The Gang of Five
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The Arrivals

Nahla · 1273 · 114885


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Nahla began crying hungry,

Nani rocking her gently whispered 'It ok,we are going for lunch now".

Ben rolled his eyes "Can we like go now,or we gonna stand here all day?".


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Grandma and Grandpa soon returned, both looking worried.
"I hope they'll be okay," Grandma sighed on the way back.
"I'll admit, it is strange to see a lone farwalker, let alone one with such a young child," Grandpa admitted. They soon reached the group and tried not to seem too worried.
"Right then, shall we go?" Grandma asked. "We know a good place where really nice treestars grow."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"Yes lets go already" Ben said rudely.

Hades glared at his son "Ben,respect please".

Littlefoot walked closer to his Grandparents "Whats that stone around the baby's neck?" he asked wondering staring back at the little longneck in confusion and not looking where he was going and crashing into Ben".

"WHAT IT YOU LITTLE BRAT OR I'LL POUND YOU!" Ben threatened the  8 year old not realizing the Grandparents were right there.


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The old longnecks just stared at Ben, but didn't say anything. They put it down to him being in the time of great growing. Kids seemed to be very moody during that time.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Ben shoved Littlefoot out of the way and stormed off.

Littlefoot landed heavily on his side but was unharmed.

Hades stormed past them after his "YOU GET BACK HERE YOUNG MAN!".

Nani appeared as well "So sorry,Ben is a moody..or just a typcai teenager" she chuckled and looked down at Littllefoot "You okay?".

Littlefoot nodded but their were clearly tears in his eyes,being young he was sensitive to things like these.


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Grandma just nuzzled her grandson and picked him up, placing him on his grandpa's back.
"Don't worry about him, little one," she sighed after the other longnecks had moved forward a bit. "You're going to meet dinosaurs like that."
"Sometimes I get scared that that'll be you in a few years," Grandpa joked, earning a glare from his mate.
"That's not funny, dear," she scolded.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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The newcomer longnecks spotted and laid down by a stream waiting for Grandma and Grandpa. They took a minute to relax after their jounery.
Expect Hades who was speaking sternly to his son.

Littlefoot sighed sad a tear falling "I want my mother"  he sobbed.


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(Thanks Nahla  I can take Ben back now)

Ben huffed and stormed away from the group pretending not to hear his fathers shouts. He saw Littlefoot crying and smirked walking over and bumped into Grandpa making Littlefoot slide off with a thud "HAHAHA!" Ben laughed "The wittle baby can't keep his balance" he slapped him in the face with his tail and kicked him "Your nothing Littlefoot" he taunted the young child once again forgetting that his Grandparents were right there. He kept on his bullying,hitting him and laughing "Should I go call your mummy" He picked up a large stone and tossed it at Littlefoot. Not noticing the now very angry Grandma and Grandpa.


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(Bad Ben! :o)

Littlefoot screamed as the stone hit him,it struck him in the face. Blood seeped out his nose and he sobbed.

(Nose bleeds,I feel you Littlefoot I feel you)


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Ben laughed "Awww the little baby is hurt,he needs his mummy to make it better" he walked over to Littlefot and lowered his head "FREAK!" he shouted hitting him again "Don't like this runt? You shouldn't of ran into me earlier"


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"I'm sorry" Littlefoot cried as the teenager gave him hit after hit. He tried to stop his bleeding nose but it seem Ben was not gonna let him at all. No doubt Grandma and Grandpa were now very very angry.

"BEN!" Hades voice broke through the air.

Littlefoot was looking like he was about to pass out.

(Ben=Hades?  <_<)

(Oh guys Zimmy wants to have a RP too,so join hers too so she feels special,guess mine will be more drama based and hers more mystery)


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Grandma and Grandpa refused to watch any longer. They very rarely got angry but this was getting out of hand. However, before they could do anything, another longneck got in the way, snatching Littlefoot away from the out of control adolescent longneck. He was swooped up to the safety of height. The tired, pale grey turned to Littlefoot's grandparents and gave their grandson back to them, before turning angrily to Ben.
"What do you think you were doing?" he asked. He was clearly angry, but he seemed to remain calm when talking. However, his eyes glowed with ferocity, something that could remind one of a deadly sharptooth.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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(Ugh I'm playing filler again...yay Zimmy watching a TV show for half a hour)

Ben rolled his eyes "Teaching the runt over their a lesson!".

Littlefoot sobbed,his face pale and he was shaking,but besides that and the blood dripping from his nose and down his mouth he was fine. No real serious injures.

Ben laughed "HAH! Look his is crying" he laughed and picked up a stick just as he was about to toss it at Littlefoot a black tail wrapped around the teen.

"Come with me" Hades growled "Now son" he glanced over at Littlefoot "He looks fainted,take him to Nani she was a healer in the old home" with that he nodded to Taro and drug Ben off.


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Taro just sighed and turned to the old longneck, then to Nani.
"Sorry," he said. "I know that wasn't really my place to intrude." He didn't let anyone else speak; instead just left, going back through the trees. Grandma started to tend to Littlefoot as Grandpa watched him go.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot sobbed quietly.

Nahla who got away from her mother walked up to Littlefoot squeaking licking him on the nose and squealing before running a crazy loop her stone jingled with every step.


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Both of the grandparents watched her, wondering exactly what that stone was. They didn't really want to ask in case the newcomers thought they were being rude, and it could have been something similar to wearing a treestar on one's head like Littlefoot did a few times when he was younger, so they shrugged it off for now. Grandma nuzzled her grandson.
"All right, little one," she said quietly. "It's all right. Do you want to go home?"

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot nodded his muzzle was stained in dry blood,he too wondered what that stone was "What is that stone that little baby has?" Littlefoot questioned


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Grandma turned to Nani. "You'll have to excuse us," she said, picking up her grandson and walking away. Grandpa just looked back at the family sadly before following his mate. She placed Littlefoot on his back before heading off in a different direction.
"Where are you going?" Grandpa asked her, confused.
"To find that Taro fellow," Grandma answered. "I need to speak to him." The two split up, Grandpa going to the resting place with Littlefoot, and Grandma to find where Taro was.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Uzuri sat by the stream by herself,her family took off. She looked around "Mum? Dad?" she called out.

Meanwhile Hades was yelling at Ben "How could you,attack that child! You should be ashamed"

Nani picked up Nahla and walked off,a little bit lost she bumped into Littlefoot's friends "Oh sorry young ones" she said shifing her baby to the top of her head.


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"Ohhh! Your little one is sooo cute, yep, yep, yep!" Ducky giggled.
"And she pink, that more cute!" Petrie added giggling as well.

Cera was still at her thinking place
Inactive, probably forever.