The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Award Voting 2021

rhombus · 23 · 9114


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I've been lurking in GoF a lot more this year, so forgive me if my votes and their rationale might be a bit skewed compared to last year's.

Fanart Award: Jassy has a great artstyle, and I won't hesitate to cast my vote for her. Her motivation is in spurts, but when it comes it's like a tidal wave of art.

Feedback Award: Passing on this one this year. Feedback felt a bit more scarce this year personally at least when I was more active, I notice an upward trend but haven't been active enough to really decide.

Friendly Member Award: For this year, I have to extend my thanks to Flathead770 for being there for me in my low points. He's really chill to talk to, smart one, that guy, when he isn't on his Rhett spiel. Was also considering somerandomfangirl or Mouse-a-saur for this one.

LBT Discussion Award: Quite a simple one for me. From what I've seen, chomper94 has made a lot of posts on the usually stagnant LBT section. As someone who loves typing long discussion posts, this has my seal of approval.

Helpful Award: Was there ever any doubt? Mumbling has assisted me recently in forum matters, and seeing all the other votes in this thread, it's certainly not a one-off.

Proactive Award: Unfortunately haven't been active enough to comment, will pass on this one as well.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I too have been less active compared to previous years, but I will do my best to weigh in with what I have observed in the community this year. :yes

Fanart Award: Since joining the forum, I've seen occasional moments of drought in the fanart section. Which makes the new artists who do happen to come by all the more appreciated. Casting my vote to somerandomfangirl. Your work is great!
Honourable mention to Flathead770 for being my unofficial LBT art tutor and giving me plenty of motivation and encouragement to keep going. Even if I eventually did fizzle out with my drawings, all the same I do appreciate his kind words and the moments when he was there for me. Another honourable mention to jassy; I've always been a fan of her character designs as it is, and I won't soon forget the Mud Bro commission she did of me and OwlsCantRead and ImpracticalDino. :DD

Feedback: I would like to thank RainbowFaceProtege for all her kind and supportive comments, both on my own work, and on others' too. I haven't interacted with you as much as some of the other people I've socialized with, but you were always one person I would've enjoyed having more time with. :)

Friendly: There's been so many deserving names in previous years, and I see it again this year too. So just know that many of you who might be reading this could easily qualify. That said, I think I will have to narrow down this year's pick to chomper94. I've never seen you as anything other than pleasant and easygoing.

LBT Discussion: chomper94, again. As Owls mentioned above, his contributions to various LBT threads have been appreciated. I have written plenty of my own long discussion posts in the past, and I am pleased to have someone else take up the mantle. :D

Helpful: While I hope this isn't stretching the definition of the category too much, Mumbling has given me a lot of personal help. I always felt like you were one of the people here who understood me the best and you were always there for me on many of my down days, and you have a special place in my heart for that reason.

Proactive: rhombus, who even despite his often hectic schedule, still finds the time to keep this place well-maintained and running, and who is always there with a pleasant demeanour to answer questions. Always a pleasure having you around.


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Just commenting to say that I officially opt out from the voting as I won't be casting any votes this year.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...