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Ace Combat: Frieben Rising

Fyn16 · 51 · 8804


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I'm starting a new RP up entitled "Ace Combat: Frieben Rising." The story essentially takes place around the events affecting three countries in the AC universe: Frieben, the smallest but most economically powerful, Ardval, the largest, known for its strong military, and Remertia, a currently neutral country which lies between the others, and contains the Remertian Peace Embassy, where leaders of the three countries meet. Here's the briefing:

After Frieben is discovered to be a veritable treasure chest of natural resources, Ardval begins to mobilize troops on its borders. Both Frieben and Remertia suspect an imminent invasion, though Ardval's representatives deny this. Frieben finds itself under immense pressure to prepare a fighting force it does not have, as its military is weak. Under secrecy, Remertia begins deploying "peacekeeping" forces and supplying new weapons systems to strengthen Frieben's own military. Before long, Ardval finds out about Remertia's clandestine troop movements and makes a declaration: Remertia has two weeks to remove its forces from Frieben, or its actions will be considered as acts of war, and will be dealt with as such. The RP starts in the days leading up to Ardval's deadline. Tensions are high, weapons are readied-

And in all three nations, Air Forces are preparing for what they see as imminent war...

So, there's the story, now here's the deal: Each RP'er will designate a squadron and country of origin for their OCs. Squadrons can be as big or small as you wish. They also do not have to be affiliated with a government (i.e. Mercenaries). I would also recommend selecting specific aircraft for squadrons to operate.

This is not to say you have to be a pilot. Ground and naval forces are participating in the situation as well. Heck, even civilians can (and often do) play an important role in Ace Combat.    

Most importantly, remember that as of now, there is no "wrong side" to choose. All nations have their own reasons for preparing for potential war. No one is more right than the other, and not everything is as it seems...

Now to select squadrons. When I feel we have enough players, the game will begin. Feel free to spread the word. The more, the merrier! Now choose your allegiances and prepare for battle!

In the tumult of battle, as warriors fight, who is truly noble? Is anyone right? Is anyone wrong? Only those courageous and pure of heart know the answer...


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I'll start.

Nation: Remertia

Squadron: 416th Counter-Threat Squadron- "Nightbirds"

Aircraft operated:
-OV-10S (a "what if" version of the OV-10 Bronco used by the US in the 60s)
-A-10 "Warthog"
-C-130 (multiple variants)
-YF-23 "Black Widow II,"
-YF-34 "Peregrine" (experimental aircraft, also fictional. I will have a picture soon).
-Panavia Tornado
-MiG 29 "Fulcrum"

Additional aircraft are occasionally "borrowed" by the squad for various purposes.

Notable Pilots:

Marcus Feisler (Nightbird 1)

Henrik Shadal (Nightbird 2)

Jade Sarelson (Nightbird 3)

Squad History: The 416th was formed as part of a contingency operation in the event of hostile action towards Remertia. The operation was essentially a "force strengthener," which placed several small, well-trained squadrons throughout the nation, tasked with performing clandestine "peacekeeping" missions in order to maintain Remertia's safety. The 416th is widely known for its skilled pilots, but much of its operations remain classified. During the weeks leading up to the Frieben Conflict, the 416th was put on alert and assigned the task of flying border watch.

Pictures of fictional or modified aircraft and squadron patch coming soon!


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As Jeff Foxworthy said, "You have my attention."  And I wanna join!

I know someone else will mention this, that you may have to move this thread to RP Discussions.

However...I WANNA JOIN!!!


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And join you may! I moved the sign-up section to "RP Discussions," as you suggested. Thanks for the heads-up!


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Let's begin.

January 8, 2014. Ridley AFB, North Remertia...

Time: 2140

Marcus Feisler casually stepped out of his dark blue Mustang GT, crisply dressed in his standard Air Force service blue uniform, and headed for the Officer's club. Today had been a difficult day. He was up at 0430, at the squadron by 0600, and in the air before the sun was up, flying yet another border patrol sortie. He loved his job, of course, but it had its moments. Today had just been one such moment. His only high point today had been escorting some Friebenese teenager in a Cessna back over into his own border, and the only reason that had been fun was because the kid had been ogling his OV-10S "Silent Bronco" all the way back to the border.

Currently, Remertia's borders were on lockdown. Only natives could enter the country due to the recent tension between Remertia and its neighboring countries. Obviously, this tension meant a lot more flight time. Feisler wasn't entirely sure if a war was imminent, as some said, but he knew better than to rest on his haunches. If the Ardvalian military decided to launch an attack, the last thing he wanted was to be caught unawares, so every day he was called in to sortie, he did his best to approach his work with a professional mindset.

Now, however, it was time to relax. Marcus saw his flight mates, Henrik Shadal and Jade Sarelson, waiting for him at the club doors. Tonight, he would take a load off. He and his friends had earned it.

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Kingsly Field was the name of this run-down speck on the map, located fifty miles within the Friebenese border.  It was a surprisingly big airbase considering the state of the country's military, boasting two runways and several large, spacious hangars that looked like they were built in the 1930s to house old bombers.

At present, Danial Garret was busy working on his aircraft, an F-8 Crusader with silver paint and orange trim on the leading edges of the wings and tail surfaces.  When he had heard that they would be using such relics that likely belonged in a museum rather than at an active base, he was expecting run-down pieces of junk.  Surprisingly though, despite the age of these planes, the Friebenese military had done a good job of keeping them well maintained.

Danial was making a few slight adjustments to the aircraft's engine to make it run a bit more smoothly.  The squadron had only recently arrived at the base and the had only test flown the crusaders.  The other aircraft they had access to were out of service for maintenance, save for the Su-25 Frogfoots that were to serve as their ground attack planes.

Danial replaced the panel over the the part of the engine he was working on and picked up an impact wrench, tightening down the bolts.  

"Still working on the planes I see!" said a voice from behind him.  Danial turned around and saw Max Renolds standing there.

"Yeah, I just want to make sure this old dinosaur is in good condition in case we have to go into combat." Danial replied, packing up his tools.

Max snorted with laughter.  "I don't care what you do to it.  That thing is from the 60's for crying out loud!  The guys up top assign us the worst planes they can find because we're just expendable mercenaries."

"That's not true and you know it." Danial retorted, locking his tools in a locker and wiping the grease off his hands with a rag.

"I looked in the hangar where those other guys keep their planes.  They've got Typhoons and all we've got are these museum pieces." Max remarked.

"You mean those Belkan guys?"

"Yeah, them." Max nodded.  "I hear Belkans don't like mercenaries like us either."

Danial put on his leather bomber jacket and climbed into a jeep that was parked next to the hangar.  "I heard they have a pretty impressive combat record though.  I'd like to see em in action."

Max sat in the passenger seat and Danial started the jeep, driving toward the base's officer's club.  The officer's club was a two story building right next door to the barracks.  There were few officers on base though aside from the base staff and the other squadron stationed here, and the building was never crowded.

Danial parked in front of the club next to a couple other jeeps.  "Alright, let's go get a drink."

"I'm with you on that." Max said in agreement.


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Marcus pulled into the driveway of his bland base house, revving his car's engine much to the amusement of his passenger, Henrik Shadal.

"Yeah, your car sounds alright," he said with a grin, "but you shoulda gone for the Challenger."

"That porker?" Marcus snorted. "Heck no. This is a man's car." He opened the door and proceeded to unpack two wine bottles from the trunk. At the O-club, he'd been informed that as of tomorrow, he'd be on a five day leave period. Time to celebrate.

"Whatever you say, sir," Shadal said. Marcus opened his front door and proceeded directly to his small living room, where he and Henrik collapsed onto the couch.

"So what do you think about this whole 'Ardval' deal?" Henrik asked finally.

Marcus shook his head. "I honestly don't know. The way things have been going so far, its pretty obvious to me that they want to take Frieben's resources by force, and they want us out of there so we're not a threat. I know the brass is trying to negotiate, but who knows what's going to happen? I'm just gonna take the days as they come."

Henrik nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me." He reached over and poured himself a glass of wine, Osean Red, the best. "Hey, by the way," he said, "I heard Training Command's still looking for instructors for tomorrow."

Marcus shrugged. "So?"

"So there's an open spot. And tomorrow's lesson is low-level offensive maneuvers."

"You're kidding," Marcus said, suddenly interested.

"I am not. I know you love those things to death, so if you're interested, you ought to come on down to the airfield and give it a try."

"Definitely," Marcus said. "Did they mention what they're training in?"

"AT-6s," Henrik confirmed. Marcus grinned fiendishly. He'd flown the T-6, the trainer version of the light turboprop aircraft, during flight training, and the plane had fit him like a new suit. AT-6s were even better- combat-ready versions that sported wing-mounted weapons and external fuel tanks. They lived up to their looks. Marcus was more than excited.

"AT-6s you say," he said slowly, pouring himself some wine and raising his glass, "I think we can toast to that."


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Dawn rose over Ridley Airfield, as Marcus stepped onto the flight line in his olive green flight suit. His "ride" for the day was dead ahead. It was hard to miss the craft's sleek lines and striking camouflage scheme. Green hash marks on the tail and wingtips denoted this aircraft as an instructor's plane. Marcus climbed up into the cockpit, saluting the crew chief on his way, and began to go through his preflight checklist.

As he began adjusting the fuel mixture, someone knocked on the side of his plane. He looked down to see 1st. Lieutenant Jade Sarelson standing next to the plane with a huge grin.

"So I guess Shadal convinced you to come?"

"That he did. I'm looking forward to this."

"You should, sir. I'm going to be your wingman."

"Those instructees don't stand a chance," Marcus said, shaking his head with a smile.

"I'll see you up there," Jade said, walking away towards her plane.

"You got it," said Marcus, returning to his checklist. When he was done, he started the engine. He loved the whine of the turboprop slowly spooling up, and when the roar of the propeller kicked in- nothing came close. He donned his helmet and prepared to taxi, keeping his canopy open.

"Tower, this is Toaster 1," he said over the radio, identifying himself by the humorous nickname now standard for all low-level combat instructors. Trainees referred to these exercises as "The Toaster," because no one seemed to make it out without getting grilled at least once.

"Toaster 1, this is Tower, go ahead."

"Toaster 1 requests clearance for takeoff."

The air traffic-control tower was silent for a moment, presumably as those inside were checking their instruments.

"Roger, Toaster 1. Rendezvous with the flight over Swallowtail Canyon for training."

"Roger," said Marcus, pulling his canopy down, "Toaster 1 out."

The AT-6 lumbered onto the runway, loaded with dummy weapons. It looked formidable for such a small plane, and that was exactly what Marcus was going for. He put the throttle forward and felt the plane smoothly begin accelerating. At the proper speed, he pulled the nose up slightly and retracted his gear, still hugging the ground at about 50 feet above the runway. Then, just before the runway's edge, he pulled up sharply and banked left, heading for the training zone. Today was going to be a lot of fun...

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Danial entered the officer's club and took a look around.  Like the rest of the base, it was run down and in need of a good overhaul.  There were a few pictures and a television mounted on the wall.  A pair of ceiling fans turned slowly overhead and music played on a radio by the bar counter.  

There were a few other pilots sitting at a table at the far end of the room.  Danial and Max ignored them though and placed an order for plain, simple beer at the bar.  

Taking their drinks, the pilots sat down at an unoccupied table.

So, from what I've heard, they're gonna have us joining the other guys for a patrol sortie along the border tomorrow at 0600." Danial explained to Max.  

"You mean the Belkans?" Max replied.  

"Yeah." Danial nodded.

Max leaned forward and whispered, "I'm not sure I trust those guys."

"Neither do I.  We're gonna do as we're told though."

"Supposedly they were involved in that war a few years back.  Ya know, the one with Osea?" Max said.  "Wasn't their squadron the one that tried to crash that satellite?"

"Yeah, I heard about that.  That doesn't mean they personally took part in that operation though.  I heard those guys all died." Danial replied, taking a sip of beer.

Danial honestly didn't care for the situation.  That kind of espionage was the exact reason he'd left the Erusean military.


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At that point, a tall man with jet-black hair wearing a dark blue flight suit walked over and joined them.

"Greetings," he said, his voice tainted by a slight accent. "I'm Ceasar Hyerich. I'm with the 396th."

Hyerich took a seat on a chair next to Danial and signaled the bartender to come by. Ceasar deposited a few crisp bills in her hand.

"A few drinks for my comrades and myself," he said with an unnerving smile. It was a smile that seemed to communicate an aura of distrust, and in those pearly white teeth, one could almost see the reflection of their death, as if looking into some mysterious mirror. This was indeed a dangerous man.

"So, now you know my name," Hyerich said to the silent pilots seated next to him, "what's yours?"

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Danial sized the newcomer up as he introduced himself.  Definitely Belkan... he thought to himself.

"I'm Danial Garret with the 15th Squadron.  This is my wingman, Max Renolds."

Max added, "We have a third member, but he seems to be away at the moment."

Danial could tell this man did not trust him, and the feeling was mutual.  Still, there was no point in starting trouble.

"So, I hear we're scheduled to fly a patrol together in the morning." Danial said casually.


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Hyerich smiled again.

"Yes, I believe my squadron will be flying tomorrow's patrol... with escorts, of course. We're glad you could join us."

Hyerich stood up before either of his tablemates could say anything more.

"Gentlemen," he said, the spite in his voice obvious, "I will see you tomorrow at 0600. Try to keep up."

And with that, he left. Hyerich was known for his hatred of mercenary forces. Some said he'd suffered defeat at the hands of such forces before, but no one could prove anything. If nothing else, however, his arrogance and ego were legendary. Perhaps the mercenaries were right not to trust him, perhaps not. Only in battle could such truths come to light.

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As Hyerich departed, Max said with a smile, "Alright, good night."

Max  didn't outwardly show that these smug snakes were getting on his nerves.

Danial finished his drink and said, "Well I think we'd best be off to bed.  It's gonna be a busy day tomorrow."

Without another word, he and Max departed the officer's club.  As they drove back to their assigned barracks, Max growled, "Can you believe those guys?  They're so full of themselves..."

"Don't let them get to you, Max.  We've got more important things to worry about than some overconfident fools."

Arriving back at their barracks, they found Thomas Freeman lying on a cot and staring blankly up at the ceiling.  

"Oh, you're back." he said flatly.

"Yeah, we were having a chat with some "new friends"." Danial replied, sitting down on his own cot.

"I'm bored." Thomas said in the same flat monotone.  "I with something would happen."

"Get some sleep." Danial said.  "We're taking off at 0600 tomorrow for a patrol mission.  


The following morning, Danial was inspecting his plane and preparing for the mission.  He was wearing an ash grey flight suit which his squadron had been issued.  After inspecting his plane, Danial climbed the ladder to the cockpit of his F-8 Crusader.  After strapping himself into the seat, he put on his helmet, which had a logo of a gryphon with its talons bared.  Once the ground crew gave him the all clear, Danial closed the canopy and started the engine.  His wingmen followed suit.  

The morning sky was still dark and Danial had to turn on the panel lights to see.  

"Whirlwind 1, this is the control tower, do you read?"

"Copy that.  Whirlwind squadron requesting immediate takeoff clearance." Danial responded, going over his instruments one last time.  

"This is the tower, you are cleared for takeoff on Runway 2."

After acknowledging his takeoff clearance, Danial taxied to the runway with his two wingmen following.  

"Whirlwind squadron, after takeoff, hold above the field for Gheist Squadron to join you." said the air traffic controller.

"Understood." Danial replied.  

Reaching the runway, he pushed the throttle lever forward, sending his jet roaring down the runway.  Reaching takeoff speed, he pulled back on the stick and the F-8 lifted off.  Danial quickly retracted his landing gear and climbed to 2000 feet, circling the field as instructed.  His wingmen formed up behind him.


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"Hello again, mercenaries," a voice called over the radio. From out of nowhere, four Typhoons and a sleek Boeing Bird of Prey, painted in grey digital camo with red markings appeared. It was Gheist. On time and aggravating as ever.

"Follow us," Hyerich said over the airwaves. Without waiting for a response, he rolled once, then turned to the proper heading, straight for the border, vapor trails streaming off of his wings.


Swallowtail Canyon, Northern Remertia

0530 hours

January 9, 2014.

Mission 1: First Impressions

Marcus Feisler, callsign "Spade" was flying wingtip-to-wingtip with Jade Sarelson, callsign "Angel" over Remertia's famous Swallowtail Canyon, leading a flight of four AT-6s. The sun's light was making an appearance in the distance, but it had not risen yet. This was the perfect time to begin training.

Swallowtail Canyon was a natural formation which stretched for almost fifty miles. The Remertian Air Force commonly used this area for practice because of its excellent terrain-masking qualities. Flying the canyon was a true test of a pilot's skills. Flying it while being chased by an instructor simulating an enemy was insane, but that was what Feisler was about to do.

"Angel, this is Spade, do you read?"

"Spade, Angel. I read."

"I'm going to talk to the rookies and get this started. Take position."

"Roger, Spade," Sarelson said, banking her plane sharply to the left and leaving the formation, following the canyon below. Seeing her go, Feisler switched radio frequencies to communicate with the trainees.

"Listen up," he said, "today's task is simple. Each of you in turn will fly Swallowtail Canyon, below me. I'll be chasing you. Now normally, these aren't air-to-air planes, but mine has a device that simulates a fighter's homing radar. If at any point I achieve missile lock on you, you are considered 'hit.' After three hits, you're gone. Pull out and head back to base. I'll brief you there. Don't get hit. Mamba 1, you're first. you get a ten-second head start, then I come for you. Go!"

The first AT-6 peeled away, diving for the canyon. Feisler waited ten seconds, then followed, prop screaming as he dove towards the earth. The rookie was entering the canyon now, but Feisler was right on him. Then they were in, below the ground's surface, jinking left and right to avoid the canyon's many obstacles. Feisler achieved missile lock the first time with ease. Then the rookie became more careful, employing swifter maneuvers and trying to stay low. The canyon thinned out shortly, leaving less room  to maneuver, and Feisler could tell by the rookie's flying that he was getting nervous. Suddenly, the AT-6 pulled up, out of the canyon, and Feisler followed.

"I'm sorry, sir," the rookie said over the radio, "I wasn't ready."

"Next," was Feisler's only response.

The pilot that followed was outstanding, barely clearing the canyon's floor, rolling, and using every trick in the book. Feisler was having a hard time keeping up. By the time they made it to the last rookie's quitting point, he still hadn't achieved missile lock. This trainee was good. As the gap between walls continued to close, he pursued the pilot, still attempting a lock. Then Sarelson was there, waiting at the ambush point, also pursuing. Neither of the two could get a lock. Then the canyon ended abruptly. The pilot had made it.

"Congrats," Feisler said, amazed, "what's your name?"

"2nd Lieutenant Christine Ayel, sir," the rookie responded.

"I'll remember that," Feisler said with pride. Just then his radio sounded. He switched to the proper frequency. It was Ridley AFB.

"Ridley, this is Spade, go ahead."

"Spade, you and your training flight are being diverted."

"Diverted? Why?" By now, Sarelson had pulled up next to his aircraft. She'd put up her visor and was now mouthing "what's going on?" at him through her canopy. Feisler acknowledged her with a shrug, and she rolled her eyes and banked away towards the trainees.

"We have detected an unidentified aircraft on a course which will put it over our borders soon. Intercept this aircraft."

"But we're unarmed!"

"It doesn't matter. It looks to be a large aircraft, and your dummy weapons should suffice for a show of force."

Feisler groaned inwardly. This was really stretching his patience. "Alright, then. What's my heading?"

"Vector 285. Good luck."

"Thanks, Spade out." Feisler radioed the rest of the flight with the information and changed course, now on an intercept path in an unarmed turboprop. This was going to be interesting...

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Danial and his squadron followed after Hyerich, resisting the urge to just switch off the radio.

"Well, if it isn't our adoring fanboy squad!" Freeman said sarcastically over the radio.

"Shut up, Manticore!" Danial ordered sharply, using Thomas's callsign.

"Alright alright!" Freeman snap.

Danial did not bother offering an apology for his comrade's behavior.  He just continued following Hyerich.  They reached the border and began their patrol mission as scheduled.

The patrol was only supposed to last three hours thankfully.  Danial hoped it would go by fast, otherwise it was going to be a long mission having to listen to Hyerich's smug douchebaggery the whole time.


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"There you are, ya little bugger," Feisler said as the sun began to rise, revealing the silhouette of a lone aircraft ahead.

"Contact with unidentified aircraft," Feisler radioed to the rest of the flight, "let's get closer and ID it."

The AT-6s pulled in closer. Finally, it was Lieutenant Ayel, the pilot whom Feisler had recently congratulated, who spoke first.

"Spade, I identify aircraft as one TU-95 "Bear" bomber. Markings look to be Ardvalian."

"Ardvalian?" Feisler asked, "are you sure? I didn't think they still operated '95s."

"Yes sir, the marks are definitely Ardvalian."

"Roger. Bring it in closer, but watch out for the tail gun." The aircraft formed up on each side of the bomber. They had the pilot's attention now.

"Ardvalian bomber, state your mission or turn around immediately. You are in restricted airspace," Feisler said, attempting to hail the bomber. He received no response.

"Ardvalian bomber, do you copy?"

A movement on his radar screen caught Feisler's eye. Eight blips had suddenly appeared, heading in their direction.

"Mamba Flight and Angel, I'm picking up eight additional aircraft headed this way. Stand by."


"Well well," Hyerich said, checking his radar, "look what we have here. All planes, intercept unidentified aircraft. Do not fire unless I say so."

The eight jets changed course, heading for the disturbance, some pilots hoping for action, others wishing for a peaceful encounter.

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"Understood." Danial said flatly, following after the Gheist squadron.

His plane was packing a compliment of eight AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, courtesy of the modifications the Friebenese military had made to these old planes.  He also had four fully loaded cannons.  Making sure everything was functioning properly, Danial increased speed to keep up with the Typhoons.  

"What do you think is going on, captain?" Max asked.

"Who cares?  I'm ready for some action!" Thomas said, his trigger finger feeling more itchy than usual.

"Alright, Whirlwind Flight, stay alert.  We're approaching the contact point." Danial instructed.  

He already had visual contact with the unidentified aircraft, but it was still too far out to tell what kind of plane or which nationality it was.


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Feisler sighed in relief when he saw who the approaching planes were.

"Mamba flight and Angel, approaching aircraft are Friebenese. I say again, friendlies approaching."

Marcus broke away from the others and headed for the incoming aircraft.

"Friebenese aircraft, what is your mission?"


Hyerich practically punched a hole through his instrument panel when he heard the voice on the radio: Remertian. Damn. He'd been hoping to add to his kills today. These ones were flying AT-6s, too. What were they doing out here? He brought his fighter in next to the lead plane, which had just broken formation to meet him, and radioed the pilot.

"This is Gheist and Whirlwind squadron. We're on a routine patrol. Why are you escorting this Ardvalian aircraft?"

In a moment, he got his response.

"This aircraft violated Remertian airspace. This is a Remertian matter and will be resolved as such. Please leave our airspace immediately."