The Gang of Five
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Getting to know you - LBT Style

Petrie. · 182 · 81235


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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Jun 23 2012 on  08:34 PM

One of my least liked Strut scenes... I have no idea what happened there :o and I hate it when personal favorites of mine go wacky like that... Ozzy got to him apparently *shakes head*
I've always thought Strut only did that in order to impress his brother, not to mention being under Ozzy's bad influence.

And is it just me, or does it seem like Strut wouldn't have the heart to actually hurt anyone? I've always felt that way with him.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot, hands down. As a kid, he was probably the most influential cartoon character for me. I mean, come on! For one, he was a dinosaur, secondly, he was a leader, and finally, he was a strong, independent kid who wasn't afraid to do what was right. That was inspiring stuff!

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - I'll have to go with Shorty. Not that I have anything against him, it's just that he's way too easily ticked-off.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - "The Rescue/Discovery of the Valley" by James Horner.


If it has to be a vocal song, then I'd have to go with "Best of Friends," or "Always There." I'm kind of a sucker for emotional songs like that.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - "Me and My Dad," simply because it brings out the worst in Alec Medlock's singing voice (Littlefoot). I also thought it was just a bit too.. cheery? I don't know, but it sounded overly syrupy to me. The concept was good. The execution... not so much.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The first, obviously.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Well, I haven't seen them all, but of the ones I have seen, I'd probably have to go with the Big Freeze. Sure, snow was a new thing, but for some reason, the whole film kind of bored me.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Definitely the instant when Littlefoot's mother rears back on the ridge to nail the Sharptooth in the face. That's a classic dinosaur pose, and even though that fight probably never happened, it's the stuff of every dino-nut's dreams. I almost died, I was so overwhelmed by the awesomeness of that shot when I first saw the movie!


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Chomper, I always have a thing for carnivores, and for them to add a baby t-rex was genius, the only bad thing about him in the 5th movie was him naively thinking his parents wouldn't hurt Littlefoot. I always liked him.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Topsy, well in the first part of the series, 1-2 he was a b****, in 3 he was the most awful, but he began to improve after that. After 11, he became much more likeable.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Adventuring, I like action songs.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Feel so Happy, my God how I hated that song.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Great Longneck Migration

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - The Wisdom of Friends, who doesn't hate that garbage?  :x

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - We will always be your friends in 10.


  • Chomper
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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Normally I would say Petrie, but it depends, really--he was definitely my favorite in the original and in the earlier sequels, but they seemed to dumb him down a bit later on, which was frustrating.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - I don't really have a specific least favorite. Although I find Ducky's mom a little annoying sometimes... lol.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - The theme from LBT I.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - I'm not sure. Most of the later ones.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The Land Before Time I.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Hard to say. LBT X was the most recent I've seen. I guess "Journey to Big Water"... just because it didn't seem like very much happened.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The ending of the first movie, when they finally find the Valley.

The Anonymous Person

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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Petrie, because of his comedy and his cute voice, though Ducky comes in a close second.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Can't decide, because I haven't seen most of the movies yet.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Difficult to decide. Either "Always There", "No One Has to Be Alone", "Bestest Friends", or "If We Hold on Together". Probably the latter.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Imaginary Friends. Four words: BIG-LIPPED ALLIGATOR MOMENT! Plus Petrie is rather off on this. Can't believe Jeff Bennett even voices this character. Johnny Bravo, you've done better!

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - First one always wins. Don't own any of the sequels yet, except for 4. I have seen 3, but it's been quite a while since I have so I don't know.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - What I said above.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Basically, the first movie in general. From the epic sharptooth fights to the gang finding the Great Valley, everything about it is great and memorable.

I'll probably do a second take on this when I've seen all the movies, and probably the episodes of the TV series.


  • Cera
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1. Most liked Land Before Time character - Petrie and Spike Petrie: Because he tries very hard like I do in this world to be respected and liked. Spike: Because he is a very good and laid back character and he is very loyal to his friends. LittleFoot: I give him credit he is strong and very determined witch you don't see in a lot of characters.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Cera sometimes because I hate how she is stuck up and she is quite annoying as well. But she also has a soft side to her witch makes me not hate her that much.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Family, Best Friends, How Do You Know, Flip Flap Fly, If Only, Girls And Dad's, Adventuring, If We Hold On Together, Good Inside, Beyond The Mysterious Beyond, Lone Dinosaur, No One Has To Be Alone, One Of Us Now, Standing Tough, It Takes All Sorts, On Your Own Peaceful Valley,Things Change

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - When You're Big, Eggs, Eeps Oops, Yellow Belly Dance, Imaginary Friends Bad Luck, Big Water, Friends For Dinner, Mad Song, Stoopid Stompers, One of a Kind

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Number One, III, X,

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Movie 13 was god awful. The worst piece of garbage ever to be made.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The Death Of Little Foots Mother. I cried my eyes when when I first say that as a kid. I still get teary eyed and I'm 27 years old. And the flash back part at the end I cry almost every time I see that part.


  • Spike
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I'll have a go!

1) My favourite character is, and has been for a long time, Chomper. I loved him the moment he was introduced. The fact that he is a sharptooth is an interesting plot device which should have been tackled more often, and in the second film he was simply adorable!  :DD

2) My least favourite characters are the yellow bellies. Need I say anything more?  :bang

3) My favourite LBT song is probably the original If We Hold On Together, though I do also like the catchy villain numbers like Eggs, Who Needs You and Very Important Creature. I also like Beyond the Mysterious Beyond and the deeper songs like Bestest Friends and No One Has To Be Alone. All in all, quite a few of them... :smile

4) My least favourite is (probably) the coonstant reprising of Adventuring in the TV series. To start off with it was fine, but when they constantly sing it, with more off-key melodies each time, it starts to get old.

5) My favourite film is obviously the first one, but my other favourites include V, VII and X.

6) My least favourite is 13.

7) For me, one of the most memorable LBT moments is when Littlefoot's mother showed up on the first film to battle the Sharptooth, or possibly on the second film when they discover they have a sharptooth egg.


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Quote from: Petrie85,Jan 5 2013 on  07:34 AM
4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - When You're Big, Eggs, Eeps Oops, Yellow Belly Dance, Imaginary Friends Bad Luck, Big Water, Friends For Dinner, Mad Song, Stoopid Stompers, One of a Kind
I used to listen to Big Water and Friends For Dinner many times when I was younger. :p  I think I used to sing along to them to. I recall really enjoying the beat and the lyrics of those songs.

RainbowGirl 39

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most liked LBT  character: Petrie because he is funny and has bad grammar and Ducky and grandma and grandpa longneck
least liked LBT character:Cera because shes mean she was really mean in the oringinal
most liked LBT songs:if we hold on together,peaceful valley,kids like us, grandmas lullaby,who needs you,beyond the mysterious beyond,bestest friends
least liked LBT song:don t' got one
most liked LBT film:LBT III
least liked LBT film: LBT XIII hated it  :rolleyes:


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Quote from: EggStealerGirl,Jul 18 2012 on  07:11 PM
Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Jun 23 2012 on  08:34 PM

One of my least liked Strut scenes... I have no idea what happened there :o and I hate it when personal favorites of mine go wacky like that... Ozzy got to him apparently *shakes head*
I've always thought Strut only did that in order to impress his brother, not to mention being under Ozzy's bad influence.

And is it just me, or does it seem like Strut wouldn't have the heart to actually hurt anyone? I've always felt that way with him.
I like to think that way^^
It seems really out of his character to do that, anyways, because he wasn't the violent type. Just the way he got all defensive and then started blaming the Gang for losing the egg went to show that he was trying his best to avoid Ozzy's wrath :p
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

Littlefoot Fan 93

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Quote from: Petrie,Feb 15 2010 on  02:52 PM
1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character -

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character -

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song -

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song -

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film -

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film -

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
1: This is an easy one for me: Littlefoot then followed by Ruby and Ducky.

2: Also an easy question to answer: THE YELLOWBELLIES! ALL OF THEM!

3: If We Hold On Together,  Always There, Beyond The Mysterious Beyond and Bestest Friends.

4: Opps Epps; do I have to ask?

5: The Land Before Time I, V, and VII.

6: The Land Before Time III, VI, and XIII.

7: The death of Littlefoot's Mother. A little dark I know but the drama and the emotion of that scene is what makes it a memorable moment, well for me that is....


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Somehow I missed this thread  :rolleyes:

1. Do I have to answer that question :P: Ducky followed by Ali and Petrie


3. If we hold on together, Family, Bestest Friends, No one has to be alone, Flip Flap and Fly and many more :)

4. Eggs, Who needs you and Yellowbelly Bounce

5. I, VIII, IV


7. Don't step on a crack or you'll fall and break your back  :lol Ducky's so cute there...
Inactive, probably forever.


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Don't worry, Ducky123. I missed it too  :smile

1. Chomper, followed very closely by Littlefoot
2. Hmm... I'm going to go with the Yellow Bellies. But because they're such popular characters to hate, I'll give my second least favorite: Scuttle from the TV show. He is a TALKING CRAB. He's also an unsympathetic jerk, but I have to be honest, that part of his personality I actually like... but then again, that might have just been something lifted from Mr. Crabs.
3. 'Always There', followed by 'Peaceful Valley' and 'You're One of Us Now'
4. 'The Mad Song'. It was a little funny, but... yeah, it felt kind of stupid. I didn't like 'Bad Luck' as a kid, but it's grown a little on me.
5. Aside from the first movie, it'd be the fifth, the second film being a close third.
6. Aside from the thirteenth-- and I know this might be a controversial choice-- I actually didn't like film eight. It felt the least compelling, like it could have taken place in ANY animated movie. I also wasn't completely thrilled by film nine either, although it's started to grow on me since.
7. For me, it's the moment when Chomper is walking away, crying, after finding out his friends still don't trust him, and Littlefoot comes running behind him to comfort him-- only to be interupted by a funny moment with Chomper's mom.

Path Light

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1) Most Favorite LBT Character: Littlefoot, Chomper, Cera, Tippy, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Hyp, Mutt, Nod, Rhett, Ali and Chomper's parents
2) Least Favorite LBT Character: Yellowbellies in Movie 13.
3) Most liked LBT song: All!
4) Least liked LBT song: None
5) Most liked LBT film: LBT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
6) Least liked LBT film: LBT 13 because of the Yellowbellies.
7) Most memorable LBT moment: The one in LBT 3 where Hyp, Mutt and Nod sang 'When you're big' made me laugh as loud as I can. :DD  :lol  :smile
I like to watch Dino Squad, Street Sharks, Sabrina's Secret Life, Extreme Dinosaurs, Sonic Underground, Transformers Prime, Power Rangers, Yugioh, Phineas and Ferb, Digimon, Cardfight Vanguard, Land Before Time (14 Films and TV Series) and I like to play Zuma Deluxe


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To me most of the sequels where okay not that great. But some sequels where better than others.

The Anonymous Person

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Being as I have now seen all of the movies (along with 3 episodes of the TV series), I am ready to give this a second go. So...

1. Petrie, followed by Ducky. I'm threatening to put Ruby on the list as well, but I'll have to wait for that. Anyways:

Petrie is...well, to put it simply, just plain fun. I knew he would be my favorite   character when I viewed the first movie last year. Oddly enough, he happens to be the reason why I love Land Before Time in the first place. Although he may not be very self-confident at times, he shines when he really needs to, and like almost everyone else, he is very loyal and trustworthy to his friends, both of which I can relate to. I also love his squeaky voice and cute giggle of his. I one of the few members here who actually likes hearing him sing? Let's not forget the fact I can pull off a good impression of him, as well as some other characters. I could go on and on, but I'll stop here.

As for Ducky, what can one say about her? She is a very cute character who can lighten up anyone's spirit when needed. Who could ever forget her "yep yep yep" catchphrase? Plus, the term "Damsel in Distress" seems to fit best for her, as she seems to be the "perfect" character in most cases.

2. It's pretty tough to choose, but there are a few:

Shorty (at first) and (to a much lesser extent) Cera, mainly because...well, let's face it, I hate braggarts. Shorty pretty much acted like a punk when he first appeared, but toward the end, we could clearly see why. Cera shows confidence when she needs to. Sure, she can be a bit arrogant (particularly in movie eleven *cringes*) and attempts to show that she is fearless when she really isn't, but at the same time, she is very brave. Mr. Threehorn is listed as well, for obvious reasons.

Ozzy from movie two is also a good example, particularly because I feel it was wrong to treat his sibling as if he were a slave. Sure, Ozzy wants to eat eggs and Strut wants to eat greens, but having Ozzy command his own brother to stick to his own diet? Wrong in my book.

3. If We Hold On Together, Always There, Standing Tough (to an extent), No One Has To Be Alone, Bestest Friends, The Lesson, Things Change, and many more.

4. Frankly, I don't hate any song in the movies. However, if I had to pick one, it would be Imaginary Friends, mainly because of the fact that the song had little to no impact on the plot, though it has grown on me since I first posted here.

5. First movie always wins. For sequels, a three-way tie between movies 7, 9 and 10.

6. 13; not because of the yellowbellies (whom, yet bizarre, are actually not that bad to an extent), but because I felt that barely anything happened in it. It simply happens, then it's over. To me, this situation is quite awkward. I can tell why the franchise was killed after this.

7. Everything about the first movie, basically.

Aaaaand that's all. I hope to do one more take when I've seen all the episodes of the TV series.


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I haven’t seen the 10th, 11th or the 13th films yet so this might change once I’ve seen them:

1) Most liked Land Before Time character –  Tie between Petrie and Ducky, but if I had to pick one it would probably be Petrie, because he is the funniest by far. Even his poor speech skills are highly amusing and normally characters who talk like that tend to annoy me.

2) Least liked Land Before Time character – Erm, not really sure, I wouldn’t say I disliked any of them. I’m tempted to say the Sharptooth since he is the villain but you aren’t really meant to like him so that goes without saying.

3) Most liked Land Before Time song –  I’ll be unpopular and say Flip, Flap and Fly from Great Day of the Flyers, really great and fun song and is the only LBT song I have on my phone.

4) Least liked Land Before Time song – Too many to list, the music really isn’t one of the positive points for the franchise as a whole for me. Basically any song other than Flip Flap and Fly, If We Hold On Together and possibly Peaceful Valley, is a song that I don’t really like.

5) Most liked Land Before Time film – The original, definitely. I love the sequels and the series but the original 1988 is miles beyond any of them in terms of animation, story, score and everything.

6) Least liked Land Before Time film – Don’t really dislike any of them but the 8th is probably the one I’ve been the most bored by.

7) Most memorable LBT moment – Probably the birth of Littlefoot from the original, one of the most adorable and heartwarming things ever animated. I would honestly watch a full 90-minute film of just the dinosaurs as babies frolicking about.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -  Ruby.  I always felt that although Ruby was sociable, she also had an introspective side that I could relate to.  Furthermore, her many hardships (caring for Chomper, avoiding conflict with the Great Valley residents due to her omnivores nature, missing her family, etc.) made her a complex character that unfortunately was not completely developed in the television series.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character -  Rhett.  Lets see... An arrogant braggart who (when confronted by an actual sharptooth) runs off to get help and abandons his female friend.  There is not exactly a lot to like in this character.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - If We Hold On Together.  This song (along with Always There) confront serious topics as opposed to the sillier and softer songs that are typical of the sequels.  The song also beautifully encapsulates the main theme of the first film.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Oops Eeps.  A very ludicrous song that is indicative of the younger demographic they were trying to cater to in the television series.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The original.  None of the sequels even come close.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - The thirteenth.  Just one word: yellowbellies!

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -  The death of Littlefoot's mother.  This is by far one of the most heart-wrenching and emotional scenes ever placed in an animated film.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

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1. I cannot say that I have a most liked character.

2. Not a least liked one either. (Plated Sharptooth, if I have to chose one, pretty mean.)

3. I do really love If We Hold On Together.

4. Don't have one.

5. The first one.

6. None at this moment.

7. Littlefoot's Mother's death and discovering the great valley, that ending music.

I can never pick just one thing I like.


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Quote from:,Sep 28 2013 on  04:59 PM
1. I cannot say that I have a most liked character.

2. Not a least liked one either. (Plated Sharptooth, if I have to chose one, pretty mean.)

3. I do really love If We Hold On Together.

4. Don't have one.

5. The first one.

6. None at this moment.

7. Littlefoot's Mother's death and discovering the great valley, that ending music.

I can never pick just one thing I like.
Well, you could...