The Gang of Five
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Longneck RP.

Nahla · 499 · 68092


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This a RP just for Sleeping-force's-inside,Zimba and me. Because we have no social lives.

Grandma and Grandpa-Sleeping-force's-inside
Nahla (OC)-Nahla
Zimba (OC) -Zimba

Next post starts,I am far to lazy


  • Ducky
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OOC: I have a life!  :anger

Grandma Longneck sighed. "He ran off again." She almost chuckled at that. Really, they should be getting used to THAT by now.
Her mate actually chuckled, thinking the exact same thing. "Are we going to wait until he comes back on his own, or are we going to look?"
"Let's look." She suggested. "It's been a while, isn't it?"
"Definitely." He rose to his feet.


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OOC: You do? Where can I download one?

A small female longneck stepped inside the valley with her teenaged companion. Nahla gazed around the valley shyly.


Littlefoot was loping through the valley looking for adventure,he laughed as he chased after a buzzer.


  • Petrie
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Zimba looked down at Nahla "It'll be ok" he said walking in further trying to keep his head lowered not noticing he was walking up to Grandma and Grandpa.

OOC: Nahla,your insane.


  • Ducky
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OOC: at ;)

Grandma and Grandpa however did notice the two  youngsters. And they did not recognize either of them, which was strange considering they knew nearly everyone in the Valley at least from sight.

"Well hello there." Grandma spoke up, adressing them with a gentle voice. "And who might you be?"


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Zimba jerked his head up "Err..." he said in surprise "I'm Zimba"/


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"And I'm Nahla" the young female added hiding behind her companions leg with only her head poking out.


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"You seem to be new to the Valley, are we correct in assuming that?" Grandpa gently asked, smiling warmly at the nervous young female.


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"Uh huh" Nahla answered "We just got here" she said timidly thinking her and Zimba were in trouble.


  • Petrie
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"What she said" Zimba said "Don't you dare hurt her" he took a step back "She is just a poor little orphan....oops" he realized what he said too late.


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"Hurt her?" Grandma echoed. "Why would we want to hurt either her or you?"

"You are safe here, young ones." Grandpa agreed with his wife. "You came here all by yourself?"


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Nahla nodded "My parents  are dead and Zimba's kicked him out" Nahla said tears forming in her eyes,she lowered her head as she began sobbing.


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"Don't cry Nahla" Zimba said softly "I'll go get you some tree-stars from that tree over there" he said nodding with his head "Just stay here" he walked off leaving Nahla alone with the Grandparents.


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Grandma and Grandpa shared a short look, before the elder female slowly lowered her head to nuzzle the little girl.

"Ssshhh... It's going to be alright..." She whispered.


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"How can it be?" Nahla asked "My mummy and daddy are dead" she sobbed "And it was all my fault...I wandered away from home"


  • Petrie
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Zimba returned back a pile of treestars in his mouth,he placed them next to Nahla before facing the grandparents "Nahla is an orphan" he explained "Her parents were  killed by sharpteeth while saving her,mine didn't want me anymore so they kicked me out? I found her in the Mysterious Beyond injured. I was  just gonna  take her in till she recovered but I couldn't leave her on her own" he paused to take a breath "We  been wandering the Mysterious Beyond ever since"


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The thought that anyone would willingly reject their child was well beyond what they'd want to think about.

"You should meet our grandson, Nahla." They shared a glance. "He is -was- in the same situation as you are. Almost exactly, as a matter of fact."


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Nahla raised her head from her meal "He was?" she asked quietly.


Littlefoot by now had had enough and was walking towards his Grandparents he stopped when he saw Zimba and Nahla "Grandma,Grandpa who are they?"


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Zimba didn't answer he just stood over Nahla "You're not hurting her" he snarled unaware that this was the grandson the older longnecks were talking about.


  • Ducky
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"Littlefoot, these are Zimba and Nahla. Zimba, Nahla, that is our grandson." Grandpa introduced them.

"We'd like you to befriend them." Grandma added with a meaningful glance. "They lost their parents as well."