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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'm not positive what anyone would want to ask me, but might as well give them the opportunity. Fire away!

Dash The Longneck

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I know you kept asking people, "Do you love Star Trek?"

Now let me ask you..."Do YOU love Star Treck?" :lol

And if so why?


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What is it exactly that attracted you to the Darwin's Soldiers universe? I mean out of so many RP's here you chose one of the newest (at that time) and an RP by a first time RP'er (at least here and at that time).

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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@Dash: A Klondike bar. Better yet, 42 Klondike bars!

@Rat_Lady7: Well, the first sci-fi I was ever exposed to was Star Wars. I loved it, but something troubled me; it's focus on battle and war (duh). I had always disliked war as a subject and violence as a solution, and it troubled me that none of the characters ever tried any solution other than to kill each other.
Then I found my dad's old Star Trek tapes. The quality was crap, but I soon realized that this was exactly what I had been waiting for; a show where things like logic, diplomacy, and compromise were used to prevent a violent ending and keep both parties better off! It was science fiction, but with a positive outlook on human nature, and the belief that peace was the future.
I've since discovered other sci-fi shows and loved them too, like Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, but all of them were the same in that they showed the future as a war-torn dystopia, where only the fittest survived and the innocents died. Star Trek alone saw the future as a utopia.

@Serris: Several things.
1) it's premise. A team of scientists trapped in a laboratory, enemies slowly closing in. I've always loved trapped stories, as it forces quick decisions, innovation with the tools given, and nowhere to run. Such situation are my element as a writer, and you'll notice in my stories the characters are almost never given everything they need to solve a problem, including space and time. It's why I'm a master at online escape the room games, and love "bottle episodes" in TV. We don't need a guest star or some new technology; let's see them get out of this with the stuff they've already got.
2) It's original: It's not a Land Before Time RP. It's not a Half Life RP. It's a Darwin's Soldiers RP. None of the RP'ers have an advantage because they've seen more of the show, or are playing their interpretations of characters some scriptwriter thought up. We were all on the same playing field, creating our own world from the ground up. (And then destroying it room by room).
3) It's science: It has Darwin in the freaking title, it's gotta be good. You and I in particular tend to keep our science, if not perfectly accurate, at least grounded in some sort of feasible realism. Call-outs to Einstein, Double Helix, C6H12O6, are like in-jokes. Better yet, as a scientist, I can play in a military RP while not pretending to have any more military experience than I actually do (which is none).
4) it's furriness: Don't tell anybody, and while I'll never admit it, I do have a slight affinity for the aforementioned story group. Growing up reading Animorphs and having a best friend into Sonic probably helped. However, I don't create furry characters, as I can't really think using the mindset of anything other than a human. I do enjoy being a human within a multi-species cast better than the homogeneous alternative.

So I'd say you pitched it pretty dang well, at least to me.  :cheers


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Aug 13 2009 on  12:57 AM
@Dash: A Klondike bar. Better yet, 42 Klondike bars!
 :exactly :spit :lol Oh yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about.
Have you ever watched Doctor Who?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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No, and I am extremely bummed about that. :( I don't have television, so the only stuff I can watch is what I rent from the local store or find on Youtube. And this being America, nobody knows anything about British television. I do know a lot about the show's premise, as I participated in a rewrite of the Wikipedia page, and the show is the top of am short list of things I plan on watching once I've got my own house and more leisure time.


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Who is your favorite LBT character?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Ducky. First child character in the original film to show no signs of racism, immediately willing to adopt an orphan she'd never met before, and brave enough to take on the Sharptooth somewhere other than safely atop a 20 story cliff (brave, guys. Brave.) These points are rendered slightly moot in the sequels, as none of them are racist anymore, and they all throw themselves into danger, but Ducky did it first :) .


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You mentioned liking Twilight Valley. Again, I ask what do you like about it?

Also, do you like the sandwich shown in your avatar?

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Aug 13 2009 on  02:58 PM

Anyway, what's up with your name? Does the "LBT" have anything to do with it? (I'm probably the only one that doesn't get it or something)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Alex: Yup, that's it. I basically sat there on the "create account" screen trying to come up with a memorable username. I realized the sandwich BLT could be scrambled to make the acronym LB&T. It was one of those little strokes of genius I seldom get, and it got me a delicious-looking avatar too! Double-plus!

Serris:I love the sandwich in my avatar. I just wish I could get rid of the words "iStockphoto" which is still kinda visible, but whatever. Basically, after registering my account, I googled "Bacon Lettuce&Tomato" and scrolled though the pages until I saw one that looked really really delicious. Even today I sometimes ask the cashier/waiter for a Lettuce, Bacon and Tomato, and they look at me like I'm weird!

First story about Twilight Valley was that the first time I read through a bit, I kinda skimmed, decided it was okay, and moved on to the next fanfic. This was back before I actually knew you. Then, I recently read your signature, and thought, "I know that Threehorn quote from somewhere." Yes, it said where it came from right next to it, but I didn't notice that, I just kept sitting there racking my brain. It wasn't one of the movies, it must have been a fanfic. . . . . . .oh! That war one! I logged back into and reread Twilight Valley, just to double check. This time, I had to read with a fine toothed comb to find the part where he said that line, but slowly I realized that I was focusing less on looking for that line and more on enjoying the story. You seem to have a knack for three-dimensional (i.e. flying) battles, but your ground battles were good too. Do you read TV Tropes? Because sometimes I could have sworn that there was some extremely subtle lampshading, the kind that pleases the astute reader because the author is showing that he has complete control over his story, and knows the art of writing.
Your use of semi-technological weapons (i.e. sharp sticks, rocks, fire) stays just within the realm of belief. The weapons are rudimentary enough that you can picture the dinosaurs figuring it out, but not advanced enough that the reader's like "oh come on."
Also, your characterization is spot-on. Many fanfics have the characters very close to their canonical counterparts, but yours was one that seemed to hit the nail on the head. Every decision made by the characters, every line of dialogue, it was exactly what I'd expect them to say or do. You've got that down cold, to the point where you don't even have to worry about it.
I'm gonna end on the affirmatives, cause if I got into the number of pitfalls you didn't hit, i.e. "You didn't start with an irrelevant five-chapter playing scene" (said fanfic that did this will remain unnamed  :anger ) but just take my word that you avoided a lot of stuff that drives me nuts cause I see it all the time.
In summation, i like it because it's awesome!


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What is your favorite genre of music?


Also on the Twilight Valley aspect:

In all honesty, when I first wrote it, I didn't think anyone would like it... It strayed VERY far from the movies.

Yes, there was only one lampshade and I do read/write TV tropes, there's an article on Twilight Valley there. Would you mind telling me (in a PM or however you see fit) other lampshades you see?

Also, I did rather extensive research on Paleolithic technology in writing the story. On a side note, slings (the kind that David used to kill Goliath) do appear.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Serris: I'd need to go through the story again to find specific examples, but one that comes quickly to mind is the fact that anyone who's not a main character seems to get killed off soon after their introduction.

Also, my favorite genre of music is synthpop, the Pet Shop Boys and whatnot. They're my favorite band, and I'm stoked about their new album, Yes!

Rat_Lady:This question has always been a hard one for me, since I never got to watch any movies or television except kid shows like LBT until I was almost out of high school. The folks just weren't into that kind of thing. The first non-kid movie I got to watch was Jurassic Park, so that's probably it.


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What was your inspiration behind your Darwin's Soldiers spin off trilogy (besides the obvious!)?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'm not sure. Maybe it was the fact that we created this awesome time-and-space-travel device, and then we never got to use it! I started thinking, what if we had? What adventures would our team face? How would each character add something important?

The band planet idea came from a physics problem describing exactly that. The question gave a bunch of dimensions for a giant band of dirt rotating around a sun, and asked how long a year would be on that planet. The answer was 9 days, which I also mentioned in the story :)

The antimatter universe was added because I wanted some way to link the Furtopia RP and our own. I liked having everything in the same continuity, as well as the added bonus that now the Furtopia RP is kind of an Origin story for the antimatter base in my story, which we otherwise don't learn much about.

The twist ending just fell out of the sky onto me when I was in the car driving home from a very long, enjoyable trip. I loved it, and it provided a great ending to the whole epic. I'm immensely satisfied with how it all wrapped together.

Scroedinger's Prisoners was almost completely a dream I had, just substituting me for Shelton and unnamed soldiers for everyone else. It was the most awesome dream I'd ever had, and the whole story was written in the day following.

This coming story, Pavlov's checkmate, is based on me wanting to wrap up the stories of the final three teammates: Shelton, Zachary, and Dr. Joe, and how they tie back to our real characters. It'll also include my first anthro character, as the villain :) It's almost done, I just need to type it up and then I can start posting!


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Do you like darker or lighter LBT fan fictions?

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hmm. I'd have to say darker. I've never seen any reason to read fanfics that follow the source material exactly. If I wanted a light-hearted LBT story, I'll go watch a LBT movie! I want the fanfics to be something I can't get from the actual franchise, like a war fic or a crossover. That's why I like yours, and jedi472's.


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You appear to have Googled Darwin's Soldiers.

Any reason why you used the name from my failed RP (on Bulbagarden)?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.