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Petrie. · 64 · 24407


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Also if we interpret that "never before" in a broader sense it wouldn't even matter if the grownups herd formed before or after the kids. I always interpreted that "never before" as a reference that there hadn't been anything like that before those days, not necessarily before the second where the gang joined up with each other.


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I'm not saying that I want Cera to be a piss-on helpless character Malte.  It's true that she's a fighter and there's nothing wrong with that.  I'm not blaming that aspect of her personality on her father or her upbringing, however I blame her being a complete and total b**** most of the time on her father.  You can be strong and independent while also being kind, compassionate, and considerate.  That's what Cera is however she is forced to hide her kind and compassionate side from everyone around her (especially her father).  If he had been more kind to her and raised her better, she wouldn't have to hide those aspects of her personality.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Well, she was nice to Tria and helped her understand Topsy's motives. Took her 3/4 of the movie to do it, though.

True, her father and maybe her own personality may have suppressed elements of her caring side. The question I have for you is: Were those aspects not suppressed, would you consider her a better character? I can't tell from your posts whether you're merely stating the fact, or expressing a wish for the fact to be different.


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I don't think she'd necessarily be a better character if those aspects of her personality were not repressed, but I do know that she'd be much nicer to be around than she is now. :p I love Cera.  She's the only character that I'd consider to be dynamic at all.  The gang and their parents are all pretty much static characters, but Cera always changes with the circumstances.  I don't want that to change, but I'd like her to be a little nicer for one.


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I think I understand what you mean Austin and I see where you are coming from. It is quite an understandable point of view.
For me personally (and this is just a matter of opinion) those scenes in which Cera does show her gentler side (like joining the others in the footprint and crying after she left them in LBT 1, Making room for Ali when they rest amidst the Nightflowers in LBT 4, her admitting threehorns were "too bossy" and her acting towards the end of LBT 5, her admitted jealousy of Mo in LBT 9... these are just a few examples of a much longer list) come across as much more meaningful and special because Cera rarely admits them. If Cera was more easygoing, open towards the others, and more ready to admit her own mistakes I think those special scenes would loose a lot of their "magic".

Cancerian Tiger

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Exactly.  Folks may consider Cera to be a total b****, but that side of her personality is one of many traits I like about her.  She's not going to take crap from anyone, and her agressiveness does come in handy at times(i.e. breaking down the rock barrier in the cave in LBT 4, getting that annoying crab to scram in "March of the Sandcreepers," giving the sharptooth the horn in LBT 13 to save Doofah).  I know I should not take it personally, but her outspokeness and being headstrong are pretty much on the same level as my own.  That being the case, I can relate to why she acts the way she does.  I was constantly being picked on growing up, and that could have been less frequent had I been as outspoken as I've grown these past couple of years.  Enough me and back to Cera.  She most likely decided, like myself, that she did not want others to see her sensitivity and vulnerability nor ever wants to be messed around with by anyone.  It is nice to have a female character who is not a damsel in distress(the only other two are Ducky and Ali, both of which are).  This would give the series a label of sexism in the sense that the females are portrayed as weak and the males are strong.  Cera is one independent, tough, outspoken broad, and that's mainly why I'm drawn to her character.  I don't understand why agressive females are labeled b******.  Sometimes I feel just because she is who she is that folks like to berate her character.  This really p***** me off!  Can nobody look beyond a person's superficial behavior and truly see the real exterior person?  Are folks really so blinded by a person's actions that they confuse them with the personality?  If she was doing evil deeds intentionally, I could understand there's something wrong with perhaps her psychiatric side.  However, that is not the case.  She evidently cares for her friends and family and would never intentionally harm them to get ahead.  She's very sweet, compassionate and caring, but I guess many are blinded by her tendency to prevent herself from getting hurt by others.  Sure, she probably has not accepted herself for who she is yet, but she's still young and it will take some time and growing for her to find herself.  I'm sure the others have not found themselves yet.  Who has truly found themselves and accepted who they are?  I don't believe I know anyone who has.  What makes her any different?  Why should she get the whip cracked on her when everybody else most likely feels the same way?  Just because she wants to protect her heart and not get it hurt by anyone does not make her despicable.  She is one headstrong but loving sweet threehorn, and that is the Cera I like, hands down.


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All that you say is true CT, however she can maintain those aspects of her character and still be nice to those who care about her.  If it weren't for her father, she would be perfect and trusting of those who care for her but the one person who's supposed to be her most loved supporter treats her the way he does and that's damaging.  That's why I hate her father.

Cancerian Tiger

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I agree with ya about her father's treatment towrard her being damaging, Landbeforetimelover.  If I were a parent and my only surviving child was all I had left, I would ceratainly raise him or her in a more compassionate and caring manner.  If I were her father, I would fear my behavior, 'cuz all he will end up doing is push her away.  Perhaps the existence of Tria and Tricia in Cera's life will act as a catalyst to warm up her personality.  Let's just hope it's not to the extent of Ducky's personality(she's sweet but could certainly grow a pair).  Even as an adult, Cera will have some agressiveness in her nature, but I'm sure she will warm up and let others in.  I sure hope she will meet a threehorn with Littlefoot's personality :wub:(hmm...brings a good idea for a fanfic on).


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Sounds also like an interesting idea for an oc.  Base the personality on Cera but a what if added in.  What if elements of their personality is not repressed since their parents have at least some elements of the personality traits of littlefoot's grandparents.  Could be an intersting oc idea for someone who likes rping as a threehorn, or a what if or elseworlds fanfiction of an alternate version of Cera.


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An interesting idea... I once thought of a possible idea... that Cera would grow up and her sort of tomboyish personality would make her unattractive to the male triceratopses... while Tricia would probably grow up like her mother, who we can see is, by female Triceratops standards in the films, highly attractive (at least, to Tops...)


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Likely the best male for Cera would be one that is at least a bit submissive.  2 dominant types tend to not be very good as husband and wive or mates.  It may be some threehorn male who is a bit quiet, perhaps is the male that Cera may attract.


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That sort of behavior seems unlikely for male triceratopses, at least, in the movie series, if Cera's father is any model.


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True, not sure if there are any quiet males or if most are like Cera's dad since he's the only adult male threehorn we've seen.  There have been other adult threehorns but not in talking parts as I recall, just as background.


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Well, Cera mentions in movie # 5 that "Threehorns are bossy", and we have not seen that behavior from Tria, who is the only adult female Triceratops in the series that we know of, so we can assume the bossiness in from the males. Like bulls against cows...


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All that superiority nonsense comes from her father. She sings happy that she is the only one three horn around and they are the greatest.  Her father doesn't want to leave the area because it is safe or he doesn't have any fight other threehorns?


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We also can't really be sure of all male threehorns are bossy, or if most are individuals and Cera's dad not an example of all threehorn males or even a majority of them.   Also Cera is a fairly young kid and has exaggerated in the past and she may see her dad's being bossy as meaning all threehorns are bossy.  If you look at it from the viewpoints of some kids some parents are very bossy, putting aside Threehorn's personality.


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Well, if we consider that Triceratopses were generally herd-type animals and that male herd animals (rams, bulls, etc) have the universal characteristic of being strong and bossy, it would make sense for Cera's father to be representative of all Triceratops males. Now, I know that to human sensibilities, this may be interpreted as... chauvinism or "machismo", but it is probably a good trait to have in a world devoid of laws, armies, police, or fortifications. Keep in mind that Tops is pretty much the only thing standing between three females (including a young one and a hatchling) and the dangers of the world; if they are to have a chance of survival in a world filled with deadly predators, he HAS to be protective...


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The only other male grownup Ceratopsian we know would be Mr. Thicknose whose attitude differs a lot from that of Tops though. It would be helpful to know a few more threehorns to draw any solid conclusions.


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You know, there was a scene in which Mr. Thicknose and Tops got in an argument. It was in one of the TV episodes ("Stranger from the Mysterious Above", I think), in which Tops and Mr. Thicknose argued rather aggressively on the best way to save Spike from the hole which he had fallen into. While Mr. Thicknose is neither a Triceratops nor aggressive in general, this was a scene which showed that he could be aggressive when he had to be. His age might have made him less aggressive, by the way...


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Jul 23 2008 on  05:30 AM
I'm not saying that I want Cera to be a piss-on helpless character Malte.  It's true that she's a fighter and there's nothing wrong with that.  I'm not blaming that aspect of her personality on her father or her upbringing, however I blame her being a complete and total b**** most of the time on her father.  You can be strong and independent while also being kind, compassionate, and considerate.  That's what Cera is however she is forced to hide her kind and compassionate side from everyone around her (especially her father).  If he had been more kind to her and raised her better, she wouldn't have to hide those aspects of her personality.
 :( Boy you don't know how Right are!  Topsey wasn't doing a Good Job bring up his daughter, at all.