The Land Before Time > 1988 Theatrical Release

So what attracted you to this movie originally?

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Dr. Rex:

--- Quote from: StardustSoldier on December 05, 2021, 06:44:53 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Rex on November 19, 2021, 12:36:05 AM ---Well, firstly, it was the fact that I had already seen LBT II and LBT III before watching this movie, so I knew that this movie would feature characters I was already familiar with. There was also the fact that I knew it would be the origin story of their friendship, so that was definitely a lure for me.

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Ohh, that is interesting. I never really thought of the first movie as being the 'origin story episode' before, since I simply watched the films in order, but that would definitely be a unique way to approach it if you'd already seen the sequels.

For me, it was a movie I could remember from my childhood, but I hadn't seen it in almost two decades. After I happened to see an online article discussing the film's 30th anniversary a few years ago, that's when I was inspired to rent it from my local library and then I fell in love with it all over again. And that's what brought me to this lovely community here. :)

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Sorry for the very, very, VERY late response. I just saw this.

The only reason why LBT II and III were first on my viewing list was because those were the only installments available at my local library at the time. Eventually, I spotted the original available on the library's catalog and checked it out immediately. It was all just a matter of coincidence and convenience.

Ah, the good ole days of public libraries and VHS cassette tapes...


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