The Gang of Five
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LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie!

Ducky123 · 215 · 63819


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By the time Buko had finished struggling against the stream, he was thoroughly exhausted.  It was only when his feet again make contact with the bottom of the stream that he was able to look up and notice his target in front of him.  Oddly appearing to look more concerned for his pathetic drenched form than herself.

"Wyoh!  Are you alright?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Lone Dragon

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Aquarius frowned, inwardly he had agreed more with what the Fast Runner had said. The Threehorn was obviously letting his temper get the better off him despite the fact that they had tried to help him and that act from the Fast Runners was not something he had expected from a couple of egg stealers but it was something that made him question his own thoughts on them. They at the very least had earned his gratitude and the Threehorn could not blame them for his own misfortunes.

"Are you done beating them up yet?" Aquarius deadpanned holding his hand over his face for a second. "We tried to help you and we did what we could and you still blame us and now you start fighting? It would serve you right if that Sharptooth came back and ate you now." said Aquarius coldly, there was no humour in his voice.

He limped over to The Threehorn and said very firmly to his face. "I am inclined to trust them more then you at the moment, you turned away the tree stars I offered you! I can at least repay the Fast Runners for trying to save your sorry ass when they had no need to even try!" Aquarius said glaring at the stunned Threehorn, he had evidently made his point. He had said something that went against everything his father had taught him about sticking to his own but experience was rapidly making the young Swimmer question those lessons and besides he had already chosen to adopt his mother's helpful approach on things and that was the basis of what he had said. The Fast Runners had helped him, now it was time for him to help them.

He looked over at the two Fast Runners on the other side of the river. "I am really sorry about this, I've told him off and he won't attack you again" Aquarius gave the Threehorn a firm glare and turned back to The Fast Runners. "We'd all better get out of here soon and my name is Aquarius. What's your names?" Aquarius hoped that this would at least calm the current hostilities down between the two parties.     
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Commotion ahead.

Orsur stopped where he was, his body tense his senses alert. He could hear the splashing of water from where he sat just behind a grassy knoll. It was a sound that meant two things: firstly, he might finally have the chance to quench his thirst today, but second and more importantly, it meant someone else was nearby.

Cautiously he crept to the edge of the knoll and peered over, hoping to catch some glimpse of what had caused the commotion below.


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Wyoh's shoulders sagged; the bulk of the nervous tension she had still harbored left her body when Buko's swim proved successful. She was beginning to expect his company, and was surprised to find the thought of losing it frightened her. She took a few brisk steps toward the waterlogged fastrunner, but was brought up short by his question. Her heart was pounding. She was dizzy. A kind of mental numbness had settled over her in the wake of the adrenaline rush. She didn't know how she felt.

"I'm alright." She gave the vague reply with a nod, almost automatically. It seemed to be mostly true. She looked down at herself as best she could. Aside from a general disarray in her feathers and a dull, throbbing ache beginning to spread through her chest where the threehorn had struck her, all of her parts were intact. The stupid threehorn. She glared across the water, annoyed to see that the two on the other side were absorbed in conversation. Her soggy feathers puffed limply in indignation. Of course the dumb flat-teeth would team up against them.

"I'm going to catch some fish." She grumbled, turning to stalk off upstream, away from the crazy threehorn and his friend. Her thoughts momentarily turned to the problem of actually figuring out how to catch a fish, before she stopped, stunned by what the swimmer had yelled across the water to them. The tallcrest wasn't sure if the swimmer had lost his mind, or if she had been hit harder than she thought- he expected them to believe that he had any kind of control over the threehorn? The same threehorn who had only moments ago tried to murder her? Speechless, she turned toward Buko, her wide-eyed look conveying utter disbelief and confusion.


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When Wyoh answered his question with a terse affirmation and a nod, Buko finally allowed himself to calm down.  At least they were safe.  But that was when another emotion reached his mind.  An emotion that he had seldom felt.


They had done all that they could for the threehorn.  He had even yelled as a distraction in order to buy the horn-faced jerk some additional time.  And how did he reward their efforts?  By attacking those who had risked much to give him a chance.  It was enough to confirm what his mother had always said about threehorns: Stay away from them, son.  A threehorn doesn't have a single kind bone in its body.

The sound of yelling broke his thoughts.

"Are you done beating them up yet?  We tried to help you and we did what we could and you still blame us and now you start fighting? It would serve you right if that Sharptooth came back and ate you now!"

Buko turned his head towards the commotion.  He was relieved that the threat was on the other side, but something in his gut lurched.  Swimmer, what are you doing?  What if he attacks you?  As much as the threehorn enraged him, he had no anger for the swimmer.

"I'm going to catch some fish."

Buko turned around and nodded at Wyoh.  They were going to grab some food before this all happened.  Perhaps he should do the same?

"I am really sorry about this, I've told him off and he won't attack you again."

Buko practically tripped over his own feet as he swung his body around.

"We'd all better get out of here soon and my name is Aquarius. What's your names?"

Buko turned to share a look with his friend.  Her expression of disbelief matched his own as countless thoughts washed up to the surface at the same time.  Surprise at the swimmer talking down a threehorn.  Anger at the threehorn.  And relief for their very lives.  In the end his response was terse, but not unkind to the swimmer.

"I am Buko, son of Granger," he said gesturing at himself, "And what that thing attacked is my friend, Wyoh."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The swimmer’s words hit Rinen harder than a massive group of boulders crushing his body to pieces. Had he actually heard what he thought? Had… had the swimmer completely replicated the fastrunner’s accusations towards him and wished him to be eaten by a sharptooth? And had he actually repeated the cursed omnivore’s claims that they had actually helped him earlier? What the hell was going on? Rinen even thought about hitting the swimmer with his leg in anger but decided against it at the very last moment.

The threehorn suddenly realized that the depth of the smaller dinosaur’s loathing hurt him far more than it should have, not least because he had been genuinely relieved by the appearance of a supposedly friendly face after all that had happened. But now he was faced with horrible insults and claims that seemed to make no sense at all. He panted in utter shock and even fear as the swimmer concluded his speech which was soon followed by the answers of the fastrunners. Especially one comment caught his ear and not because of its flattering tone.

“And what that thing attacked is my friend, Wyoh.” A thing? That’s what the child killer thought of him? For a fleeting moment, the threehorn felt the utter rage return into him but before anything else happened, he wanted to get some explanations. After a few, forced gasps, he spoke to the swimmer, deciding to ignore the omnivores for long enough to find out what was going on.

“W… what are you saying? I… I saw the fastrunners follow my struggles back then before they turned their back on me and left me there! How did that help me in any damned meaningful way? I could have accepted even that but… they have no right to act like nothing had happened at all and then even insult me like that… unless I’m wrong again as I’ve always been. Please… just tell me what happened between you three and about your “help”. I don’t even know what to believe anymore.” Rinen said as he forced his gaze away from the swimmer into the distant horizon, trying to at least begin to calm down and think reasonably. He owed as much to himself and to the swimmer.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 04:54:50 PM by Sovereign »


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Orsur couldn't believe his luck.

Somehow he'd missed it during his trek: a long, winding stream that lay just below him. No more drinking from puddles, no more licking the dew off the grass, finally he could have a real drink again.

But he remained cautious. The source of the splashing was clear to him now. A motley collection of dinosaurs was splashing about in the stream. Strangers. Farwalkers. He felt his sail flush and backed down, hoping not to draw any unwanted attention with his brightly-colored feature.

Dividing them should be easy enough, he thought to himself. They were already at each other's throats. The Threehorn in particular seemed quite volatile. Typical Farwalkers. Given time, he knew, they would tear each other apart. He knew he should hang back and wait for the usual outcome to take its course, but that was hardly an option. He looked down, studying the tip of the sharp thumb spike that was just beginning to grow. He could take them.

He had to.

The Lone Dragon

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A quite sigh of relief came from Aquarius when he heard the Threehorn asking him but the tone of voice hit him on a much deeper level, it was clear that he was going through a very rough time in the emotional sense. Although Aquarius had not known this Threehorn for long he was sure that some event had caused this Threehorn much torment, he had come to this conclusion from two signs. One, was that the Threehorn was alone and didn't appear to have a herd and the second reason was how he had treated Aquarius, sure they had gotten off to a rough start but over the short time that they had been together both parties seemed to become more mutual and respective towards one another which was not something that Aquarius ever expected from the average Threehorn after his previous encounter with them.

The fact that no normal Threehorn would ever act this way when put in the same postition as this particular Threehorn and the fact that he had often been emotional which was something no Threehorn generally showed only rienforced the fact that something very personal was bothering him. Nevertheless, the fact that the Threehorn was now starting to approach the situation rationally made Aquarius glad that he was at least willing to try and sort things out without butting heads with anyone. 

Aquarius took a breath and said "When we got out of range of the Sharptooth both the Fast Runner's yelled out and tried to distract that big brute from you and it did distract him, slightly. Also after you jumped off the cliff I told them to help you but they had exhausted themselves and they said that if we helped you we'd give away your position to the Sharptooth and that he'd get you. So they did help you and you should be grateful for that cause they might have just saved you" The young Swimmer knew he was probably painting the Fast Runners in a brighter light then in reality but at the moment he just wanted to concentrate on diffusing this tense situation.

What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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The frown on the threehorn’s face deepened by the second as he looked at the swimmer tell his story. He was somewhat happy to see that the swimmer had calmed down as quickly as he had and initially, he had hoped for a real, believable explanation. However, as soon as the smaller dinosaur mentioned the fact that the two had quite simply left him on his own despite the swimmer’s pleas suddenly seemed to shut everything else away from the boy’s mind. He kept his face calm even after his companion had stopped speaking but inside, he was seething. Oh, a fastrunner had the courage to shout at a sharptooth? What a damn act of heroism!

The fact that the fastrunners owed him absolutely nothing lingered at the back of his mind but so did the female’s reaction. She could have defended her actions but no, she was too busy trying to make him feel guilty! And the fact that the swimmer accused him of his attack without hearing what led to it annoyed Rinen to no end but he could see it was no use arguing about that point anymore. All that mattered was to get some kind of closure to this farce, hopefully without a fight. The threehorn saw the concern on Aquarius’ face rise again as the larger dinosaur started to breath slowly and prepare to speak.

“They did that much, did they? Well, what a relief!” Rinen snapped in anger before turning his gaze at the two fastrunners who were still lingering on the other side of the river.

“So I should be grateful to you two crying at a sharptooth from a distance and believe it actually bought me any real time?! It really takes some bravery for a fastrunner to do that to a cursed sharptooth! If only you had shown even more of it earlier instead of the pitiful insults you gave me, coward!” Rinen cried at the female fastrunner, not really even knowing what he wished to achieve with his words. He knew his relationship with the fastrunners was beyond redemption, not that he even wanted otherwise, but if the swimmer truly wished to side with the omnivores after this scene, then good riddance! Deep down, Rinen knew he was only hurting himself further but that voice of reason was drowned under a well of swirling despair and pain.


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Wyoh snorted. What a jerk! All she had done was tell him she was glad he wasn't dead, and he had yelled at her! And then, tried to kill her! And now he was yelling at her again! She had been kicked at and chased off by others of her own kind over food before, and that she could understand. She could even understand sharpteeth, to an extent- everyone was hungry. But to try to kill someone, just because he was mad? She turned her back on the flat-teeth across the river. Well, it served her right for trying to say something nice to a Threehorn. She should have just run on sight- it was stupid not to. Threehorns were violent by nature.

"I'm not getting anywhere near that... that thing ever again!" She shouted over her shoulder, drying feathers puffing a bit more elegantly than they had before.


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Buko nearly kicked himself for being naive enough to feel a hint of hope at the swimmer's prior words.  It was indeed foolish to expect different behavior from a threehorn who had been ungrateful for their help and even harmed his friend.  And why was he hoping for a reconciliation with the threehorn anyway.

He fixed the threehorn with an icy glare before sighing and glancing at the swimmer. 

"You are free to choose your own companion... or companions, Aquarius.  But we will not travel with that."

Buko hesitated for a moment his back leg extended behind him in something between a stretch and preparation for a sprint.  It was a not so veiled hint that he would not mind the swimmer going with them if he chose.  But one way or another there would be a parting of the ways here.

He agreed with Wyoh; the threehorn had showed its true character here.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Lone Dragon

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Aquarius was struck in the heart by Buko's question. The ramifications were broad and very personal to the young Swimmer for one he was being forced to choose between the two kinds he distrusted the most and yet both parties had proved to him that they could be given some trust but he felt obliged to help the Threehorn cause even if he didn't want to admit it he had helped him and Aquarius still believed he owed the Threehorn for the Sharptooth incident.

But there was another implication which was indirectly touched on. Travel companions, but where would they be traveling too? The beaten up Swimmer knew that he couldn't afford to go it alone with his injuries but where did everyone else want to go? What was a Swimmer lost and alone in the wilderness supposed to do? Aquarius desired only one thing and that was to get back to his family, he didn't know if they survived but his young naïve mind still clung to the believe that if he had survived then surely his family had too. That was why he waited in the cave for so long, he had been so convinced that his family would find him but nothing had ever shown up, now he was only started to open up to the terrible thought that he really could be all that's left.

Aquarius sighed, his tail slumped and he sat down and looked at the ground with an expression that was of fear, sadness and indecision. He was to young and he didn't know what to do. There was so much emotions running through him and he struggled to keep them in check, he did manage a sniff and looked up to see all eyes on him. He felt that all he could do was follow his original plan. "I just want to go home but The Great Wave washed my home and family away, now I don't know where they are, I want to find the place I got swept from and find them. Where are all you guys going?" said Aquarius, his voice was filled with the same emotions that were jangling in his head like a howling tempest.   
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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The swimmer’s sudden change of mood and the wave of sadness washing over his companion made the entire scene change in front of Rinen’s eyes. One second, he was preparing for another fight with the fastrunners even if he knew he had no way of reaching them anymore, the next he was seeing the emotional resignation of the only dinosaur who had shown him any understanding in a long, long time. The atmosphere of anger and tension seemed to lift away along with the sight of the cursed fastrunners. Part of it was due to his liking of the swimmer but indeed, it also brought his own hopeless situation to his mind. He still had nowhere to go and for a moment, he remembered the newfound sense of meaning hearing of the swimmer’s struggles had brought him earlier.

Rinen shook his head in an effort to clear his thoughts. He still yearned to settle his score with the omnivores but for the moment, he could only see himself as another mindless brute he had learned to regard his fellow children as during his time with his old herd as he looked at the mental exhaustion of his companion. A wave of guilt washed over Rinen, not in the least because of his actions, but because of the effects they had for the swimmer. In this moment, Rinen saw the depth of the disappointment the other boy carried towards him and that realization killed Rinen’s will to hold up his antagonistic stance completely. To anyone else but the threehorn himself, it was clear his mask of confidence had dropped. Where only seconds before had stood an antagonistic, enraged threehorn, now there remained only a lonely, lost and fearful child. His voice was silent and sorrowful as he spoke.

“I’ve got nowhere to go, sw… Aquarius. I have no herd, no friends, nothing. I had hoped to search for some, any place better than this one and that’s what I’m still going to do. But… but if this is the last time we meet, I’d like you to know that my name is Rinen.” He said, only barely swallowing his sobs before they could be noticed. No matter what Aquarius would decide, Rinen would accept it gracefully. If the swimmer would be another companion he’d lose due to his mistakes in this world, the threehorn knew that fact would serve him very well after all that had happened.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 04:52:53 PM by Sovereign »


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Buko watched the sudden shift in the two leaf-eaters with more than a little surprise.  This surprise soon turned into regret, however, as he saw the deep turmoil his proposal had wrought upon the innocent swimmer.  Though Buko had no love for the threehorn, Rinen's reaction showed that he did care for his swimmer companion.  It also showed to the fastrunner that the swimmer and threehorn were orphans like himself.  Even if the swimmer was unwilling to accept that his family were probably swept away into the eternal sleep of the Great Beyond, to Buko the implications were obvious.

And having experienced the loss of his own father and siblings due to the uncaring fate of this world he was not about to leave Aquarius alone.  Even if that meant tolerating the insufferable oaf of a threehorn.

He looked towards Wyoh as if to ask permission as he spoke.

"We... were trying to find greener lands.  Someplace with food and shelter.  Perhaps... perhaps if we find someplace like that then we can find wherever you were washed away from.  Do... um..."

Granger, no!"

The other fastrunner stood over the broken body of the other male.  His beak dripping with blood as the female cowered.


Buko shook his head to force back the memories from the destruction of his family.  "....Do you remember what the place looked like?  Where you last saw them?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Wyoh's indignation fizzled at the Swimmer's tired plea. His soft sincerity brought to mind images of her lost brother, and her heart ached for him, but the pain in her chest was enough to keep her anger seething beneath the surface. It was no surprise that she balked visibly at Buko's sudden concessions. She answered his questioning look with a huff of breath and a gruff shrug. She would follow them, of course- what else could she do? But she wasn't willing to admit that to herself just yet.

The tallcrest turned and walked a few paces along the bank, settling down to preen her abused feathers. Let them say whatever they wanted, she wasn't going to waste her breath.

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"Looks like I hit them all hard Aquarius thought. He could see it in everyone's faces. Pain and hardship and sympathy in each of them, it seemed that he was not the only one who suffered but he knew not what they had suffered but what Rinen had said was something he never expected. He had actually called him by his name where as before he always referred to him by his kind, this change in attitude, the fact that they both knew each other seemed to forebode are more extended contact with each other that would not be broken here. Then there was the matter of Buko's words, they presented what Aquarius wanted to have a chance to go back and find his family but would this matter conflict with everyone's current goal of finding food and shelter?

Common sense dictated that the area his family was in would probably be unrecognisable and would be devoid of both shelter and food which would only cause more trouble for everyone. "Would I even find them if I went back? The thought made him shiver, even if his family had survived they had no reason to believe that he had and if the area was devoid of food and shelter then there was no reason to stay there. Aquarius clutched his heart as he came to the realisation that it was to late to find his family. Even if they survived they would long have moved away and searching for them in a dangerous, barren land would probably just get him killed. For now his priorities was the same as the others and maybe finding some healing plants for his injuries.   

"What does it matter where I used to live?" said Aquarius sadly looking at his feet. "My family is probably long gone, I am still up for travelling with you all but I'm tired and hurt but I-we need food and shelter and it doesn't look like we will have much to eat here." He gestured to the tree stars which were rather brown even after such a storm, it was a reminder that the drought was still affecting this area and there was also that Sharptooth that could be nearby. Aquarius felt safer the further away he was from a Sharptooth. "If we are all looking for the same things then I am up to travelling with you all" he said looking at Rinen, Buko and Wyoh and hoping that they'd all be reasonable.
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Aquarius’ words brought a mixture of relief and annoyance to Rinen’s mind. Of course, he was beyond happy that the swimmer still hadn’t turned his back on him but… to go on with the fastrunners? Even if the threehorn accepted that idea himself, how well would a group whose members hate each other work together? Did he have any reason to trust that the fastrunners wouldn’t betray him the moment he turned his gaze away?

Even now, especially the face of the female omnivore made his blood boil and if he were alone with her, he wouldn’t let this issue rest. In the back of his mind, the boy knew that he couldn’t go on alone in this wasteland and the prospect of having a companion, even a friend, with him would be worth standing those cursed baby killers for at least a while. If that’s where this meeting would eventually lead, that is. Rinen sighed as he prepared to trade some of his principles away in order to save his pride and probably his life. He first looked at Aquarius but then he moved to speak to the fastrunners.

“That’s what I had hoped too. I just hope things can be that way again.” He then turned to the distant omnivores and with great efforts, managed to turn his growl into a somewhat constrained call.

“As for you two, I hate the idea of suffering your faces any longer but Aquarius has a point. If you want to ever get away from here alive, a threehorn’s help might be just what you need! I don’t know why but the swimmer seems to trust you and because of that, if you keep your cursed crap to yourself, I might just do the same!” Rinen shuddered as he spoke, feeling as if his voice belonged to someone else. Those weren’t the words he had thought or expected to hear himself say but there they were. He had given up more to the fastrunners than he had ever expected. Now, the decision was in their hands.


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Upon hearing the statements of both the swimmer and the threehorn Buko felt that he had a much clearer view of where they stood.  They were all on their own in this unforgiving place and each of them had their weaknesses.  For both he and Wyoh that was the inability to effectively fight a larger adversary if their speed failed them, and for the threehorn it was his lack of speed and an effective sniffer to spot threats.  Their best chance, as absurd as it sounded, might be to combine their strengths in the hopes that it would overshadow their faults.  He had no objections in the case of Aquarius, but as for the threehorn...

Buko turned towards Wyoh, her irritation clearly visible in her features.  This was certainly going to be a hard sale.  Reluctantly he walked over to his traveling companion and raised a hand in a 'give me a moment' gesture towards the swimmer in the hopes that he would tell the arrogant threehorn to give them a moment.

"Well... I am not thrilled about the threehorn either, but I do know that if it comes to a fight he might be helpful.  We are on our own out here..." Buko began more than a little unsure of himself. "Perhaps we could scout ahead... a good distance away... and help them with our sniffers and eyes... and the leaf-eaters can help us by watching the rear?"

He paused for a moment to take stock of his words.  Truth be told, logical plan or not, he had no right to ask this of Wyoh as the threehorn had wronged her.  It was not the fastrunner way to force a friend to make peace with an adversary.  There was only one right way to handle this.  No matter the eventual cost to their chances of staying alive.

He took a deep breath. 

"This is your call, Wyoh.  I will follow your lead on this."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Wyoh knew what he was going to ask her. She continued to focus solely on arranging her feathers, and pretended not to notice as he walked over. She listened as he started to speak, and as his words continued, her preening slowed until she was completely still, her mind beginning to turn in new directions. He had given the decision to her, for both of them. Why?

It forced her into a role of responsibility. All at once, the situation took on a new light- if she chose poorly now, and something bad were to happen to him, it would be her fault. She rose to her feet, shifting uncomfortably as her tired legs complained. She looked across the river at the leaf-eaters, then back at Buko. “Okay, fine. But it that threehorn kills me, it’s your fault.” She huffed. At least she could throw a bit of the responsibility back at him.


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Buko took a deep breath at Wyoh's pronouncement.  It was obvious that his proposal was carried, but that his traveling companion was not thrilled about the arrangement.  Though considering what they had just been through it was probably the best outcome that the small group could have hoped for.

He then turned around towards his (for now) companions.  "Alright, we will keep our sniffers and eyes to the wind... and you can hold the rear. Our best bet will be to follow this stream and to see if it leads to something wider.  Where there is water there usually is food."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.