The Gang of Five
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Darwin's Soldiers 2: Survival of the Fittest

Serris · 1232 · 102001


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Cobalt Squad was napping in the back of the van. Dr. Zanasiu was refueling the delivery van.

Zachary, Hans and Werner got out of the van and followed Aisha into the truck stop. The interior was well lit and looked rather clean. The tile floors and cinderblock walls were all painted a muted shade of yellow. A resturaunt and a store were near the entrance. Both appeared to be rather busy.

"Maybe we should wash up?" Zachary suggested. "My clothes are unbelievably nasty and say nothing of my fur."

"Yeah, the 'homeless bum/scientist' look isn't really appealing," Dr. Zanasiu replied. He then lowered his voice to a whisper. "And we don't want to attract attention."

As he was talking, two truckers, one a Black Bear and the other a Human were staring at them.  


Explosions echoed across the Nevada desert as the bombs fell on Pelvanida.

The underground facilities were destroyed by the deep penetration munitions and all the surviving surface structures were leveled by the airburst munitions.

In mere moments, Pelvanida was no more. All that was left were scattered fires, craters and wreckage.


The explosions were heard at the truck stop roughly 200 miles or so away from Pelvanida.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Cera
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"Crimson Leader to Crimson Base.  Pelvanida has been destroyed.  Repeat.  Pelvanida is destroyed."

"Crimson Base to Crimson Leader.  Has the thermoberic weapon detonated?"

"Negative.  There is no secondary explosion by the underground weapon.  Crimson Squadron returning to base..."


"It's really over," Aiko said as he watched.

Vic shook his head.  "It's only Round 2, and we'll only be moving to a new playing field..."


  • General of the Great Valley
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Dr. Zanasiu, Zachary, Hans and Werner filed into the bathrooms to shower.

"Wow. This bathroom looks like something from a hotel." Dr. Zanasiu said.

"Luckily, we got this entire bathroom to ourselves," Zachary said, placing a quarter into the slot and opening the door to a shower stall.

The others did the same. Soon the sound of running water was heard.


Alfred woke up and drove the truck over to the fuel pumps. He climbed out of the cab and began refueling the vehicle.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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that sound means that Pelvanida is no more.." Dr Landon said to Alfred, as Aisha came up carrying 3 bags filled with snacks.. three LARGE bags.. "Well, guys, nothing more to do but begin the search.. there's no reason to go back to Pelvanida..'
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"Yeah, we're pretty close to Carson City Camp." Alfred said. He then stretched. "Well, it looks like my construction work is done... Wait, I could use my vehicle to see if I could get a job in either construction or logging up in Oregon or Washington. I'll bet that Dragonstorm is hiding out in the forests. If anyone is likely to stumble upon them, it would be loggers."


Dr. Zanasiu, Zachary, Hans and Werner came out of the bathrooms and headed to the store.

"Well, what should we get?" Zachary asked.

"We should really get some snacks. We can't cook in our vehicles so we'll have to eat at diners," Dr. Zanasiu replied.

"Do we have money?"


The group then dispersed around the store and got the snacks they wanted.

"We're going to be eating dinner at Carson City."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Cera
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As soon as the radar & transmission jamming was lifted...

"Crimson Base to Cobalt Leader.  Please respond..."


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Cobalt Leader was sleeping in the delivery van when his radio went off. He grabbed the radio.

"Crimson Base, this is Cobalt Leader. We are currently at," he looked outside the window, "Chaparral Truck Stop. We are also en route to Carson City Camp."


Zachary, Hans, Werner  and Dr. Zanasiu finished buying their snacks. They mostly consisted of tortilla chips, roasted nuts and kettle chips.

They left the store and placed their food inside the van.

"Okay, we're ready to roll out," Dr. Zanasiu said.

"Finally," PFC. Reynolds said.

"Don't be too pleased. We're not taking you with us. We're turning you over to Carson City Camp to face charges," Zachary said.

"You know, " Hans said, scratching his head " shouldn't we have taken that Sgt. Noleson, the rogue special forces leader?"

"We should have but Alfred blocked the closet he was locked in with a few hundred pounds of rubble. Besides, he would have probably gotten the death penalty so we saved the US military some trouble."


"Are you all ready to roll?" Alfred asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Cera
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"Understood, Cobalt Leader.  Your commanding officer at Carson City Camp should have all the information extracted from Dragonstorm's database.  Stay well.  Crimson Base out..."


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Let's head out' Aisha said, tossing the food bags to Dr Landon.  Aisha climbed into the passwenger seat and buckled herself in. " The sooner we get goimg, the less of a lead Dragonstorm has on us.
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Dr. Zanasiu climbed into the back of the delivery van. "Anybody want to drive?" he asked groggily.

"I'll drive," Zachary said.

Dr. Zanasiu tossed Zachary the keys as he got into the driver's seat. Next to Zachary sat Hans.

"Okay, we all ready to roll?" Zachary asked.

There was no response. Zachary then started the truck's engine and pulled out of the parking lot.


Alfred looked at the clock: 9:50 PM. He was also looking at the map. "If we don't stop, we should arrive at Carson City by 3:00 or 4:00 AM," he said. He then started the engine and followed the delivery truck.


"So how long to Carson City?" Hans asked. They were now entering the highway, which was almost deserted save for a car in the distance.

"I'd wager maybe five or six hours." Zachary responded.

Werner, Dr. Zanasiu were sleeping in the back where all the weapons and food were stored. Cobalt Squad had their weapons at hand in case of an attack.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Drive as far as you can, if you need to take a nap, I'll drive for a bit if necessary' Aisha replied looking ahead at the road in front of them They still had a long way to go, and many challenges lay ahead of them.
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  • General of the Great Valley
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(OOC - The ending post.)

The rest of the drive was uneventful.

At roughly 3:35 AM, the two vehicles pulled up to the guard post at Carson City Camp.

Everyone in the vehicles showed their IDs and the guards waved them through. Except for PFC. Reynolds, the guards simply handcuffed him and led him away.

One of the guards, a lanky Coyote yawned as she radioed Gen. Moby.

"General Moby this is Theta Post. Dr. Zanasiu and his team are heading in. We have also apprehended a certain 'PFC Christopher Reynolds'. Theta Post out," she said into the radio.


Zachary and Alfred parked their vehicles and got out. The base was rather well lit but it was still mostly empty save for a few patrolling soldiers.

The group then entered Gen. Moby's office. There, they were surrounded by stacks of paper on Gen. Moby's desk.

"General Moby, Pelvanida has been..." Dr. Zanasiu said.

"I know, Crimson Base has destroyed Pelvanida. Though I hoped we would not have to do that, we were left with no choice," General Moby replied with a sigh.

"So what is our next course of action?" Hans asked.

"I have arranged for Sgt. Clyco's return to Canada and PFC. Reynolds will be tried by a military tribunal. As for you, I want you to continue following that convoy that was heading north. We have intel that suggests a base of operations may be set in either Washington or Oregon," General Moby then took a sip of water, "And one other thing, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police and the Nevada State Troopers will be after you and they will try to arrest you. I can try and get you free but it may take a long time. My recommendation to you is leave Nevada as soon as possible and do not return until the entire debacle is over. I will provide you with an unmarked van. Good luck."

"Understood." Dr. Zanasiu said. He then turned to everybody else in the room. "Let's go."

The entire group left the office and headed out to the parking lot.

Alfred got into his truck and started the engine.

Dr. Zanasiu got into a plain looking white van and started the engine.

Both vehicles then pulled out of the base and headed north. Soon, they will be trading the desert heat of Nevada for the temperate rainforest of Oregon and Washington.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.