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Getting to know you - LBT Style

Petrie. · 182 · 73393


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1) Most liked Land Before Time character
Five years ago I would have answered Ducky, but Petrie slowly and stealthily wrestled that spot away from her. Still a very, very close one between the swimmer and flyer (nd the remainder of the gang, actually), however.

2) Least liked Land Before Time character
Hyp felt all bark and no bite. Time of Great Giving did give him a reason to be a bully at the very end, but... eh.

3) Most liked Land Before Time song
If We Hold On Together, basically the LBT main theme and Tavera's leitmotif of it in the sequels.

4) Least liked Land Before Time song
Imaginary Friends

5) Most liked Land Before Time film
The original film of course, but excluding that one, The Stone of Cold Fire.

6) Least liked Land Before Time film
Wisdom of Friends, as if that should be a surprise.

7) Most memorable Land Before Time moment
Gang of Five finding the Great Valley at the end of the film after close to 55 minutes of buildup.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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1) Most liked Land Before Time character - Ducky, since she's cute, optimistic, brave, and sweet. Also Mo. :duckyhappy :Mo

2) Least liked Land Before Time character - Hyp and his gang.

3) Most liked Land Before Time song - Beyond the Mysterious Beyond, Big Water, Always There, Family, and No One Has To Be Alone (I actually like most of the songs).

4) Least liked Land Before Time song - Oops Eeps.

5) Most liked Land Before Time film - The first film of course, but other than that one, The Mysterious Island, The Stone of Cold Fire, The Big Freeze, Journey Through the Mists and Journey to Big Water.

6) Least liked Land Before Time film - Wisdom of Friends. (I don't hate it though.)

7) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - the Spike scene near the end of LBT 8.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 11:46:55 AM by RubberDucky »
Pinkie Pie is best pony, yep yep yep! :duckyhappy My favorite LBT sequel is LBT V. :chompysmile
My username is Ducky. :Mo


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot because of his personality and Chomper because of the dynamic he has with the rest of the group.

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character - Hyp, Nod, and Mutt

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song - If We Hold On Together, such a pretty song that always takes me back to my childhood. From the sequels probably: Beyond the Mysterious Beyond, Who Needs You, Big Water, and Always There.

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song - Probably, Imaginary Friends.

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film - The original and The Mysterious Island

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film - I haven't seen the 13th film, so I won't say the obvious, but probably Big Freeze is my least favorite.

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Probably when we first see the Great Valley in the first movie.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time Character - Cera; though I thought she was at her best in the first movie (until the end where she redeems hereself, she's this irreverent, smack-talking little chump that I think is a really entertaining character - though, in the context of the first movie alone, I prefer Ducky), I think that she shines in her arc in the eleventh (only in the arc in the eleventh, I don't like how she's handled outside of it) and twelfth movies. I'm also fond of Topps (as an antagonist in the earlier movies, and more genuinely after X) and Etta.

 1.5.) Most liked Land Before Time Sharptooth - Coming up with a category to say that I love Sharptooth himself - I don't think he's "evil" per-say, but he's this unstoppable, ferocious, terrifying force of nature that no other antagonist in the series - either predatory animal or proper villain - can even get close to matching.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time Character - Ignoring the obvious answer (the yellowbellies/Doofah), I don't like Dana and Dinah from the sixth movie at all; way too loud, way too squeaky and indistinguishable from one another character-wise; I don't want to dwell on negativity here, so moving on.

 2.5.) Least liked Land Before Time Character - The tyrannosaurs from The Great Longneck Migration are laughable; gone are the days of jumping onto the backs of sauropods and leaving devastating wounds, this is a new era - our Rexes can be tripped by tiny little longnecks and don't leave so much as a mark when biting peoples' legs.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - "If We Hold On Together"; I don't think this is a very fair contest, though. Runner-ups are "Always There" and "Best of Friends".

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - The less said about "Imaginary Friend", the better. :confused

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The Land Before Time;  I don't think it's perfect, but it's still a great, great movie. Journey Through the Mists is also pretty good.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Though The Great Valley Adventure and Journey to Big Water come close, I don't think there's any topping The Wisdom of Friends here.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - As odd and specific as this may be, the part of any of the movies that has stuck out to me the most is a brief shot during the earthquake scene in the original movie, where Sharptooth rears up on his hind legs, standing on a loose rock, surrounded by steam. I don't know exactly why this shot stood out to me so much since more first viewing of the movie, but, it did.


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character
Ducky. She was my favorite as a kid and perhaps always will be. Cera is a close runner-up though!

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character
Ahhh I don't remember. I've been re-watching all of the movies (out of order, oops) since I haven't seen them in a while, but so far my least favorite is probably Mo. Fun characters are fun but it's never addressed that he doesn't know when to be serious and I just find that a bit annoying.

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song
If We Hold On Together is the obvious answer. I'll say my second favorite is The Lesson - it really humanizes the characters. And because I am indecisive my other favorite is Always There. Made me cry when I rewatched.

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song
Funnily enough, The Mad Song is probably my least favorite. Even though Ducky and Cera are my favorite characters and The Big Freeze is my favorite movie.

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film
As I just said, The Big Freeze. Dunno why but it was my favorite when I was a kid.

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film
Wisdom of Friends hands down. But the song Say So is super catchy, I'll admit.

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment
I will never forget the scene in the first film where Littlefoot sees his shadow on the rock wall and thinks its his mother. Absolutely shattering to the soul. He gets so excited, the music even lifts up, and the moment he realizes :cry The narrator saying "and Littlefoot knew for certain that he was alone" breaks my heart.


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character -

Oh God, this is hard... it's a toss-up between Littlefoot, Cera, and Ducky, but I guess I have to go with Cera because she seems to be the one I most consistently want to know more about or see more of her subplots.

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character -

Disqualifying the yellowbellies for being to easy, Mo. There are lots of annoying characters in the franchise, but Mo is literally like a Mary Sue in a poorly written fanfic. He's not just annoying, it's that once he comes onscreen the plot becomes almost entirely about him and not the actual main characters, and he never seems to genuinely need their help or have any moments of vulnerability that don't turn out to be fake. He fundamentally fails in his role as a supporting character.

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song -

Disqualifying If We Hold On Together for being too easy, 'Always There.' Not just a tearjerker, a tearjerker that calls back directly to the first movie.

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song -

There are quite a few songs I really dislike, but I have to give it to 'Big Water' purely on the basis of it coming back in another movie.

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film -

The original, obviously. Honorable mention goes to The Big Freeze.

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film -

Wisdom of Friends. No contest.

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment -

Oh God, where to even begin to choose? I'm not allowed to just say the entirety of the original movie, am I? I guess it's a toss-up between Littlefoot seeing his own shadow, Littlefoot and Cera's fight, the scene at night when the others go to comfort Littlefoot and Cera finally joins them, and the final battle against Sharptooth.


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot. Leader of the group, he will never leave you behind and will support you no matter what.

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character - Rhett. He is too prideful. He acts tough when he tells his stories, but when talk is over and it comes time for actions. He runs to the herd for help.

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song - I like most of the Songs, but my ultimate favorite is the song called "The Lone Dinosaur." It has a classic western themed music in the background, it seems right.

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song - Stinky. I felt the song was not that great.

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film - Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock. It is the best movie I ever watched.

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film - All of them are great, but there is one I think didn't workout well. It was Land Before Time XII: The Day of the Flyers.

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Littlefoot meeting Doc.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Ruby, she is such a interesting character and I like the way she speaks.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - I would say Topps, with the way he acts most of the time in the series.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - If We Hold On Together. Always gets me emotional.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Hmm... one song that perhaps is my least favorite of them all is the Big Water.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - This one is quite easy, The Great Longneck Migration. Always watched it in kindergarden  ;)

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - The Wisdom Of Friends.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Littlefoot and Bron's reunion.


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1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character(s) - Doc and any other Longnecks - except Rhett & Old One
To be honest I don't really remember why...I just remember him being my favorite since I saw VI...and that's never changed

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character - Group: Yellowbellies / Individual: Wild Arms

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song - "If We Hold On Together" - except I like the version sung by Anndi McAfee & Aria Curzon (sorry about any misspellings!) better than the original // "Eggs" // "Who Needs You"

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song - "Eggs" <--I love this song...but I also hate it because it's like eternally stuck in my head

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film - 6, 10, 4, 14 (that order) [kudos to anyone who figures out the pattern...shouldn't be too hard]

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film - 13.

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment - um...Eggs..........

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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I have yet to see the TV series, but as of recently I have watched all fourteen films.

1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character:
Littlefoot. He's so loveable, and you really feel for him in his struggle throughout the first film. Second favourite would be Cera. Favourite guest character is Ali.

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character:
Like many others, I'm not the biggest fan of the Yellowbellies. I don't utterly hate them or anything (and in fact I like their design, at least). They're just annoying. And, as much as I like Cera, I'm not crazy about her father. Again I don't hate him, per say, but he's so grumpy that it makes him difficult to appreciate. He does have moments where you see that he's not so bad deep down, but still. Also Mrs. Maia, again, for being an unlikeable grouch.

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song:
"If We Hold On Together". The original version, although I really like the Cera and Ducky version as well. Too bad the latter never actually appeared in any of the sequels; it would've fit in so nicely. Oh, and pretty much anything James Horner composed.

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song:
I'd need to see the films again sometime to form a more definite answer on this, as there's probably some songs I'm overlooking. But as of right now, "You're One of Us Now", "Kids Like Us", "Friends For Dinner", and "Hot and Stinky" all come to mind, although that last one is a bit of a guilty pleasure.

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film:
The original. Just a beautifully-told and heart-wrenching story all around. My favourite sequels are "Journey Through the Mists" (#4), "The Mysterious Island" (#5), and "The Great Longneck Migration" (#10).

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film:
"Invasion of the Tinysauruses" (#11) for its nonsensical plot and out-of-character moments, and "The Wisdom of Friends" (#13) for... the Yellowbellies.

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment:
Nearly every scene from the first movie. Perhaps that's not a very exciting answer, but there's so many great moments that I don't think I can really single any of them out.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 07:54:27 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Time to get down to business!!  :Mo

1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character - Obviously, the Rainbow Faces are my all-time favorites! :rainbowwave I always thought they were cool for being so mysterious and intelligent--not to mention they're aliens. I mean, alien dinosaurs? I've always enjoyed the sheer strangeness of them! They're such quirky outsiders, and they don't give a hoot about what the regular dinosaurs think of them. They know things no one else does, and they don't owe any explanation to the likes of Mr. Threehorn! Choosing a favorite Rainbow Face, I'm gonna have to pick the male for being the friendlier one. I get a kick out of how terrible he is at being secretive--seems like he's in the wrong line of work, whatever that line of work exactly is. And caring for the kids is more important to him than keeping his distance for the sake of the mysterious mission, not wanting Littlefoot and co. to go without food and that sort of thing. And then there's the way his passion for science/space always bubbles over to the point where his companion has to cut him off before he says too it.

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character - FYI, I'm not counting the TV show here, because so many of its new characters were so bland that I don't want to have to decide who was the most boring. :lol Keep in mind I don't downright hate anyone from LBT, but I'm gonna have to say Ichy is my least favorite. He and Dil were always my least favorite villians of the whole series. (Yeah, probably gonna have to let you down in the fanart department on this month's character showcase.) Even when I was little, I found their voices annoying, and that combined with their constant bickering got on my nerves fast. But why does Ichy get the honor of being my ultimate least favorite? That would mostly be because he's always bashing Dil's blindness. Not that Dil's ever nice to him, but with blindness already being an obstacle for Dil as it is, Ichy's attitude strikes me as particularly unfair. Also, I think Ichy's squawky voice is the most annoying of the two. (Squawky: new word, anyone? Spellcheck is not pleased.)

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song - "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" will always be my favorite! Come on, it's sung by my favorite characters. Besides, it's such a beautiful song! Plus it's sung by my favorite characters! In all seriousness, though, I love the message that there's so much of our world left to discover, wonders we know nothing about, perhaps some that will always remain a mystery. It's humbling, and it's so true. Looking up at a clear night sky, how many of us think about how enormous it really is? Not to mention that, on the other side of the coin, that part that we can see is only a fraction of our universe. (Somewhere in that paragraph, I just went full Neil deGrasse Tyson mode.)

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - "Stupid Stompers." x(cera Because, no puns about it, it's just stupid. Mean-spirited, annoying, and as poorly-performed as LBT songs come. "THEY DON'T KNOW AaANYyTHING AT aAaALL!" Was Skitter supposed to be so horrifically off-key??

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film - Definitely VII: The Stone of Cold Fire! I probably don't have to explain at this point. Though I will add that, aside from the Rainbow Faces, I also enjoyed it for the fact that it had some villains with a more interesting goal than just "eat the kids." (Suddenly most Land Before Time sequels sound morbid.) Plus, Pterano's song is another big favorite of mine! I love its use of string instruments!

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film - XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses takes that spot. I mean, the whole thing revolves around Littlefoot becoming a lying idiot. How is this supposed to be the same character we saw in any of the other movies??! I can laugh at The Wisdom of Friends for its what-am-I-watching levels of absurdity, but Tinysauruses is just Out-of-Character Syndrome at its worst! :anger

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The end of VII when Littlefoot meets up with the Rainbow Faces again and sees them leaving. It's so cool how you never see the spaceship itself, just the tractor beam and the streak of light as it flies away. For that matter, we don't even know for sure if it is a spaceship. I know others on the web have theorized that it could have been a time machine, though as a fan of aliens I admit no one can shake me into thinking it's anything besides a spaceship. Point is, they left the scene ambiguous enough for there to still be some mystery there. And the awe on Littlefoot's face as he watches the whole thing happen...perfect.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 06:26:50 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

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Favorite character-Chomper :chompysmile
Least favorite character-Both Ichy and Dil
Favorite song- Say So's
Least favorite song- Who Needs You?
Favorite movie-Great Valley Adventure
Least Favorite Movie-Time of the Great Giving
Most memorable moment-Chomper's hatching
Go Chomper!


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4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song - "Who Needs You." See #2. Man, it looks like there's a pretty strong correlation between my character preferences and song preferences...

Changed my mind about this. Although I remember my reaction to this song being indifferent at best and annoyed at most  when I was younger, I watched the movie again recently and found that "Who Needs You" was actually pretty catchy and witty! Besides, when I wrote this I'd forgotten about my true least favorite LBT song, one that I (thankfully) tend to forget exists...

"Stupid Stompers." x(cera Because, no puns about it, it's just stupid. Mean-spirited, annoying, and as poorly-performed as LBT songs come. "THEY DON'T KNOW AaANYyTHING AT aAaALL!" Was Skitter supposed to be so horrifically off-key??

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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I am here now for two weeks and it is time to write down, what I like about "The Land Before Time". The opinions differ widely on this topic (That is what it makes it so interesting!), but I will try to write down my views here in an understandable way.

1) My favourite character:
There are so many great characters in The Land Before Time! I can somehow identify with each and everyone of the characters. Since I saw my first LBT-film Littlefoot has been my favourite character. I was able to recognize myself in his behavior and actions in The Big Freeze and The Secret Of The Saurusrock, for example when Mr. Thicknose is talking about how the dinosaurs are getting their food, he listens carefully and wants absolutely to bring in his own knowledge or when he tells everyone the story of the lone dinosaur. He is curious and interested in so many things, he loves to listen to stories and he loves to tell stories, just like me. That is why he is my favourite character.

2) My least favourite character:
I didn't like The Time Of Great Giving when I was young, because of Hyp and his friends. I wasn't able to understand why they act so mean. I watched it again a month ago and noticed how good the story is. I never liked the behavior of Hyp and his friends, but I liked the idea of "They are just kids, which are trying to pretend that they are already adults." I also don't like Dil and Ichy simply because their speaking sharpteeth.
3)My favourite song:
 The original soundtrack is the best and emotionalest in the whole series. "If we hold on together" is so wonderful!
I also like many of the sequel-songs.
My favourites are "The Legend Of The Lone Dinosaur", because it isn't just a sung monologue or dialogue, it tells a story and "When you're on your own". "When you're on your own" is of such a great importance to me, because it is like it gives a additional reason for what happened in the original movie, especially for Cera's separation  and her return. The song says something like: If you are alone you don't need to care for others, but there is no one there to care for you.

My least favourite song:
The first song in LBT9, because they sang about boredom. They met Mo just a few minutes later and the boredom was gone as quickly as it had come. I think it is a good song and I don't mind listening this song. The scene just somehow do not match with the rest of the film.

My favourite film:
"The Land Before Time" It was my favourite story when I was a child and it will always be my favourite film. I love the animation and the music, but the best things of all are the story and the characters. I could talk for hours just about how great the characters are...
Maybe you can guess my favourite sequel from my choice of favourite songs. It is "The Secret Of Saurusrock", maybe because it and "The Great Valley Adventure" are the first LBT-films, that I saw. The film is about being interested in someone and believing in something, that is why Iike it so much. Even when a everything went wrong(maybe because of bad luck, but I think because of Littlefoot, Dinah and Dana) they had someone, who protected them. I like this idea.

6)My least favourite film:
I think a bad "The Land Before Time" doesn't exist. Every film has got a good story idea, a good music or some funny scenes in it, so I  can not say that a film is worse than the others.

The most memorable moment:
-when Littlefoot finds his tree star again(Or did his tree star found him?)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 03:14:41 PM by Sarah »


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1) Most Favorite LBT Character - Doofah. No, it's probably Pterano. He's just such a cool character!
2) Least Favorite Character - Doofah.
3) Favorite Song - well if you mean the soundtrack than that's a whole nother story but my favorite song is probably EEEGGGGSSSSS
4) Least Favorite Song - Not counting the originally made songs from the TV series, How Do You Know? Only thing I know is that it's a garbage song. I know usually the LBT sequels have one "sad" song along with the two others (Kids Like Us, Always There, On Your Own, etc) but in such an upbeat movie like The Wisdom Of Friends, How Do You Know just seems so out of place, it also comes out of literally nowhere.
5) Favorite Movie - the first one, of course, what a suprise. But my favorite sequel is either Secret Of Saurus Rock (there's an Allosaurus, Allosaurus is great, and it uses Sharptooth's roars.) or The Stone Of Cold Fire.
6) Least Favorite Movie - unlucky number 13. Surprisingly, even that one has it's own qualities, some of the music is nice, some scenes aren't annoying too.
7) Most Memorable Moment - either Littlefoot hatching or the Night Flower scene, they are both awesome.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 11:37:09 PM by ToasttheLBT14carno »


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Surprisingly, even that one has it's own qualities, some of the music is nice, some scenes aren't annoying too.

Lol. Always good to look on the bright side. :D


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1) Most liked Land Before Time character
Oh, Petrie, most definitely! I was really drawn to his personality as a little kid, out of the rest of the group he seemed like the off-beat, geeky one and he was always nervous about something. Oh yeah, AND he's the only flyer. Cera's a close second though

2) Least liked Land Before Time character
Those consarned yellow-bellies from the "Wisdom of Friends". Ergh. Or the spiketail bee-yotch who tried to take Spike in "Big Freeze".

3) Most liked Land Before Time song
"Big Water". Damn, such a dark, catchy tune, one of the reasons I like blues music now. "Standing Tough" gets honorable mention, Cera's dad is such a badass.

4) Least liked Land Before Time song
If We Hold On Together. I'm sorry, I know it's the most iconic one, but seeing Littlefoot lose his mom in the first movie is the first time I can remember feeling distraught at something on television.

5) Most liked Land Before Time film
"The Mysterious Island"!!! That was my first one, and I must've seen it like thirty times as a little kid :p Other than that I'd have to say the first one, or "Time of the Great Giving"

6) Least liked Land Before Time film
Wisdom of Friends, obviously

7) Most memorable Land Before Time moment
The scene in Mysterious Island where they get caught in an "Earthshake" in the middle of the ocean.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 05:09:13 AM by Sharpely »

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^Finally, another member who thinks that the first LBT is sad. I didn't watch it much as a kid because of that. I still like that movie because of Ducky and Petrie. They're too cute.  :)petrie
Go Chomper!


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^Finally, another member who thinks that the first LBT is sad. I didn't watch it much as a kid because of that. I still like that movie because of Ducky and Petrie. They're too cute.  :)petrie

YES, way too sad. But yeah, it had a lot going for it! I have to admit I love spazzy whackjob Petrie more than his tamer sequel self  :lol
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 03:52:59 PM by Sharpely »


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^Finally, another member who thinks that the first LBT is sad. I didn't watch it much as a kid because of that. I still like that movie because of Ducky and Petrie. They're too cute.  :)petrie

Well I think the first LBT is sad too. But in my case, that's part of why I like it so much.