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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349470


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Junior eyed his boyfriend’s ex on the plate carefully. He would have never dreamed of it before dating Diddy, but he’d grown to respect her quite a bit, and wasn’t going to underestimate her. He cocked his head and stuck a finger in his mouth, bringing it up to the air as if measuring the wind, while giving a sagely nod. Diddy facepalmed quietly in the outfield.
Sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth as an aid to concentration, Junior wound up his pitch and threw the hardest fastball he could muster.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:59:55 AM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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Dixie Kong swung and made contact. unfortunately, she hit it right to Gabumon who threw across to Agumon to win the ball game for the boys. " Thats game" Skylar said from behind home plate. ' Boys win. "Shake paw everyone. and lets head back to winterville. I'm sure Stripetail has work for us to do. "
 Su ling  came in from watching third base, whileTessa and Cali finished putting up the runs hits and errors (that part was easy, there were no errors). ' " wonder whay Flynn is up to.' Tessa said wih a laugh. ' Thats easy, spending all of our money on concessions. hots, nchos, probably a dRagion birger or two. Speaking of that, we need to get some food. Scorekeeping is hard work' Cali said.
 Po  slowly hobbled down the hallway, trying to avoid further injury from the debris strewn all over. " So what have you girls been doing   during your search?'  Po asked. " Well there was the Shaking bon Bons contest, the posing as i mentioned and counting up Jing;s collection of your action figures. She has a ton of them Po. 750, to be exact." uh Uh, 753, you forgot the 3 new ones I carved yesterday Jing smirked. ' You have SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE figures of me.? Po''s mouth fell open. " which is nearly 3 time your Tigeress action figure collection" Jing said. " wait, how did you know how many Tigeress figures I have? i keep most of them in a safe in my room.' Po said. jing blushed ' erm.. a lucky guess." " i am fortunate to have Po as my son in-law-to-be ' Panda king said ' I already have my first grandson;s name picked out. Don';t worry Po, you have a year of ' married bliss' before turning to parenthood.  You WILL have jIng with cub by the end of the year, if you don;t I will be VERY displeased. I'm not getting any younger, and I paired you with her because I thought you would be a good match. " " sir, you really didn't give me any choice in the matter." Thats how it works in China , my boy. Picking your mate is not how things go, traditionally. But, I will make you a deal. i will teach you the craft ogf fireworks, as I havve done with JIng. as i am wealthy, I can afford to give you 1 million dollars per month, for every month you stay married to jing. I will extend that to the year of betrothal, so. i will give you your first million.. once you are out of medical wing. i will also start carving a series of action figures for your father to sell in his shop. You did say that your father doe a bit of 'Dragon Warrior is my son " tourism?" ' er.. yeah nothing too big.. it covers the dumplings expanses each month, " Po shrugged.  "  ' don;t worry Po" tigeress said as they reached a more intact section ' we will make you look GOOD for the nuptials. jing alrady has agreed to have flash and mona be flower girls' and Tigeress will be invited too, of course along with all your friends. panada kIng has already fired a caterer.' " Po sighed, he was getting tired from walking. Nick appeared from a doorway ' hey guys this way. i have a chair for po to rest in. yopu'll be in a stasis field until we can reach the Spire.' Nick said.
 Ozai ws getting ready for the Autumnal Sumo dance Festival Sponsored and Hosted by King Ozai" " Is my Attire ready Shifu?' He asked the red panda ' yes sir, we also have 14 new festival for you to name." excellent ' ozai nodded, and gazed at himself in the mirror' i don;t look a day over 25, 000. Ah. divinity is something, isnt it Shifu?' I wouldnt know sir, I'm not immortal like you ' Shifu bowed respectfully " very true. Out of curiosity, how many festivals have I nsamed after myself? ' 686 sir' Thats rather low, isnt it?' well sir we only have 800 days in the mawashii year, and you present festivals for the rest of the year."  ' Oh, I see. Theres no more room, you're saying" yes, sir. to fit in any more we would have to have two festivals a day.' " and that would make them less important." ozai made a face. " How is attendance at the sect services faribng ' Holding a range of 95-97% sir. the percentages that are not present are sumoing, or officials carrying out their duties, or residents off-planet. We do have a bowing network on the Spire , sir." " yes that is true. ' Ozai said.  "carry on then Shifu."

 Kovu entered the room where the party being thrown for him was, and he gaped at the cakes, foods and presents piled up on a table. " hello, Master ' sima said approaching him with a steak prepared just the way Kovu liked it ' This is the Welcome Back Kovu Party, i caswe you didnt know. "Sounds like a TV show, Welcome Back Kovu' kovu laughed. " we could make one with that name back home ' Kiara purred. " ' We do have the Dark Mane festival as well.  i believe Scar started that one. Also Scar is sending you something. althoug he didbnt say exactly what. Might be  cash for spending money' kIara shrugged ' You know how rich he is. "
 A large box was teleported on to a nearby desk ' A note on it read ' For my heir for honoring my legacy and his bloodline." there was another box, this one with a note from Kopa " to my my bro for action in the face of danger for carrying himself with dignity and honor and making the Pridelands proud wutrh in valor in battle , I give you the contents contained therein . Please note , only my dad can make all of this official, but consider it a taste of what is to come. Kopa" " its all you can eat buffet' Vitani said, as she approachd carrying a videogame console ' you and i have a game date with Elephant Racing tonight.  prepare to see my tail in your face all night long' Vitani chuckled.
 Kitty ws taking Tiger atrtire shoping for his minor gods meet and greet that was upcoming. ' this has to not obnly look good, but give oiff an aura of ' beyond mortal" ' kitty said ' Remember that attire Stripetail clothed you in during the games in green River. ' like that, but more.. purple, you know?" Are you sure this isnt an excuse to get more purple dresses for yourself botchiboo" tiger laughed. " Nope, this is all for you my harvest god. Say, why don;t we try that " summon mate ability , you now have, just to see that it works.? I'll be in the next room, and I'll call Arlene, and you.. pull me in to this room' Kitty said.  " just remember kittty, you are mine, in this life and the next' Tiger grinned " so, remember that , when i have need of you. You don't want to be on my naughty list, dumpling' Tiger said " because Santa is more forgiving than I am" " I'll go call Arlene, and you give ot a go afdter a minute or two..' kitty said heading out. ' as for your outfit, why dont we have ot be some combo of orange and purple? " She said.
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Kovu used his claws to open the box and see what was inside. It was a fancy robe, but while he had seen and worn plenty of such things, he recognized that this particular robe was one normally saved for a specific purpose. "This is a King's Robe," he said in awe, "But one can't wear this while still a prince."

"We've done some talking while you were recovering little brother," Vitani explained with a warm smile, "And we agreed that anyone who survives what you did has more than earned the title of king. So even if it's not fully official, you should start thinking of yourself as "King Kovu."

Kovu's eyes began to water in happiness. The party, the royal gifts, the words from Scar, is was almost too much for him. "Thank you much," he smiled warmly.


Shifu had the royal Mawashiian band prepared as Ozai prepared to go to the festival grounds. One of Ozai's multiple theme songs "Hail to our King" began blaring, and the music and rhythm caught the ears of all nearby.

"Our king is here!" many sumos cheered as Ozai approached them with his titanic bulk. They were all holding up signs and images in his honor. "Welcome Great Ozai!" the crowd called in perfect unison.


"You'll love being a part of my family," Jing smiled, nuzzling Po. "With the lessons my father can give you, you'll become unstoppable on the battle field, and you'll make for a great husband and then father to our cubs. I've been meaning to ask, what shade of lipstick and makeup do you prefer I wear?"


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(RIMCS Spire of Winter)

Both the motor pool and medical bay had been alerted to the arrival of Rainbow and Sly. As a result, both teams were on standby.

Sly was quickly hustled into the receiving and triage room of the medical bay to be observed and any injuries treated.

Rainbow was quickly scanned over by a team of mechanics. Thanks to the volcanic ash choked atmosphere) she had been forced to fight in (and utter disregard for the work required to maintain her stealth coating and composite airframe) her entire airframe would need to be replaced. Finally, the tracking implant and remote control circuitry would have to be removed. All in all, it was an intense process that would likely take days, if not weeks to complete.


As it was the start of the  Autumnal Sumo dance Festival, the main park in Winterville was bustling with Mawashiian vendors hawking everything from foods to mawashi and other sumo related goods. The temple of Ozai was also busy with worshippers preparing offerings and getting reading for the bowing. Thanks to the work of the Mawashiians, a relay system had been made so the mana generated by the veneration of his followers could reach the immortal god-king. Of course, the artificial weather was set to mimic a cool autumn. There were also some cultural events such as sumo wrestling as well.

The temple interior was decorated in cool, autumnal colors with plenty of autumnal foods including an enormous bag of shinmai, the first harvest of rice from the gardens of the Spire (which was capable of simulating nearly every season). A portrait of King Ozai overlooked an an enormous pyramid of persimmons, the traditional autumnal fruit of Mawashi and of course matsutake mushrooms (grown by Mawashiian farmers in one of the corners of Winterville where a pine forest had been planted).

The centerpiece was a massive bowl of steaming hot oden — a mild Mawashiian soup that was popular in the cooler months as light lunch or dinner — along with bottles of hiyaoroshi and akiagari sake. Normally, this sake was prepared in the previous winter but environmental chambers were used aboard the ship as to avoid subjecting the Wintervilleians to harsh climate conditions.

There was also the inner sanctum where a great golden statue of the immortal god-king of Mawashi overlooked the heya, where sumos would compete for King Ozai's honor and benediction. Currently, the ring was being tamped down and purified with salt as the priests lit massive sticks of incense and placed them in front of the statue alongside the persimmons, sake and shinmai rice. As it was, non-Mawashiians were not permitted inside the inner sanctum.



As was usual, offerings were made to the immortal god-king of Mawashi. Most of the offerings were of course, the finest delicacies the planet had to offer.

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fudge received word of Carlotta Pinkstones arrest and the Obliviation of the crowd. ' check to see that no evidence of our existence survives.  any  pictures, papers, and so on, destroy them. ' he said. " Her actions cannot be tolerated. We are trying her for treason against the magical world.   Azkaban clearly isnt the deterrent against her that we hoped. ' Fudge said to the others. " What other options do we have?" he cradled his fingers together.
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The fireplace flared to life with the green flames of floo powder as one of the wizards present proceeded to relay Fudge's orders to the Auror Headquarters.

Bryony Alder rubbed her forehead. "This is Ms. Pinkstone's fifth time in Azkaban." She sighed. "I'm reluctant to propose this but because of the extreme danger she poses to Wizardkind, I am afraid we have no choice but to sentence her to the Dementor's Kiss."

Gasps were heard.

"Chief Witch, the repercussions of such an action could be unfathomable!" one of the wizards said. "Anti-Statute campaigners have already become violent. The last thing we need is for them to have a martyr to rally around. Such an act could plunge us into a civil war!"

"Do you think I am not aware of that!?" Chief Witch Alder exclaimed. "The future of Wizardkind is a stake! We could very well be reduced to the puppets of Muggles if Ms. Pinkstone is allowed to continue!"

"And do you think a civil war is conducive to the future of the Wizarding World!?"

Soon, a shouting match erupted as the gathered witches and wizards began  to argue over the pros and cons of sentencing Carlotta Pinkstone to the Dementor's Kiss.

All that was interrupted when an elderly wizard very loudly cleared his throat. "Perhaps the discussion of punishment is premature? After all, a fair trial is needed and she must be found guilty before we can impose any punishments."

Murmurs of agreement echoed through the chamber as many of them realized that they had gotten ahead of themselves.

The fireplace then flared to life with the green fire of floo and an Auror emerged out of the fireplace. "Minister Fudge and Chief Witch Alder, I am sorry to interrupt, but there has been another confrontation with this new wizard," the Auror said, brushing some ash out of their robes.


Meanwhile, at the Auror's headquarters, the order had been received. Esbenshire was to be turned inside out and upside down and all electronics purged of any possible evidence of Wizardkind.



Drobot had simply been left behind on one of the Dreadzone's many arenas. Although in this case, the managers of the arena had opted for the quick and dirty method: taking all the valuables, setting the reactor to self-destruct and fleeing.

And of course, destroying all the spare ships and radio equipment as well leaving the "contestants" behind.

Drobot frantically tried to disable the reactor's self-destruction but it had reached a point where the reaction had run away and could not be stopped. Sirens wailed and alarms flashed, warning everyone present to evacuate.
The armory where his suit had been stored was sealed and he didn't have access or else he could have donned his upgraded armor and simply flown off to the planetoid the space station was orbiting.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2021, 08:28:29 PM by Serris »

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“Food sounds good to me!” said Diddy, still glowing from his victory. Unfortunately his boyfriend was far less humble in victory. “Losers buy,” Junior said half snidely, half hopefully.
Usso did his best to keep himself busy on the Spire of Winter, but after doing technical specs on the V2 for the hundredth time and ensuring it was lined up for a mass driver launch if need be, he felt strangely helpless afterwards. It was becoming that way more and lately: after surrounding himself with so many fantastical individuals, he began to feel crushingly normal and unhelpful any moment he wasn’t piloting his mobile suit. “Maybe just one more check up,” he said to himself, pretending that it might actually do any good, and not because he couldn’t bring himself to mingle with any of the others. In the back of his mind, he hopes Shakti , Mrs. Marbet, and Karlmann were doing okay back home.

“I think they’re done,” G said, watching the kids conclude their little game. “Oh?” Rogan said, still studying a case file. “Who won?” The two had tried their best to stay low and unnoticed to all the young ones, staying sentinel in case they were needed and out of the way in case they weren’t. “The boys, I think. I don’t know, I don’t know much about baseball. Football was always more popular in Louisiana.” “Weren’t both your parents Japanese? ,” Rogan asked, pocketing his PDA and standing up. “They weren’t big on the NPB?” G sneered at his partners assumptions. “Maybe they were, for all I know. My parents and I didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. You find out any threats in this sector?” Rogan shrugged as the two started to follow the kids at a distance. “A few. AMS generally doesn’t keep files on things this far from home, but I found a few things to worry about, yeah. Just keep your pistol handy and your eyes open.” G kept his hands in his immaculately pressed coat pockets and nodded. “Always.”


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tell me  all you know about this new wizard ' Fudge said. ' as for Pinkstone, we've tried putting her into Azkaban many times before. Which begs the question of why was she let out  of there in the first place?  we usually dont release prisoners from azkaban . ' he shrugged. ' i am aware of the risks dealing with her followers will cause. but we have tiptoed around their feelings long enough. if anything she has gotten more and more bold. if she wanted a reaction from us from this stunt, well she has her wish. We must send a message to the wizarding world that behavior like this cannot be tolerated. We live amongst muggles, yet separate from them, for their protection, as well as ours. we will put her on trial, well not just her, her entire belief system must be rejected, according to our laws and regulations.  put a curfew into effect until this crisis is passed."
utsa magicked herself into the conference room where Dragon, both Spyros, Skylands, Warfang, Cinder and Ruskn were chatting amicably over a box of doughnuts. skylands Spyro had challenged the two Wrenly dragons to a series of skystones games, and was currently explauining the rules.  ' Well, i'm finally back " Utsa said as Dragon and Skylands waved at her. " How many dragon peers were implicated in supporting Vox ?' Old spyro asked ' 75 , nearly 40 percent of the entire body.' Utsa said heavily"those that didnt resign when told to, are in the process of being expelled. All of the profits they made from partnering with Vox have been seized.  and the amounts are staggering.  the smallest profit made from Vox was 843 trillion bolts, the largest is 640 trillion trillion trillion trillion, or quindecillion,  with a wide range inbetween.  where next of kin for fighters have been identified, compensation has been sent  to them. theres  lots of next of kin as you can imagine. this applies, naturally only to those captured and forced into fighting that wee not serving prison sentences.  those from Zordoom arent included. " Utsa explained as Wirt and greg poked their heads into the room, drawn by the smell of doughnuts.

' Hi! " Greg waved cheerfully to the gathered group" can I have a doughnut? They smell awfully good! Wirt  facepalmed. ' Greg! you don;t just ask for a doughnut! you have to buy a doughnut, which costs money, which we dont really have.' Beatrice flew in and landed on the doughnut box.' is there any chance you have cinnamon swirl flavor?' the bluebird asked. ' i don;t know ' Ruskin admitted ruefully. ' but you guys can help yourselves! i got them from a place called Wacki.. washii.. ' er' Mawashii' Warfang corrected him ' everything there is huge. including the food portions. you must have run into a food vendor from there. ' Yeah' Ruskin beamed.. as greg came over to grab a couple doughnuts.. ' hey beatrice! this looks like a swirl one ' Greg said pointing to one in the right corner of the box. Beatrice flew over and grabbed it, andd stopped on the top of the coach to begin eating it. . Wirt cautiously picked out what looked to be a blueberry flavored doughnut, while Greg had 3 cake doughnuts and was cheerfully munching on them while he looked for a place to  sit.
 i'm sorry if my brother is bothering you ' Wort said ' and Cinder waved a claw. " Don;t worry.  he asked nicely, so theres no reason to say no.  theres some spots open by the fire over there if you want to get a bit warmer. " Thanks , mam" Wirt said a bit nervously ' Mam?  Just call me Cinder ' Cinder said " where are you from>'Well, we've been stuck in the Unknown for awhile now. We just  visited hollow Town " Wirt said. " "It was populated by living dolls." Weird " Cinder said , as Wirt took a bite out of his doughnut.
Kovu brought a mirror and loked into it as he put on the royal suit. ' man, this feels like a dream right now. I'm half expecting  to wake up in my hotel room, with the alarm going off.' Kovu chuckled as Sima looked into the mirror '   not all kings can look good in the royal attire, but  you on the other hand, look the part. Absolutely stunning.. my king." she purred. ' Yes, King Kovu ' Kiara said. " First of his line.' she nuzzled him. ' the tailor did a good job, it fits perfectly. i like the green flourishes..' she smiled.
 across the town, the 45 sects lit  colored candles to honor their king during the festival. the autumn festival had tripple bowing hours.  where they bowed 3 times, every 3 minutes. proclamnations appeared in the flames as ozai gave orders for the ceremonies to start, s well as naming an official festival fruit and official dessert.' one proclamation simply said ; bow to my divinity'

 stripetail magicked himself into the station. alarms were blaring as a recorded message was played ' warning. self destruct has been activated. Evacuate immediately. Stripetail briefly loked at the bio of drobot he had been given.' extremely high intelligence, constant tinkerer, loyalty to Skylands is paramount to him. " He chuckled ' if drobot is like he is described, i wouldnt be surprised if he;s already unlocked the sealed doors from whee he is. stripetail gestured and a coin showing drobots face appreared ' this was knock as a ' tracking coin spell' it would lead you to the person depicted on the cpoin.  Stripetail ran down the corridor as the coin glowed brighter and brighter , indicating drobot was now very close.
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As the armory was the prime target of a slave uprising, it was the most heavily secured part of the station.
Drobot watched as his cobbled together computer struggled to break the encryption on the lock. It was an incredibly crude machine made of whatever electronics he could scrounge up but it worked...albeit not fast enough. His ears pricked up as he heard footsteps approaching. He narrowed his eyes as he prepared to fight. Even without his exosuit, he was still a dragon with sharp teeth, sharp claws and substantial strength.

(Spire of Winter)

As it was impossible to close off Winterville for the Autumn Festival, compromises had to be made. Namely, large signs normally used to warn of assorted issues in the town had been modified to display the words, "Please keep noise to a respectful minimum during the Autumn Festival".

The deep beats of Mawashiian drums, the slow, steady ringing of gongs as well as prayers and hymns in Old Mawashiian served as Winterville's soundtrack.



"Very well, Minister. Ms. Pinkstone's trial is set to begin very shortly," Chief Witch Alder said.

The Auror cleared their throat. "Fetch me a pensieve and I will show you what has been witnessed."

One of the wizards did so. The Auror tapped their wand to the side of their head and a silvery gossamer strand stuck itself to the wand. After winding up the coalesced memories and depositing it in the silvery depths of the pensieve. The Auror then tapped their wand on the edge of pensieve's bowl.

"This is the most recent encounter. We encountered this wizard near Gallymeade, a wizarding town known for its production of boutique potions reagents. Of note is that this wizard is always accompanied by at least two Muggles."

"Are they under the effects of the Imperious Curse?" a witch asked.

"No. Perhaps you should view the pensieve."

A silvery mist swirled forth from the pensieve and it showed a scene of Chong — with this retinue of guards — entering Gallymeade. None of the wizards and witches strolling by paid him any heed.

The scene then showed the Aurors arriving after it was reported that he had performed magic in front of a Muggle. Then it was utter chaos as the two sides clashed.
Spells and gunfire ripped through the air. A massive explosion shattered a shielding charm before an unknown spell that took the form of several "darts" of orange light skewered a hapless Auror.

"As you can see," the Auror said. "The Muggles are clearly helping this new wizard of their own volition. Spell traces show that he had managed to cast some sort of spell that rendered the Muggles with him immune to the Disillusionment and Muggle Repelling charms around Gallymeade."

Chief Witch Alder scowled as she watched the battle. "Have the Aurors searching for him. As Minister Fudge stated, a curfew will be in place. All non-essential travel by Floo, Portkey and Apparition is to be suspended until further notice. We may have to step up security in Hogwarts or possibly even cancel the school year."

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The door glowed then became transparent and Stripetail casually stepped through. " Ah Drobot, there you are " Stripetail said with a hint of mirth as he entered the room. "  transparency spell." He said." Makes getting into places, and out, easier.  An audible click was heard and the armory door slid open." Getting your armor? Good. Grab it, and we can go. This station is going to explode in a few minutes, after all, and we will rather not be here when it does
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"I can help you prepare the best godly outfit befitting of you, dear," Kitty said to Tiger. "If we can't find all the pieces at the shops, I might be able to sew some things together," she offered. "You have a big commanding presence a god requires." She playfully patted his big belly.


"Would you like to get some pizza?" Arlene asked Luca. "Sneed's falling asleep, and we might be able to catch up with my son and his friends after they finish their day jobs." She looked at the clock on the wall.


Several of the Mawashiians attending the festival ran up to their king before the bowing would begin.

"Sign my mawashi!" one called.

"Can I get a picture with your great flabbiness?" one asked hopefully.

Kiyo's friend had learned how to whip up Ozai's favorite drink, and gallons were prepared for everyone in attendance.


"You know my favorite colors," Kovu purred to Kiara. "My first royal decree.....I get to pick dinner and dessert," he smirked.

"Are you guys going to attend the event at the shrines?" Kiara asked Sima and Vushu.


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Drobot relaxed as he saw it was Stripetail. He said nothing but let The Seer do his work. Once the armory door was opened, he entered and quickly donned his armor. Unsurprisingly, there was nothing left as the crew had pillaged the station before initiating the self destruct sequence. For some reason, (possibly to ensure no one else got Drobot's custom armor), they left the dragon's advanced armor behind.  "I have previously attempted to disable the self-destruct. However, I am familiar with these types of reactors. Once they have entered a positive feedback loop, the only way to stop it is to physically remove the fuel. However, the extreme heat and radiation level makes it extremely dangerous to do so."

The dragon shook his armored head. "I am afraid there is nothing left to do but evacuate." As if anticipating Stripetail's response, he continued. "Unfortunately, the other 'contestants' will perish as there are no spacesuits or spacecraft available. I calculate that even taking ten seconds to find and teleport every contestant would put you dangerously close to the estimated time of explosion, if not over it. At this level of instability, the time of failure is a very rough guideline."

The armored dragon sighed. "Regardless, Seer, if that is what you wish to undertake, I will not stop you. I shall meet you back at Spire." Drobot's thrusters activated and he flew down the metallic hallways, heading towards the docking bay.



The trial of Carlotta Pinkstone was nothing short of a media sensation as the Ministry of Magic's court was packed with reporters from the smallest hamlet newspaper to the Wizarding World's most prestigious newspaper, The Daily Prophet.

Nery Oleander, an elderly wizard, stepped up to the podium. Clearing his throat, he spoke. "Carlotta Pinkstone, the charges against you include five hundred charges of violating the Statute of Secrecy — one charge for each Muggle present during your latest stunt, three charges of misuse of Muggle artifacts as well as one charge each of sedition and treason. How do you plead?"

"Guilty to all charges except sedition and treason. I fail to see how showing the Muggles of Esbenshire magic as well as proving the existence of Wizardkind count as sedition and treason? After all, should we not live together in harmony?" Carlotta Pinkstone replied.

Murmurs were heard as everyone present tried to digest the sheer arrogance in the witch's words.

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i have a spell for immediate teleportation- teleportius instatatum. its a more powerful spell than the usual teleportius i usually use, and it allows for more people to be magicked away. as you have said seconds count." Stripetail said as the dragon took flight ' I'll debrief you back at the ship' stripetail called out to him. He then turned to the door and raised his paws and focused. silver lights floated away from his paws and raced around the station, moving through walls at speeds close to that of light. .  upon hitting a contestant they were immediately teleported to safety. the lights moved rapidly across the station, in a matter of 8 seconds, it had reached all of the prisoners, teleporting all of them away to safety. stripetail magicked himself away once the last prisoner had been saved, returning to the Spire. 5 seconds after he left the reactor ruptured sending an enormous fireball cascading throughout the station. the resulting explosion sent a huge wave of debris out into space in all directions, with the planetoid  beneath it getting the worst of it. its atmosphere was enough to destroy some of it, but only some . large chunks of debris rained down  , heating up the atmosphere by thousands and thousands of degrees.
 the spire)
 Stripetail magicked himself into the winterville hotel lobby and  took a seat on a couch , breathing heavily as he did so. 'you ok, boss?' came a familiar voice. ' Stripetail looked up and saw Stitch standing on a table looking at him ' yousa not look so good.' ' a little tired Stitch. having to magick my way across an entire system of planets is not without its prices to pay, and I'm not a young squirrel, havent been for ages, in fact. Where is Angel?' Botchiboo? she went to get lunch with.. er. the Digimon. All 5 of them." Agumon, Agumina, Gabumon, and Gabuna?" yeah, and that pink bird one.. i keep forgetting her name?' Stitch said ' Biyomon' Stripetail said. ' Go join them, stitch, we';ll need a couple days to recuperate after this ordeal. I will be recuperating in my room. ' sure thing boss..' stitch said. ' if i may recommend a meal Stitch? try the breaded perch. its excellent.' stripetail chuckled.
 Kovu continued to admire his outfit i nthe mitrror before turning his thoughts to the gift Scar had sent him. he opened it, to reveal ,among other things. a lifetime you can eat free' card at scars resteraunt. a' lifetime free stay' at his hotels, and a check for 100 million bucks.  to say Scar was loaded was putting it mildly.  between Stripetail, his colognes and now scar, kovu was now easily into the billions.
I'mn going out with li ella and vitani to get some food ' Vushu said. ' i'm crashing that ' Sima said with a laugh. ' we are participating  in ceremonial matches tonight at 7.'  " in different rings, of course' Vushu said.  ' we wrestled last time' vuashu aid.
 fudge went over the information bon the wizard in his files. ' a wizard  , working with wiling muggles, was unheard of, not to mention violating secrecy guidelines many times over. ' this wizard is extremely dangerous.' Fudhe said in a low voice. ' we need to learn more about him, and try to come up with a plan to fight him. after this trial, we must turn our focus to him. that is, if her followers don;t declare all out war.' he sighed.
 sure a nice large cheese pizza sounds like a grat idea. There should be enopugh left for the kids ' Luca chuckled. ' we'll split the bill.' she smiled at her friend.  ' lead the way.. if we get an option. I'd like a booth.
 an image of ozai appeared at one pof the mawashii shrines, as more candles were lit, more images of the sumo king appeared. " come to me with requests, questions and prayer, intoned one of them.' Ask me about the upcvomung movie schedule. they're all great.. and not just because i';m in them..' said another and the image laughed heartily.  " observe the scriptures "I have set down" said a third.

 Tiger  was carrying armfuls of outfits, that kitty aded to.. they were having a hard time fuinding just  the right outfit for him.
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Thankfully, Drobot's armor was capable of resisting the intense heat of the explosion.

"Stripetail, I must thank you for the timely rescue. It will take me several hours to get to the Spire. I will meet you there. Drobot out," he said via radio.

He then cut the transmission and continued accelerating, the blue ion trail of his suit's engines standing out against the inky blackness of space. Rapidly picking up speed, he headed to the nearest spaceport.


(Spire of Winter)

The rescued prisoners were standing around in the Winterville Hotel lobby. Many of them looked around in confusion at the beings that populated the great starship.

It was then one of the Spirarian soldiers approached. "Greetings," they said. "I understand that you have been rescued by the Seer. Please proceed to the main auditorium for a debriefing."

The stunned prisoners, seeing as they were at a loss at understanding the whole situation followed.

The auditorium itself was enormous and outside the town proper. It was incredibly bare with a simple projector, a stage and a projection screen behind the podium. Of course, it was utterly enormous, being designed to be able to accommodate the crew of Spire...and then some.

The message that was being played was a prerecorded one from Stripetail and Captain Carson.

The first image on screen was a projection of Captain Carson in her full captain's regalia. "Welcome aboard RIMCS Spire of Winter. My name is Sharon Carson, the captain of this ship. I am undertaking a joint operation with Lord Stripetail to free the prisoners of the Dreadzone. We are working  with Polaris authorities to repatriate all prisoners of Vox's Dreadzone; in the meantime, feel free to enjoy the amenities."



"We can't really get a good handle on him," the Auror said. "All we can tell is that he arrived from off planet and landed in Londinium. Witnesses say that he seems to be after magical items. Interestingly, he seems to leave most Muggles alone. Though I suspect that's because they have nothing to offer him. But we have seen him entering some Muggle shops in Londinium and surrounding areas but all he purchases are various sundries."

"If I may," Chief Witch Alder said. "I believe we should focus first on Ms. Pinkstone. While this new wizard is dangerous, he does not have the followers and influence that Carlotta Pinkstone has."


The trial for Carlotta Pinkstone was surprisingly short.

In only two hours, Judge Oleander had reviewed all the evidence. He cleared his throat as everyone waited his sentencing with bated breath.

"Carlotta Pinkstone, the court finds you guilty of all charges. That alone would get you life in Azkaban but as you are a repeat offender, I have no choice but to sentence you to the Dementor's Kiss. May the Fates have mercy on you." The sharp rap of the gavel punctuated his sentence.

Gasps echoed throughout the courtroom as the sentence was read out.

Carlotta Pinkstone stared in stunned silence. "No," she whispered. "Judge Oleander, you're making a big mistake!" she exclaimed. She then turned to everyone in the courtroom. "There will be a time when this sentence will be regarded as the worst mistake the Wizarding World had ever made. Mark my words!"

"Guards," Judge Oleander said. "Take her away."

Carlotta Pinkstone was hit with a Petrificus Totalus spell and her inert form levitated out of the courtroom where she would await in Azkaban for her sentence.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 08:04:48 PM by Serris »

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Oliver and Ollie made their way back to the hotel room with the food and vests they had bought for Sneed. As they set the bags down, Oliver looked toward the bear's massive stomach.

"That looks bigger than Mr. Garfield's, Mr. Scooby's, and Mr. Tiger's stomachs," he said, "I wonder just how much food he can fit in there." He turned to Ollie, knowing his friend had been the bear's servant for a while.


"I'll send Oliver a message soon," Arlene told Luca, "I'm hoping he and his friends can join us, if you don't mind." The duo were looking over pizza places on the Spire, of which there were many options to choose from. Arlene and her son always liked pizza.


"I'm thinking whatever we settle on should show off your belly, I know you're proud of that," Kitty smiled to Tiger. "Especially since most of your subjects are small mice." She had helped him change into various ones they had picked out.


Shoukichi and Kiyo the tanuki were about to bow to their king. They had been busy establishing the shrine network so that Ozai could become more popular universe-wide. "I know they'll need lots of sake on the shrines here on the Spire," Shoukichi smiled to his bartender wife.


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the dementors kiss was  perhaps the harshest punishment in the wizarding world. losing ones soul was permanent.. there was no regaining it from the dementors, and there was open debate if one could become a ghost after having your soul sucked out. ghosts were after all a reflection of the deceased's  soul. after the kiss was performed, the body was disposed of,. as there was nothing a souless body could do., not do a job, not read a paper, not open a door.
 we need to keep an eye on his movements, after all he is going to be our top priority.' Fudge said. '  keep me informed on any information you can get you hands ion. put aurors in and around Londinium. we need to find his lair. ' he sighed.
 Of course  they can join us . i'm sure they have kids portions here ' she said.
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"Maybe you two would like to try participating in the matches," Kovu suggested to Kopa and Vitani. "We all did qualify as heavy enough to sumo back on Mawashi." He took a bite of the snacks that had been prepared for his royal promotion party. He was just happy his nightmarish experience was over and was living the good life with his friends and family again.

"I'm curious to see who you'll go up against," Kiara told Sima.


Oliver and Ollie placed the food next to Sneed. "Shall we join my mom for pizza now?" Oliver asked his fellow feline.

"You got it," nodded Ollie.


"Oh great and powerful Ozai! Tell us about your many accomplishments!" cheered one of the local Mawashiians as the festival began in full.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 12:14:14 AM by brekclub85 »


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well there was the time i wrestled the Moundoo mountain Bear ' Ozai said ' lets see that was 10, 318 years ago, during the spring. the bear didnt like the outfit i was wearing and made the comment that i looked like a circus tent. well, I've never been to a circus, so i couldnt let that slide. for 18 straight days we wrestled, until finally i threw him back into his cave. he learned the hard way not to diss your king ' Ozai laughed mirthfully. ' thee was also the time i paintede a rpads across mawashii by hand.. it was easy, when you are not actually touching the ground.
 In ceremonial matches, its more following the proper poses than in a real match ' Sima said. " plus theres not rally any figting. its bowing and ceremony, not like the matches you faced in mawashii. These matches are for locals, not visitors, although visitors can observe.
 Po, Jing, Panda kIng and Toigeress finally reached the medical bay on the phoenix. Nick put Po into a stabilizing chair and activated t what he called the 'healing pod' which made po levitate off of the chair slightly. ' so how long will he have to stay in there?' jing asked. ' Until i can dock with the Spire and get him better medical attention.  He's got a broken arm and a broken leg, i would imagine he also needs to have blood drained from that leg to get the swelling down.' Nick said. " I'm not a doctor, and he needs one ' Chong damaged  a lot of the internal systems of this ship, we're lucky we have even this..' so we;re talking a couple days right? Jing said. " At least that, it will depoend on how quickly we can get to the Spire. " do we have any food?' Po asked from the pod. " we dont have much unfortunately. ' i think we have a couple vending machines, or i can whip something up from the food stores..its going to be chicken fingers or french fries, and thats about it.' Nick said heavily. ' I'll stick to the chicken fingers ' Tigeress said. " I'll have some chicken too ' Panda king said.  " Frores for me and PO.' Jing said.  " i'll help with making them if thats ok..' Any help is appreciated Jing " come with me. " Hey Jing' Po called out. " Thanks for coming to find me. your dad and I.. we were in bad shape..' ' " Like I'm going to leave you  on some remote rock after my dad set us up? what kind of girl do you take me for?' Jing said before bursting out into laughter.  Come on Po, you get some rest and once we get back. Tigeress and Tiger will be partnering up with us on our date.  Do you like stuffed dumplings? because we found a place that makes them.. theres chesse stuffed, meat stuffed and chocolate stuffed." The last one is a dessert , apparently ' Tigeress said.
Ollie helped set up the game system, which had a wide variety of games and 10 controllers ' lets test this system out before lunch ' Ollie said ' If yo fall into sneeds mouth, dont worry, i've been in his stomach countless time. i even get phone reception in there ' he smirked.  " so Oliver, you get first pick of what game we play..' He said.
_ Sima broght out some drawing of outfits she and kiara were working on. " these are swimwear that Kiara and I have been messing with, and we wanted your thoughts. " she said showinbg him some fine looking swimwesar that highlighted his girls beauty. " maybe make the colors brighter and lighter. otherwise it looks good ' Kovu said after looking at them.
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Kitty was calling some of her friends to invite them to dinner with her Tiger. "Hey about you and Scooby..." but before she could say anymore, she noticed her body start to glow and the next thing she knew, she was standing next to Tiger at the buffet. "Holy cow.....that power really works," she said, as Tiger pulled her close to him. "You're gonna make so much use out of that, aren'tcha?" she figured.


"We have some things to show you," Kiara smiled to her mate, pulling something out of a drawer. They were calendars the two of them had posed for seductively. "Proceeds go to charity, plus they show off our best features."

"I agree," Kovu nodded excitedly, giving Kiara's butt a soft pat. Oh how he missed this. "You two look great in these."

"And like we said before, you're our master too," Kiara affirmed.


"I'll just order some of all of them," Jing smiled, "We pandas need to eat lots, you know."  She turned to Tigress and followed her. "I can't wait to be married to that huge handsome hunk," she smiled warmly.


"Cat Kart," Oliver declared, getting the two controllers out. "I set some time trial records in it back on earth," he said proudly. He looked back at Sneed. "What, is his stomach even bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside?" he asked Ollie.


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“Alright!” Junior said dramatically, drumming his hands on the table. “Just to warn you guys, I like my pizza with mushrooms.”
“Like a freak?” Diddy asked.
“Like a freak,” Junior agreed.
 They had found a good pizza place with relatively few magical ingredients involved— as per Diddy’s request— and the two teams of kids were occupying several booths and tables in the pizza joint.
“Are you sure you guys can afford all this pizza?” Diddy asked Dixie and Wendy with some concern. Far more than the koopa prince had, it seemed, as Bowser Jr. seemed more interested in gazing around the pizzeria than agreeing.
“Oh!” The prince said suddenly, taking out a shell phone. “Since we’re all here and I’m not paying, I’mma invite Usso to join. I swear, that kid needs to stop moping around and meet some people.”
“Kid? He’s like 15. And he has a foster kid,” Diddy pointed out. “Details, details,” Junior said dismissively. “Rogan and G over there can pay if it’s too much for one more person.”
Diddy nodded. He’d seen them tailing them as well. “Nice to have babysitters,” he said with an ungenuine smile. Junior grunted and barked out a terse invitation over the phone— leaving no room in his speech for the pilot to refuse— before abruptly hanging up and smiling at the two girls. “So what’s the plan after this?” He asked.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 03:26:49 AM by LoyfeCycleProtector »