The Gang of Five
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Fanart Prompt Challenge Discussion

Ducky123 · 455 · 109919


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Yeah I can if you want. As far as I know I'm the only one working on it (though Levente usually sneaks his way in :lol )

Do you just want to see what I'm drawing for inspiration? If so it would probably be best to do it on a DM or something.


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Here's famous evil swimmer picture for inspiration for off-character, Mumbling. :3

Ducky is epitome of inspiration itself, no matter how she looks. :D


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Oh, I totally love this banner  :)littlefoot

@Mumbling I had this weird idea of drawing the gang with a twist for this prompt: They're all villains and looking really badass  :bestsharptooth Then again, this might be taking it a bit too far haha and it's way too complicated haha

If noone's taking evil Ducky, I might try drawing that notorious scene from Search For Sky Color Stones haha but I'm too busy to make something good in time either way so feel free to take it for now  :^^spike
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I had this weird idea of drawing the gang with a twist for this prompt: They're all villains and looking really badass  :bestsharptooth
And then please, draw good old guy Sharptooth who looks cute and scared by true villains of the show, being innocient victim! ^^


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Haha those are some great ideas! Thanks guys, will see if I can get something drawn before the end of the month.


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I don't want to seem as if I'm doing everything at the last minute, but time is against me right now. Fortunately the school holidays have started and I was able to make a sketch. I would like to try the actual drawing in the next few days. I'm not sure if it will work the way I want it to, so I can't say 100% whether I will be able to participate. Could the deadline be extended by one week? That would take a lot of pressure off me.  :)


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I by no means run the prompt, but considering I'm the only person whose submitted something with only 2 days left I am perfectly fine with you taking the little bit of extra time to finish. Looking forward to it!  :)littlefoot


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While Levente is finishing up his May/June prompt I suppose I will post the next prompt for those who may be interested (since Ducky and Darkwolf are both fairly inactive at the moment).


One Word Prompt: Draw an OC

Descriptive Prompt: Those who have been competing last year already know the drill. Draw an original character in whatever situation/environment you want. If you use someone else's original character, it is advised to ask them for permission first  :exactly

I'm personally not too sure on this one. I got lucky with drawing an OC last year and may not come up with an idea for this year. That being said though this prompt was one of the most active we had last year so I'm curious to see who will join. Is anyone thinking about joining in on the fun for this one?


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I'm afraid I won't be able to join any drawing prompts in the near future due to the sorry state of my thumb. Perhaps by the time August comes rolling around!


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yes, I'm indeed super active atm  :opetrie

thanks for taking the initiative @Flathead770 ! Late entries are permitted although you won't see any entry of mine. Just not feeling like drawing. I mean, I did start something but I'm just not happy with it.

For those curious

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Super smug Littlefoot + Cera admiring him

Dialogue: Cera: "Longnecks are just so GREAT at everything!"
              Littlefoot: Yes, and I'm the best!"

Feel free to draw that lol  :PAli

I'm thinking about the OC prompt though since I have a few OCs to call mine and a bit of time on my hands for once
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That's ok Iris, take your time to get properly healed up!

And Ducky yeah that seems like a fun idea. Basically Cera's dream from 10 haha


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Well we're at the half way mark for the current prompt. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to come up with anything but from a little bit of inspiration from Iris I think I have an idea that I can use.  :PCera

Levente, you had one of the most original ideas for this prompt last year? Think you'll join in and be able to top it?  :smile

And just remember everyone, any and all members are welcome to join in on the drawing!  :DD


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Ooh I might join

I will if I can get the drawing done...and if I get permission to use the OC I’m thinking of  :lol

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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That'd be great if you did! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!  :)littlefoot


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I will certainly participate again! But it won't be as creative as it was last year. At least it won't be a hybrid.  :p

I already started with sketches, but unfortunately the results were more than disappointing. :( I'll try it again, but if it doesn't work out I will have to try something else. But in the end something should be done by me, at least that's what I want. :)


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Nice! Looks like we'll have some decent activity for this prompt then!

I haven't started anything on paper quite yet but I have a rough idea of what I want to do.


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I've done some copying and pasting and made a little Cera banner for 2018. If you have participated in the prompts last year, you should have received a banner through a PM. Please let me know if I missed you or any of your submissions! The art you submitted for each prompt should be highlighted in green, showing in which months you participated :)


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Amazing, thank you very much, Iris! :DD

I'm debating which OC of mine to draw. Right now I feel most confident at drawing longnecks (and anime stuff ^^) but I've already done Cho and Lizzie isn't that much different tbh... Sucky is an option ( @Flathead770 I seem to recall you drawing Sucky last year?) and Thursel of course but I hardly even established her in my story before it went on hiatus... ugh :P
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Yeah that was me  :PCera

I won't be drawing Sucky again this year so she's all yours if that's what you want to do!