The Gang of Five
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One Generation Earlier

The Great Valley Guardian

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Splasher began to think about what games they could play with her being the only swimmer, when she heard a sound, like someone crying. "Does anyone else hear that?"

Tera waved hello to Ada, but then turned to where Splasher was facing and strained to hear what or who was making the noise.


Dil smiled. "Yeah, food time!" as she stepped forward.

Dein smiled seeing Dil and the others so eager.
"Well, then...Icky, you're up. Scout out some good food for us." he said with a smile.


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The little spiketail rushed past the cliff as the others glanced around for the noise, with Cree right behind.

"Um...speaking of our oldest brother..." Tylr smiled in an embarrassed way over at Ada, who just looked shocked.

Actually, despite traveling with this flyer as well, Violet and Trip looked stunned as well as Cree finally gripped the little one's tail and tried to pull him back the other way, "Come on I promise you the second time down the slide's gonna be a whole lot better than the first, don't wanna be called a baby your whole life do you?".


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"Here he comes." Pterano backed away as the spiketail came running toward the group. "Look out," He tapped Ada's arm, signaling her to back away from the spiketail's path.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Tera was the first to call out to Cree.
"Cree!!! Leave that spiketail alone right now or I'll tell mom!"

Splasher sighed and stepped over to Cree, "Maybe you should listen to your sister. She is very smart and we don't want to see you or the spiketail getting hurt."


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Fear that Cree would go off on Splasher made Tylr hop forward a bit too, just in case his brother got unreasonable.

"Y-yeah, you don't wanna have to be grounded...again, do you?" he hesitantly tried to help out.

(hehe, flyers, grounded, it kinda fits :lol)

Cree rolled his eyes, "Look maybe Tera's got you all thinking she's smart but she...", despite his sister being younger, Tera still was a force to be reckoned with when upset, so Cree ended the sentence here (plus when she said she'd tell their mom, she meant it!).

"I...I'm just trying to help the little guy not be such a wimp" he told Tera, turning and releasing one hold of the tail he'd grabbed. This allowed the little infant to slip free and run off though.

Cree sighed, "There, now the kid's gonna be a failer his whole life".

Trip laughed, "That or terrified of flyers forever".

From where he'd pulled her back, Ada smiled over at Pterano, "Thanks".


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Pterano smiled warmly. "Glad to be of service." He said.


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"Fine," Ichy grunted, annoyed by the belly dragger slightly. He took to the skies and soon caught site of some yellowbellies.


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The two longnecks approached a pool of clear water to get a drink.

"So, Camara, what do you think? Is this a good place to stay?" the male asked his mate.

"Yes, it certainly is nice. You did a good job in getting us here, Peloro" she replied, nuzzling him.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Tera was now glaring at Cree and was glad to hear that he didn't finish that sentence. She sighed momentarily and said aloud, "So Cree, what game would you like to play that doesn't involve harming other hatchlings?"

Splasher smiled, "Well if Cree wouldn't mind, I'd like to suggest a game." she said with a laugh.


Dein followed after Icky to make sure that when he found food, they could take it down as quickly as possible.

Terri followed after Dein keeping pace with him, keeping silent in case Icky found something soon.


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Ada had to smile at one their age being so...formal. It was sort of appealing.

"Depends what you call harming..." Cree began, yet then heard what Splasher said. He actually wasn't that eager to come up wiht some little hatchling game, so he shrugged, "Yeah sure, what'cah got?" he asked.


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Pterano returned the smile briefly, then looked at Splasher. "Yeah, what is it?" He asked perkily.

OOC: Btw, I did some artwork for Pterano and Ada meeting

It should be a better idea of what she looks like...and I imagine her having a Scots-Irish accent (The accent thing between Pterano and Ada seems ironic considering the history between the Celtic areas and Britain :p ) .

The Great Valley Guardian

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Tera glared harder at Cree hearing his comment but stayed silent.

Splasher smiled and replied, "Well, I was thinking we could play toss the seed. I am pretty fast on my feet."


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Pterano leaned toward Ada. "Do you want to know how to play?" He whispered.


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For all Tera's glaring, Cree just smirked one of those 'Sharptooth-may-care' smirks.

" weren't kidding" Ada whispered to Pterano about his warnings on Cree. The flyer defiantly looked like the type to mercilessly tease a fish eater or say something nasty.

Cree gave a slight chuckle at what Splasher said, "Well fast on your feet is one thing but...".

"Sounds great!" Tylr cut his brother off, "I'm sure that's what he was going for" he smiled.

Violet laughed, "Yeah, Pass the Seed sounds perfect".

"Now we just need a seed..." Trip looked about.


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Pterano flew up a nearby tree and plucked a seed out of one of the flowers with his beak, then came back down and put the seed between them. "There we go!" He said.


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"It's perfect" Ada smiled.

"Yeah, I guess it'll do" Cree said with a shrug, "unless..." in a classic 'cool' move, Cree rammed at another plant with his elbow and a bigger seed fell to the ground, "we wanted to use a bigger one" he grinned.

Somehow Ada felt insulted personally at Cree showing Pterano up that much. She frowned as she saw the seed, "it's not very smooth for rolling and stuff" she said.

"Yeah, maybe we should just stick with Pterano's seed" Trip said. Tylr turned to his friend with wide eyes, fearing Trip could be in real trouble talking back to Cree like that, only it was mainly due to the fact that Tylr was too shy and intimidated to say such himself. Really all Cree did was narrow his eyes annoyed at Trip.

"So what teams should we split into, I wonder?" Violet changed the topic and looked about at all present. They seemed to have an equal number of boys to girls.

"We could always do boys vs. girls" she suggested.


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Pterano nodded. "Yes." He agreed. "Perhaps we could have a team leader and each leader picks who is on their team." Pterano assumed an important looking pose. "I would like to volunteer if it goes in that direction. After all, it is my idea." He said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Tera liked the idea Pterano pitched and she stepped forward with a smile.
"Now that is a very sensible idea Pterano. So, who would like to be the girls' team leader?" she asked, not really caring who got the spot.

Splasher giggled again as she stepped over to the seed Pterano had picked and examined it more closely before nodding and saying, "This is the right seed for the game alright! Nice pick Pterano!"


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Cree, meanwhile didn't like it one bit, not any of it.

"Well I'm automatically saying I'm in charge of the boys" he said, "any you boys got a problem with that..." he leaned over fully intending to win this by intimidation. Tylr and Trip shook their heads.

"Well I don't really care myself" Violet said, looking to Ada to see if she might want to be team leader (ooc: correct me if she would have the initiative and want to ;), the newest flyer was still shy though.

"Actually Tera,  you'd probably be best" Violet suggested, "You kind know what's best yourself most times".


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Pterano looked at Ada with a friendly smile. "You can be on my team if you like." He said.

OOC: Lol, I think he's getting a little over-the-top friendly XD .