The Gang of Five
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Discuss: The Spooky Nighttime Adventure


  • Spike
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possability 1
 Name: Ornitholestes (or-nith-oh-less-teez)
Means: Bird robber
Lived: Late Jurassic
Size: 2m long

Interesting fact: It was clearly a fast runner (legs and arms were slim and long), and may have fed on small animals like lizards, frogs and early mammals

its really the only one that fits well on the page


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Lol, I thought Petrie didn't beleive Pterano's stories anymore  :lol:


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Is it possible that I've never posted in this topic before? :o  :huh:  :blink:

Okay.  Here goes:

This was one of my favorite TV episodes.  It was one of the ones I couldn't pause to get up and grab a snack cuz I didn't want to leave the screen. :lol I just liked it cuz they didn't spend the whole time in the great valley and it was sorta adventure! :P: I was really curious what the creature was and I liked the fact that Cera got off her high horse and admitted to having sleep stories (BTW, they can't use that now in future sequels.  That might not have been the best idea).  Everyone fit their character very well and there were really no boring parts (aside from the song I already knew the melody to of course :p )

Overall, I give this a very high rating for a TV episode.  I even liked the "Hidden runner" song a lot.  More than "big water" which the tune was based off of.  The only thing I don't like about this ep is I just don't like it when the grownups sing.  I find that sorta creepy. :p


  • The Circle
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It was a good episode.  As for adults singing, it is a musical universe there so everyone breaks out in song, likely even in the mysterious beyond sharpteeth and their prey will stop their running to sing their song before going back to running.


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I really liked this episode actually. I just wanted it today.

First of all, I was glad that Cera finally was able to admit herself that she is a bit of a scaredy-egg. And it came clearer to why I am really hard on her character. She's too much like me.

I really liked how Ruby was explaining how that maybe the person that told the story didn't understand that the Hidden Runner wasn't exactly "invisible", but camaflouged, so the dinosaur that told the story didn't understand the whole on concept of it all.

This reminds me of stories and legends such as the Iliad, the Odyessy and some other ancient literature and stories and were written by people thousands of years ago that actually didn't have enough knowledge like people do nowadays. Funny enough, some people allow those things to scare them because their great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandparents or ancestors believed in it and were instilled with fear by it.

I give this episode a 4/5 rating :)


  • The Circle
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I enjoyed the episode.  It was nice to have an adventure that took place within the Great Valley.  And Ruby did raise a very good point.  

Some myths may be based on an actual event or person, but the telling and retelling got muddled over time, as happens.

Novaflare does raise an interesting point.  What sorts of dinos could Hidden Runner be?  I've no idea how to post a picture here, but I did do a screen capture for the LBT wiki a while back and folks who may not remember well can get a good look at Hidden Runner at:

Not a very good screen capture, but it is the best I could do at the time, and Hidden Runner is on the screen so little and I did want to get a closeup shot.


  • Ducky
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Probably the only disturbing thing about the lbt series is the singing especially how they used Adventuring alot in the series. Other than that it was still an interesting episode in my opinion.  My favorite part was how Cera had a Nightmare.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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I liked the episode overall. A few points of interest did stand out to me though. For one thing, Ruby said, “I was told that Sharpteeth tell their kids this story to scare them.” Okay, let’s look at that. I highly doubt it was Chomper who told her that. If it was, surely she would have given credit to him. “Chomper told me that Sharpteeth tell their kids this story to scare them,” is what she likely would have said if it was told from him.

Chomper made no motion when she said this. If Ruby was told by Chomper, he likely would have done something like wink to her or smile. Sure, that’s only a weak theory. I mean, it is possible for someone to say something originally then when a friend repeats it, do nothing. But try this evidence on for size: During Ruby’s story, Chomper gasps. If Chomper was the one who told Ruby about the story, he would have no reason to gasp, having already known the outcome. Also, he asked Ruby a couple of questions about the story. If Ruby heard it from, he would have had nothing to ask about.

So here is the point I am getting at. How did Ruby come by a story told by Sharpteeth that Chomper didn’t know? I could be way off, but is there perhaps another Sharptooth that Ruby knows who speaks leaf eater that told her this? The Earth is huge. It could be easily possible that Chomper isn’t the only bilingual in existence. Anyway, that’s one point for you guys to chew on.

One minor thing I found amusing was, Ruby said, “But you know who knows closer to everything than me? Mr. Thicknose.” That is ironic, as in a later episode, “The Mysterious Tooth Crisis,” Ruby knows something important that Mr. Thicknose doesn’t. Mr. Thicknose is only known to have left the Great Valley once, in movie eight. It is doubtful that he’s left again. With Ruby’s experience in the Mysterious Beyond, I’ll bet that she knows an Apatosaurus load more than Mr. Thicknose does. Mr. Thicknose is old so knows the wisdom that comes with years, but Ruby has been around and seen a lot more than he has.

Okay, here is something that made me raise a brow. Petrie insists that he saw Hidden Runner, not in a sleep story, but for real. Then when Mr. Thicknose says, “So, Hidden Runner is back, eh?” Petrie is shocked to hear it. Huh? You lost me Petrie. Why did you insist that you saw someone, then gasp in shock to hear he’s back? “Hey mom, I saw Josh walking down the road.” “So, Josh is already home from his vacation, eh?” “What!? Josh is back from his vacation?” Do you all see the absurdity in that? What, did Petrie think he himself was lying? When he insisted seeing Hidden Runner, did he not believe himself? I don’t know what further to say. Petrie insists on seeing someone, then is shocked after hearing the guy is back. Oookaaaay. I think you’ve been eating too many berries, kid.

Next, I may be missing something, well actually, for the story’s sake I hope that I am, but in case I’m not, let me share point of interest number four. Mr. Thicknose started believing that Hidden Runner was back after talking to the kids, then decided to go on a journey to find him near some dark caves. Ruby told Mr. Thicknose that she was telling stories about Hidden Runner to the others. I’m sure that that would not make Mr. Thicknose believe Hidden Runner was back. So, what must have convinced him was Petrie saying that he saw the Hidden Runner. Now, Petrie was nowhere near these “dark caves on a hill” Mr. Thicknose mentions, so Petrie’s claim to have seen the Hidden Runner was local, elsewhere. So let me get this straight. Mr. Thicknose hears a while back that the Hidden Runner is by some caves, and now that Petrie has supposedly seen the Hidden Runner nearby, the Hidden Runner must be at the caves and not nearby? Apparently when you hear about someone’s whereabouts, the guy is actually at the second to last place you hear about him. News to me.

I hope I misunderstood something and that really does make sense. If not, writers, seriously? Are you even trying? “Dad! I just saw Jeremy by our barn!” “Thank you for telling me, sweetheart. I heard yesterday that Jeremy was seen at the bar, so I’ll go look for him at the bar tonight.” “But dad, I just said I saw him by the barn.” “I know, but it wouldn’t be much of an adventure to go looking around the barn. If I go looking for him at the bar, some really exciting stuff may happen.” “Dad, are you drunk?” “Maybe…”

Next! I am having my doubts that the writers have a college-level understanding of English. Some high schoolers may get away with it, but at college, this is a big no no: pronoun inconsistency, and we got it big time here. Listen to the song “Hidden Runner.” They always refer to the character as “it.” Now, listen how they speak after the song. They refer to the Hidden Runner as “he.” Then towards the end, they start using “it” again. Is Hidden Runner a male or neuter? Surely we members know it’s a guy, but for the sake of the little children who watch this, make up your stinking minds about the pronoun! I mean, gosh. “I want to play with my friend mommy.” “Sure. How is she?” “Oh, he is fine.” “Would you like it to come over?” “Oh, are they really allowed to?” “Of course. Both are always welcome.” See how confusing it can be if you don’t get your grammar right? Either hire a new editor or give your old one fifty lashings at the punishment post. End of discussion.

Well, that sums up my points of interest. Sure, they were mostly negative, but the positives of this episode have already been nicely addressed. I’m The Friendly Sharptooth. I tear apart The Land Before Time so you don’t have to! /Gets out of chair


  • Chomper
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oooh Ill have to watch it again (I have a dvd) .yah spike sings in a few songs( in a very strange vioce!).Umm I dont mind it but mr.thicknose is in it ,AGAIN plus hes changed.It scared me when I first watched it ,hidden runner sounds like an elephant!But this is a good episode,Cera supriesd me
bye guys/gals!
ps look its hidden runner!( :confused )


  • Cera
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It's been a while since I saw this episode. So I will watch it again to give my full report.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: The Friendly Sharptooth,Nov 3 2010 on  07:54 PM
I liked the episode overall. A few points of interest did stand out to me though. For one thing, Ruby said, “I was told that Sharpteeth tell their kids this story to scare them.” Okay, let’s look at that. I highly doubt it was Chomper who told her that. If it was, surely she would have given credit to him. “Chomper told me that Sharpteeth tell their kids this story to scare them,” is what she likely would have said if it was told from him.

Chomper made no motion when she said this. If Ruby was told by Chomper, he likely would have done something like wink to her or smile. Sure, that’s only a weak theory. I mean, it is possible for someone to say something originally then when a friend repeats it, do nothing. But try this evidence on for size: During Ruby’s story, Chomper gasps. If Chomper was the one who told Ruby about the story, he would have no reason to gasp, having already known the outcome. Also, he asked Ruby a couple of questions about the story. If Ruby heard it from, he would have had nothing to ask about.

So here is the point I am getting at. How did Ruby come by a story told by Sharpteeth that Chomper didn’t know? I could be way off, but is there perhaps another Sharptooth that Ruby knows who speaks leaf eater that told her this? The Earth is huge. It could be easily possible that Chomper isn’t the only bilingual in existence. Anyway, that’s one point for you guys to chew on.

One minor thing I found amusing was, Ruby said, “But you know who knows closer to everything than me? Mr. Thicknose.” That is ironic, as in a later episode, “The Mysterious Tooth Crisis,” Ruby knows something important that Mr. Thicknose doesn’t. Mr. Thicknose is only known to have left the Great Valley once, in movie eight. It is doubtful that he’s left again. With Ruby’s experience in the Mysterious Beyond, I’ll bet that she knows an Apatosaurus load more than Mr. Thicknose does. Mr. Thicknose is old so knows the wisdom that comes with years, but Ruby has been around and seen a lot more than he has.

Okay, here is something that made me raise a brow. Petrie insists that he saw Hidden Runner, not in a sleep story, but for real. Then when Mr. Thicknose says, “So, Hidden Runner is back, eh?” Petrie is shocked to hear it. Huh? You lost me Petrie. Why did you insist that you saw someone, then gasp in shock to hear he’s back? “Hey mom, I saw Josh walking down the road.” “So, Josh is already home from his vacation, eh?” “What!? Josh is back from his vacation?” Do you all see the absurdity in that? What, did Petrie think he himself was lying? When he insisted seeing Hidden Runner, did he not believe himself? I don’t know what further to say. Petrie insists on seeing someone, then is shocked after hearing the guy is back. Oookaaaay. I think you’ve been eating too many berries, kid.

Next, I may be missing something, well actually, for the story’s sake I hope that I am, but in case I’m not, let me share point of interest number four. Mr. Thicknose started believing that Hidden Runner was back after talking to the kids, then decided to go on a journey to find him near some dark caves. Ruby told Mr. Thicknose that she was telling stories about Hidden Runner to the others. I’m sure that that would not make Mr. Thicknose believe Hidden Runner was back. So, what must have convinced him was Petrie saying that he saw the Hidden Runner. Now, Petrie was nowhere near these “dark caves on a hill” Mr. Thicknose mentions, so Petrie’s claim to have seen the Hidden Runner was local, elsewhere. So let me get this straight. Mr. Thicknose hears a while back that the Hidden Runner is by some caves, and now that Petrie has supposedly seen the Hidden Runner nearby, the Hidden Runner must be at the caves and not nearby? Apparently when you hear about someone’s whereabouts, the guy is actually at the second to last place you hear about him. News to me.

I hope I misunderstood something and that really does make sense. If not, writers, seriously? Are you even trying? “Dad! I just saw Jeremy by our barn!” “Thank you for telling me, sweetheart. I heard yesterday that Jeremy was seen at the bar, so I’ll go look for him at the bar tonight.” “But dad, I just said I saw him by the barn.” “I know, but it wouldn’t be much of an adventure to go looking around the barn. If I go looking for him at the bar, some really exciting stuff may happen.” “Dad, are you drunk?” “Maybe…”

Next! I am having my doubts that the writers have a college-level understanding of English. Some high schoolers may get away with it, but at college, this is a big no no: pronoun inconsistency, and we got it big time here. Listen to the song “Hidden Runner.” They always refer to the character as “it.” Now, listen how they speak after the song. They refer to the Hidden Runner as “he.” Then towards the end, they start using “it” again. Is Hidden Runner a male or neuter? Surely we members know it’s a guy, but for the sake of the little children who watch this, make up your stinking minds about the pronoun! I mean, gosh. “I want to play with my friend mommy.” “Sure. How is she?” “Oh, he is fine.” “Would you like it to come over?” “Oh, are they really allowed to?” “Of course. Both are always welcome.” See how confusing it can be if you don’t get your grammar right? Either hire a new editor or give your old one fifty lashings at the punishment post. End of discussion.

Well, that sums up my points of interest. Sure, they were mostly negative, but the positives of this episode have already been nicely addressed. I’m The Friendly Sharptooth. I tear apart The Land Before Time so you don’t have to! /Gets out of chair
Maybe Omnivores are billingual in LBT as Ruby is a mixture of Sharptooth and Flattooth.  It would make sense given that she seems to have promised Chomper's parents personally to take care of him for a while.

Hidden Runner appears to an omnivore.  (Which means evil Hidden Runners are going to attack the Great Valley along with Domeheads in my Land Before Time grand finale movie.)  


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I have twelve episodes left to cover now (including this one). I'm going to try and watch/review four episodes per week. If all goes according to plan, I should have the entire TV series finished by Sunday, October 18th at the latest.

Well this is a fun title for an episode!

I notice that Pterano is mentioned again. It's touching that Petrie still idolizes his uncle even after everything about him came to light.

"Threehorns don't have sleep stories." But Cera, you had one back during the great longneck migration. How could you forget this adorable sight? :p

I like that they've given Mr. Thicknose a recurring role in the TV series. They've incorporated him well so far.

Petrie: (to Ruby) "You tell us Hidden Runner not real."
Ducky: "But then why were you so scared-ed?"
Petrie: "Because me me! Thing no have to be real to scare me."

Haha, Petrie just admits it outright. xD

Another great exchange:

Mr. Thicknose: "Seeing Hidden Runner is probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
Petrie: "What if Hidden Runner eat us?"
Mr. Thicknose: "Then it'll definitely be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

It's also cute how when Petrie gets scared, he immediately rushes over to Littlefoot and clings to his neck. And then later once it's nighttime and Petrie is still resting on Littlefoot's neck. :)

You guys aren't going to believe this, but go back to near the end of the scene where the gang sings "Hidden, Hidden Runner".  You won't believe who actually gets a part in the song. Hint: The one you'd least expect to talk. ;)
You're right! Spike sings-a-long with the rest, bout time, he hardly talked since lbt 4
Oh wow, look at that! I didn't even notice that when I first watched the episode, so I went back to rewatch that segment. How interesting.

I also like how it's again touched upon that Cera puts up a lot of bravado, but she really does get scared deep down. And this time around she actually owns up to it at the end of the episode, leading to a poignant discussion about fear and bravery.

Lastly, I loved the design of the Hidden Runner. Cool concept for a new species in the series.

I really liked how Ruby was explaining how that maybe the person that told the story didn't understand that the Hidden Runner wasn't exactly "invisible", but camaflouged, so the dinosaur that told the story didn't understand the whole on concept of it all.
Agreed. That was a nice touch.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:17:48 AM by StardustSoldier »