but he was a lot more haunted by his adventures than I was. He did some pretty terrible things to maintain his cover while infiltrating Dragonstorm, and also something happened with a young woman? He refused to talk about her so I don't really know. But either way, he couldn't seem to let all that go, and eventually I just needed to go off and find my own identity. I think when he looks at me, he sees a Shelton that didn't lose the ambition and detached self-confidence that guided him through his early life.


Awe and Werner, how much do you think you'd like each other if you somehow were able to meet?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 07:36:42 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Werner: I like to think we could get along.

Awe: Seems like we would.


Tony,  what was your early life like before you found out about your fathers business?


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Maroe: i dont really have a favorite. The jobs I've had are basically the ' pay your billsm keep the lights on and food on the table type." Wish I could do better, but so far I've had no luck.
 marita: I have no idea. Frankly, at this point, I fear the worst. I havent received any word from her, and knowing how the Purifiers operate the odds are likely shes buried in some landfill some where, or at least part of her is.  Those guys show people no mercy. Wrong place at Wrong Time ? you still get a hole through your head, normally one right between the eyes.

Soren, what wiould you dream job be?
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Tony: My early life? Uh... well... went to good prep schools and all that. Wanted to follow in my father's pawsteps at first... before I realized our construction companies were really just fronts. Then at first I lost interest. Was kind of rebellious... ended up joining the Purifiers, after I became heavily anti-augment but... I've since changed my tune on that. But yeah I mean... you know... fancy schools, fishing up in the mountains, hunting... still eat big game to this day. Used to drive to school after I got my license in a 1936 Cord 812... my father's of course, but it made me one of the cooler kids on campus, heheh. Sometimes I'd steal one of his V-12s, like a Pierce-Arrow or Packard and go drag racing with it. He wasn't too thrilled about that though!

Awe, who was the first person you ever killed, and why?

Emilena, Tony already got asked this but if you could redo one moment in your past what would it be and why?

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena: Story time...I grew up in an orphanage, and not a nice one. The staff was cruel, the building was archaic and the policies were medieval; Nature's Heart is honestly a large part of the reason I joined the Accelerated Growth Program, I didn't want to be a helpless kid anymore. But on my last day at the orphanage, my roommate Selma went missing. While trying to find her, I discovered that the wardens were running their own test program on the orphans. I don't even want to tell you what they were doing to them...They caught me sneaking around and almost killed me, but I managed to escape and reach police protection. The Wardens were arrested, I spent a week in the hospital before being artificially aged up to 18 and enrolling in the police force, and that was the end of it.

Or so I thought. Three years later, I was dispatched to Nature's Heart on a routine call, and I discovered the original Wardens had left jail early due to good behavior and resumed right where they left off. Policy dictated I arrest them, but they'd flaunted justice before, and would probably do so again. So I killed them in cold blood, evacuated the kids, and burned the orphanage down so it would never reopen. That turned out to be a pretty bad move. It caused me to be put on probation, it caused me to target Soren in a last-ditch attempt to regain my badge, and it directly led to everything I've been put through since. I must admit, a lot of pain and personal injury could have been avoided if I'd brought those bastards in by the book.

(OOC: These events are chronicled in one of my stories starring Emilena in her police years, readable here)


Awe, if you could find an actor pretty equivalent to how you sound, who would it be?

Marita, would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe: My first kill? It was an exec from another company. We were suppose to merge with them but they suddenly pulled out of the deal. I was sent to take care of him.

Awe: As for how I sound, it's not really and actor but more a character. Thane Krios from Mass Effect 2 is a good description of my voice. 


Emilena what do you have against awe? You seemed to not entirely be trustful of him when you met.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena: He's an Augment, and I can't trust anyone who would willingly replace huge parts of their body with machinery. As recent events have shown, shadowy forces are more than happy to incapacitate the lot of you with as little as a rogue software update. How many innocent, fully-organic people have to die because of Augments bluescreening at inconvenient times? Just look at all the dangerous groups currently taking advantage of a huge chunk of the population being hackable! Mark my words, this Brennan incident is just the beginning. It's only going to get worse, and anyone stupid enough to willingly Augment themselves deserves what's coming to them.


Awe, Marita, Tony, are there any Augments you don't currently possess but you wish you did?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 11:30:58 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »