The Gang of Five
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101 Dalmatians the Series roleplay

Dash The Longneck

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The sun had risen at the dearly farm for quite some time now. And Cadpig was relaxing in the barn watching her favorite show.

TV: And welcome back to Finding your Inner piece with your host Troy Miller.

Cadpig: AHHHHHH, I love this show.

Ace yawned and stretched he often loved to sleep in a little.

Cadpig: Oh good morning Ace why don't you sit and watch with me for a while?

Ace yawned in responce.

Ace: What's on?

Cadpig: Finding Your Inner Piece. It's really a good show.

Ace having really nothing better to do pulls up a seat next to Cadpig.

Rolly walks in he as normal had just finished eating breakfast.

Rolly: Oh, hey ya guys.

Ace: Hi, Rolly.

Cadpig's eyes were glued to the TV.

Rolly: What's she watching?

Ace: Finding your inner peace,

Rolly: That show again?

Ace: Uh huh! It's really not that bad .

Rolly: Well I'm gonna see what Lucky or Pitch is doing are you in?

Ace: Give me about 10 minutes okay Rolly?

Rolly: Okay whatever you say Ace.


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Rolly would have hardly had to look for Lucky though, since he suddenly barreled into the barn

Lucky: Make way! They're showing the special Thunderbolt lost episode with never before seen cut footage!

He grabs the remote and, oblivious to what was one before, changes the channel to Thunderbolt.

Lucky: (excitedly) Oh man, right in time!

As Lucky leapt onto the hay pile and then to the floor of the barn, he knocked out of the hay stack the form of a small puppy the age as everyone else.

Pitch grunts as he tumbles out and hits the floor. He frowns

Pitch: Hey, I was finding my inner peace trying see if Roger dropped any more sandwiches in there

He spots Rolly and smiles

Pitch: No sandwiches, sorry


Meanwhile, over at the House of Deville, Cruella gives a happy, semi-evil chuckle...again. She pulls out her tap recorder

Cruella: Memo to myself....this time I've done it!

She inspects the hem of a grayishy overcoat.

Cruella: Why didn't I think of it sooner?! Using shedded cat's fur as the bases for a coat! and what's more, it'll probably keep those mangy Dearly pups out of my hair forever!

She cackles

Cruella: Oh I must rush over immediately and show Anita, plus test it out!

She grabs the coat and makes for her car.

Dash The Longneck

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All Rolly could do was dive for cover as he saw Lucky barrel straight in to the barn.  Cadpig who was still watching her show groans in frustration as Lucky changes the channel.

Cadpig: Um......... excuse me Lucky but in case you didn't realise I was trying to watch my show. Cadpig said with another groan.

Cadpig: Ugh just forget it . Cadpig said storming out of the barn.

"I'll go calm her down" Ace said with a sigh running after Cadpig.

"Oh hey Pitch" Rolly said. Rolly's ears go down when Pitch said no sandwiches. "Ohhhhh, man and Roger makes the best sandwiches" He said as his stomach began to rumble.


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Lucky looked a bit guilty as Cadpig left, yet then sighed. "Well sorry, but...this is Thunderbolt we're talking about! and...the lost episode besides"

Pitch smiled, "Yeah, the only sandwiches I saw were the one's Nanny was carrying out of the house to her car..."

He doesn't mean to spill this bit of news but does.

((I'll borrow Nanny for a sec here))

Meanwhile, Nanny was halfway to the little blue car to set in the plate of sandwiches she volunteered Roger into making for her and some of her friend's card night. She almost reaches the car too when Cruella suddenly screeches up, not hitting anything but blocking Nanny's path to the car.

Cruella hops out "Anita! Darling, I must show you this!"

She rushed past Nanny as if she doesn't see her and into the house.

Nanny glances down at the now cat fur covered sandwiches "Oh, that woman!".

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Jun 19 2009 on  10:13 AM
Lucky looked a bit guilty as Cadpig left, yet then sighed. "Well sorry, but...this is Thunderbolt we're talking about! and...the lost episode besides"

Pitch smiled, "Yeah, the only sandwiches I saw were the one's Nanny was carrying out of the house to her car..."

He doesn't mean to spill this bit of news but does.

((I'll borrow Nanny for a sec here))

Meanwhile, Nanny was halfway to the little blue car to set in the plate of sandwiches she volunteered Roger into making for her and some of her friend's card night. She almost reaches the car too when Cruella suddenly screeches up, not hitting anything but blocking Nanny's path to the car.

Cruella hops out "Anita! Darling, I must show you this!"

She rushed past Nanny as if she doesn't see her and into the house.

Nanny glances down at the now cat fur covered sandwiches "Oh, that woman!".
"Yeah but really Lucky you should have at least asked her permissionI know how much you love Thunderbolt and Cadpig will probably catch a rerun anyway but you should have at least asked first. Cadpig will get over it but that was a little bit harsh dude" Rolly said.

Meanwhile Ace was trying to calm Cadpig down until Cruella screeched up and Cadpig grabbed Ace and dove out of the way as her car screeched up. "What is that witch doing here"? Cadpig asked with a low growl.


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Lucky hunched in a bit, Rolly getting him to actually feel sorry. He also noticed out of the corner of his eyes that the show was at commercial.

"Oh alright" he sighed, "I'll go apologize". He walked out of the barn over to where Cadpig and Ace were, "Hey Cadpig..." he said, "I just wanted to say sorry that I..." Lucky glanced up and noticed Cruella's car.

"What's she doing here?" he gave a low growl of his own. He watched as Nanny tried to brush off the sandwiches but then had to just continue with them to the car.

"Oh, I just bet she's up to no good" Lucky said with a shake of his head, "Come on, let's see what it might be" he waved to Ace and Cadpig as he snuck ever closer to the house.

Dash The Longneck

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"Yeah, you're right where Cruella goes trouble and danger are sure to follow." Ace said. Cadpig just waved a paw dismissively at Lucky, "Don't worry about it Lucky I forgive you" Cadpig said giving Lucky a little hug. "But yeah, let's follow her ." Cadpig said neaking up closer to the house with Lucky and Ace.


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It was unclear if, especially without grabbing up Rolly for the job, just Ace, Cadpig and Lucky could have reached to see through the window, but luckily that wasn't needed as Cruella left the front door open and everything was visible and more audible from there.

Anita was sitting on the couch, just watching as Cruella went on about her latest idea.

"and it's made entirely of cat fur!" Cruella said. At Anita's shocked look, she frowned, "Shedded fur of course, I don't want the animal rights people at my door, but isn't it just the most splendid thing you've ever seen!" she asked, modeling it for Anita to see.

Lucky frowned, "Cat fur coat...", it didn't seem evil on the front end, given how Cruella said it was shedded fur, but...well this was Cruella.

Meanwhile in the barn, and as he climbed up to try a jump off of three hay barrels, after the try at two and one, Pitch noticed how quiet it was. "Gosh, I would have thought Cadpig and Lucky would have made up by now and come back in" he commented, before noticing something else, "Ooh, there's an old brownie in here!" he said, finding and tossing down the slightly hard brown food stuff, "I guess that's better than a sandwich" he giggled.

Dash The Longneck

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"Oh boy! brownies? There any more of those? "Rolly said looking around the hay stack for more brownies.

Rolly: I wonder where Ace, Cadpig, and Lucky hare." Rolly said walking off to see if he could find them. Rolly didn't walk far when he noticed cruella's car. "Uh oh this doesn't look good. I better tell Pitch about this." Rolly said.


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Pitch was meanwhile riffling through the hay, trying to see if there were any more brownies left. He sighed and had just peeked his head out to inform Rolly of this, when he noticed the look on the returning pup's face.

Pitch: Gosh Rolly, you look like you've seen a ghost

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Jun 20 2009 on  07:36 PM
Pitch was meanwhile riffling through the hay, trying to see if there were any more brownies left. He sighed and had just peeked his head out to inform Rolly of this, when he noticed the look on the returning pup's face.

Pitch: Gosh Rolly, you look like you've seen a ghost
Rolly was still trying to catch his breath as he saw Pitch.Z"I.... I sa.... I saw........" Rolly wheesed trying to tell Pitch about Cruella. Rolly took a moment to catch his breath. And then started over. "I saw Cruella's car in the driveway. And since Cruella's car is here that means Cruella is here. And since Cadpig, Ace, and Lucky are gone I'm kinda worried about them. We should try to find them especially since Cruella is here" Rolly said.


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Pitch frowned, this was bad news indeed, yet as he leapt down he couldn't help wondering. "But...C-Cruella wouldn' anything to them, would she? I mean, right now she seems only interested in the farm and...oh you're right, let's just go check!" Pitch said, rushing from the barn and glancing about.

He sniffed too, "I...I think I smell them close" he said, hoping that this meant they were ok, of course, Cruella was close too.


Meanwhile, in the house, Anita had of course complimented the coat, but Cruella could tell she was curious if there was more, so she went on.

"Of course, to really test this out, I need to try different types of shedded fur, and so I was wondering Anita if I might borrow that old barn cat of yours".

From where they were listening, Lucky's ear perked and then went back, "I knew it, she wants to cat-nap Tibs!" he exclaimed, yet not too loudly.

((In case your curious, I'm just making up stuff as I go along, so no clue if something like that would hold water for their adventure but wherever it goes))

Dash The Longneck

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(That works out well for an adventure. One question though you don't mind playing Tibbs do you? I would have but I wouldn't wanna mess up your idea)

"Not while we're still around she's not " Cadpig said.

Ace saw Rolly and Pitch.

"Quick you guys over here. Cruella is up to her old tricks. She wants to make a cat fur coat out of Tibbs" Ace said quickly.


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((Even if there wasn't much of a plan besides Tibs being kidnapped, nah, I don't have any problems with taking him on since he'll be a major part of Cruella's plan :)))

"There they are Rolly!" Pitch exclaimed happily but not too loudly and rushed over. He frowned as Ace told them what was going on.

"Y-ya sure this isn't like that time she just bought a lot of live cats to wear them?" Pitch asked.

"Well I'm not waiting to find out!" Lucky exclaimed.

Just then Cruella came walking out of the house, "Well, of course I understand, sentimentalities to the cat and all" she said, "couldn't blame a girl for asking, but no, I'll find another cat don't you worry, tatah darling".

"Well, at least she gave up easily" Pitch said with a smile. Lucky glanced over at him, "Please, someone like Cruella is not going to just drop it", he glanced over suspiciously again as she got in her car.


Meanwhile, in the railroad car he and the Cornel used at times, Tibs ears perked at an odd noise outside the door. He raised his head and squinted into the darkness.

"Cornel..." he called hesitantly.

Dash The Longneck

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"Yeah, Cruella never gives up. She has about chance at giving up as Rolly has if he decided to not eat for a month." Cadpig said.

"Hey, leave my stomach out of this" ROlly said.

"We have to do something. But, what can we do guys?" Ace asked.


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Lucky had just been thinking on this question, "Well I say we should definatly follow Cruella to see what she's really up to, but Tibs might need a guard posted near him if she tries anything soon" the pup realized, turning to the others.

"I think if someone's gotta beat up cat-nappers, Ace would probably be better at it than me" Pitch said in a bit of a nervous tone, being completely honest with how he felt about his fight skills.

Lucky was about to say something when Cruella's voice made itself known talking in a Walkie Talkie, "I don't care if the door's locked, I'm paying you to get that cat, now I can't hang around any longer or Anita might suspect, just call me when you two have done something right!" she slammed the device down and angrily started her car.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Jun 21 2009 on  11:53 PM
Lucky had just been thinking on this question, "Well I say we should definatly follow Cruella to see what she's really up to, but Tibs might need a guard posted near him if she tries anything soon" the pup realized, turning to the others.

"I think if someone's gotta beat up cat-nappers, Ace would probably be better at it than me" Pitch said in a bit of a nervous tone, being completely honest with how he felt about his fight skills.

Lucky was about to say something when Cruella's voice made itself known talking in a Walkie Talkie, "I don't care if the door's locked, I'm paying you to get that cat, now I can't hang around any longer or Anita might suspect, just call me when you two have done something right!" she slammed the device down and angrily started her car.
"Yeah, Pitch you're right Ace should be the one to fight off Cat nappers. Hey, wait a minute what? Me fight off Cat nappers? Are you trying to get me killed Pitch?" Ace said.

"Yeah, Pitch is right I believe in you Ace." Cadpig said.

"What about if Rolly stood guard no one would ever get past him unless they had a sandwich." Ace said.


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Pitch shrugged, "Well, I don't know if I meant alone..." he began to try and explain.

Lucky had meanwhile caught the tail end of what Cruella said before driving off. "Looks like we all might be needed for cat-watching duty!" he said, starting that way even as he explained, "I think Cruella was just talking to the I think I have a feeling who they are!"


Off of Cruella's orders, her hired cat-nappers who were of course Horace and Jasper had managed to bag Tibs, and he didn't like it one bit.

"Oh, it's not exactly the Twilight Bark, and there isn't a Twilight Meow...maybe there should be..." Tibs broke this train of thought and meowed and clawed fiercely, yet for all this still felt himself dropped into what was probably a truck or car.

He meowed even louder, "Oh with the Cornel and 99 puppies you'd think someone would hear me!" he complained to himself.

Dash The Longneck

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Ace was so worried about watching the barn that he hadn't even noticed Tibs being taken away but Cadpig however saw the whole thing. "Guys I don't think we need to worry about guarding Tibs any more now we have to concer ourselves with rescuing I'd know those meows anywhere. We need to rescue him" Cadpig said.


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"But how?" Pitch wondered, "I mean what are we gonna do, jump on their truck?". Lucky grinned at him and Pitch got a bad feeling that would be exactly what they would be trying. Oh well, it was for Tibs after all.