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Messages - RainbowFaceProtege

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LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:56:49 PM »
All these plushies are amazing! I don't think I ever seen such nicely stitched fan made plushies like these before! They re so adorbs!  :Mo Don't worry, I won't go  :TakeMoney over them. XD ...But I wouldn't mind paying for some yellowbelly plushies. :PCera (Just joking  :bestsharptooth)

Also I can't wait to see your second Rainbow face!  :chompysmile

Aww, thank you!
 :lol :lol :lol

Fan-made plushies do seem to be rare, though I must say I once came across a really great Ducky someone crocheted. This felted one is also amazing, though she seems to have a bit of an underbite.

LBT Fanart / Re: Gentle Sharptooth’s Fanart
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:48:04 PM »
Sorry, I can't see any of these for some reason. Not sure what's going on there.

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:46:28 PM »
More rainbowfaces, there can't ever be enough of them. :p
That's right...they're invading!!! :rainbowwave :rainbowwave :rainbowwave

Just when you thought you had things figured out, now I'm gonna tell you this one actually is a 9x12 poster. :lol

I'm considering doing a series of Rainbow Face fanart with a different "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" verses on each picture, so putting all the pieces together would result in sort of a collage of the whole song. The words to this song definitely take on a deeper meaning as you grow up, and the same goes for so many other LBT songs, which makes me appreciate them even more that I used to!

I've been drawing fanart on a regular basis since 2016, though I'd done stuff here and there before that. It was when someone gifted me a very nice set of Prismacolor pencils that I really hit the ground running! :DD

The blue and white palette works surprisingly well with the wonders of the stars, probably a reference to the ending scene with the night sky in LBT7? The wavy and rounded text also gives the entire piece a modern feel to it, no surprise considering the rainbowfaces.

I like how you made the male and female rainbowface visually distinct. :rainbowwave They are actually quite different in character. :p

Yep, that was a scene that I was taking inspiration from here, along with that moment from "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" where the background fades to black and a glowing blue meteor shows up.

Thanks, one of my favorite things about the Rainbow Faces is their different personalities! Especially since they don't even have names, it would have been easy for the writers to make their personalities identical, but they didn't, and the result is a couple of characters who bounce off each other pretty well. I feel like one's more head and the other's more heart.

Oh wow that's awesome! Great job with the colouring as well! That is indeed a lot of blue, but it certainly helps with the mysterious nature of the Rainbow Faces!

Thanks, Flathead, I'm happy it seems to have been worth the sacrifice of some pencils. :DD

I am late to the party, I know. XD But I have to say all the art pieces you've shown are simply amazing! As someone who is also a fan of the Rainbowfaces from 7 I am "beyond" impressed.  :rainbowwave :rainbowwave

Thank you! :lol Hey, better late than never for sure!

LBT Fanfiction / Re: How to name fanfics?
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:15:42 PM »
What I try to accomplish when it comes down to naming my fanfics, is to use words that have a sentimental value within the story itself. This can either be quite easy, or very hard. Let's take a look at my latest fanfiction: Ballad of Endless Remorse. Can you see what I try to do here? I try to do my best to give a meaningful impact on the title using themes in the story. I don't know how helpful this is, but there's always the option to use a title name generator, which in my opinion, are quite horrible. :(

As Dr. Seuss might put it, I wouldn't touch one of those generators with a 39-and-a-half foot pole...  :p
I do like the idea of drawing from a theme in the story. Assuming I manage to do a good job putting the theme into words, that should at least give a reader a good idea what the point of the story they're about to read is. Thank you for the tip!

And that being said, they're probably one of the most hard-headed thing about creative writing. :(

Yeah, who would've thought it? I can pull a good story out of myself (well, hopefully) and have a great time doing it...but wait, then I need a title and/or summary? Nooooooooo! :olittlefoot

LBT Fanfiction / Re: How to name fanfics?
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:05:01 PM »
You are not. Half the times the title (and summary) of a story makes me backtrack and second-guess myself. Chapter names are just as bad.

CHAPTER names?! Whoa, I don't even go there! "Chapter 1" has a nice ring to it, don't you think? As do Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4...

That's a good tip about following the LBT language, I'll have to remember that one! Your other advice is also helpful, especially considering that I write non-LBT fics sometimes, which (as you said) are just as hairy to invent titles for. You sound like you've managed to get this down to a science! Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:53:00 PM »
More plushies! More plushies! Mlre plushies! :bestsharptooth
Rest assured I'll be putting "mire" up when I'm done with improvements to my second Rainbow Face. :PAli

I am puzzled why Chomper left his parents. That was never explained to my satisfaction in the series.

The best explanation we got was that Ruby was keeping him ''safe'' for them. For whatever reason, that was never revealed. Which is quite dumb, if you ask me. Perchance it had something to do with Red Claw, but that was never confirmed.

I remember there was one episode (don't know which one) where they showed a flashback of Ruby saying goodbye to her parents, and they were saying she and Chomper needed to go to the Great Valley to find out how the dinosaurs there coexisted and worked together or something like that, since that knowledge could help defeat Red Claw one day. Still not a satisfying explanation for me, though. Why are Chomper and Ruby the "chosen ones" to make this discovery? Why do they make it sound like Chomper and Ruby are on some sort of mission when all through the rest of the series, it seems like they're not actively making observations and seeking knowledge about teamwork and whatnot so much as they're just hanging around and having fun with the other kids?

LBT Fanfiction / How to name fanfics?
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:37:58 PM »
:areyouserious Am I the only one who really struggles with this? Rargh...more often than not, I never find a satisfactory name for most of my fanfics. Hey, I reach fifty pages of writing before I've even settled on a working title!

For example, I have this fanfic where a sharptooth OC of mine and Chomper befriend each other, and the last name I thought of for it was The Friendship of the Sharpteeth. But I'm not satisfied with that name anymore, since the fanfic is more about the relationship between sharpteeth and leaf-eaters than about just those sharpteeth becoming friends. Plus, I feel like that Friendship of the Sharpteeth title has too much of a cheesy, wishy-washy connotation to it...kinda like the title of The Wisdom of Friends, not adventurous enough!

Similarly, my fanfic-prompt story in which an abandoned baby flyer mistakes Sierra for its father was originally titled Punk, referencing Sierra's opinion of this hatchling (no one'll be surprised that the hatchling totally irritates him). But after looking at this title for a while, I didn't think it had the right ring to it. Looking up the word "punk" in the dictionary confirmed this when the word was defined as "a ruffian; a rebellious young person" making it sound more suitable for a story about a teenager or something. Not the "annoying little kid" connotation I was looking for. After searching through some different words, I settled on Brat (defined as "annoying child"). Then, just in case I still wasn't clear enough on the little-kid angle, I further changed the title to Little Brat!
See how terrible I am at these things?? :facepalm *stuffs my fanfiction docs into a virtual shredder*
So...yeah, if anybody has tips on how to come up with good names, I'd sure be grateful!

Character Discussion / Re: Top 10 favourite Characters
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:03:10 PM »
6. Guido - Who could've seen this coming? I know for sure that I didn't, but after watching the movie again, I grew to appreciate his character more. Here is a person who likely lost everything before winding up in the valley. Though, I wish they'd actually included backstory for this character. That could have changed everything.

Man, if Guido had gotten a backstory, that would've been so cool! I've thought about exploring that in fanfiction before...lots of potential!

Nice assessment of the Rainbow Faces, also, I agree that they were alien scientists of some sort. :smile

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: March 30, 2020, 11:51:11 AM »
Ah, my profile pic!! It's actually part of a larger picture I drew several months ago that took me five days at least (and ate up more than one whole blue pencil in the process). The profile pic version is also blurred somewhat...I just liked how it looked. :rolleye

Thanks, Impractical--sorry, Sharptooth, it actually is an atom. I always liked that moment in "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" where he opens his hand and there's an atom spinning above it, so that's where that came from. I'll attach the whole pic here so you guys can see it!
Thank you, Mumbling, I'm glad you like my art! :)petrie Sorry to turn down your offer, though...I tried venturing into DeviantArt before, and it wasn't for me. There are plenty of great artists on there, but there's also plenty of...uh...questionable stuff, which eventually drove me to leave. I also found it annoying that the site was determined to bury my work in the search results since I wasn't a paying member, even when the art above mine wasn't as relevant.

One small point of feedback I'd offer for the first picture of the rainbowfaces, would be that there are probably more stars visible in the not-light-polluted dino world. But it's really just a small thing in another wise great picture.

Good point--the Milky Way probably would've been plain as day stretching across the dino world's night sky! Eep...I don't know if my art skills are up for the challenge, though. :confused

I think the Series is canon now because of LBTXIV: Journey of the Brave which features Chomper and Ruby. This crosses over the movies and series.
This should pretty much quash this argument once and for all. The TV series itself has a sense of continuity by bringing back old characters, so having Ruby (a TV series gang member) appear in Journey of the Brave should prove once and for all that it is a canon part of the LBT continuity, even if the Red Claw plot thread was left dangling.

Redclaw may make an appearance in LBTXV, so there still is hope. :)

I was sort of surprised they didn't put Red Claw in XIV, since Chomper and Ruby made it in there. Of course, I also remember hoping we were going to get a proper backstory for Chomper and Ruby when I saw them in the XIV trailer...but it was not to be.

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: March 30, 2020, 11:18:25 AM »
I understand your own critiques, Rainbow, but again this plushie looks really adorable :D I love the fact that it can sit upright (which would be harder to accomplish with "proper" anatomy). Do you happen to remember how long this one took to finish?

Thanks Mumbling! :SmugSpike Yep, having her able to sit upright was one of my goals when I was making her. As for how long she took to finish, I don't remember since this is one of my older ones, but I'd venture to say it was about a week. That head would've taken me a long time.

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: March 30, 2020, 11:13:51 AM »
The way you draw fast biters is so elegant--I love it! I don't know how you do these drawings so fast and still have them be so good!

LBT Fanart / Re: Fanart by Mumbling
« on: March 29, 2020, 09:31:21 PM »
Great art, Mumbling! You've got a lot of fun ideas here! :duckyhappy I'm looking forward to seeing what else Tickles will get into. :lol
P.S.: Guess we're part of a select few who can tell Ozzy and Strut apart by their eyes. :OzzyAngry I instantly knew who was who.

Ahh, a question I've been wrestling with for ages! As much as I'd like to ignore some aspects of the TV show (i.e., the bizarre attempt to give Spike more development in "Eyes of a Spiketail"), I ultimately have to stick to the "canon-until-proven-noncanon" rule. It's not like anything in the TV show contradicts the movie series much.
I've always had reeeally mixed opinions on the TV show. :facepalm I love the episodes that brought old characters back with their original voices (Guido and Mo). Having Chomper back was fun, too, even though this was all but totally unexplained, and Ruby was a worthy addition to the group, though the lack of backstory on her friendship with Chomper is also really unfortunate.

Now for what really irked me: they had to keep giving old characters new voices that didn't sound a thing like the originals. Mr. Thicknose, Ali, etc.--those were the best replacements they could find? Really?? If anything makes me want to call the show's canon status into question, it's the fact that Mr. Thicknose sounds 30 years younger than when we last saw him...but alas, I suppose low-budget replacement voice actors aren't a valid reason to de-canonize something.

Plus I'm still holding a silly grudge against this show for the fact that, when they started bringing a bunch of guest characters back from the movies, I kept waiting for the Rainbow Faces to make their return, and you know what? They never did!! x(cera

Quote from: Hypnobrai,Oct 16 2017 on  09:19 PM
I’d say the books and games take place around the times between the films that were released in between the game/book’s release. LBT doesn’t really need to follow a complex canon like other franchises.
well, some books, for example, don't fully follow plot of some films, as I remember.
Yeah, if a book strays from the plot of a film (like the original movie storybook that had a deleted scene or something in it), I don't think it's canon. But, hey, if you guys are looking to debate over something else of this sort, I've got an official LBT comic book that's an original story! (Where would I post pics of that?)

Character Discussion / Re: Top 10 favourite Characters
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:54:36 PM »
This calls for a good, long think! :thinking I gotta say that #4, #5, and #6 were next to impossible to put in order and could easily change depending on which way the wind is blowing the next time I look at this list. They'd probably be best considered a tie! :lol As for the #7, #8, #9, and #10 I have in mind, I'm still settling on their order, so I'll just update this later when I've finalized it. :p

  • :rainbowwaveRainbow Face Male - Allow me to be the first person in this thread to consider the male and female Rainbow Faces actual separate characters! C'mon, just because they don't have names doesn't mean they don't have distinct personalities! As a pair, I love them for how mysterious and intelligent they both are, especially since they're left mysterious all the way through the movie, which drops intriguing hints but never reveals the whole story behind them. (Fanfic fuel!!!) But the male is my no. 1 favorite because he's the friendlier one. The way his enthusiasm about science/space always bubbles over to the point where he almost reveals secret information gets a smile out of me every time I watch this movie. He really cares about the kids, too, even more than he cares about his mission.
  • Rainbow Face Female - Every snarky line out of her mouth is a winner in my book--I especially love how she puts Mr. Threehorn on the spot! This one's perfectly content with being cryptic, probably even enjoying it, and she's the by-the-book stickler for rules who wants to make sure the mission goes according to plan. (No leaking sensitive info!) But she does agree to help the kids get to the top of Threehorn Peak after some urging from the male (*cough* sibling in my headcanon *cough*). You can see in the movie's ending scene that she really is impressed with Littlefoot, too. Seems she has more of a heart than she lets on.
  • :facepalmGuido - Hands-down the funniest LBT character, at least IMHO. Funny, loyal, sweet, awkward: in a nutshell, adorkable. I'll admit that I found him annoying the first time I watched him, but man, he's sure grown on me since then! I'm so glad they brought him back for the TV show!
  • :)littlefootLittlefoot - I probably don't have to explain this one much, 'cause he's Littlefoot! He's the heart, soul, and brains of the gang! (Quite advanced for his species...I mean, for someone so young...) :lol
  • :duckyhappyDucky - The cutest, sweetest, most cheerful character in the group. There's not really much more to say here. Who could possibly be immune to Ducky??
  • :)petriePetrie - Second only to Ducky in terms of cuteness. I don't get the complaints about his grammar, because to me that's part of his charm--and I'm usually a stickler for grammar! His squeaky voice, wide eyes, and general timidness just make you wanna hold him tight and tell him he'll be okay, but at the same time, he can always summon his bravery when it really counts.
  • :chompysmileChomper - Always such a friendly, sweet little guy. No matter how many times leaf-eaters judge him, he tries his best and treats everyone he meets with kindness. It's neat that he's the dinosaur equivalent of bilingual, too.
  • Pterano - I can't believe I'm actually putting him on my list, because I've spent a while thinking he's pretty overrated...alas, it seems I am not immune to his appeal! As the lead antagonist of my favorite LBT movie, he's too memorable of a character for me not to include. His British-accented melodrama is just entertaining--"Peeeetrie, I'm heartbroken!" was an often-imitated line in my family, haha! His grandiose song is also one of my LBT favorites, not to mention one of my favorite villain songs from anywhere.
  • Strut - The more mild-mannered half of the eggstealer duo. For villainy, the flyer trio were LBT's best bad guys, but Ozzy and Strut win as the most fun villains. Before there was "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond," "Eggs" was my favorite LBT song, because it's just so catchy! I do pity Strut, though, always getting dragged into his brother's schemes when he'd rather be peacefully enjoying a salad or something. His sleepy facial expression and his voice, plus his love of leaves, actually make him a pretty cute character, so he wins my #9 spot!
  • :OzzyAngryOzzy - Without him, we wouldn't have the "Eggs" song. His over-the-top sinister, villainous voice basically made it. Also, I just enjoy a lot of his quotes in general, heh heh. ("I like this place...yes, I like this place a LOT!") So, despite his treatment of Strut, I must give Ozzy my last spot...but just know that you're always gonna be below your brother in my book, Ozzy!

Finally, my list is now complete! I almost forgot to finish this...oops-eeps! :sducky

I must say, Etta and Wild Arms were very close runners-up for this list. The release of that 14th movie that revived my childhood has become a whole new type of nostalgia for me looking back, and I found both those characters to be worthy additions to the series. (Yeah, I know people are gonna disagree with me on Wild Arms, seeing as how I rarely even see a wiki entry on him that doesn't put him in a negative light, but oh well.)

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: March 29, 2020, 05:55:21 PM »
Petrie and Guido are a great duo! Guido's face of regret, the bold font and the warm colors are befitting a motivational poster. Also, Petrie's pose as he likely pretends to be Pterano reminds me very much of this pic by @Flathead770 :)petrie

Great picture! It's probably one of those "moments before disaster" images given that the quivering Guido look like he can take no more. :rainbowwave

"Moment before disaster" was exactly my goal here. :lol Nice pic by Flathead there, too. I see the similarity in the pose!

Now, why would Guido do this for him? Their friendship is a rather unique one from the moment they first met each other. And we all know that Petrie is far too nice to push Guido into this... or is he? :opetrie Nice job with the drawing.

Considering how often Guido is Petrie's cheer squad, I figured he might lift up his friend in emphasis of how great he is. (Though now Guido's probably thinking, "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time...") :p

(Side note: everyone's calling this drawing a "poster," but it's actually on a piece of paper the size of a note card. It started as just a doodle I wasn't gonna do anything with, but it evolved out of my control!)

LBT Fanart / Re: RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!
« on: March 29, 2020, 05:43:49 PM »
Thanks for your feedback, folks! I've been making some improvements to this Rainbow Face today, hoping I can correct most of her downfalls, and so far it's not so bad. Particularly, I'm trying to shape her face better and make the neck/legs/tail skinnier. Maybe also going to pose her arms differently to cut down on the "T. rex" look. :lol

Good job. Technically you need two Rainbow Faces. I think you should make the pair. :)
Hmm, what makes you think you've seen everything yet?  ;)Cera
He also is going through a bit of an overhaul right now, but I'll be uploading pics once I'm through. :rainbowwave

General Land Before Time / Re: Strut or Ozzy?
« on: March 28, 2020, 08:04:31 PM »
Strut ought to strut his stuff for being the favorite. :lol
Reading through this thread, it does look like most of us are in agreement! Ozzy is not pleased... :OzzyAngry

I guess I never was one to claim a more villainous character as my "favorite" of anything, and apparently I must not be the only one. (Though I really am glad LBT never became the kind of kids' show whose only villains are utterly pathetic, bumbling buffoons. Having a Strut around to balance things out sure doesn't hurt, but we still need an Ozzy, Sierra, Plated Sharptooth, etc. to provide a real threat!)

General Land Before Time / Re: How Obsessed Are You?
« on: March 28, 2020, 06:50:33 PM »
Challenge accepted! :Mo Don't make me throw a percentage off the top of my head :lol but I'll put some bullet-points out here!

-I've seen every LBT movie countless times and own them all on DVD (still have my beloved old videotapes of the first half of the series, too) <3
-Watched every TV episode at least twice and have all but one of the DVDs of those
-Wearing one of my four LBT T-shirts right now (hey, they're from Hot Topic, so it's cool!) :SmugSpike
-At least 50% of my fanfic writing involves Land Before Time, though I'm sadly awful at finishing these things
-I go through lots of fanart phases, but LBT art keeps popping up in there consistently
-I have several songs from the movies in my music collection
-I like to throw random LBT quotes around the household a lot (I believe "Oh...she's mad at somebody!" came up yesterday)  :p
-Probably could recite the entirety of The Stone of Cold Fire from watching it waaaay too many times over the years, not even exaggerating...

But hey, it's not like this is something I go shoving in everybody's faces. There's a time and a place for geeking out, after all! Outside my house, this side of me is pretty much unknown. Oh...I'll wear the T-shirts in public, but that's about it. (C'mon, they're Hot Topic shirts! For big kids!!)

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