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a Time of Tragedy

Nick22 · 405 · 43720


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This rp is be a strict LBT roleplay, I will leave my usual character's out of it. If anyone wishes to rpg with me that will be great.
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It would be nice if you explained your idea first.


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Simply put, tragedy will strike Ali's mother, leaving ali an orphan. littlefoot is then presented with a great challenge, he must begin a new herd, his grandparents are aging, and he is the only young longneck left in his herd. So if his herd is going to survive, he is going to have to make a new one, and ally himself with other young longnecks, including, Ali, Rhette and Shorty.
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Hmm... where would I be able to fit in my fav dino of them all Cera lol :) I'd think I will join in and see how this goes.


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Daylight dwaned on the Great Valley, as ali stirred. Her mother was still asleep, as was the rest of her herd. "another great day" She said to herself, time to find Littlefoot, cera and the others." She got up, stretched, and started on her way. "Ali?' Her mother said softly. 'Yes, mother?' Ali stopped. "Go ahead and play with your friends, but be home when the Great circle disappears."Her mother(whose namne was Anne) said  "yes, mom, I will.' Ali smiled and headed off across the great valley. Her herd had returned her for a time to rest , ands she was glad for it., she had been able to reunite with her good friends littlefoot, Cera, Duckie, Petrie , and Spike.
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Dash The Longneck

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Would you mind terribly if I joined as Petrie and Shorty?


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Cera just woken up and went off to find the others to go and play unaware that Ali had arrived in the GReat Valley as she raced through the open plains to the meeting place for her and her friends.


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Not at all Dash, come right in, and play them :D
 littlefoot was asleep when ali reached him, His herd was the closest to hers. "littlefoot?' She said softly and playfully to him. "Wake up .. or else..."
 Littlefoot's eyes fluttered, "Hey, Ali!" he said, stirring upon seeing her. "
Good you're awake."Ali said. "Come on. "let's go find the others."
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Dash The Longneck

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OOC:Great thanks! :)  I just have one question do you want me to roleplay Shorty now or later? My guess is Shorty won't appear into the roleplay until a little bit later But I just wanted to ask your opinion If I could play him now or you want me to play him later on in the roleplay.

BIC:Petrie yawned loudly. "It a beautiful day today. Me have to go find the others maybe they not to busy to play today." Petrie said and with that he flew off in search of Little Foot Cera or any of them for that matter.  He had not seen Any of them so far so Petrie flew off to find Little Foot. He flew over to Little Foot and Ali's herd. He landed right by Little Foot and his herd. He had not even seen Ali yet "Hi, Littlefoot. Me been looking for you. You see Ducky, Spike, or Cera yet"? He asked his friend. He noticed Littlefoot talking to someone he turned around and much to his surprise he saw Ali. "Ali?It long time since we last saw you. Me was thinking maybe we could all play together. " Petrie said. "Rhett be mad if we went off to play without him"? Petrie asked knowing full well Rhett was a part of Ali's herd and he didn't want Rhett to be angry if they had decided to go off without him.

(If Rhett isn't in Ali's herd I will simply edit it. I'm going off the TV series since we only saw Rhett once and in that episode Rhette's herd had joined with Ali's.)


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(you can bring him in now, if you want. and yes Rhette is part of Ali's Herd. He;'s open to anyone who wants to play him)
"Rhette, probably still asleep" Ali replied. "It's good to see you again Petrie. let's go find the others. Any game you guys want to play, I'm game" She smiled, as Petrie landed on Littlefoot's head.
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Cera dashed up out of some bushes "boo!" she yelled out.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Nick22,May 8 2007 on  02:19 PM
(you can bring him in now, if you want. and yes Rhette is part of Ali's Herd. He;'s open to anyone who wants to play him)
"Rhette, probably still asleep" Ali replied. "It's good to see you again Petrie. let's go find the others. Any game you guys want to play, I'm game" She smiled, as Petrie landed on Littlefoot's head.
"ME miss you to Ali. Me think we should find others now, They probably looking for us now."Petrie said.

Shorty meanwhile had just waken up his herd wasn't to far away from Littlefoot's but there were so many herds with Longnecks in them he had forgotten Littlefoot and his friends lived here. He wasn't watching where he was going and accidently bumped into Little Foot. "HEY Why don't you watch where you're goin you.......... Oh hey uhhhhhhhhh....... "Shorty said not knowing he had bumped into until he noticed this was the same longneck he had met quite a while ago he couldn't really recall what his name was. "Little Foot right? I didn't know you lived here Me and my herd just got here not to long ago.

"Oh, hi Shorty me haven't seen you for a while neither" Petrie said smiling at him.

Shorty was terrible with names so he just smiled at Petrie. "I missed you too " He finally said.

"Maybe you come play with us too? It up to Littlefoot but maybe you come play with us." Petrie said.

Shorty looks over at Ali with a small smile.

"Oh, Me forgot to tell you Ali this is..............."Petrie started.

"My name's Shorty" Shorty interrupted. "What's your name"? Shorty asked.


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'Cera!" Ali exclaimed. "It's good to see you again" Cera's attempt to scare them had not worked. "My herd just stopped in late last night, We'll be here for a few weeks, consider it like a pit stop."
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"I'm ali' Ali said. "Nice to meet you she said to shorty. "Shorty's my adopted brother, he lives with my dad" Littlefoot said. "good to have you around Shorty"
"Let's see, with Rhette, that would gives us 4 longnecks. How about Longnecks vs. all in hide and seek?' Ali suggested to them. "You would have more members, so you guys would have the advantage.
"How about boys against girls?' Littlefoor suggested.
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Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,May 8 2007 on  02:31 PM
Cera dashed up out of some bushes "boo!" she yelled out.
"Oh hey Cera" Petrie said. On most occasions he probably would of screamed and hid behind Littlefoot or Ali. But since he had just seen Shorty and Ali her attempt to scare the rest of them didn't go as well because he was to excited in seeing Ali and Shorty again he didn't really notice Cera trying to scare them.

" Really nice to meet you Ali. Little Foot didn't tell me anything about you. I think the Boys vs. Girls Hide and Seek game is a great idea. But frankly I'd just be happy if we played Hide and Seek. I specifically remember a swimmer and a Spike Tail where are they?" Shorty asked.

"Oh Ducky and Spike?Me no see them either Me think we should find them first before starting the game. Me gonna go find them". Petrie said taking off in search of Spike and Ducky.


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"I guess that was getting old" Cera turn to them all "Hi, I see you've came back Ali and you too Shorty" Cera smiled looking at them


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So which is it cEra? hide and seek, boys vs. girls or longnecks vs. all?' Littlefoot asked her. "What about you Ali,/ I don't care one way or the other."
_ I don't care either way" Ali smiled. 'what about you guys? She said to Petrie and Shorty.
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Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Nick22,May 8 2007 on  02:52 PM
So which is it cEra? hide and seek, boys vs. girls or longnecks vs. all?' Littlefoot asked her. "What about you Ali,/ I don't care one way or the other."
_ I don't care either way" Ali smiled. 'what about you guys? She said to Petrie and Shorty.
Shorty smiled at Cera. "Nice to see you again to Cera. " Shorty said. He turned to ALi though he couldn't help wonder where was Ali and her herd when he had met Littlefoot? He would have thought he would have seen Ali there since a lot of the longnecks were there.

"Like I said it's really up to you. Either way works for me."Shorty said to Ali. He was just about to ask Petrie but he had flown off to get the others. "We could ask the flyer........ I mean uhhhhhhhh Petrie when he gets back"Shorty said.


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He's probably going to get Ducky and Spike.. ' Littlefoot said. "I Wonder where Ruby and Chomper are.. probably still asleep..."
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Dash The Longneck

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"Who's Chomper and Ruby" Shorty said not really knowing who this two people were. Shorty said not knowing who these 2 dinosaurs were.