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Ace Combat: Frieben Rising

Fyn16 · 51 · 8824

F-14 Ace

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"Whirlwind Squadron, weapons safe." Danial ordered.  

He wasn't looking for a fight anyway.  They got paid a fee just for taking off so there'd be money waiting when they got back to base.

Free man was clearly not pleased to find out that the aircraft were friendly, and it appeared their Belkan friends weren't either.  

"The Ardvalians are playing games, trying to see what they can get away with.  Let these guys deal with it.  We're returning to our patrol."


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Hyerich was about to order his flight to turn around, when something appeared out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look harder and saw it: a lone object streaking down from out of the sky and headed for them. From its shape, he could easily tell that it was a missile.

And they were the targets.


Feisler watched the falling projectile with horror, then radioed his team.

"Mamba, Angel! All planes evade!"

Feisler rolled towards the ground as the missile performed its trick. From its body, ten smaller missiles were released, each one homed in on a different aircraft. Their vapor trails splayed outwards like a blooming flower as they homed in on their targets.


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Feisler knew the only chance he had was his aircraft's maneuverability. He rolled, dived, did whatever he could to shake the warhead that was locked onto his tail. Finally, he confused it with a split-s maneuver, watching in relief as the deadly missile ripped past, disengaging. Now he could observe his surroundings better.

Most of his team had avoided being targeted by the missiles. It was the Friebenese planes that were having the most difficult time. The Typhoons were trying to use team tactics, flying in close proximity and maneuvering around each other to confuse the missiles, while the Bird of Prey simply used its superior maneuverability to evade his pursuing missile in one turn.

What really impressed Feisler, however, was the orange-marked F-8 and its squad. Their flying was perfection itself, and the missiles were no trouble. The strange attack, it seemed, would be over soon without casualties. Then, he heard an explosion nearby. What followed was pieced together later on by Feisler based on what he saw and the testimony of others in his flight.

Only one member of the Mamba training flight was locked onto by a missile: Lieutenant Ayel. She reacted immediately, pulling away from her squadmates with the missile pursuing. As before, her maneuvers were top notch. She was having no trouble keeping the missile at bay, until her moment came; the moment in a person's life when he or she must choose between saving themselves and possibly risking someone else's life or personally accepting one hundred percent of the risk.

Ayel rolled once, to confuse the warhead, and realized her error: flying her current course evasively would bring her right over Mamba flight, running the risk of forcing the missile to accept a new target. If she chose not to evade the missile, her flight would be spared. Ayel chose the latter option without hesitation. The missile detonated alongside her aircraft, peppering it with shrapnel and shredding its right wing. The explosion produced a small shockwave which tossed the small plane out of control, sending it tumbling. At the same time, all aircraft in the vicinity experienced a small EMP surge, which played havoc with their systems. Now, Feisler's attention was had, and he saw what was happening.

"Ayel!" he cried, diving towards her craft. Amazingly, despite the damage, the Lieutenant managed to stabilize her aircraft. Feisler pulled up alongside her, and could see that her aircraft was getting steadily worse. Her shredded right wing had caught fire, and was now leaking fuel.  

"Ayel, give me a sitrep!" he said over the radio. Ayel's voice came back, full of static interference.

"This is... Mamba 2. Blast... shorted... systems. I can't do much. Controls... manual."

"Can you eject?"

"Negative," she said after a few moments. "That's busted, too."

"No," Feisler whispered, then had another idea.

"Mamba 2, manually detach your canopy and parachute and get out of there."

"I'll try, sir."

Feisler watched as the pilot next to him stood up and released the parachute from the back of her seat. The fire was spreading now, and it was close to the fuselage. She didn't have much time. She was at the canopy now, good. She disengaged the clamps and tried to lift. Something was wrong, however. Lieutenant Ayel saw it as soon as she turned around. A piece of shrapnel was jamming one of the releases. She sat down again, calmly.

"Not much I can do sir, sorry." Her voice came over the radio again, clear now. Feisler felt a tear forming in one eye.

"Ayel, Christine- is there anything I can do?"

"No sir, don't worry about it. Just get my friends back home safely, alright?"

"I will," Feisler said, "I swear to you I will."

"Goodbye then, sir," Ayel said, "Mamba 2 out."

She dipped her wings in a salute, then pulled sharply upward. As soon as she went vertical, her AT-6 exploded, breaking apart in a tremendous fireball as the flames reached her fuselage's fuel tanks. She died instantly.

"Dammit," Feisler whispered, "who did this?"

Then the TU-95 next to them exploded.


Captain Franz Heibald, one of the Gheist pilots, shook off his missile quickly. When he saw what happened to the Remertian pilot, he felt he had no other option. He quickly flipped the safety off his "commit" button on his control stick, lined up perfectly, and sent an AIM-7 Sparrow missile right up the TU-95's rear. The bomber exploded in a fiery flash.

"What the hell was that for?" Hyerich's voice came over the radio.

"They shot at us!" Heibald said.

"We don't even know who shot at us!" Hyerich responded. "Do you realize what you've done? Gheist, return to base!"

The five aircraft turned around, heading for the base, leaving the remnants of the Remertian squadron and the three mercenaries alone in the sky.

F-14 Ace

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Danial's missile alarm suddenly screamed in his ear.  "What the hell!" he shouted, glancing at the warning light panel, indicating that a heatseeker was inbound.  Reacting instinctively, Danial mashed the countermeasure button and cut the throttle, banking hard to the right.  Three flares shot from the flare dispenser on his aircraft.  The missile whizzed past and the last Danial saw of it, the missile was streaking downward toward the forested terrain down below.

Max and Freeman followed suit, dodging the missiles with relative ease.  The three mercenaries rejoined formation and loud, sudden boom caught their attention.  One of the Remertian planes had been hit.  Almost immediately, everyone's electronic system went haywire.  

"What the hell happened?" Max asked, perplexed.

"Obviously someone's shooting at us!" Freeman shouted.

Danial noticed that the Remertian plane that had been his was on fire.  The pilot seemed unable to bail out for some reason.  Then the small trainer aircraft exploded.

"Damn..." Danial muttered.  

The next thing he knew, the TU-95 exploded when one of the Gheist pilots fired a missile at it.

"Captain, we didn't have clearance to engage, did we?" asked Max.

"Negative, Lieutenant." Danial responded, still trying to make sense out of what had just happened.  Obviously the missile attack didn't come from that bomber.

"So what now?" Freeman asked.  

"I suppose we.." Danial started to say.  He trailed off when he noticed multiple contacts on the outer edge of his radar coverage.  "Hey, is anyone else picking up these contacts or is my radar just bring stupid?"

"I'm picking them up too, Captain!" Max replied.  "IFF identifies them as Mig-31 Foxhound interceptors, country of origin unknown.  I count six aircraft in the group."

Danial promptly contacted the Remertian squadron.  "Remertian squadron, our radars are picking up multiple Mig-31 Foxhounds closing in at high speed.  Their nation of origin is unknown.  Do you know if they're yours or not?"

Gheist Squadron was already bugging out and returning to base, leaving the Whirlwind Squadron behind.

"If they turn out to be hostile, we're on our own." Max said.  

"Foxhounds fly like a cinder block, Renolds.  Our planes can fly circles around them." Danial replied, keeping an eye on his radar.


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"Frieben aircraft," Feisler responded over the radio, "we are unarmed and low on fuel, can you provide an escort for us to Ridley Air Force Base?"

He could already see the MiGs approaching from Ardval. They would be here in seconds. He had to act fast. While waiting for a reply from the Frieben mercenaries, he dove for the ground, radioing his flight.

"All planes hit the deck. Stay below 500 feet AGL so we can evade the approaching interceptors. This is just like today's training, so I know you can do this. Let's go!"

F-14 Ace

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"Copy that.  We'll cover you while you make a break for it!" Danial replied.  He already had visual on the approaching Migs.  With his electrical system damaged by the EMP, he ran a quick diagnostic check to see which systems were still functional and which ones were not.  Several red lights lit up on the warning panel but thankfully all the critical systems were still functional, as were the targeting computer and weapons.  

"Whirlwind Squadron, pick a target and engage at will!" Danial ordered, turning his plane to confront the oncoming Mig-31s.  

The IR missile alarm screamed as one of the Migs fired.  Danial mashed the countermeasure button and rolled to the side.  A shining ball dropped from the chaff dispenser on his plane and exploded into a cloud of shiny particles, blinding the missile's radar.  Locking a Sidewinder onto the Mig that had fired, Danial shouted, "Whirlwind 1, Fox 2!"

The missile dropped from the fuselage pylon  and streaked toward the oncoming fighter.  The Mig released flares and tried to evade but it was too late.  The missile struck the plane's wind, blowing the wing clean off and sending the crippled fighter spiraling out of control.  Dan spotted the canopy blowing and two ejection seats shooting from the cockpit.

Another Mig-31 was flying at him head on.  Danial quickly switched to guns and banked left, roaring past the as the Mig attempted to nail him with its gun.  He spun his Crusader around, leveling off behind the Ardvalian fighter and lining it up in his gun pipper.

Danial squeezed the trigger and the four cannons in the nose of his plane lit the target up, tearing into the rear fuselage and wings.  An explosion tore the fighter in two and a second explosion destroyed it completely.  Swerving around the debris sent everywhere by the exploding Mig, Danial looked for another Foxhound to engage.

Max, meanwhile slipped between two attacking Mig-31s and then looped over behind one of them, attempting to take it out with guns.  Meanwhile the second Mig attempted to get behind him while he was preoccupied with the first.  Out of nowhere, Freeman's Crusader dived down from above, spraying the pursuing Mig's cockpit area with bullets from his machine guns.  The Mig-31 began to spiral toward the ground, it's air crew apparently dead while Thomas let out a victory whoop and turned to engage a second target.  Now there were just three Migs and three crusaders in the fight.  

Danial targeted another Mig-31 and easily evaded its attempts to lock on to him.  He out turned the interceptor and locked onto it with a Sidewinder.  Releasing the missile, he watched as it struck the tail of the plane, blowing the entire back end off the fighter.  The two crew members promptly ejected.

The remaining two Migs turned ant tried to retreat.  Thomas, not satisfied with just one kill, punched the throttle and gave chase.

"No!  There is no escape, cowards!  You will die here today!" he shouted over the radio as he lit the afterburner, trying to get a missile lock one one of the fleeing interceptors.

Danial glanced at the radar and spotted several more contacts approaching.  

"Manticore, Bonehead, we've got more company!" He shouted.

Max confirmed this.  "IFF identifies them as F-15Cs.  I count... ten of them!"

"Dammit!" Danial shouted.  "Remertian aircraft, be advised!   We have ten additional fighters inbound and closing fast!"


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Feisler and his flight were skimming along at near brush-top level, trying to avoid radar detection when the call came through. Feisler growled when he heard the news. If his plane had been armed, fighter or not, he would have given his all to avenge Lieutenant Ayel, to hell with the Rules of Engagement. As it was, all he could do was keep flying.

"Spade, this is Ridley Air Force Base, do you read?"

Feisler let out a joyous whoop. This was his chance for a safe passage, and a chance for their mercenary friends to take a break.

"Ridley, this is Spade. I read."

"Spade, Paulsen AFB just scrambled four F-14s with long-range missiles to assist you. They'll be approaching from vector 157 at 1000 feet. Can you hold out for two minutes?"

"That won't be a problem," Feisler confirmed, "much appreciated. Spade out."

"Any information?" Sarelson called, cruising over a small hilltop.

"We've got F-15s coming right up our butts, but Paulsen just sent a few '14s our way. Hopefully we can end this soon. Stay below 1000 feet."


Feisler looked back through his canopy at the "squirrel cage" above him, giving a silent "thank you" to the mercenaries. Whoever said there was no honor among them? They'd already engaged the F-15s, and were doing so marvelously. Then Feisler remembered his own backup, and radioed the F-8s.

"Mercenary squadron, disengage. Long range missiles inbound."

Sure enough, several small, white streaks appeared on the horizon. He couldn't see the planes yet, but that was typical. F-14s could launch the famous AIM-54 "Phoenix" missile. They were probably about sixty or so miles away. The missiles roared overhead, targeting the enemy F-15s. Feisler felt he'd never seen a sweeter sight in his life.

F-14 Ace

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Danial and his squadron turned to engage the incoming F-15s.  Freeman roared on ahead, targeting a fighter and unleashing a Sidewinder.  The F-15 released flares and evaded the missile, firing its gun at him.  Freeman evaded but took several hits to his vertical stabilizer.  The plane roared past him and he banked hard, locking a second missile and firing again, this time obliterating the fighter in a spectacular explosion.  

Danial lined dodged past one of the F-15s and climbed vertically.  The enemy fighter turned around and began to chase him, but Danial cut the throttle and deployed the air breaks, stalling and nosing over as the enemy fighter kept on climbing.  He retracted the air break and punched the throttle again, regaining control of his plane.  

The Remertian flight lead suddenly contacted him and ordered them to disengage since reinforcements were coming to their aid.

"Whirlwind Squadron, disengage from combat and return to base!  Reinforcements are here." Danial ordered.

"Roger." Max replied, forming up on his right wing.

Freeman grumbled about not scoring enough kills and formed up on his left wing.  The Crusaders departed the area as the Remertian F-14s arrived.  

"What the hell was all that about?" Max asked.

"Something tells me we can forget about more peace negotiations." Danial replied.

Arriving back at the base, they were greeted by the air traffic controller.

"Whirlwing 1, you are cleared to land, Runway 2."

"Roger that.  Cleared to land, runway 2" Danial repeated.  He lowered his landing gear and lined himself up with the runway, extending his flaps.  His fighter touched down on the runway and Danial slowed down to taxiing speed, turning off the runway and onto the taxiway.  After reaching the hangar, he shut down the engine and extended the plane's ladder.  Max and Thomas taxied to a stop next to him.  Danial climbed down from the cockpit and removed his helmet, feeling the late afternoon sun on his face.

"Alright, guys, let's head to the briefing room and find out what the hell is going on." Danial said.  

He somehow doubted there would be good news.  Entering the briefing room, they found the pilots from Gheist squadron already there.    


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Hyerich had a smug grin on his face.

"So you three mercenaries actually stayed and helped the Remertians?"

He began to chuckle, and then laughed uproariously. "I can't believe how idiotic you people are! Live to fight another day! Those Ardvalians would have been more than happy to pick off the AT-6s. They weren't our friends. I didn't know any of them personally."

He reclined in his chair. "I will never understand you people."

F-14 Ace

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"Like we should care." Freeman spat.

Danial snorted with laughter at Hyerich's crass comment.  "You shoulda stayed.  It's a shame you missed the party!"

"Yeah, we bagged five kills!" Max added.

At that moment, a man in full military uniform entered the room.  They recognized him as Colonel Cass, the base commander.

"Gentlemen, your attention please!" he said.  "During the course of your mission, the Federal Republic of Ardval declared a state of war against the Federation of Remertia and the Principality of Frieben.  They simultaneously launched a ground and air offensive into Remertia.  We fear than an invasion of Frieben is also imminent."

The base commander paused and looked at each of the men in the room as he spoke.
"As such, we are now on high alert.  Each of you must be combat ready at a moment's notice.  Our base is close to the border which makes us a prime target for the enemy.  Our government has declared that we will ally ourselves with the Remertian military, and in the coming days you will take part in operations within Remertia to help repel the invasion.  Should Remertia fall, the Ardvalians will be able to invade our nation unopposed.  I will inform you of more updates on the situation as they become available.  Until then, you are dismissed."

The colonel left the room.

"Wonderful..." Danial muttered as he stood up to leave.


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Danial turned around. Hyerich was pointing a finger at him and glaring.

"I'd suggest you get your comrade to watch his mouth, or my trigger finger might accidentally slip next time we're together."

With that, Hyerich turned smartly and walked out of the room. After a moment, Danial and his friends left as well, completely unphased by the pompous Belkan. They'd seen plenty like him before, and they never seemed to last long once combat really started.


When Feisler stepped out of his aircraft, it seemed the whole base was waiting for him. Clouds blocked the sun's light, and rain drizzled, reflecting his current state of mind. He'd lost a good pilot, and war had almost certainly started. He ignored the few members of the press who were gathered around, hoping for some information on the day's events, and went straight for Lieutenant Sarelson and the remaining students. They met up near Sarelson's plane.

"Follow me," Feisler said softly, heading for the briefing room.

When they arrived, Feisler ordered everyone to take seats, and passed out beer. Shortly, Colonel Marius Olson, the base commander, arrived. Feisler called the room to attention, and the Colonel quickly put everyone at ease and in their seats.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's good to have you back. Unfortunately, our situation right now is not going to get much worse. Whatever happened up there was the spark in the powder keg. Ardval has formally declared war on us. I want you to explain what happened."

Feisler stood. "I can explain, sir. We found a Tupolev TU-95 with Ardvalian markings on our side of the border. We attempted to escort it, but were fired upon by an unknown enemy. I've never seen the like of the missile that was shot at us, but it had multiple, homing warheads that produced a shockwave and EMP burst when detonated. We suffered one casualty: Lieutenant Ayel. Her aircraft was destroyed as a result of the blast."

"Did she escape?"

"No," Feisler said. "At that point, a member from one of the Friebenese squadrons who had also intercepted the bomber destroyed it. Shortly, we had Ardvalian fighters coming after us. The Friebenese took care of them with the help of Paulsen's F-14s. We used that opportunity to return to base."

"So you still don't know who fired on you?"

"No, sir."

"Strange," the Colonel mused. "I want you and Lieutenant Sarelson back here tomorrow. I have a feeling you'll be needed."

"Yes sir."

"That's all. Dismissed."

As Feisler started to walk out the door, Colonel Olson caught his arm.

"Marcus, is anything wrong?"

Marcus sighed. "It's the first time I've lost a fellow flyer in combat."

"I know the feeling. Ayel was a good pilot. Listen, if there's anything you need-"

"I'll definitely let you know, sir."

The Colonel nodded. "Get some rest, then." Feisler saluted him crisply and walked away.


Feisler met 1st Lieutenant Henrik Shadal outside.

"Hey, if it isn't Spade! What's up, my man? Hey, they just brought in a new plane. I've got no idea what it is, but they've got it in a hangar under a tarp. Wanna check it out?"

Feisler smiled, his first in a while. "Sure, why not?"

As they walked towards the hangar, Feisler briefed Shadal on what had happened that day. He was just detailing the attack when they entered the hangar. In the center was a long, sleek form covered by a black tarp bearing the Federation of Remertia's flag. Feisler whistled.

"I've never seen anything like that."

"Yeah," Shadal said, "a couple of guys are sayin' it's completely new. Never been put into operation before." He paused. "So what happened next?"

Marcus almost forgot about what he'd just been talking about. "We lost an aircraft when the missile exploded."

Shadal paled. "Who?"

"Christine Ayel."

Shadal's knees almost gave way, and he was whiter than a sheet. "No, that's not- but I was just-"

"Take it easy, man," Marcus said, helping his friend to a seat on the ground, "what's wrong?"

"Ayel, you said?" Marcus nodded.

"No... I was dating her. In fact, I was going to propose this week."

Marcus's gaze softened. "I'm so sorry, can I help at a-"

"Don't worry about it," Shadal said, standing up with a fire burning in his eyes, "those damn Ardvalians will pay for this. Every single one of them I shoot down will be for Ayel."

Feisler nodded. "Then it sounds like Nightbird Squadron's about to see some combat."

Shadal looked him squarely in the eyes and nodded, "and I'm looking forward to every minute of it."

F-14 Ace

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"Can you believe that bastard?" Max asked.  I can't believe he has the gall to threaten us like that."

"Let it go, Renolds." Danial replied.  "They're not worth it.  There's bound to be idiots no matter where we go."

Danial's cell phone rand and he removed it his pocket, looking at the number.  It was Craig Oswald, the head aircraft mechanic at the base.

"You guys go on ahead.  I'm gonna take this call." Danial said.  "Hello?" he said, answering the phone.

"What the hell did you do to my airplanes?" shouted Oswald in more of a joking tone than an angry one.

"Well, we ran into some unexpected trouble up there." Danial replied.

"Well, I've got some bad news and some good news.  Come on over to the hangar and I'll show you what I've got." said the mechanic.

"Alright, I'll be right over." Danial said, getting into his jeep.  He drove over to the hangar where he was greeted by a chubby, dark skined middle-aged man dressed in yellow stained coveralls.  He had grease all over his hands and face.

"Alright, bad news first." Danial said flatly.

"Well, the bad news is that your crusaders are going to be out of action until I can replace the damaged electronic systems." Oswals explained.  

"And the good news?"

"The good news is that I've completed the upgrades you requested to the CF-105 Arrows." Oswald said with a smile.  They walked over to one of the planes and Oswald explained, "I've mounted two machine guns on either side of the front landing gear."

The mechanic pointed to the two gun blisters on either side of the nose.  "I've also made modifications for the plane to carry either six AIM-7 Sparrow missiles or eight AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.  I've added two pylons under the wingtips to accommodate the extra ordinance.  Also, to compensate for the extra weight and increased drag, I've refitted the Arrows with General Electric F404 engines that will boost the aircraft's overall speed."

"Sounds good." Danial said, nodding with approval.  

"I've also given you midair refueling capabilities and made some tweaks to the Arrow's avionics and radar equipment."

"Well it sounds good.  Thanks, Craig." Danial said, leaving the hangar and getting back into his jeep.  He still needed to pick up his money from their mission.  He knew that his squadmates would be grateful for the modifications to their planes.



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It was almost 2230 at night, and Captain Feisler was still sitting in the hangar with the mysterious, covered aircraft. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Colonel Olson was right; he needed sleep.

The sound of the hangar door opening behind him startled Feisler. He turned around to see a middle-aged, balding man in a grey blazer enter the hangar. He was obviously surprised to see the pilot, but his face broke into a smile nonetheless.

"Hello sir," the man said, walking forward and extending his hand, "I'm Dr. Charles Johannes. What brings you here?"

Feisler shook Johannes's hand. "Just admiring this tarp, sir," he said with a smile.

"You wouldn't happen to know a Captain Marcus Feisler, would you?"

Feisler smiled, "at your service, sir. What can I do for you?"

"Well actually, there's something I wanted to do for you." Charles headed over to the covered aircraft and took hold of one corner of the tarp.

"Wanna look?" he asked, with a grin like a child on his birthday on his face.

"Well, yes sir!" Feisler said, flabbergasted.

"Then help me move this thing." Feisler positioned himself on the opposite end of the tarp, and on Johannes's signal, began to pull. The tarp slid away with ease, and as it revealed the masterpiece underneath, Feisler's jaw dropped. The aircraft was stunningly beautiful, like something out of a pilot's dream It shared a few features with his current aircraft, the YF-23, like shrouded exhausts, a thin, almost flat body, and twin canted tails, but it was obvious this was an entirely new design. Its silver, factory-pure, unpainted body gleamed in the hangar's fluorescent lights.

"What is this?" Feisler asked in awe.

"You like it?" Johannes chuckled, "that's the one and only YF-34 'Peregrine,' Remertia's indigenous superfighter. It's got a radar cross-section less than that of your YF-23s', twin Massey J380 engines producing 36,000 pounds of thrust, homegrown, of course- everything on this fighter was produced in this country- space for up to twelve missiles, eight bombs, or any combination of the two, a Vulcan machine gun mounted internally behind and to the right of the pilot, concealed external hardpoints that fold down, shrouded exhaust, and enhanced maneuverability due to a combination of canards, thrust-vectoring, and thrust reversers. Oh, and did I mention that it has air conditioning?"

"No, sir," Feisler said, placing his hand on the aircraft's smooth fuselage.

"It's an interceptor, designed to achieve speeds up to Mach 2.7, but hold its own in close combat. The government had us move the prototype here for two reasons: the first being that keeping it at the test facility, which is a prime target, is a pretty bad idea, and the second being that we need a pilot for the initial combat-readiness flight. You're that pilot."

"Me?" Feisler asked.

"That's right. Congratulations, son."

Feisler looked back at the plane. "Thank you, sir. I only have one question, though."

"What's that?"

Feisler smirked. "How soon can we get the squad patch on that tail?"

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The following morning, Danial was in the mess hall with his squad mates.  Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with jam.  It was a simple but filling meal and Danial appreciated that they were at least given good food.  

Following breakfast, the pilots went through their daily exercise routine.  Since they were on high alert, they were not allowed to go into the nearby town and were confined to the base.  Afternoon came and the three pilots of Whirlwind Squadron found themselves in the officer's club playing poker amongst themselves.

Freeman seemed to be winning so far and had gathered a rather large quantity of cash from his companions.  

"Four of a kind!  I'm the best poker player on this base!" he bragged, laying down his cards, revealing four 2s and an ace of clubs.

"Riiiiight." Danial replied, sarcastically, laying down his cards, revealing a 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Hearts.  A straight flush.

"Crap!" Max scowled, slapping his cards on the table revealing a completely useless assortment of cards.  

Danial snatched up the pile of bills next to Freeman and said, "I'll be taking that."

"Double or nothing!" Freeman shouted.

"I'm not stupid, Tom.  I know when to walk away." Danial replied, stuffing the bills into his pocket.

"Party pooper..." Freeman muttered.


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Marcus had been sitting in the squad recreation area for almost the entire day with his friends, waiting for something to happen. His thoughts constantly returned to that new fighter... When could he fly it? He didn't know for sure, but he hoped it would be soon. In the meantime, he'd have to be content with sitting here on alert. He downed another handful of some cheese-flavored crackers, chewing slowly. His friends looked equally bored. War had started, and they were sitting here. As they understood, however, all of the action was farther east. Other squadrons were being utilized. They were extra assets, and Feisler could tell that Shadal, at least, was unhappy.

He sighed. Would anything happen today? He'd rather risk insurmountable odds, take on fifty Super Flankers, perhaps, than sit in this chair. Perhaps the Friebens were cooking up something interesting, he thought.

F-14 Ace

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The following day passed agonizingly slow.  The pilots half expected an air attack on their base but none came.  Finally, as evening fell, an announcement over the loud speaker called all pilots to the briefing room.  

As they arrived, Colonel Cass was already waiting for them.  As everyone took their seats, the colonel turned on the overhead projector, displaying a digital map of the three countries.  The image zoomed in on the border of Ardval and Remertia, displaying the sizable territory that the Ardvalian military had already seized through their surprise attack.

"Gentlemen, we have put together an operation to assist our allies in Remertia." the colonel explained.  

Several targets apeared on the map and the colonel continued talking.

"There are three main bridged crossing the Haynes River near the border.  Ardvalian troops are using these bridges as their primary crossing points.  The objective of this operation is to destroy these bridges and cut off their supply rout.  This will ease the burden on Remertian troops and delay Ardvalian reinforcements from entering the country.  Whirlwind Squadron will handle the ground attack.  Your assignment is to split off individually and destroy the three bridges.  In addition, there is a supply depot on the east side of the river that must be destroyed as well.  

Gheist squadron, you will be in charge of maintaining air superiority over the target area.  Due to the close proximity to Ardval's border, we expect fierce air resistance and ground resistance.  In addition, we are anticipating stormy weather conditions at the strike zone.  Visibility will be poor so we will need everyone to put their best effort into this mission.  Dismissed!"

The colonel departed the room.  

"Finally!" Freeman chuckled.  "I've been waiting for this!"

Danial drove his squadron to hangar where their planes were waiting.  The ground crews were already in the process of arming their Su-25 Frogoot strike planes for the mission.  Each aircraft was armed with two sidewinder missiles, four rocket pods, sight medium freefall bombs and a drop tank.

Danial knew they would still have to refuel for the return trip.  After going over the preflight checklist, he closed the canopy and started the engines.  The sun had already gone down by now and all that remained were the final rays of daylight.


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A phone call informing the three pilots in the Ridley AFB recreation room to report to the briefing room immediately finally snapped Marcus out of his daze. They hurried over to the small room, taking their seats quickly. Colonel Olson walked in.

"As of now, I'm officially activating Nightbird squadron for wartime activities. Your first mission begins at 2100 tonight. We've received word from the Friebens that their Air Force will be conducting an air to ground strike tonight at the Haynes river, near Ardval's border. Nightbirds 2 and 3-" he looked to Sarelson and Shadal "-will be flying A-10s, in direct support of the ground attack efforts. Nightbird 1 will be flying a Tornado IDS armed with a mix of air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions." The Colonel looked to Feisler.

"You are responsible for assisting in both maintaining air superiority and the primary attack."

He turned to the assembled pilots. "Pilots, I wish you all the best of luck. May you all return safely. Dismissed."

The three stood up and headed for the flight line door. Not a word was spoken. Marcus found his aircraft: a Tornado painted up in a dark brown and olive-green camouflage scheme with a shark's  mouth on the nose. it was equipped with two bomblet dispensers, and four Sparrow missiles, as well as two drop tanks; one on each wing. Not a ton of weaponry, he decided, but he was pretty sure he could hold his own in a gunfight, if it came to that.

He climbed into the cockpit and ran through the checklist. Before long, he was on the runway, with his squad-mates' A-10s right behind him. After getting the tower's permission to take off, he lit the burners and roared skyward. As the sun set, he turned on his previously disclosed heading. It was payback time.


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At present, Nightbird squadron was about thirty minutes away from the Remertia/Ardval border, and ten minutes away from the rendezvous point.

"Keep your heads on a swivel," Lieutenant Sarelson radioed, "the Frieben squadron should be here any moment now."

"Roger," Marcus responded, maintaining a level heading. This would probably be the highest he'd fly for the rest of the night. Nightbird's attack profile called for an extremely low-altitude strike, below radar coverage- the squadron's specialty. The Remertians prided themselves in their low-level skill. The trick for them tonight would be timing. They would have to cross the border as soon as the President of Remertia announced the cancellation of the country's neutrality, and its declaration of war against Ardval. For a first mission, this was going to be tricky.