The Gang of Five
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Pirates of the Insane Dutchman


  • Ducky
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Yuuto sighed and walked across the deck of the ship without another word.

"Thank you for your help," the imagin said, bowing slightly to the man as he passed and hurried after Yuuto.

"Hurry up, Deneb," Yuuto hollared back at the imagin.


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Nick Screamed as he hit the deck.  He spat  upblood as he slowly gathered his bearings. "thats the last freaking time I go on that ride.. now where the heck am I? He muttered wandering atround, his head feeling like it was on fire.. He looked up to see the blind pirate with two eyepatches. "Great. i'm stuck on a freaking pirate ship. where's blackbeard when ya need him..' He muttered..
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  • Ducky
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Both Yuuto and Deneb had witnessed Nick's apparent falling out of the sky. They stared heavenward in disbelief.

"This place is strange," Yuuto sighed.

"Do you think he's okay?" Deneb wondered.

"He's standing, isn't he?"


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Nick noticed the two onlookers. 'Pardon me guys, but I have a couple of questions" First, what is this place, and second, Is there anyone on board I might know..?' He rubbed his head, which was still throbbing..
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  • Ducky
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"We don't know much more than you," Deneb said quickly, before Yuuto could make some rude remark and spoil their chances of befriending the newcomer. "We just arrived a few minutes ago ourselves."

"And how would we know if anyone you knew was onboard?" Yuuto scoffed.

"Yuuto doesn't mean to be so rude," Deneb said. "He's really a good person at heart."

The youth growled. He hated it when Deneb started in with that 'good person at heart' stuff.


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"You were simply the first two people I saw ok?" Nick replied a little defensively. "So you're stuck here too huh? How did you get stuck here?'
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  • Ducky
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"Well, our train got stuck in an area of time we had never seen before, so he left the train for a bit to have a look at the outside world," Deneb explained.


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"And now you can't get back, right? " Nick said. "So you guys are time travelers? I thought time travel was ionly theoritical, that you couldn't go very far back in time  even in theory, due to the "grandfather paradox".' Nick continued.
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  • Ducky
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"We can go back a few years in time," Yuuto said. "We could back even farther with the right pass, or if we forced our way onto the right track..."

"Would you like some Deneb candy?" Deneb asked, holding out his hand and showing Nick the wrapper covered bits of candy in his palm.


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'Sure" Nick said, taking the candy. "Thank you very much.. I'll save it for later, right now I just eed to get my bearings.."
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  • Ducky
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Yuuto sighed. "Well, Deneb, we better go see if we can find a way out of here."

He turned and stopped in his tracks. An Asian man dressed in an alligator skin jacket was approaching him. He was close enough that the group could make out the psychotic grin on his face and Yuuto felt a chill go up his spine. He hid it from the others though.

The man stopped and glanced at each of them in turn, seeming to size them up like a lion might size up a zebra. "Which of you is the strongest? I want to fight."


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"Sorry sir, but I'm not much of a fighter.." Nick said, ducking behind Deneb.. "I wouldn't be much of a challenge I'm afraid...
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  • Ducky
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Yuuto stepped forward. "Let me say this to start, I am pretty strong."

The words seemed to boost Yuuto's confidence somewhat and he pulled out a green and black belt seemingly from out of nowhere.

The smirk on the man's face widened and he pulled a flat purple rectangle emblazoned with a golden cobra from the pocket of his jacket. He stepped over to the railing of the ship.

"Yuuto, you shouldn't," Deneb said worriedly as Yuuto clipped the belt around his waist. "I'll fight him-."

"No," Yuuto interrupted, pulling a black card from a case on the side of the belt. One side of the card was covered with green symbols and the other with yellow. "Something tells me this guy is trouble. You make sure you keep that guy safe."

The man thrust the purple rectangle out at the water below a silver belt appearing around his waist as he did. "Henshin." He slid the rectangle into the belt buckle. Three silvery images converged on the man and formed into purple armor. A black visor covered his face and the helmet and shoulder armor had a cobrahood-like design.

Surprise registered on Yuuto's face at the armor's appearance, then confusion, before it returned to his serious expression. He pushed back a switch on the top of his belt buckle.

"Henshin!" Yuuto shouted, before sliding the card into the belt. The patterns on the card connected with the belt's to form the shape of a capital letter 'A'.

"Altair form," the belt beeped and green light covered Yuuto forming into armor. Two balls of green light shot from the belt and circled Yuuto's sides, forming additional armor which attached to his chest. The orbs then moved onto his helmet forming into two green eye pieces which slid into place.

The purple clad man cracked his neck with a sigh and started towards Yuuto.


  • Ducky
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"We better back up," Deneb said, standing in front of Nick and taking a few steps back. He had one arm raised to the side protectively.

"So what name should I carve on your tombstone?" Yuuto asked, removing a handle from his belt and attaching it to the blade holstered on the belt's other side. He raised the sword and it tripled in size, becoming massive.

"Asakura," the man said. He drew a short cobra-headed scepter forth and drew a card from the purple rectanlge on his belt. He inserted the card into the top of the scepter. "Though you will not be inscribing my name on anything."

"Sword vent," the scepter announced as Asakura pushed the card into the scepter. A yellow sword flew from the reflection cast on a nearby window and landed in Asakura's free hand.

The two charged at each other and clashed swords.


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Nick backed up until he was a safe distance away from the battle. the men seemed to be pretty evenly matched..
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  • Ducky
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Yuuto swung for the man's chest, taking advantage of the weight of his sword to push the other around. Asakura was no amateur fighter though and he ducked under the slash, rushing past Yuuto and slashing his side in the process.

"You'll be next," he chuckled at Deneb and Nick before he spun around and blocked a slash from Yuuto. He kicked Yuuto away. Yuuto removed the handle from the sword and reattached it perpendicular to the blade. The sides of the blade flipped out forming a crossbow and he pulled the trigger, shooting a green bolt of energy into his opponent's chest armor.

"Take cover somewhere," Deneb said to Nick, deciding it would be too dangerous for the normal human to hang around.


  • The Circle
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"Mista Aves" said Pirate Ducky as she nudged the fox "You fell over again."

"I... what?" asked Aves as he looked blankly about. "Oh.. I must had blacked out again from all that garlic powder. did I miss anything?"

"Yup yup yup." said Pirate Duckly as she helped the fox up

"How many times did I tell you its  'Yup Yup ARRRR!!!' ?" Corrected Aves "You'll never be a pirate talking like that!"


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Nick reached behind him and found a door knob. "Lets hope this place is safer than out here" He muttered, popened the door behind him, and sneaking inside. The door lead to the kitchen, and she saw a fox chatting with looked like a small dinosaur. He recognized the fox, and decided to put on a fake pirate accent. "Arghh, what happened you bilge rat? You stuck on this tub as well? " Nick said in a pasable pirate immitation..
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  • Ducky
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Asakura took a step toward Yuuto and received another bolt of energy to the chest. He fired another blast at his opponent's sword, sending it out of his hand and sailing over the edge into the water. Asakura rolled under Yuuto's next shot and hit him with an uppercut. The two exchanged blows, Yuuto trying to get enough distance to either shoot at Asakura, or switch his weapon back into sword mode. The purple rider grabbed his weapon armor and spun Yuuto around, letting go and sending him stumbling back with a kick.

Yuuto watched as Asakura drew a card from his belt and inserted it into his staff. "Final Vent," the staff beeped. A large purple and gold cobra slithered across the deck of the ship, rising up behind Asakura and hissing loudly. Asakura backflipped towards the cobra's mouth. The cobra, Venosnaker, spat a glob of acidic venom from its mouth, sending Asakura flying at Yuuto. The venom clinging to Asakura as he prepared to slam his foot into Yuuto.

Deneb raised his arms and launched bullets from his gun barrel-like fingers. The blasts slammed into Asakura, sending him flying back and away from landing his final blow on Yuuto. Asakura ended up flying over the edge of the ship, hitting the water with a loud splash. Venosnaker vanished into the reflective surface of a mirror as Deneb, rushed over and slung Yuuto's arm over his shoudler, pulling the youth to his feet and helping him into the room Nick had taken cover in.


  • The Circle
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Aves glanced over seeing Nick after being spoken to in a silly pirate accent

"Nick? De heck are ya doin aboard this scrap bucket?!?... er never mind.. I've been asking that of myself the moment I entered this dump!"