The Gang of Five
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101 Dalmatians the Series roleplay

Dash The Longneck

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"That's for sure" Cadpig laughed.

"We better get going before one of us gets caught again and let's not forget Cruella isn't so slow if we don't hurry we're dead meat. " Ace said.

Ace and Cadpig and Rolly ran as fast as they could to get back to Dearly Farm.


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As Cruella came downstairs and saw Horace and Jasper discussing something amongst themselves with an empty bag she got a bad feeling, as well as felt her blood pressure rise.

"Boys...something you need to tell me..." she asked through grit teeth


"Well I can tell you kids this much, for saving me you're sure to get a high recommendation in the the Bark Brigade'.

"Really? Wow" Pitch smiled, "but of course we only did it to save you Tibs, like you did us, not because you were a lieutenant".

"Still, that's sure to make Tripod jealous!" Lucky couldn't help thinking and saying.

Dash The Longneck

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"Really wow" Ace said. "But, Pitch is right you did the same thing for us so we didn't do it to get a reward or a high reccomendation. We just did it to help you out like you had helped us out" Ace said.

"Yeah, you're not just a Leitenant you're like part of our family. And we help family out." Cadpig said.


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"Yeah, you and the Cornel should so take more active roles in the Bark Brigade drills over Pug...just a suggestion" Lucky threw out, hoping to make it work somewhat and maybe they would be ride of Pug...he knew it wouldn't though.

As the farm came into sight, Pitch smiled, "Home!".

Just then he heard the sound of a car, coming from the House of Devil. He turned, "Uh oh, I think Cruella might know Tibs is gone...".

"Quick, run" Lucky said, "we'll hide Tibs somewhere where she can't find him, and like proven earlier Anita won't give her permission to just search the farm or anything".

Dash The Longneck

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"Can we ever get rid of this woman? She is never gonna give up is she? " Ace said.

"No, I really don't think she is" Cadpig said.

"We're gonna have to hide Tibbs." Ace said.

Rolly thought of something. "That hay stack in the barn we hide Tibbs in there Cruella would never even think about checking in there" Rolly said.


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"Of course, why didn't I think of how useful hay stack could be!" Pitch exclaimed. "Sounds good to me" Tibs took off with the others towards the barn while Cruella squealed up and, rather than search for the cat though, proceeded to the front door.

Luckily Anita answered. "Anita, I've come up with the most marvelous new fashion design, and I need your entire barn yard as inspiration" Cruella declared, figuring this would be the perfect in to getting to search about the Dearly farm for the cat, if he was here.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Jul 5 2009 on  11:36 PM
"Of course, why didn't I think of how useful hay stack could be!" Pitch exclaimed. "Sounds good to me" Tibs took off with the others towards the barn while Cruella squealed up and, rather than search for the cat though, proceeded to the front door.

Luckily Anita answered. "Anita, I've come up with the most marvelous new fashion design, and I need your entire barn yard as inspiration" Cruella declared, figuring this would be the perfect in to getting to search about the Dearly farm for the cat, if he was here.
"Let me at her I'll rip her apart." Ace growled .

"Relax Ace she isn't worth it. Come on we have got to get back to the barn and make sure Cruella can't find tibbs" Cadpig said.


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"Yeah, if we can keep Tibs hidden long enough, maybe she'll just give up and leave" Pitch said optimistically.

"Of course she'll probably just send Horace and Jasper next, but we can handle them" Lucky added.

Dash The Longneck

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"Horace and Jasper? Those guys are pushovers. We could take them on in our sleep. Cruella is who we should all be worried about come on let's go guys" Cadpig said running to the barn. If she returned in enough time maybe she could at least watch the ending of her show.


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As they reached the barn, Pitch picked up the remote and flipped the TV back to the channel he knew Cadpig had been watching.

"Hey! What about Thunder..." Lucky cut himself off, remembering this morning and figuring he owed it to Cadpig, "Fine, we'll listen to the meditation lady's last words of wisdom or what not" he put his head down on his paws.

Pitch tilted his head, "What is the point of this show anyway?" he asked Cadpig in honest curiosity, "do you just watch her meditate or...what?".

Tibs found a pretty good sized hay bail to stick around and duck into incase Cruella popped her head in.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Jul 9 2009 on  09:39 AM
As they reached the barn, Pitch picked up the remote and flipped the TV back to the channel he knew Cadpig had been watching.

"Hey! What about Thunder..." Lucky cut himself off, remembering this morning and figuring he owed it to Cadpig, "Fine, we'll listen to the meditation lady's last words of wisdom or what not" he put his head down on his paws.

Pitch tilted his head, "What is the point of this show anyway?" he asked Cadpig in honest curiosity, "do you just watch her meditate or...what?".

Tibs found a pretty good sized hay bail to stick around and duck into incase Cruella popped her head in.
Cadpig closed her eyes in order to get herself centered but just then Pitch spoke. Cadpig sighed trying her best not to become annoyed. She often didn't like to be interrupted.
She took a deep breath. "Pitch it's more then then just meditation. "Your inner self" is a great show that helps you feel better about yourself. Ithelps you center. And with all the bad things that are going on in this world today we all need a way to center. A way to escape. A way tohelp relax ourselves so we don't end up killing each other. This isn't just a Medittion show. It's my escape. It's my way to get myself centered."She said with a content little sigh as it rolled into credits.

Cadpig picked up that Remote and changed it to the Channel Lucky was watching where another Thuderbolt episode had just started. "There you go Lucky, enjoy." She said happily giving Lucky a hug. "Now, If you don't mind I'm going to go find a nice quiet place to Meditate and find my inner peace. Any of you are free to join me.

"Okay, but you better stay in the barn just in case Cruella tries to kidnap you. The last thing we wanna do is rescue a third dog today" Rolly said.


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"You know what" Pitch decided, "I think I'll give it a try" he followed after Cadpig.

"Ok, you two's choice, I'm gonna catch up on Thuderbolt!" Lucky said. From where he heard this, Tibs couldn't help asking the pup, "haven't you seen this...and all of them?".

"Well just in case I forgot" Lucky replied. The cat sighed.

Dash The Longneck

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Cadpig smiled when she saw Pitch come to join her. Ace followed behind Pitch and Cadpig. "Hey guy wait up not so fast I wanna come too" Ace said.


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Pitch followed along after Cadpig.

"Ooh, look Rolly, it's the one where Thunderbolt battles people in space!" Lucky exclaimed, seeing the episode, "this is a good one". Of course, Lucky always said all of them were 'good ones'.

"Now where could that mangy cat be..." Cruella began exploring about the barn yard.

Dash The Longneck

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Rolly yawned in responce as Rolly sat next to Lucky with some food he had taken from the fridge from when they rescued Tibbs. Rolly had seen this episode so many times that it wasn't really interesting. He was just sitting there keeping Lucky company.

"Hey Luck, when do the new Thuderbolt episodes come on? You know the ones you haven't seen a bajillion times." Rolly said trying to talk with his mouth full.

Ace followed Cadpig and Pitch to a small area above Lucky and Rolly.

"So Cadpig where is this nice quiet Meditating spot." Ace said .

"Keep your spots on Ace we're almost there." Cadpig said.


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"I don't know" Lucky answered honestly, "maybe we should sneak down the TV station some time and find out" he grinned.

Dash The Longneck

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When Lucky had said that last part Rolly who was eating a sandwich started to choke on it that was a horrible idea. He didn't know whether Lucky was kidding or not. "Lucky please tell me you're not honestly considering it. What if the people who own the TV network work for Cruella? And besides Lucky take a good look in the mirror we're dog's . Dog's aren't allowed in TV stations. What do you suggest we do all five of us get on top of each other and put on human clothing disguising ourselves as a human who works there?" Rolly said with his mouth full.

"All right you guys here it is now just sit right here next to me and just empty your mind.Find your happy place" Cadpig said.

"Do I have one of those"? AJ said.

"Well, of course you do even Cruella has a happy place. Granted it may be hell with dark clouds and demons but it still makes her happy" Cadpig said.


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Pitch nodded and right before attempting it, smiled at Ace, "and Mooch's probably consists of beat all of us up" he slightly joked before actually getting down to trying meditate.

"Ok...emptying my that's thinking of nothing, so...I'll think of an empty black hole..." he tried to do that.

Lucky hadn't really thought that far into the plan...until Rolly said that! He turned to his brohter, "Rolly, you're a genius!" he hugged the other pup too him, "come on, we just need to get Ace and...oh, they're mediating" he paused as he recalled how much he'd pushed Cadpig today, maybe he should wait until she was done.

"That's ok" he grinned, "we still need to find one or Roger's coats that will work properly, come on!" he began to drag Rolly away.

Dash The Longneck

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Rolly once again choked on his food. This was a real suggestion. "Lucky Are you Insane?" Rolly hugged Lucky he knew he was gonna have to do it anyway. Once Lucky set his mind to something there was just no way of talking him ou of it. "Here we go again" Rolly said letting himself be pulled away by Lucky,

Ace sat down next to Cadpig and tried to empty his mind. And just tried to think of his happy place.

About 20 minutes later the 3 pups were done meditating.

"You know I don't know why but I have a weird feeling in my gut that Lucky is gonna make us do something real stupid." Cadpig said.

"Come on you guys Lucky has an idea about all five of us dressing as a human and sneaking into a TV studio and we need your help." Rolly said.

Ace looked over at Cadpig."You gotta teach me how you do that" Ace said.


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"We're gonna what?!" came Pitch's shocked answer, "L-Lucky, are you in-".

"No, Rolly already asked me that" Lucky answered as he came around the corner dragging the coat, "and come on guys, we can do this, especially with all five of us. It's an undercover mission to find out when they're making more Thunderbolt episodes!" he explained.