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Ideal method of transport?

Saft · 29 · 7340

Cancerian Tiger

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What the?!  A broomstick did not make the list?!  How am I supposed to mark anything here then?!  Just kidding :lol.

I voted walking, since this is meant to be an "ideal" vote.  I love walking.  Unfortunately, I attend school in the next city so I must commute, and we don't have a lightrail system here yet.  I also like to take road trips, so I have to say I like having an automobile :yes.


  • Littlefoot
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For me, it's between a car and walking.  Walking cause everything is in walking distance, even town, takes only 15 minutes or so to get in there.  And head out of town mainly and to places of the city where it will take too long to walk to.


  • Petrie
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Me? I just teleport. Sure, there's the occasional lost limb, blindness, motion sickness, insanity, itchiness, turning into a bowl of petunias, unconsciousness, gender swap, loss of bladder control, time travel, rashes in odd places, loss of hair, loss of clothing, loss of virginity, and death... but it sure beats driving :p

In all seriousness, I rarely ever drive. Down here in Tassie, petrol is expensive. I mean, really, it's ridiculous. Living in the country, cheap fuel is hard to come by... I feel like I'm in a Mad Max movie half the time (it helps that my car looks like something out of one of those movies).

So yeah, if I have to be somewhere... I stay in town and ride, or take the bus. Heck, I sometimes walk, because it's good for you.


  • The Circle
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I'd have to say that the type of transport has to reflect the distance that need be travelled. I've only just recently acquired a car so before that I pretty much just walked everywhere. Great if the sun is out and you don't have a load to carry but not so good when the British weather decides "it's been sunny enough...time for some rain for no reason!"  :lol Same rules apply to biking.

To be really honest. I really like flying. I love getting in a plane to see new countries I've never seen before. Again, assuming the distance I have to travel is great enough, I'd jump in a plane any day ;)


  • Petrie
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You like flying? As in, actually taking the stick and flying the tin cans around?

I've done simulators for 747s, which are pretty cool. But once a couple of years ago, I got to fly as a co-pilot in a jet fighter, and I damn near peed my pants.

I'd never do it again, ever.


  • Ducky
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The reason behind why I didn't put aero-planes on the poll list is because it's not something (unless you have a private jet) that you use to travel with daily.  

For example, I use my bike's my ideal method of transportation even though as Mumbling pointed out there are some cons but it's got many pros aswell.  

And as to space'd be suprised what you see here.:p

(Forgive me CT, I should have included broomsticks.;) )


  • Hatchling
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Car....most ideal for a 20-mile drive to and from work.  No bus will do it, no rail lines to move passengers, so unless you bike it or walk it, car is the only practical means over backroads and through the small communities on the way.


  • The Chomper Fanatic (and the Meme Boy)
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Usually my ideal method of transport is by car.  However if it’s nearby me, I usually walk there (unless it’s raining, in which I take the car).


  • Chomper
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Trains, obviously. They're quite convenient and relaxing. If only the US had infrastructure up to par...
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