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Messages - Paladin Warthog

Pages: 1
Quote from: ADFan185,May 30 2017 on  01:51 PM
All of the songs are on YouTube just so you know
Not all of them. The first six sequels' scores were uploaded, not sure if the guy who uploaded it (Israel Barber) had permission from Tavera or not to upload them, but he told me he did get them from Tavera. Anyways, about the scores, I think most of the Sharptooth attack themes are on the scores for the films in the Google Drive files, except for the original LBT II version, and bits of the updated Sharptooth Attack theme used in LBT III, V and XII are missing, as the theme available is only a demo. Not sure what happened to the missing music.

The Sharptooth fight theme from X (in the climax, not the T. rex encounter earlier in the movie) is also completely missing, unfortunately. Not sure where this theme is at. I 200% remember the theme being on Ibarber's old channel TwinSanityUniverse, before it was suspended for copyright issues (not LBT related), so it's either gone now or it's still out there somewhere and someone has it. Maybe Michael Tavera used to own the theme when he gave people them but then he got rid of it. Not sure. I hope I can find the theme someday. I might ask Ibarber if he still has it.

Has anyone found this theme yet to your knowledge? Or anyone's knowledge really. I really want that theme, the one you're talking about from Land Before Time X, the theme when the Red sharptooth shows up and chases them until Pat rams it into a tree.

I found the "Rescue" theme that plays when Bron shows up onwards, thanks to a "Toast the Carnotaurus" on Youtube (which I couldn't find in the soundtrack either, but apparently Michael pulled that song from his earlier works on Rocketman which IS on Youtube, and is pretty cool!), but I'm still looking for that song that plays before that, from when the Red Sharptooth shows up and chases Littlefoot and his friends.

I don't know what to call it, "Red Sharptooth Fight Score LB10 but Before Bron Shows Up Score" haha.

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