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Anonymous Rex RP

Pterano · 176 · 16295


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Sure, Bushwhacked! We'd love to have you! :) As for the disguises, they're full body suits the dinosaurs wear, and can be customized to really look like any human out there. :) They're not holographic (though that'd certainly be cool!). Basically the suit is usually one big thing, but hands are usually covered in human hand gloves, just in cause the dino needs quick access to the claws on his or her real hand for those that do have sharp claws. :) This way the human hand glove can quickly come off, and the dino can make use of their claws as needed.

They also have straps inside to wrap the tail about the body, as like Kor said, you can't have a tail hanging out in public, heheh.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks  :) Ah ok, that makes sense. I guess they'd have to make sure they don't tear the suits too  :p

I'll need to think about who my character is, but I know I'd like to make him a Compsognathus  :yes


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No problem. :)

Well sure thing, there's still time before this RP starts. :yes Also, interesting choice. Napoleon was a compsognathus (at least according to this series XD). :)

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All right, well I think I generated enough interest to open up the character sheets! Here you are!





Physical Appearance:


Brief Bio:

I'll do one for an example:

Name: Vincent Rubio

Species: Velociraptor

Age: 30s

Occupation: Private eye

Physical Appearance: Vincent is a darker green velociraptor. The upper portion of his tail is red with black stripes underneath. He has golden eyes and particularly sharp forearm claws. His human disguise resembles a cross between Sam Rockwell and Ed Norton.

Personality: Vincent is a smart-alec and a cynic. He has an excellent sense of smell, and a good head for mysteries. Unfortunately, most cases he gets assigned are the mundane chasing down the cheating husband, or getting juicy photos of a celebrity for next week's tabloid. He's adopted a hard-boiled view on life, and despite currently serving on the South California Council, has no ambition, and tends to be very lazy when not working. He's a decent combatant in hand-to-hand fighting however, though sometimes overestimates his abilities.

Brief Bio: (OK this isn't brief, and by all means, DON'T be this long if you don't want to. :p) Vincent Rubio was a prankster and fun-loving goof-off growing up. As an adult, he works mostly small-time cases that bore him and hardly pay the bills. About a year ago, that all changed. He and his partner were asked to look into a series of disappearing dinos that had Los Angeles puzzled. While investigating the family of one missing dino in particular, Vincent discovered that a cult may have been behind it. While investigating the cult, Vincent was immediately attracted to its spokesperson, a female velociraptor named Circe. She invited him to join them on an island they owned near Hawaii, and to further his investigation, Vincent agreed. The island was privately owned, and disguises were forbidden on its shores. The cult seemed to be aimed at returning dinosaurs to their more feral nature, which Vincent considered devolution and not "progress" as it was claimed. Despite his best attempts at not becoming involved with Circe, Vincent caved and spent an intimate night with her, getting deeper than he planned, as he initially only intended to extract information from her. He did at least learn she had been taken in at a young age by someone called Raal, the real leader of the cult. Vincent's further investigations revealed a stockpile of weapons on the island that Raal planned to unleash upon the humans in hopes of sparking a war between dinos and humans which would wipe the humans out. Evading Raal's pursuit forces and narrowly escaping the island, Vincent and his partner, Ernie, made it back to Hawaii and thence to LA. Vincent intended to confront Raal and bring him before the South California Council. He struggled with his feelings over Circe, wondering if she were perhaps being used as a dupe by Raal without realizing what her cult stood for.

After almost getting killed in the La Brea Tar Pits by Raal (whom Vincent didn't recognize at the time), Vincent decided to confront Raal at a large gathering the cult was having in LA. Confronting Circe about her involvement with the cult and attempting to place her under arrest, Vincent was instead attacked by Raal himself, who was revealed to be a particularly brutal diplodocus. Vincent had arranged for some backup beforehand though, and soon, the entire party was one big brawl. Vincent fought Raal on top of a giant dinosaur skeleton, where defeat meant plummeting into a giant fire pit below. Raal managed to overcome Vincent, and almost knocked him off the skeleton entirely. Circe came to his aid however as he was dangling from the skeleton (she was in fact Raal's dupe, and was angry over his betrayal of the ideals he used to preach), knocking Raal over the edge, though Raal grabbed hold of her and pulled her down as well. She caught hold of Vincent's foot claw, and Vincent struggled to hold on and pull her up. Raal began climbing up her body, and aimed a finishing blow at Vincent's neck. With no choice remaining, Circe gave one last look into Vincent's eyes, revealing some memories she'd wiped from his mind previously. She had been with him since his arrival in Hawaii, in disguise without him even realizing it. She'd had just as strong feelings for him as he did for her, and with these memories suddenly unlocked, Vincent could only watch in horror as Circe released her grip, taking both herself and Raal down into the fiery pits below, sacrificing herself to save Vincent. Vincent's buddies overcame the Progressives as they were called, and Raal's forces were defeated.

This incident deeply traumatized Vincent, and he sank into an herb addiction to dull his pain, trying to move on from the past but not being able to fully do so, as he's still haunted by his memories. He's gone back to his profession, though has become much more hardened these days. In gratitude for stopping the Progressives, the South California Council appointed him into their ranks, though he despises this job on a personal rather than professional level. Fortunately, he only has to meet with them on the first Tuesday of every month, and can devote the rest of his time to his PI job.

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I have a name, and a species, but I'm still trying to come up with a good bio  :p Should have my character sheet here by tomorrow!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Cool! Found out it's actually 16 species that survived. Carnotaur is one. Still trying to find the other three. :p

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Good luck with finding that.  Is it all listed somewhere in one of the books?  

I don't recall, is the tech level modern day with cell phones and such or is it set in an earlier decade?


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Name: Heather Corrigan

Species: hadrosaur

Age: upper 20's

Occupation: vendor at a clothing store

Physical Appearance: dinosaur form: Heather is of a bright-green colour, her underbelly being brighter than her head, back, legs and arms. Her eyes are orange and her tail stronger than usual for her kind. Her human disguise resembles a medium-sized, unremarkable woman with long, brown hair that is usually tied to a ponytail.

Personality: Heather is rather shy, self-conscious and easily scared. She is on the other hand very loyal fighting back her fears if she has to fight for what she considers right or for people she cares about. Heather is generally good-natured, friendly and helpful but she can get very furious as well. She is skilled at using her tail for combat as well as using human fighting techniques. However, she is terribly afraid of heights and basically anything that is capable of flying.

Brief Bio: Heather lost her parents at young age already. Her mother died of cancer and her father abandoned them just half a year before his wife died. Hence Heather was taken care of by her grandparents. She got to know Vincent when he had helped her to find her stoneold, deranged Grandma who ran off from home. Along the way, they were attacked by some punks but Heather, along with Vincent, chased them off without any effort. Vincent was impressed by her fighting skills and therefore kept a lax friendship with her. When Vincent heared about the curse afflicting many human beings, he asked Heather to support him and she agreed, for having a little crush on the velociraptor.

Yeah, I hope this is okay since I'm not experienced in creating character sheets :angel
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  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Looks great, Ducky123! :) like the new avatar too! :yes

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Hope the first draft is ok.  Did some thinking over a few days till I got the full idea.  

Name: Karl Flyn

Species: Velociraptor

Age: early 20's

Occupation: Fantasy author, owns share of parent's business


Physical Appearance:

Dinosaur form: He has red stripes and blue/green scales. His eyes are green.  He has very sharp claws, keeps them sharp in case they are needed. He has an overall fit physique, exercising to keep fit, but not overly doing it.  

Human Disguise: His human disguise is one of the latest models.  He prefers to keep close to the current tech then keep using an old model permanently.  Though he does have some of the past few ones stored in case he needs to use one.  The appearance is of an average human with the features of the face generated at random so it doesn't look like anyone.  They all do have the same appearance.  Brown hair, green eyes.  Somewhat fit physique.  


Personality: quiet, keeps to himself often.  He prefers to do research before making a decision, including looking over the instructions before he turns on something.  He has assembled his last few desktops.  He has both a cell phone and a tablet.  


Brief Bio:  He comes from an average sort of family.  He has a younger brother and sister.  He has had some success writing some fantasy novels, including a fantasy series set in another world that has a few reptilians including some dinosaurs, with humans.  Also his family owns a business that does some subcontract for the military through a sub company they own.  Also they do some sub contract work for suit manufacturing.   As a result he can get a later version of a disguise suit he has at a large or huge discount.  He has a degree in business management and does attend some of the various meetings.  THough more of a part time job sort of thing, so he can have more time to write.  He's also taken dinosaur and human martial arts and does so as a hobby, more as a way to keep fit instead of knowing how to fight.  

He lives in a condo.  Though he does visit his parent's home at times.  His family owns a good size house with a large windowless basement.  They sometimes host parties & get togethers in the basement that are human disguise optional so some dinosaurs can attend the party and decide to remove the their human disguises so they can be at the party or get together without having to wear the disguise all the time.  Also sometimes the family hangs out in the basement so they can have the option of taking off part or all of the disguise.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Looks good, Kor! Yes, the list is in one of the books, and I'm currently re-reading the first one on break to try and find it, or just glean it from ones mentioned. Also, tech is modern day, though the book was written about 10 years ago now, but I'll keep it within modern day as in now.

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Alright, here's mine:

Name: Nicholas 'Nicky' Chaseman

Species: Compsognathus

Age: Late 20s

Occupation: Detective in homicide squad of city police

Physical appearance: 'Dino form' - Dark red scales with light green stripes running across his body, small but sharp teeth / claws, blue eyes.

'Human form' - Slightly shorter than average, short messy black hair, thin build, slightly pale skin

Personality: Intelligent, slightly distant emotionally. Nicky's good at finding patterns and putting two and two together, which is one of the main reasons his career as a homicide detective has been so successful. Very loyal to those he counts as friends.

Brief bio: Nicky had a normal upbringing as an only child, doing well in school though he found it hard to maintain a normal social life as he found it hard to socialise with humans. When he was 17, one of his human friends was killed in a hit and run accident. Nicky grew obsessed with finding the person responsible, and was eventually able to track him down and provide evidence, leading to the killer's arrest. A year later, Nicky became a police officer and after exhibiting his abilities, was promoted to homicide detective after only 2 years.

Nicky has been at the forefront of a large number of cases over the years, and has been able to solve each one. However, years of dealing with some gruesome crimes have had an effect on him, causing him to grow more distant as a way of coping with the stress his career brings.

When he notices a string of reports of a virus which seems to only effect humans, Nicky becomes determined to find the truth behind it.

Hope it's ok  :) One question, where's this going to be set?


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Looks awesome, Bushwhacked! Heheh, Compies tend to annoy Vincent, so it'll be interesting to see how he reacts to your character. XD I figure it'll take place in LA, Vincent's hometown.

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Looks interesting.  Not sure how my character may be brought into the rp.  But I guess that is minor.


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We'll bring them all together Kor, don't worry.

So I think all interested parties have posted their character sheets. I'm thinking of starting this soon. Is everyone ready? I'll be active for about a week, though will probably slow down next week as I'll be traveling to Disney World for Christmas week, but I'll be back in full swing after that. :)

Also, I slightly edited Vincent's bio, since I've just about finished rereading Casual Rex and refreshed my memory on most of the events. :)

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Sure you'll have time to post during that week?  Or will you be taking the week off, since you'll be to busy to post and will having to much fun.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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It remains to be seen if I'll have time for any posts or not, but most likely I won't be posting, though I'm never saying never. :)

Update: RP is now live! :smile

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I'll be joining as well, by the way!  Forgot a little with things happening, but I'm available now!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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OK, glad to have you! :) Just submit a character sheet whenever you're ready, no rush. :)

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Alrighty, I think I got an idea!

Name: Cailan Sablewind

Species: Velociraptor

Age: 25

Occupation: Writer, outlaw, and pseudo-revolutionary

Physical Appearance:
Dino Form- Black body with pronounced red marks running along his back and arms, with a Blood-red underbelly.  Left eye is permanently scarred shut with a pattern of three long scars.  Oddly, wears a black duster cut to fit his frame.  

Human form- Tall, wiry build with dark brown, nearly black hair worn in a long, low-tied ponytail and bangs over his left eye, which is covered with an eyepatch.  Tends to wear a black duster coat with a red dress shirt and black pants.  

Personality: Cailan tends to be a fairly gregarious, outgoing personality, though he often keeps nearly any information about himself concealed, instead diverting the question nearly every time.  Smooth and clever, it often comes as a great surprise
to others when they realize that he is who he is.  Beneath his veneer, he is relentlessly ambitious, determined to change the world, and willing to fight to help realize his dream.  Cunning and wily, he doesn't truly believe in the theory of a "fair fight", and, if cornered, will fight using any tactic available.

Brief Bio:
When he was a young orphan, Cailan was involved in a feud between two raptor groups, one that came to a head in a vicious fight in the streets when he was a teenager.  During that fight, Cailan received a blow that would scar him for life and cost him the use of his left eye.  When authorities came to the scene, Cailan, part of his disguise damaged so that it revealed his true form, he crawled away from the scene, cut and bleeding, until he was found by a young boy.  Too weak to attempt to hide his nature, and too badly injured to kill the boy, all that Cailan could do was watch as the boy ran to his house and informed his family...

However, instead of attacking him or taking him to be experimented on, the family took him in, nursing him back to health.  This experience radically changed his perception of humankind, leading him to question the Council's decision that they had to hide who they were.  When he went to them with this statement, he was spurned from society, marked as a dangerous revolutionary.  Thus branded, he began to move about constantly, after making sure that the humans who had saved him were far away, safe from retribution.  Since then, he has made a web of contacts who share similar beliefs, that humans and Saurians are capable of mutually-beneficial cooperation.  

Now, with the outbreak of the plague, he sees a potential opportunity to begin integrating the two worlds...

Carries a small arsenal of concealed weapons inside his dusters, namely an array of small bladed weapons.  His primary weapons are innumerable tarot cards wrapped in metal edges, which he uses as throwing weapons or clutched in his hands as edged fans.  Also uses punch daggers and, often, a long, thin cane-sword inspired by an eastern katana.  

Talented brawler and martial artist who can easily fight off opponents many times his size.

Last name was adopted from his human "family"