The Gang of Five
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rosie · 7 · 1345


  • Chomper
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Do other dino herds visit great valley?Is there possiblities that sharpteeth followed them? :lol


  • Petrie
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From the way I understand it lots of herds pass through the Great Valley. Often wondered how they find it so easy to get in when the Sharpteeth need to have a hole accidentally created for them or some such. I suppose Sharpteeth could follow a herd, lots of predatory animals stalk herds, looking for an oppertunity to pick on the weak.


  • The Circle
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It's not shown, but it would make sense that some Great Valley dinos would be an patrol looking for sharpteeth getting into or near one of the main entrances.  Though like the animators dislike animating things not dealing with the primary plot we're likely to not see this.  As well as some ground dinos doing this it would be a good an easy thing for flyers to do since they can see much more of an area while flying then those who can't fly are.  Though some of the larger and more brave ones would likely be near the entrances also in case any sharpteeth are seen they would be nearby.   Which could be one of the reasons Ducky's father is so seldom seen, he may be one of those who spends time near the main entrances ready to fight sharpteeth, as well as maybe explaining why Threehorn is not seen in the 4th movie.  Maybe he was busy offscreen for part of that moviie.  

As for migrating we've seen many times when herds pass through and stay with in the great valley for a while before moving on.  Ali's herd, Tippy's herd, also the herd the rainbowfaces were with in the 7th movie.  Likely the herd that Tria was with, since I doubt she was walking around all by her self as she traveled to the great valley, though it's not stated.   Bron's herd may visit it, though we've seen only him and Shorty, no mention of his herd.   There have also been shown at times various longnecks and other individuals, some who may travel in small herds, or alone like Doc did, at least till he met Dara.


  • The Circle
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The discussion was brought up elsewhere already. My theory is that no Sharptooth in their right state of mind would ever WANT to go into the great Valley. Looking at how many sharpteeth lost their lives in the Great Valley or on its outskirts it may well appear to be something of a "haunted" place for them. The tale of the "lone dinosaur" would sound very different in the ears of a sharptooth than in those of a leafeater. Even those sharptooth who made to "escape" from the Great Valley (e.g. Chomper's parents who only got in in desperate search for their kid) wouldn't perceive the Great Valley with its inhabitants (who hold together, make a stand rather than run, and not having any "stragglers" as they are not a moving herd) as a safe place to live and hunt. The Mysterious Beyond on the other hand may be quite comfortable for sharpteeth. Did you notice all those skeletons shown in the MB in LBT 2 and 3? Just imagine what a feast this would have been for the sharpteeth!
Rather than taking unnecessary risks in the Great Valley most sharpteeth would probably be happy to stay outside attacking herd stragglers or scavenge on the leafeaters who died from lack of food (which the Great Valley provides in plenty so its inhabitants would be in a better shape to fight than exhausted members of a herd that has just crossed some desert). Can there be a better protection for the Great Valley than sharpteeth's NOT WANTING to get in there?


  • The Circle
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Some of them likely have stories of the Great Valley that are not pleasant ones.  The food all fight there, they fight together, ect.  One think I noticed, though likely not a plan of a writer, is the fastbiter mother in The Great Egg Adventure seemed to be hunting or at least wondering around outside the Great Valley.  It seems likely she could smell the dinos in the great valley or that they had been there.  If one wants to add in why she wasn't trying to secretly sneak into the great valley to hunt it could be some of the stories that kept her out, also why she laid her eggs close, to protect them from other sharpteeth and fast biters.


  • Ducky
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That Idea could be a reality.

In speaking of herds, the spiketails and the longnecks made there appearance already (:blink: especially the longnecks).  It would be awesome to see herds of the Flyers, Threehorns, and Swimmers come dwelling in the Great Valley.


  • The Circle
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& a mixed herd too.  It looks like the herd, if I remember correctly, in the 7th movie who visited the Great Valley was of mixed types.