The Gang of Five
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Discuss: Search for the Sky Color Stones

Manny Cav

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Oct 14 2007 on  10:06 PM
Oh, dear. It looks like it's up to Malte279 and me to debunk another Cera + Littlefoot myth.

Oh god, I didn't mean that! :lol  I just meant that they were alone when they found them the first time for some reason like the others were sick or something.
Hehehe, I was joking, too. :lol Actually, though, it doesn't appear that they found them together, as they reported seeing them in two different locations, so it's not as bad as you think. :lol


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The Probability of both of them finding them independently is not too great compared to the probability of the finding them together.  I think they found them together, but one of them is mistaken about their location.  If you look at the way they look at each other, it seems like they had a memorable independent adventure that was separate from the rest of the gang.  Just some fun speculation, but that's what I like to believe. :D


  • The Circle
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It makes sense that Littlefoot and Cera may have times when they play without the others.  For a while they were both only children, at least till Cera had the little sister, what's her name.  

Ducky and Petrie have siblings, and as good of friends as the gang is, I would imagine Ducky and Petrie would spend some time playing with their own siblings too.  Though in the things I've seen I think I've only seen Ducky playing with hers a bit.

Manny Cav

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I still think that there's an equal chance that they each were alone when they found them at those different locations. They could have been anole for any reason, but it's still possible.


  • The Circle
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There could be times when each is alone for this or that reason.  After all wasn't there a scene in movie or tv episode where Littlefoot is the only one left not busy, and he talks or sings about being bored while his other friends are to busy to play with him.   There could be other times also with Littlefoot and Cera were alone.


  • Spike
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Episode's just finishing as I type this.

Did anyone else, upon seeing Ducky fall over the edge of the cliff, immediately think "MY PRECIOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUSSS!!!!!!" ?


  • The Circle
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It did seem related to that scene.  Could be a funny caption for that scene.


  • Chomper
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Personally, I liked that Ducky was the one shown as being obsessed with the stones and a little greedy. It's important to let kids know that no one is perfect all the time and sometimes we can lose ourselves. Ducky is more or less the most innocent and friendly of the gang, so it's very effective to have her shown as being fallible. That way, kids don't feel so bad if they get a little crazy once in a while.

That's my take on it, anyhow.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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But they found them at different places. They probably found the rocks at different times.

Intresting how the gang split up males one way and females the other way. Except Spike of course, lucky dog  :wow

I felt a bit sorry for Spike, I mean, it's his first night out with just the ladies and he gets himself stuck in a hole in the wall, upon which the girls ditch him. Bummer.

Intresting how Chomper doesn't seem to be affected by the bees. That is an awesome attribute, and the writers should use that as a plot device someday.

Other people didn't seem to like Ducky's 'dark side,' but I thought it was awesome that Ducky for once looked out for #1 and decided to start hoarding them all to herself. When the episode revealed that she had found like 7 already I was like, "Damn, she's good!" And then she makes the stupidest mistake in the book, trying to hide one behind her back while inching past them, good luck doing that with a stone that's wider than you are.

I also loved it when Ducky forced them to admit that she was the best rockfinder, and Cera was like, "Oh its no big deal." NO BIG DEAL?!? You've only spent the whole friggin epiode talking about how great you are at finding these things, and then when somebody else royally trumps you, you act like it wasn't that important. Hypocritical sore loser, admit that Ducky beat you for once.

Ducky deserves to be more than just a goody-goody every single time, she should appeal to her darker emotions like greed once in a while, that's what made this such a great episode. If they'd flipped her with Petrie, then not only would that make yet another Petire-centric episode (and there's already enough of those as it is) but it wouldn't be that special since Petrie acts like a three-year old all the time.

Just my two cents. Take it as you will.


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overall I did like it.  One of the things I didn't was I don't think Ducky would just abandon Spike like she did and the greed she showed were things I've never seen her do before or a personality traits I've not seen before, unless they have shown it and I forgot.

Cancerian Tiger

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I absolutely love how Ducky's dark half comes out, FINALLY.  However, I am quite surprised at some of the negativity towards it :o.  I mean, c'mon now.  Y'all have dark sides.  It's part of our nature.  Speaking of oddities in characters, Cera's reaction to Ducky being the best stonefinder was great.  This not only shedded light on Cera's not-so-arrogant personality, but also her ability to practice good sportsmanship :P:.  Again, I found Ducky's dark half to be an eye-opener to the fact that she is not perfect, nor is anybody else.  Great ep, BTW.


  • The Circle
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I would not mind it if there were some hint of it before. I dislike when things spring out from nowhere that were never around before.  Having some flaws in a fictional character's personality, can be interesting if done right, but just having appear when it was not there before, is bad writing in my opinion.  I did like the episode, except for that, and Ducky abandoning Spike.


  • Ducky
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There's a term coined by Hank Azeria for this, Ducky was carrying the Idiot Ball for an episode... I guess -shrug-


  • Ducky
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It shock me to.  Ducky literally had a greedy side of herself.  I always knew her to be sweet old Ducky, but after what I've watched all that has changed.

Cancerian Tiger

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My feelings about her have not changed.  There's no such thing as a perfect person, and we've seen flaws in the others.  To me, she's still a total sweetheart who just lets her competitive side get the best of her at times.  So what?  She's not bad just 'cuz she has a flaw.


  • Spike
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That was the funniest episode I've ever seen, I watched it twice! :D

Ducky is really crazy in this episode! :o




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In certain parts of the episode she sure was.    :D

I did like the song she sung in that episode.


  • Spike
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I did like the song she sung in that episode.

Yeah, me too! Normally I don't like this songs, but this song was different from the others! It was really fun to see how her character has changed.


  • The Circle
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Found the song on youtube for those interested, if it's ok to post the song.  

My Sky Color Stones:

It is a different sort of song, certainly then the types that Ducky usually sings.


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I have to say, Ducky’s purported lapse of character in this episode wasn’t as extreme as all the hype had led me to expect. I think the reason her behavior comes off as so atypical is because so few movie and episode plots focus on Ducky that viewersóby no fault of their ownóhave a rather narrow and stereotyped view of her character. Therefore, virtually anything Ducky does that does not fit this paradigm is regarded as out of character for her. (It might help if the series had a greater number of Ducky-centric LBT stories; I would REALLY like to see more attention given to this surprisingly neglected character.)

There is some prerequisite for Ducky’s behavior in this episode: she has shown possessiveness before, complaining when Spike ate the “special tree stars” her mother had given her (presumably for lunch) in LBT VIII. Going from jealously valuing personal effects to secretly hoarding them isn’t too great a step.

I think the trouble in this episode started when Cera and Ruby started arguing over which of them could find the most stones. Apart from swimming and log-running, poor Ducky is at a disadvantage in just about every competitive activity her friends engage in. In this contest, however, the odds of winning were more or less equal, and with Ruby and Cera having turned up the competitive atmosphere, Ducky was motivated to prove that this was something she could do just as well as her friends. And while I may be going out on a limb here, the fact that Ducky is usually an inconsequential opponent in most of the gang’s competitions means that her larger friends might not have taken her seriously had she openly expressed interest in joining the hunt for the most sky color stones; perhaps this was another reason she decided to participate so surreptitiously.

Ducky’s initial desire to simply prove herself as a competent rock-finder probably evolved into her obsession with simply taking all the stones for herself when she started carrying the sky color stone Spike found. Its aesthetically captivating appearance caused her to become possessively attached to it, and as a result she became reluctant to share it or any of the other stones she found. (I’m a rock and mineral enthusiast myself, and unusual and/or remarkable stones have a similarly mesmerizing effect on me. :lol)

The problem I DO have with the episode is the way it portrayed Ducky’s descent into kleptomania and jealous guarding of the stones: at the best it didn’t feel believable to me, and at the worst, downright melodramatic. Of course, cheesy moments (unfortunately) appear to be something of a staple of the TV series, so I suppose this isn’t too surprising. :rolleyes

On a side note, if I ever had the chance to take Ducky along with me on a rock-collecting trip, I’d probably do it. She obviously has a good eye for rocks (identifying a “cave sparkle” as well has finding all those sky color stones), and being much closer to the ground than I am, is far better suited for the task of scoping out desirable specimens (I’m six feet tall, nearsighted, and have bad knees; pretty much the worst combination imaginable for walking along looking for tiny objects on the ground :p).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.