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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349960

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey nodded and sat down to await Cooper's arrival.


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"Seems they are offering refreshments," Jing said to the others inside their spectator box. She requested a glass of wine and took some fine cheese pieces to go with it. The Panda King's daughter was maintaining her cover story very well.


Carmelita groaned as she was called into the arena by her assigned ring name, "Saucy Fox." "Of course they had to be an objectifying nickname..." Carmelita growled as she took some shots towards Laughingstock the hyena. He was quick on his feet, able to leap about and fire his weapon from great distances at the fox.


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 sly entered the office a few minutes later, wearing his interpol badge ' So whats the message you have for me? i''m currently tracking the whereabouts of a stolen blue mawashii, its supposed to be in the possession of an Agorian in the  battleplex.' Sly said. He turnmed and noticed Hailey in her outfit. ' Hello lieutenant. What can I do for you?" Sly said as he held a case file in his hands.
 Well' Po began in response to lUcia. " IU know some magics, but i'm not  a wizard by any stretch. The magics i know are basically for defending mysaelf.'  Po said. " i dont think they will help me breaking out of  this cuffs.' He said. " I wonder who else she's going to grab. I'm thinking she;s going to get at least 1 more person."
 All you can eat ' Skylands said as she carried a tray full of food. ' spyro will not recogonize me if i keep eating like this" she chuckled. " who are you and what did you do with Cynder?" she laughed.  Warfang was watching the fight which often involved blowing up parts of the old ships. " wonder if we could grab some of the those old shipsm,, weld them together and use them to help our friends escape/'
  Unlikely Utsaa said ": all the engines , and operating systems have been salvaged. Yes, we could restore them magically, but even then, we'd still need fuel.." Why just steal some from  the refineries?' Dulcy said. '' You'd need a LOT of fuel to power a repaired ship. those ships are huge, some of them are a half mile across' Utsa said. " and they;d notice if that much fuel went missing. its one thing if a cannister or two goes missing, but this is a whole other matter. " she mused. ' why dont we just buy some of the ships and working on fixing them up?" dragon asked " I can use my fire breath to cut off stuff we dont need. Plus, we could use it as a cover, to get in contact with some of our friends. " To be be done properly, would require hundeds of workers, for weeks or months.  Plus we'd need another cover story. perhaps some of the salvage was from dramos.' Utsa said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey nodded in greeting. "Hi. I'm Lt. Spaulding, interpol. I won't waste your time, we're in something of a rush. If you could follow me to my cruiser..."

She led the way out of the office so they could talk in private. "I'm currently undercover in the Dreadzone, a gladiator-style fighting pit that operates out of bounds of President Phyronix's control. My job is to keep my head down and chronicle any weaknesses in their security Interpol could use for future raids."

They reached the cruiser, and Hailey met him in the eye before letting him enter. "Dreadzone goons brought in Carmelita Fox last night. She's the newest gladiator for their fighting rings, which is an incredibly dangerous and short-lived occupation." She showed him one of Chong's promotional fliers announcing Carmelita as the night's attraction. "Unfortunately, my higher-ups have ordered me not to blow my cover busting her out, which limits my options for rescuing her."

As she entered, she pressed a button on the inner wall that tinted the prisoner barracks so Sly wouldnt see the others as she led him into her ship. "That's where you come in. The Dreadzone has a sizable bounty for your head; if we disguise you as my prisoner, I can get you into the Dreadzone.  Then, I'll deactivate your cuffs remotely and you'll be able to bust her out. Only someone with your infiltration and stealth skills has a chance to pull this off." She held out handcuffs. "Sorry to pour this all on you so quickly, but every second we delay Carmelita's life is in danger. So, will you do it? Will you help me save her?"
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 02:57:23 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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 Normally I'd be glad to help Carmelita, except there are a few  lies you just told me.' Sly said. " For one, carmelita wasnt picked up last night, shes been a dreadzone 'guest' for a couple weeks now. this wont be her first fight there, and I have every confidence she'll 'shock' her opponents.she's not one  to lie down and die. Second the cuffs can only be unlocked by Vox himself, from what i've read up on those kind of cuffs, they are all intrinsically linked to a main control system.  the bounty on my head is 300000 bolts I believe, unless vox has raised it since., which he very well might. My reputation precedes me ' sly chuckled. " So is there anyway, to get in there ' without going the 'prisoner route?"
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Well, excuse me for having out-of-date information, I dont have a lot of access to the greater world beyond my assigned duties as a janitor of Dreadzone sector 3." She folded her arms. "I guess we could just fly there and drop you somewhere you can work your infiltration magic. I have access to the keys of any cellblock in sector 3, I could let you into Carmelita's sector and guide you over the radio. But you'll have to handle getting that far."

She maintained her composure, but her mind was spinning wildly. Sly wasnt as dumb as the other two, she'd need to find a way to deal with him on the voyage.


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Fine thats  something i can handle ' Sly replied ' Lead the way, then drop me as close to the sector as possible ' Sly said. ' Getting in to tight place is something i'm good at.  Problem is, Carmelitas not my only friend thats been taken captive. so this wont be just one, infiltrate and extricate mission, but several."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Okay, strap down, let's get this show moving," Hailey answered, putting the cruiser into gear and racing off for the Dreadzone. She hoped he didn't get too adventurous exploring the cruiser, or she'd have a fight on her hands, and that might lead to both of them getting exposed to the harsh vacuum of space.

Well, I've rolled with tougher bluffs. So long as John McClane thought she was on his team, she could likely walk him into a trap Chong can deal with. "ETA thirty minutes or so," she announced, hitting the warp drive and lightspace-jumping towards the Dreadzone. "I know just the place to drop you down..."


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po was thrown against the wall as the ship shot into into a hyper jump. ow' he groaned, as he slumped to the floor.
 sly barely had enough time ti get buckled in.  before the ship took off at a rapid speed driving him back into his seat.

 Eris and elida passed artound some fish that was grilled. ' the fish were huge . almost mawashiian in size, and so there was plenty for all.
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Before too long, Hailey's ship blinked into existence back at the Dreadzone. She noticed a blinking light on her com from someone hailing her, but she surreptitiously muted them and maneuvered herself at Hangar 3. As the hangar leading to where new captives were often held under high security, it was the worst possible place she could think to drop Sly off for his 'mission.'

"This is the best possible place to start off; this hangar is almost never monitored," she informed her passenger, hovering near the landing pad and opening the bay door. "I won't be landing here with you, I'll be pulling over to Hangar 1 where they expect me. But I can guide you with this," she tossed him a radio. "Keep me informed as to your location or what sort of challenges are in your way, and I'll do anything I can to help you navigate the base."


"Are you okay?" Lucia asked, looking nervously at Po. "Don't hurt yourself!"

"He's a kung fu master, I don't think a little bump on the head is going to harm him," Aimee assured. She glanced as well at the panda. "Can you break free? I don't like how the ship is slowing down; if you're right that Hailey likely had 4 people to target, this would be our fifth-and likely last-stop."
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 11:41:19 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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I'm trying , i'm trying ' po said straining against his restraints uselessly. '  this thing is sapping my strength some how, its gotta be magic. " He said sweating dripping down his face as he strained to get free.
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Thanks lieutenant. I'll be in touch" Sly said. as he jumped out the bay door. this part of the cell had a row of laser bars as well as images from around dreadzone, with the extriminsators prominently shown.   death tallys were on the wall as well. ' Charming ' sly said as he made his way through the corridors, here and there, prisoners wre being escorted by guards.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Aimee watched Po wrestle with his bonds, but then the ship lurched and she hit her head on the wall. "Urggh...hey, we're moving?" she asked, catching her balance. "I guess we've got another stop."

But the trip wasn't particularly long. Hailey punched in Chong's private frequency as she hailed Hangar 1 for a landing. "Good news, big guy," she reported with a grin. "I've got almost everyone on your list. Po, Panda King, and for free I'll even throw in Lt. Aimee, a crewmember from the Spire of Winter.. Last but not least, I've tracked Sly back to the DreadZone, he's currently infiltrating the station from Hangar 3. You should send some guards over there and deal with him."


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Hailey! well , well, not only did you get everyone on my list, but you bagged a few extras! hmm lets see here, how much did I promise you?  1 million  a head?  well, if my math is correct, thats 5 million. What you spend it on, is your own affair. I dont care if you blow it all at the dreadzone vending machines or the Sarathos food court ' Chong said . " bring them, all of them, to my office for questioning. po and panda king will be sent to the arena to fight . i'm not sure what to do with the extras, but i'll give them a lookover all the same. might get some use out of them. remember , my office is on floor 2 to the right.  Chong out."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Glad to hear it. Though I must note, I can't bring you Sly, he's currently sneaking around Hangar 3 in the DreadZone. Feel free to connect me to the leader of the guards in that sector, I can help them track Sly down. But I'll bring the others to you now. Hailey out, see you soon."

Hailey cut the feed and glanced back. She didn't particularly want to deal with transporting 4 angry awake passengers, even with magical handcuffs. Then she came up with a better idea. Landing the ship, she dropped onto the hangar and flagged down a maintenance worker to help her gather supplies.

Returning with a large stretcher, a hose and some sealant tape, she got to work attaching the hose securely to the exhaust pipe. Then she flipped open the small slot in the brig's door normally for communication.

Aimee glanced through the slot at their captor. "What do you--ack!" she gasped as a nozzle appeared and smoke started filtering through. "What are you doing?"

Lucia started coughing. "What's going on?" she asked nervously.

"Hold your breath!" Aimee shouted. "She's pumping carbon monoxide into the brig! It's going to make us pass out!"

But it was too late; she felt her vision growing fuzzy as all the oxygen in the room was replaced with exhaust. Lucia was the first to fall unconscious, and Aimee could only glance at Po and wonder if he had some sort of way to hold his breath long enough to stay conscious.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 03:19:29 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Nick Wilde was walking through one of the streets of dreadzone, seeing the advertisements for the fights and those who were eager to be in the audience.

"Such a hive of scum and villainy," the crafty fox thought to himself, "It will be easy to sucker these guys out of their money."

He then put on his best salesman voice. "Is any interested in a genuine Zootopia Pawpsicle? They are among the most rare and delectable delicacies in this part of the galaxy?"


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po tried to hold his breath as long as possible.  the air was slowly replaced by exhaust, and the occupants in both cells soon passed out. po slumped i to the ground.
_ we're only interested in weapons here buddy. if its useful in gutting enemies in the arena, then we'll buy one. if not, forget it." said a guard dressed in blue armor. ' so what is it?"
 ember and dragon watche the fight in front of them with some interest, both feeling pity for the unfortunates fighting each other for the crowds entertainment. ' Is there anything like this in Far Far Away?' ember asked. " no, not really, theres jousting tournaments but those dont involve the knights mauling each other to death. ' Dragon said ' my donkey was invoilcved in one of those jousting tournaments, as a steed. got smacked in the face with a lance and lost 4 teeth. Smelled of blood for weeks afterward " dragon said " tigeress and Dixie were trying out more of the food spread, While Nick compile the notesd he had taken as a recorder.

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Hailey gave them an extra thirty seconds after everyone had keeled over before opening the cell doors, dragging the first victim (Lucia) to the stretcher. It was a rather large stretcher, and she managed to fit all four victims onto it.

Fifteen minutes later, she was panting as she pushed it into Chong's office after buzzing herself in. "Here they are...just like you requested," she reported, snapping off a salute. "...Sir," she remembered to add.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2019, 03:39:31 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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"Tell that to Lt. Spaulding." The cops roughly shoved Dr. Zanasiu into the waiting cruiser, which took off into the air and sped off.

"Lt. Spaulding," the driving officer said into her radio. "We have apprehended a Dr. James Zanasiu. According to your records, he is wanted for possession of controlled substances. We are carrying him to the police station for pick up."


Zachary took a deep breath as he hailed a taxi to take him to the Meridian Spaceflight and Aviation Authority building. On the way, he quickly radioed Stripetail.

"Stripetail, this is Zachary. James just got arrested for possession of controlled substances without a permit! It looks like they found those controlled substances aboard the Spire's stockpiles. I'm on my way to the Spaceflight Building to request copies of the forms that I know were filled out."



Mr. Bigmouth watched as Drobot dropped a fuel canister onto an AA gun position and then shot the fuel canister with an explosive bladegear, engulfing the position in blue-white flames so intense that the metal platform it was located on began to melt.

He looked at the ships. One of severely battered ships was Dramosian made vessel. Its once ornate hull was now scarred and pocked with gaping holes and the gold filigree was all but destroyed. But the sleek, almost organic lines of the craft heralded its pedigree.

"Perhaps we can get the ship in another manner," he said. "We're supposed to be wealthy, right? What's more ostentatous than buying part of the arena? After all, the others have to settle for wrecked weapons, armor or even body parts."



As the Dreadzone's guests were unabashed hedonists with a taste for the expensive...and violent, Nick Wilde did indeed get a few interested buyers for his Pawpsicles.

A slender crystalline alien looked at Nick. It held placard that read "How much?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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great, just great.  First Po gets arrested, now James. it is going to cost me a couple million bolts to post bail. meridian City is known for its heavy fines and steep amounts for bail.  Just find out where they have taken him, and I'll send in the bail ' Stripetail said.  he ran his claws through his whiskers  in exasperation. ' Things have been going bad for awhile now, and they seem to be getting worse.
Sorry sir or madam ' Nick demurred. ' I'm here for  business, but not THAT kind of business. say, would you like to be interviewed" He asked holding out his microphone.
 kopa lead  kiara down the street on the west side of Winterville '  He noticed the solemn look on his younger sisters face. " thinking about Kovu. huh? don;t worry Kiara " kopa said reassuringly. ' We  know his general location, and are getting closer to finding where his holding cell is. ' we'll get him back, i promise you.  then you can literally chain him to yourself  if you so desire. " he chuckled.
Luca took Arlene , Oliver, ollie flash and Mona shopping for toys, in particular a big toy chest to contain all of their existing toys. ' Just make sure kids that its not so big that I cant carry it " Luca smiled.   
« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 01:55:44 AM by Nick22 »
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