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Worst Ways to Die in a Game


  • Cera
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Having your head ripped off by a Hunter, then devored by it. (almost any RESI games)
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Here are some nasty way to die in AceCombat

1. being killed by your old wingman

2. Getting owned after filling the airwaves with annoying catchphrases.


  • Petrie
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being shot in the back of the head with a BR55 by your own allys. (happened to me on Halo 2. I was walking and a ODST shot me in the back of the head on the level Delta Halo)

getting facehugged (AvP2)

falling off the edge of a cliff (any kind of game that would have that feature)

getting shot in the testicals by a Covenant Beem rifle (yep. it happened to me. on Halo 2)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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being killed after a member of the opposing team put a warthog on the grav lift and having the warthog land on you.


  • Ducky
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The Simpsons Game

Dying ten times, then getting the 0 point Achievement for dying ten times. Absolute humiliation. XP


  • Cera
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Silently infiltrating a facility, thinking no one sees you because of you almighty octo camo, then suddenly a Gekko jumps straight onto you and crushes you. Happened to me. (MGS4)
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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The way you kill Hydra in God of War: Eye impalement.

General Grievous

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Hacked to death by a crazed Russian soldier with a really big knife. (at the end of DoD5.


  • Cera
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  • Cera
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    • Knowhere: A Geek Culture Fan Forum
The worse video game deaths I've ever seen are all in one game: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

1. Being gradually turned into a zombie, but retaining my human mind and soul. Oh, and I also slowly become insane, and then left locked in a room for hundreds for years to stew in my misery. Finally, I am given the sweet enbrace of death when the newest playable character comes by with a mace. Seriously, it doesn't get any worse than that.  <_<

2. The runner up: having my skull exploded by a demigod.  :wow

3. Getting jumped by a monster straight out of H.P. Lovecraft and then it makes off with my head.  :blink:

4. Being dumped into the still under-construction foundations of a tower, and being one of many corpses that end doing our own impression of "Frozen Han Solo".  :o

5. Having skeletal figure called the "bone thief" skin me alive and make off wearing my flesh as a disguise.  :x

That's about all I can remember off the top of my head.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Ducky
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Falling into a hole full of spikes.

Being flattened by a giant boulder.

Being blown up by your own gernade or rocket launcher.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: LBTFan13,Nov 14 2008 on  05:32 PM
Otherwise, just about any fatality from Mortal Kombat. Those are brutal!
Especially in MK: Armageddon.  The more ya dismember the opponent, the better fatality.  I believe it's called a "killer fatality" when ya rip the opponent's head off :x.  Ever play the Konquest part?  Talk about brutal!  Another one in that game is catapulting the opponent into a wall and SPLAT!  It is a violent video game series indeed.


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Oh wait!  Here's one from The Legend of Zelda series.  Yes, a game that is not known for it's violence.

I just don't get how Wind Waker got away with an E rating, especially with the ending.  You take on Ganondorf in an epic battle that was seen as one of the best battles ever at the time, and at the very end, you have Link finish him off with driving the Master Sword right through his skull. :o And it doesn't stop there, the Master Sword then turns Ganondorf's entire body, swords included, into stone. :blink:

Wow!  How do you get away with that in an E-rated game?


  • Ducky
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Mortal Combat vs. DC Universe

Part 1: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, Shang Tsung, and Sonya Blade

Part 2: Batman, Superman, Catwoman, The Flash, and The Joker

Part 3: Jax, Liu Kang, Raiden, Kano, and Baraka

Part 4: Deathstroke, Lex Luthor, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman

F-14 Ace

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Being blown up by your own gernade or rocket launcher.

That is really annoying in Grand Theft Auto and Cal of Duty.

The way Venom dies in the Xbox 360 Spiderman 3 game.

Cancerian Tiger

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Spartanguy88 has officially increased my interest in checking out Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe :yes.  Some of the fatalities appear lame in that more gore is needed considering the severity of the injuries inflicted :rolleyes:.  However, they all looked painful.  Green Lantern's giant sledgehammers remind me of the iceblock stunt in Saw IV :x.  The Joker's magic card trick fatality was interesting to see as well.  This looks interesting even though the gore is less than that of previous games :yes.  An interesting combination of opponents indeed.

Now, let's see...

Being snacked on by a T-Rex- JP :x.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Quote from: Drake,Dec 7 2008 on  09:19 PM
Being blown up by your own gernade
I've done that once or twice when I played COD 4 a while ago at my friends house.