The Gang of Five
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Nick22 · 6008 · 174964


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Apparently your powers are reaching the point of immortality' Stripetail said. The ball of energy Wayne had produced had not fazed him at all. "It is extremely rare for any creature to become immortal without passing the tests of the Wizzin, but apparently you may be close to becoming a  exception. ' Stripetail continued. "If you delve too deeply into any knowledge, especially if it is secret, it can be dangerous for you. But You already know that Wayne. The Teleporter will be very useful once it is perfected, if it is not already."
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"My understanding of ZPE is beyond anyone's knowledge but I take care in what I learn more about it, I take my time in looking into new things about it, the transporter took me 2 years to get the blue prints right and the prototype worked. But my energy forming of ZPE is greatly stronger and I think I am already immortal since it been more then 3 years since I seen you..." Wayne said walking to Stripetail "Take a guess how long it been for me since I seen you two"


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My Guess is 6 years' stripetail said. "Your knowledge is so vast because ZPE has been kept secret from the public. Those that know anything about how it works could fit in one small room. The Council knows about it of course and Eva knows a little bit, but that's about it." StrIpetail's eyes gleamed , looking Wayne over carefully. 'There is a test to prove immortality, but I Will need to draw some blood from you Wayne and test it to see if you really are immortal"
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"You can take some of my blood. and it been 8 years. just off by 2 Stripetail." Wayne said to him putting his arm out for Stripetail to take some blood.


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Stripetail Drew some blood into a vial and put a bandage on his arm. He Looked at the blood carefully and then put it away in his robes. "Let's go the ceremony will begin Shortly. follow me. 'stripetail led them into the misddle building. He Went down a corridor and he could her the sound of voices coming from the end of the hallway. He Opened the door and entered a large room. At The far end of the room was the headmaster, and the room was filled with students. Dillion  motioned to him to come down and join him. Stripetail reached him and turned around. Wayne and Eva had managed to find seats, Eva was in the middle rows, Wayne was near the back. Dillion spoke up
. 'Welcome students and guests to the opening of the 5342nd annual Dueling Tournament! ' Loud cheers greeted his annoucement. 'Tonight we will draw the brackets for the tournament, starting with the ladies. " Dillion Gestured and several large boards appeared. Each had a bracket on them, containing 128 slots.
"Our judge this year is without question the greatest wizard Sowardkard has ever produced -LORD STRIPETAIL" The cheers grew louder as stripetail was announced.
'His Lordship will now read the 16 seeded contestants." Stripetail picked up a piece of paper
" In Bracket A- The first seed is the defending champion. Serina!' Loud applause.  " In Bracket B- last'year runner-up, Hestrolia!' in Bracket C- nastoli the Kind!
"In Bracket D- Yawol!' Bracket E-mellus!" Bracket F-Constance!" Bracket G-Unita! And Bracket H-emilia" Loud Applause as he rattled off the tops seeds. "Now for the Second seeds " Hestra in bracket A" In Bracket B- Rosetta bracket C- Opus Bracket D- quesa! Bracket E- Kagome! BracketF...' Stripetail paused. EVa!"
He saw a smile grow on Eva's face. Bracket G-junis bracket H nimuo!" Those are the sixteen seeds." He rolled up the paper and gave to to Dillion. "Now for the rest of the field", Each bracket was immediately filled.Eva's first opponent would be a third year named bonnita, who was a fox.
"The Girls Tournament is now underway! good luck to all participants!' Dillion called out, to loud applause. He Shook paws with Stripetail and Stripetail walked down the aisle out of the room, quickly followed by Wayne and Eva. "Now for the male bracket 'let me introduce.." LoUd applause drowned out the name and a badger stood up and bgan reading off names. Stripetail gave a copy of Bracket F to her " Once we get outside we can look it over and begin discussing your chances" He said as he walked out.
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Alright my love" Eva nods as they walk out. Wayne followed and looked back at the place where the Badger giving the names out

"Sounds like this contest is something really special to your world. quite amazing, but back to things... what would you do to test the blood to find out the answer?" Wayne said and asked


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A number of things, Wayne. I will add a few potions  to some of it to determine whether you're immortal or not. Now Being stuck at a certain age does not neccesarily mean you are immortal, you could have a disease that stunts your growth for example, like dwarfism"  Now From what you have told me, your power has greatly increased as well, that is another sign of immortaility. Immortals are infinitely more powerful than mortals." Stripetail stopped and lit up his staff and gave it to Wayne "Hold this please. Stripetail took out the vial as well as 3 other small bottles. Inside were three different liquids. Stripetail opened the vial and the bottles and poured a small amount of each substances into the vial. Then The Plugged the three bottles, and shook the vial. he then put the bottles away and pulled out another bottle and added some of that to the mixture as well. The Blood began to change color. "If you are mortal, your blood will turn dark green. If you are in the process of becoming immortal then it will turn a lighter shade of green, or a light shade of blue depending on the circumstance. If you are immortal, then it wil turn dark blue. Stripetail pulled out a vial with a dark blue substance in it. "This was the result of a Test I did on myself a few years ago" He then put the vial back. Wayne's vial was turning a light shade of blue, with some green mixed in. He Waited for the changing to stop  and then showed it to Wayne. "As i suspected, you are very close to becoming immortal but not quite there yet." The Blood was a light shade of blue, the green areas had disappeared. he Gave the vial to Wayne. "Keep it. Judging by the color, the mortality in you is quickly vanishing, at most you have 10% percent mortality in you, and that number is shrinking."
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"I see, so I am very close to it... maybe it will happen when I prefect this new skill I am learning. I been training myself to preform a energy skill of ZPE." Wayne walked up to a safe distance then opened his hands out closing his eyes small particles forming in all directions around him then energy field started to appear around hiim forming into a solid object he opens his eyes and it raised with him in it then he looked at Stripetail.

"I've done it, the energy solid field is formed this took me the last 9 months to get this right... now this might sound odd but shot a level 2 magic ball at me" Wayne requested.

Eva looked at Stripetail then at Wayne thinnking what the hell was he doing.


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STripetail obliged hitiing the shield witha blast from his paw. "You Do realize you still holding my staff right?' He said.
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"Oh right... here you go" Wayne said in a second it disappeared and reappeared in Stripetail's paw "I leart as well to use my own little ZPE teleportation metally. now you can have a go at the solid field of ZPE"


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Sendar Minus" He Said blasting the Shield with a blast. The shield began to glow.
Stripetail said "Let me guess, the shield has stopped the attack and absorbed its energy"
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"Yes. It was something I couldn't get right, it kept going wrong" Wayne let the field disappear and he dropped to the ground landing on his feet looking at Stripetail. "I tried my hardest to get it right but it worked this time" Wayne smiled "It took a lot of effect but got it in the end"


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i see. You've perfected it through trial and error. You're quite the scientist Wayne" Stripetail laughed. "Now let's take a look at the bracket Eva is in. " he looked at it Carefully. "You're right here eva" He said pointing to a match at the top of the page. Now bonnita is a third year, she'll go first. both of you will have 3000 points. Your attacks will be much weaker against her than me, because of the difference in power. If you were an ordinary second-year this might be a difficult first match. But since you've trained with me, you're obviously not an ordinary second year' He said with a smile. He pointed to the other matches in her set."Most of those around you are third and fourth years, there''s only one eighth year in your subbracket. so if you make it past the first match you should go pretty far."
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"And I hope I do, I will give it my all to get as far into it" Eva said looking at Stripetail with a smile "I won't disappoint you with all that training you have gave me"

Wayne walked away a bit moving his tail he looked at some of the buildings he turned around "I wonder if this would be dark blue in the next few months or so... depends how fast my strength raises. But I have to take that time, all need is losing control" Wayne thought to himself


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You'll do fine eva, I'll be proud of you no matter what happens' He looked at the bracket again. "Your match is on field 12 at 10 tommorow morning Eva. One of the early ones.
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"I'll be there." Eva smiled

Wayne turned to them "By any chance is there a place I can rest? I kind of didn't think of that before coming here." Wayne asked Stripetail


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"Sure follow me' Stripetail as he led wayne to  a building on the far right of the groounds. 'these are the guest rooms.'Stripetail came up to a ferrret sitting at a desk. "My friend here would like to rent a room please. "Alright sir, would you please follow me," the feret said, leading Wayne up a flight of stairs. He stopped at the top and turned right. "room 208" He said stopping in front and unlocking it with a key. "There you go sir. If You want to order food we can bring it up to you for a small fee. Anything you need just gesture"
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"Thank you, where would I go for a wash or is a wash room part of the guest room?" Wayne questioned


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There is a Wash room over here" He said, Showing him a small but nicely furnished room with a toilet and a sink along with a shower area" All the necessities sir' He said with a smile
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"Thank you" Wayne walks into the room closing the door quietly. He was about to sit down when a dimensional transportation occoured in the room appeared was a parasauroloton. "Dirah? I thought we already agreed that in a few days time that I take you to the Island of Pure Logoo." He said to her. "But what brings you all the way from our dimension to come here with the dimensional transportation?"