The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

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Messages - yeswonderful

Pages: 1
Unfinished RP's / Racing the Storm
« on: June 19, 2014, 11:21:03 PM »
Kaien motioned them onward with a waving of her augmented hand.

"Go on then, off with you all. Enjoy the bugs."

With a fleeting smile and tipping an informal salute, she turned and retreated into the undergrowth, quickly disappearing in the gathering darkness.

Unfinished RP's / Racing the Storm
« on: June 18, 2014, 09:02:13 PM »
Kaien did not attempt to suppress a chuckle at the reaction of the group. Ranging from surprise to discontent, they responded to her appearance on the trail behind them. She shrugged and tilted her head to the side thoughtfully.

"I heard you come over the cliff. Seems an odd place, this jungle, to go for a group foray." She motioned to their weapons. "Even more odd to be loaded down as you are. It's not often I see anyone here, much less those such as yourselves. So, as a wanderer, currently of these parts," her tone darkened, and her eyes narrowed in the slightest, "perhaps it's best that I inquire as to why you are here."

Unfinished RP's / Racing the Storm
« on: June 17, 2014, 10:16:54 PM »
"Well, they're an exuberant bunch."

In the dense undergrowth several hundred yards from the top of the cliff, a dark form crouched. Sweat rolled down Kaien's back and insects buzzed about her face, but she remained still, watching and listening. She had heard the voices of the group filtering up from the bottom of the cliff, and then watched as each hauled themselves over the precipice. The woman continued to watch as they moved away from her, their conversation fading into the forest. One word, however, caught her attention as they left the cliffside.


So, that was their purpose.

"How interesting," she murmured to herself. Kaien unfolded herself from a crouch and made her way through the jungle behind them.

"Lovely evening for a jaunt, isn't it?" she called nonchalantly, a hand on one of the shoulder straps of her pack. Her jacket was open, and a pistol could be seen clearly at her hip, her augmented right hand resting upon the grip of the weapon. Over her left shoulder an energy blade handle protruded. Her expression was that of light amusement, her body posture seemingly relaxed despite being faced with the heavily-armed group in front of her.

Role Play Discussion / Racing the Storm
« on: June 16, 2014, 12:11:23 AM »
What a weekend this has been. Getting this up much later than expected. Just some basic information. I prefer to create and reveal more in-story, as it feels more organic to me, so this is just a basic description.

Name: Kaien

Species: human female

Appearance: In her mid to late 30s. Tall and slender with skin the color of roasted coffee beans. Quick, dark eyes and close-cropped black hair. Strong build. Augmented left hand, arm, shoulder, and left side of pectoral girdle. Class of augmentation currently unknown--will be revealed as the RP progresses.

Background: Unknown at the present time. Will be revealed as the RP progresses.

Role Play Discussion / Racing the Storm
« on: June 12, 2014, 08:58:01 PM »
I'm hoping to jump in with my character in the next day or so. Do we have a place for character descriptions, bios, etc? Or does this sort of thing just get written into a post?

The Welcome Center / Joined for some RPing
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:45:32 PM »
Thanks all for the warm welcome!  :smile

The Welcome Center / Joined for some RPing
« on: June 10, 2014, 12:08:16 AM »
Heyo folks. I was just recruited by my old friend, Pterano, to do some writing in the RP section of the site. I was active on the Redwall-based roleplaying site, the Vulpine Imperium for over ten years, just ending my time as an administrator for the site this past winter, as real life concerns and responsibilities drew me away from my ability to keep up with the necessary workload as an admin. However, as things are beginning to calm down in my life, I'm finding that I'm itching for a new setting and a new group of players to write with. Thankfully, I was provided with the opportunity to try my hand here. I look forward to chatting and writing with folks in this community that has been given glowing reviews for its supportive and friendly environment. See y'all around!

Pages: 1