The Gang of Five
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Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond

Jrd89 · 820 · 100817


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Rinkus had just landed at the cave entrance after having flown around, unaware that there had been a cave in in the first place. "Oh my." he said as the rocks tumbled away, revealing Jared on the other side. "Well oof!" he exclaimed, as Jared wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh yes! It is good to see you as well! I was wondering what had happened to you, but I'm glad you're alright!" he said with a smile, his cheek mashed against Jared's. "Certainly sounds like you've been through a lot. Come here then." he said, and hugged his son back tightly in a squeeze.

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

Mama's Girl

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As she and Petrie darted out from the cave in as well, Harper sighed in relief. "Thankyou ever so much Sir" she said with a smile and nod to Zaine, "and you all too" she added to the others like Roger who had also helped.

Harper would have also asked where this stranger came from, unaware he was family she hadn't been told of, and for a reason, but what hindered her from asking was not wanting to be rude.


  • Spike
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Roger looked at Zaine very carefully, almost as if trying to find out who he was just be looks. He slowly approached the flyer, looking curious as ever.

"Ey, mate. Strong one aren't ya? Say, what be your name?" he had no problem asking the new flyer his name and did so without any hesitation.


  • Petrie
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**I'm putting "Flyers" on hold again, until I've bought my own laptop. My mom's laptop doesn't work right anymore, and she told me this morning to stay off of it from now on.

So i'm sorry guys. :( but "Flyers of The Mysterious Beyond" is on hold until I have my very own laptop. Sorry.  :(  We can continue on once I have my very own computer.  ;)  Things will be much better then **

But for now, "Flyers" is on hold.


  • Petrie
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***Ok, everyone. I'm back! Now I have my very own brand new laptop! HOORAY!!

So now, it's ok to continue on with "Flyers Of The Mysterious Beyond "!  :D :)


  • Petra (He/They)
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*Alright! Let's continue this bad boy.*  :DD

"Well hello there, old friend." The eight foot pteranodon replied with a proud smirk on his face. "The name's Zaine York, at your service." He bowed to emphasize his point.

Pterano just kept hugging his son, tightly, loving as tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. But then he stopped when he started listening to that voice behind him. It sounded so familiar to him. He turned around, still clinging to Devon.

What he saw was not what he had hoped. That voice was just too familiar to be his imagination. The voice, the red eye, the muscles, everything about this stranger made him feel like he was about to collapse.

He shook his head, telling himself, it can't be him. But he knew that was a lie. He fought to restrain himself from collapsing. But it didn't last long though. As soon as the stranger admitted his name was Zaine York, Pterano collapsed on Devon's shoulder.

Devon gasped, collapsing to his knees due to Pterano's weight. "Uhh Dad?" he spoke, trying to wake the old flyer, but Pterano was too shocked to do so.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Mama's Girl

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(York, have no idea where you got that from :DD)

"Uncle!" Petrie darted over as well as it seemed Pterano was on the verge of collapse. While stunned as well, Harper couldn't help was something about the stranger's name, or seemed to be. Maybe she was just imagining things, but it had almost seemed like as soon as this new flyer said his name it had caused their uncle to act as he did.

Was there something about the name Zaine? She didn't recoqnize it, but did seem to sort of remember now  that once a dinosaur passing through had mentioned the name or one like it and her mother had whispered very lowly and very concerned.

Another possibility, though, was that it could be the illness cropping up again. She hoped that wasn't it, especially as she saw that their uncle had actually seemed to collapse.

Petrie looked very worried as he landed near Devon. "He...he be ok?".

Harper knew what her brother was thinking. "Oh well sure, Petrie" she attempted to be the optimistic voice for all of them, "I'm sure it's...nothing bad again" she flapped over to put a hand on Petrie's shoulder, smiling a bit more than she felt at the moment to try and reassure him as well as Devon.


  • Spike
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"Old friend you say. 'Ave we met before?" Roger asked, tapping his beak with a claw as he continued to look curiously at Zaine. His attention though was quickly brought elsewhere when Pterano collapsed, Roger then looked at that Flyer. He didn't know exactly what was wrong, and thus he just watched for now.


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Luke looked apprehensively at the large flyer who had just introduced himself. He didn't know who he was but if he made Pterano react in such a way, he couldn't be good news. "You two know each other?" he said. "I take it you weren't play-mates..."


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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(OOC: I figure I'll give this RP another shot. Been out of it for months, but maybe theres still something salvageable in this yet. :b)

Chomper backed up to the corner of the room when Zaine came in. He didn't know quite what it was, but something just didn't seem right with this flyer. Also, he was a sharptooth, and he had no idea how Zaine would react if he saw him.

He made it behind Petrie and Harper, and whispered to them. "Do you know this flyer?"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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Petrie heard Chomper ask his question, but for the moment all of his attention as on watching his uncle, worried for what might be wrong. He turned though, "No, me never see him before".

Harper shook her head as well, "Me either, but..." she didn't know why but as she went on, she whispered even more than she had been, "the name sounds...not familiar exactly, something I might have heard my mom talk about once with a farwalker" she confided in the sharptooth, "I'm just...not sure if that means she knew him or anything".


  • Petrie
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Jared stood next to Rinkus and looked at Zaine. :unsure:. Then, he grabbed his tail with one hand. Zaine made Jared nervous, but then, he spoke up and introduced himself.

"Umm.. hi, Zaine. M-m-my n-name is Jared." said the tan flyer as he nervously waved "hello" with one of his claws.

"Th-th-thank you for getting us out of there. If it hadn't have been for you, we all would've died trapped in that cave. You saved our lives."


  • Petra (He/They)
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Zaine gave the younger rhamphorhynchus a nudge. "It was my pleasure, young one." he said, smiling. He turned to the unconscious Pterano, and he made his way over.

He knelt by the unconscious flyer and Devon. "What happened?"

"I dunno! He just fainted on me, oh I hope its not his illness creeping up on him again." Devon replied, gripping his father's shoulders.

"Illness you say? What was that?"

"I think it had something to do about the stomach shutting down on him. He almost died because of it." Devon replied, gazing down at Pterano in concern.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Spike
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"Looks to me like the fella was scared to death or something" Roger sound out loud, even though he had meant to think it to himself. Realizing this he waved his hands in the air afterwards and shook his head. "But that just sounds crazy surrounded by us. What's there to be scared about?"


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Luke nudged Roger in the side and jabbed his thumb towards Zaine. "I'd say it has something to do with that big guy over there," he said in a low voice. "Something's not right about him."


  • Spike
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"I know..." Roger said turning his attention back to Zaine with a suspicious look. "I feel like I seen him before, and it wasn't anything good" he said quietly, not totally sure if his mind was correct of just playing tricks on him again.


  • Petrie
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"I hope Pterano recovers, guys... I just hate to see him like this" frowned Jared, as he walked up next to Roger and stared at the poor red pteranodon sadly.  

"What should we do?" asked the tan rhamphorhynchus to Luke, Rinkus, Roger and the other flyers. "Pterano's our friend, and the bravest of us all. He's helped us let's help him, ok?" nodded Jared  :yes

Mama's Girl

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Harper frowned as she heard what Roger suggested as the cause, partly because it made too much sense, it all being Pternao just greeting scared. But again, of what? She didn't know, but kept the facts presented that she heard in the back of her mind for maybe figuring out later.

She didn't have an answer for what they should do, until she remembered something...

Petrie just stuck right by Pterano's side, meanwhile, hoping that his uncle would wake up soon and be ok.

"Uh, Petrie" his sister drew his attention away by speaking to him, "if it is something bad, didn't you say you and Littlefoot found a night flower for Grandpa Longneck that time, and that that helped him when he was sick?"

It had been so long ago, that it took Petrie a moment to recall, but he soon did. How did Harper just suddenly remeber that?! From back when he and his friend's met Ali. He didn't ask, just answered her question. "Uh yeah, that what do it before".

Harper nodded. "Where are they?" she asked.

"Uh...long way and me not sure if me remember..." Petrie admitted.

"Oh" was all Harper said.

"But me could try and rememeber, if it really...that bad" Petrie went on determined. Hopefully it wasn't anything that bad.

((attempting to jump start the role plays, and I don't remember what the other plot with Pterano sick entailed,,so if the night flower side talk thing is just repeating, sorry))


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"Pfft! I don't think pretty flowers are going to do anything for him..." Luke scoffed. "He just needs a little encouragement to wake up, that's all," he said as he bent over Pterano's limp form.

Stretching out his hand, he slapped Pterano a couple of times around the side of the beak. To Luke's suprise, Pterano didn't regain consciousness and jump up energetically; his head just flopped to the side.

"Hmn... That usually works..." Luke straightened up. "What were you saying about those flowers, Petrie?"


  • Spike
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"That flower can do more than you think, lad." Roger said to Luke with a wag of his finger. He then took one more glance at Pterano before turning his attention to Petrie. "Aye, where be these flowers you speak of?"