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Your friends and your Interest in LBT

f-22 "raptor" ace

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school friends don't know they dislike it although there is one that i think he likes lbt i'm not sure though few know i like lbt


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Some of my friends used to watch it when they were kids but just never really got hocked =p Some have never heard of it
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Some have never heard of it
IS that possible?  :o
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Sure is....depends on who the person is, plus NewOrder is in Portugal, and I've no idea how well its marketed there.


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While the huge majority of people over here will know LBT at least by name or cover there are a few who don't.


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My comment was partially a joke, Roger. I figure that there are some places that don't know about it, but probably not many. Most people I know have seen at least one sequel and the original movie at least once. The others know about it, at least.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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im not honestly sure if my friend likes it or not =/ to the tell the truth
I never really brought it up in our converastions


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The majority of my friends all know it purely because we all grew up in the era when LBT was first released. Although, as shocking and unbelievable as it may seem, there are people I've spoken to who have never heard of LBT :o Amazing I know! But still, I think it was just a fleeting moment for my friends at the time. It was a hype then, like most interest with new release, the hype faded out and everyone looked forward to the next big one. I guess that for some of us, it caught us in a way that just kept us interested. Nothing wrong with that! Everyone's passionate about something...this just happens to be ours! ;)


  • Chomper
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The majority of my friends are also huge fans of animation, thankfully...however, most of them generally like anime over such classices as LBT, Balto, TLK, etc (all movies I adore. TLK = The Lion King, for those who might not know ;)). I think I'm sometimes thought of as weird for enjoying cartoon animal movies more than drooling over "cute anime guys" (never saw the huge thing with that. :huh:)  

For the most part, my friends respect me for what I enjoy, although I can't really chatter to them about some of my obsessions. Another note is that most of my friends are online, and the one who's close enough to me in person just really isn't interested in the same kind of animation (again, anime fan), although she too respects my's just that we usually wind up talking about her obsessions a lot more than mine.  <_<

Sometimes that's all you can really get...although I have felt the odd person out a few times when everyone chatters about anime guys and no one has enough liking for the american animation or animal movies to talk about those. as strange as it is, I think a good majority of people view japanese animation as more mature than american animation. :rolleyes: I like anime too, don't get me wrong...but there's not too many animes that center around the types of characters I like the most: animals. (and another note, I disagree with that 'american animation is for kids only' viewpoint. :mad )

Not sure what else to say here, but it's lovely to have a place like this to talk, eh?  



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Quote from: Akiko,Apr 1 2007 on  02:14 PM
The majority of my friends are also huge fans of animation, thankfully...however, most of them generally like anime over such classices as LBT, Balto, TLK, etc (all movies I adore. TLK = The Lion King, for those who might not know ;)). I think I'm sometimes thought of as weird for enjoying cartoon animal movies more than drooling over "cute anime guys" (never saw the huge thing with that. :huh:)  

For the most part, my friends respect me for what I enjoy, although I can't really chatter to them about some of my obsessions. Another note is that most of my friends are online, and the one who's close enough to me in person just really isn't interested in the same kind of animation (again, anime fan), although she too respects my's just that we usually wind up talking about her obsessions a lot more than mine.  <_<

Sometimes that's all you can really get...although I have felt the odd person out a few times when everyone chatters about anime guys and no one has enough liking for the american animation or animal movies to talk about those. as strange as it is, I think a good majority of people view japanese animation as more mature than american animation. :rolleyes: I like anime too, don't get me wrong...but there's not too many animes that center around the types of characters I like the most: animals. (and another note, I disagree with that 'american animation is for kids only' viewpoint. :mad )

Not sure what else to say here, but it's lovely to have a place like this to talk, eh?  

Could not agree more with you. Heck I get flat our well um how shall i say a fair bit beyond ticked when i see some animated film not get the credit it deserves. There have been so many animated films that should have at the very least got nominated for best film or best actrress or actor. Instead they get nominated for best animated film of the year or best actress in a voice over role. Its iritating to me to see this happen. Ive been in irc chats the chat with the stars things once was in one for a animated film that just aired on tv and got a question in for once (with out waitign till it was over and soem stars etc sneak back in to see who stayed then they do no want to talk about their role et) Any how i asked wich wwas harder voice over roles such as in this filmm or live action. Answer was voice oer roles.

In japan they make do not consider it any diffrent to do a voice over compared to live action. In many respects the more sought after roles can often be the voice over part. We see tons and tons of animated fetures get no respect at all. Corse its easy for any given animated film to take a animated film award home as ooops theres far fewer per year made because ooops they take longer to make.

As for fan of animation well i like any and all of it always have always will. Well ok i dont like the looney toon style of animation.

While its true american animation tends to be marketed towards kids by the media look at any of bluths work old disney as well. Theres are not films ment just for the kids but for the enitre family. Land before time is a tricky little film as a kid watchign it you wont pick up on alot of its deapth late ron how ever you relize theres alot about the film that you dont really notice as a kid watching it.


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Jan 3 2006 on  06:45 PM
There is that idiot at my school that thinks LBT and all who enjoy it will find a place in hell with their name on it.
I know the type. Many of these sorts of people are the ones who trolled the imdb boards espeically the first films boards and judith barsis board. During the 3 months i was gone all hell broke loose. Some bozo started attacking nacnybratt who was juddiths tutor and nany back in the day. Calling her such choice things as a pedophile. She darin and half a dozen others spent alot of time getting a fund raiser going to get judith and her mother maria head stones for their graves. For those who do not know judith was the voice of the first ducky she and her mother were murdered by her father in june of 88 shortly after judiths 10th birthday. I dotn go telling people i love this show but if they find out they find out. If some one ever says somethng like they did to nancy ill put em on the ground.

We all have our reasons for loveing this film some like me love it because its animation others litterly grew up with it.

Others see things in the land before time now that their older and relise you know this movie was never ment just for kids (also a reason i love this film series).  

I know that some of you are in collage now for various media arts related studies ive seen some of the work you have done. Like defing gravity with petrie. I watched it the other day and bout had to go change my pants. I could not beleive how well done it was. Once i have net on my own comp i want the full scale non youtube vid of that. I loved the part where petire got tossed by the branch and landed right smack on the trex.

So you know what let the idiots have their laughs know and know that you or one of those here will be the ones getting th last laugh when you got a few mill in the bank.

Funny thing about adult animated family film fans they tend to end up being involved in the industry while those who think it is silly end up flipping burgers at the local fast food joint :)


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I agree with you there too, so many people don't even understand just how much work goes into an animated movie...even a ten minute animated cartoon is a load of work. It takes a combination of art and story to make a really great film. LBT, Balto, TLK...all these movies had those two things going for them: gorgeous animation and wonderful stories, emotion and feeling...a good story makes you feel for the characters, it makes you laugh, cry, etc. All of those movies did that for me.

It seems that now a days it's harder and harder to find a good animated movie with both the art and the story that'll touch people in that way. The majority of animated films coming out recently have all shared something in common: comedy. about animals. CGI. Personally, I like traditional animation much more...there's just something about it that CGI can't get right in my eyes, but I like it too...and it's honestly not the type of animation, but like I said, it takes a good storyline too.

Is it just me or are a lot of the animated movies today lacking the emotion of those I grew up with? It's been a long time since a movie gave me the same chills and emotions as the classics I saw as a kid. It's certainly not because I'm an adult, since I still get the same feelings from those classics, and the occasional gem that finds it's way into the theatres. I thought Brother bear was pretty good. ;) I would LOVE to see more trandtional animated movies with the same charm and emotion as our classics return to the movie theatres.  :)


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Quote from: Akiko,Apr 1 2007 on  03:01 PM
I agree with you there too, so many people don't even understand just how much work goes into an animated movie...even a ten minute animated cartoon is a load of work. It takes a combination of art and story to make a really great film. LBT, Balto, TLK...all these movies had those two things going for them: gorgeous animation and wonderful stories, emotion and feeling...a good story makes you feel for the characters, it makes you laugh, cry, etc. All of those movies did that for me.

It seems that now a days it's harder and harder to find a good animated movie with both the art and the story that'll touch people in that way. The majority of animated films coming out recently have all shared something in common: comedy. about animals. CGI. Personally, I like traditional animation much more...there's just something about it that CGI can't get right in my eyes, but I like it too...and it's honestly not the type of animation, but like I said, it takes a good storyline too.

Is it just me or are a lot of the animated movies today lacking the emotion of those I grew up with? It's been a long time since a movie gave me the same chills and emotions as the classics I saw as a kid. It's certainly not because I'm an adult, since I still get the same feelings from those classics, and the occasional gem that finds it's way into the theatres. I thought Brother bear was pretty good. ;) I would LOVE to see more trandtional animated movies with the same charm and emotion as our classics return to the movie theatres.  :)
Nope animated movies between when eisner took over disney till he left lacked any real heart. They were all about getting them hyped up by the media and makign money. Lets nt forget pixar was not goign to renew their contract with disney while eisner was at the helm. TLK was the best disney film ever made while eisner was there and even it pales compaired to land before time and pre eisner disney. Heres hoping the new ceo can do a better job with disney heck who knows maybe they can talk don in to doing another clasic hand drawn film :)

As for cgi i like it and well i do 3d art in 3d studio max my self. While it allows for short cuts in animating a film as you can make use of keyframes vs needing to raw each frame by hand a typical 3d model even ones like i do can take a couple 100 hours.

example the helmet in this forum post for rubies took me about 250 hours total from start to finish
incase you need to register to view that forum heres a link to the finale ish product

A model such as shrek likely hit the 1000+ hour mark easly

So while the animation part is faster the makign the model part takes longer.
Corse in hand drawn animation each chrector can take much much longer to finish all frames than a cgi model heh.


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Wow, that looks really great Novaflare!  :blink: I could never do a CGI model like that, I'm awful at computer artwork; the most I've done are the occasional mouse drawn pictures in paint (like my icon) or little pixel avatars for a game called Furcadia. The helment turned out amazing, I can't even start to imagine doing the work that went into it...and I think that's half the problem with people and animation anymore, if people only  knew just how much work goes into even the simpliest parts of animation, I think they'd give out a lot more awards to the hard working animators, voice actors, etc. ;)

Thanks Petrie, it's great to be here again, love this place. :)


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Jan 3 2006 on  05:45 PM
There is that idiot at my school that thinks LBT and all who enjoy it will find a place in hell with their name on it.
Same with me as well  :(


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Well, there are people who are godly in Photoshop but awful in Paint.
It's just a question of experience and how long you worked on a program.

But then again, your avatar looks really amazing. And done in Paint really impressiv.  :yes

I haven't talked to my friends about LBT (yet).
But there was one I'm not sure about.
I was invited by a friend, I saw a picture of Ichty that was printed out.
Or it could be from his little brother/sister.

A few days then, I invited him to me. We were playing trading cards and my little brother was watching LBT 9. And my friend was watching it too when i wasn't looking. But we still played TCGs. He also was a bit sad when my brother turned off the TV in the middle of the movie.

So he may liked LBT too like me. But didnt asked him.  :(  -_-


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All my friends know I like it, only my close friends know I have every DVD and actually participate in a forum about it, but no one ever made fun of me, or looked at me differently because of this. I don't see what's the big deal with you guys, if there are such people, don't mind them.
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Quote from: NewOrder,Aug 20 2007 on  07:14 AM
All my friends know I like it, only my close friends know I have every DVD and actually participate in a forum about it, but no one ever made fun of me, or looked at me differently because of this. I don't see what's the big deal with you guys, if there are such people, don't mind them.
yeah, first I must say I haven¥t got very much friends, but anyway. One of my bestest friends saw it at my desctop (A picture of littlefoot) but he didn¥t say anything about this. He know that I like it, yeah and he hasn¥t got anything against it.


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I haven't talked to my friends about LBT (yet).
But there was one I'm not sure about.
I was invited by a friend, I saw a picture of Ichty that was printed out.
Or it could be from his little brother/sister.

A few days then, I invited him to me. We were playing trading cards and my little brother was watching LBT 9. And my friend was watching it too when i wasn't looking. But we still played TCGs. He also was a bit sad when my brother turned off the TV in the middle of the movie.

So he may liked LBT too like me. But didnt asked him.
In exchange for having a person of my age with such promising signs of some interest in LBT nearby I might sacrifice my right hand (I'm lefty) :lol:
Really if there are so many encouraging signs you might want to drop a casual note such as: "Those movies are really not too bad", or a question like "Do you know the land before time?" To proceed like that would probably be the best way to encourage your friend to talk about his interest in LBT (if any) rather than provoking a denial by an outright question like: "Do you like the land before time?"
Also in case your friend turns out not to be interested in LBT you would not reveal your own interest too much (in case you are concerned about it) if you proceed with such a casual note or indirect question. At all events I want to encourage you not to ignore the possibility that your friend might be interested in LBT. A lot more could be missed by not trying to find out about it than could be lost by doing just that.