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The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups

Nick22 · 2097 · 125569


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They will be ready shortly said the waiter who took thier orders. " He took the orders up to Aves, who was perched on the side of the bar "two green salda, two oragne juices, and the Ace wants the usyual.." He said rattling off the orders like a well drilled Marine.
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"Aye captain!" mocked Aves as he went about cooking.

Soon two smallish mustachio plumbers entered the cafe

"I like the smell of this place, Mario" said Luigi  "I hope they have lotsa spaghettis!"


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Snoopy adjusted his scarf to be  more comfortable as he sipped his water and waited.   Ducky looked at Ali, "Strange how we would up here like this." She said.  

Petrie nodded, "Me glad Mr Ace show us way here." He said.  Snoopy nodded his thanks, always glad to help a fellow ace and ally, as well as civilians.


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"Yes it is strange..'Ali nodded, 'How is Littlefoot?" shee asked, blushing slightly. She had befreinded Littlefoot first, since she was a longneck like him, and strange thoughts now entered her mind. which caused her to shudder. She was at that point in teenage years where boys and girl;s first discover each other..
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"Hello there" Nick said to Mario and Luigi, upon coming in. "you two look familar, Have I seen you on Tv somewhere? Maybe I'm confusing the two of you with someone else.. it sometimes happens..
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Ducky smiles, "Littlefoot is doing fine.  He sometimes wonders when your herd will come and visit the great valley again." She said, thinking the two of them made a cute couple.

Petrie nods, "Yes, he do.  "


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"TV?" asked Mario "I'm not sure... We're the Mario Brothers, Plumbers extraudinaire. You probably seen our add in the papers. But then again, we're not exactly from this dimension. We came here through a strange golden pipe that popped up in our Princess's private quarters."

"Yeah." nodded Luigi "We're trying to fix the pipe problem, but saw this cafe and decided to have a lunch break."

ooc: This is the old cartoon version of the Mario Bros. Not the newer squeeky voiced versions.


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I see..' Nick smiled. "When you get back. Please mention us to the princess. If she wishes she can dine here, on the house. A Favor for a princess.." On the house" meant Peach got her meal for free.. it was a generous offer.
_ Ali looked at her friends. "You guys are up to something.." She said.. "I'd.. like to see Littlefoot again . He's not so little anymore I'd wager, but then, neither am I" She chuckled. "I'm tired of roaming from place to place, we don't stay anywhere long enough for me to meet anyone and become friends with them.. My only real friends are you guys, abd its been years since wwe were last together..'
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Ducky nods, "Littlefoot is not little anymore, no, no, no.  He is about your size.  As for visiting the Great Valley, when we are done here why not come with us, we can go back the way we came here."  Ducky nodded, then turned to Snoopy, "You can come and visit if you'd like." She said.

Petrie nodded, "He no little, he big, like you.  You visit, and lots have fun." Petrie said.

Snoopy nodded, He liked the idea of visiting with the others, they did seem to be a friendly bunch."


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" I will, but I have to get back to my herd first.. My mother wil be worried about me. I'm not fully grown yet so I can't leave the herd." Ali replied, frowning slightly.
 Outside the cafe, some distance away, a small vehicle approached slowly, there were 6 passengers in the car, and a more oddly paired group w\you could hardly imagine. At the wheel, was a blue alien with four arms, this was stitch. in the pasenger side was a little gitrl wearing a traditional hawaiian dress  complete with lei. This was Lilo. in the back was her big sister Nani, along with 3 other aliens, Stitch;s girlfriend, angel, who was a pink alien, much like stitch except in color, she had long thin tenacles coming out of her heasd, almost like hair, but not quite, Jummba, a large 4 eyed alien, who had created both stitch and Angel, as well as hundreds of others, and pleekly,  a thin alien who complained a lot.
"626, 624 and Nani have to use little girls room" Jummba said in broken english. His alein accent had not come off verymuch. 626 was the number he had given Stitch, Lilo hasd adopted him and given him his name. 624 was angel's number, she like Stitch had been given her name by Lilo.
" Keep an eye for any place to stop Lilo.. Ooh. I shouldn't have had that mint shake at the boat shop this morning"Nani said.
_ I'm trying.. but there's no gas station I can see.. the car is low on fuel.." Lilo said in a little girl's voice. To punctuate her point, the car began to sputter and wheeze..
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"Great" Nani moaned, as the cafe began to appear in the distance. The cold breeze blew  dirt in though the window, making the passeners in back miserable "Niktada" said Angel. She only spoke alein, but from the way she was hiolding herself, it was clear she had to use the bathroom. The egine wheezed ansd popped causing the vehickle to rock up and down. this would be disorientating to anyone, but it was much worse for passengers who were trying to hang on until the  rest stop to use the bathroom.
"Lilo, see that' Stirtch said, sticking his head out the window and pointing at the cafe.. "STITCH! WATCH THE ROAD!" Nani yelled as the car began to swerve, it was running out of gas.. and fast. "Stitch, stop at that building. I've got dirt in my ears!" Pleekly said. A cacophony of bnoise was raining down on stitch, and it was very distracting. 'STOP!" He screched, and slammed on the brake. "Everyone out.We go there" he said, unbuckling himself and getting out the vehicle. It was just as well, the gas needle was at E, it was unlikely they would have gotten much farther even had he not stopped. Nani and Angel climbed out of the back and dashed for the door.
The door opened with a bang. Nick smiled, the resteraunt was now full with this last gfroup. "Hello' He began bt was quickly cut off" "Do you have a bathroom?" Nani said breathlessly the words rushing out of her. "Yes we do,its right there." Nick said pointing it out. "I wil warn you though, the mirror in there like to insult our guests" It was not clear that either Nani or Angekl heard him, they made a frantic dash to the ladies room.
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Sorry about that." Liklo said. 'Is this a gas station?" "No" Nick said. "Its a esteraunt, and you guys are in luck. We're now full , thanks to you.. Mike here will get you a table and take your orders..." A waiters with green eyes and brown hair came up to them "Follow me Miss." He said with a smile to Lilo..
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Ducky thought a bit before responding, "Maybe you can stay with us in the Great Valley for a while, and there may be some way to get word out to where your herd is.  Were they far from the Great Valley?" Ducky said.

Petrie nodded, "Maybe fliers can get word to them, or other far walkers." He said.  

Snoopy nodded, not entirely sure what they were talking about, but understanding enough of it to agree to what sounded like a good plan to him.


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I have no idea how far away we are from the Great Valley, all I know is that we are a long ways away.'ali replied "Its would probably take weeks if not months for flyers to reach my herd's current sending a flyer isn't practical." She continued. "I would love to come and visit with yiou, once I get back to my herd. I'll just have to convince my mother"
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Ducky nods, "We'd be glad to have you visit and I do hope you can get back to your herd, but if not the Great Valley is a good second choice." She said.

Petrie nods, "Yes, good choice." He said.


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Mario and Luigi sat at the table right next to snoopy and the dinos, and they both ordered pasta.

"This place looks like it has loads of good stuff." commented Mario glancing at the menu before handing it to the waitor

"Yeah, the Princess would love it here!" nodded Luigi


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Nick flipped a sgn that said "full'on it, to indicate there was no more room for any newcomers. He then turned and made his way towards the kitchen to help Aves with the serving of meals..
_ Ali smiled. Thanks you guys" she said friendly. She was getting used to this place, and she was getting ghhungry. Watching waiters go past with large servings of food wasn't helping either..
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Ducky Looked up to Ali smiling, "Anytime." Ducky said, then seeing the Ali's look and guessing the reason why and since she was getting a bit hungry herself she continued after pausing, "I'm sure the food and such will be here soon enough." Ducky said.

Petrie was looking around to see if he could spot when their food would be coming.

Snoopy remained relaxed.  When he saw Mario and Luigi he waved.  Ducky saw his wave and turned to smile and wave also, "Hello, she said."


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The Brothers turned and waved back

"Hey, Mario, where's Yoshi? I thought you said our dino friend was coming down with us."

"Always hard to tell." Said Mario "He's always out and about with his fellow Yoshi's, but I'm sure he'll be down shortly."

Just as Mario said that a long red tongue had zipped past Mario, grabbed one of the roles from the bread basket and flew back. Yoshi ate it in one gulp.

"Speaking of the devil." Said Mario, but Yoshi having noticed the other dinos had walked over to join their table

"Hello." He said "Me Yoshi!"


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Ali smiled at the dino, who was much smaller than her, he looked to be comparable in size to Ducky and Petrie. "Hi, Im Ali' She said friendly and nodded to him in greeting.. She turned to Ducky and Petrie and Snoopy to introduce themselves..
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