The Gang of Five
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LBT Series Marathon

Gentle Sharptooth

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Just watched “Cave of Many Voices”

Chomper’s tantrum to stop the water in cave and making it worse was hysterical!

Chomper “you leaf eaters sure take a long time to eat.” I am like Chomper, I eat fast and have to wait on friends and family.

Ducky’s arch of wanting to be big and listened to like Ruby is a great arch.

Saurus Rock cameo! “Big like saurus rock!” Ducky. LBT V: The Secret of Saurus Rock is one of my all time favorite LBT films. I love that they paid homage to it in the first episode. 

Ducky trying to suppress her “no no no, yes yes yes, and yep yep yep,” and talk big is hilarious.

Chompers giddiness over new cave, “look it has no stone teeth.”

Continuity issue, Chomper doesn’t recognize Sharpteeth talk when in V he knew his parent’s roars from the plated sharptooth, “that’s not my daddy or mommy.”

Petrie: And fast biters! (Petrie’s face and eyes, got to get a pic)

Spike uses vine to make large rocks hit Redclaw in head, is Spike a savior?  Spike is really smart, he suggests sealing the cave opening with rock. This is a nice departure from Spike being only fodder and feeder.

The Cave and catacombs is great for tension with Screech and Thud and Redclaw popping up everywhere in a maze of caves. Its reminiscent of Sharptooth in the cave at climax of LBT ORIGINAL.

“Hold them off? Like an appetizer?” -Cera. Cera always has the best wise cracks.

Jurassic Park reference, “Redclaw can’t see us if you are still.” (Chomper). Alan Grant, “don’t move! He (T-Rex) can’t see us if we don’t move.”

Chomper speaks Sharpteeth at last. Redclaw’s perplexed face. Loved it.

Ducky’s powerful Yep Yep Yep Battlecry, it was epic and made her sound like an adult!

Overall a strong episode, well paced, great wise cracks and cultural puns, and best of all a good blend of levity and tension. It never dragged or got too ridiculous. This episode was better than LBT III, XI, XII, and XIII IMHO.


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I am happy to hear you enjoyed the first episode @Gentle Sharptooth ! :duckyhappy It was a strong start for the show. Though I will say the explanation for Chomper being in the valley was somewhat sudden and easy to miss. XD Also Chomper was at his most awesome when throwing that tantrum. XD He should totally think about trying those moves on fast biters.

Ducky was enjoyable this episode. X) I keep imagining her "Yep! Yep! YEEEEP!" As a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure stand battle cry.  :bestsharptooth

I was suprised to see that reference to Saurus Rock. Happy to see a landmark get recognition!  :)petrie

Also I never noticed the Chomper continuity issue before.  :olittlefoot Though I will say this won't be the last language continuity error when it comes to Chomper.

Any episode with Spike being awesome is a plus in my book.  :SmugSpike

Never saw that line as a reference to Jurassic Park, nice! X)


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Thanks for starting this thread, Gentle Sharptooth! To everyone who hadn't heard about this already, Sharptooth and I are rewatching all the TV series episodes and reviewing them here! Here's my response to the episode and to Sharptooth's take on it:

Chomper’s tantrum to stop the water in cave and making it worse was hysterical!

Chomper's tantrum at the start of the episode always made me laugh when I was a kid. I wonder now if that scene is a bit OOC, but I suppose a while has passed since the Gang encountered Chomper on the Mysterious Island. His characterization has gotten more excitable in general going into the TV show, and with that sort of impulsive/overexcited personality being believable for a little kid, I don't object to it.

Chomper “you leaf eaters sure take a long time to eat.” I am like Chomper, I eat fast and have to wait on friends and family.

Actually, Chomper said, "You flatteeth take a long time to eat," which I thought was interesting. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time the term "flatteeth" was used in LBT, and I believe that the other times it appeared in the show also had Chomper being the one to use it. This implies that "flatteeth" is the sharptooth word for "leaf-eaters," a detail I hadn't thought of until very recently, but quite a clever one. It makes sense that sharpteeth would have their own term for species of the opposite diet, and I like that it parallels the leaf-eaters' use of "sharpteeth."

Ducky’s arch of wanting to be big and listened to like Ruby is a great arch.

I thought Ducky had a nice arc in this episode, too. It makes sense, considering that her size has left her basically powerless in many of the other films (though Petrie is small, too, but at least he has wings). Perhaps more often than anyone else in the Gang, Ducky has to count on her friends to rescue her from danger.

Saurus Rock cameo! “Big like saurus rock!” Ducky. LBT V: The Secret of Saurus Rock is one of my all time favorite LBT films. I love that they paid homage to it in the first episode.
I love it when references to previous movies show up in the series, too. :)littlefoot

Chompers giddiness over new cave, “look it has no stone teeth.”
Yeah, Chomper was hopping back and forth, he was so excited. Cutest little sharptooth ever! :chompysmile

Ducky trying to suppress her “no no no, yes yes yes, and yep yep yep,” and talk big is hilarious.

There's just no hiding her Ducky-ness, and it's adorable. :lol

Continuity issue, Chomper doesn’t recognize Sharpteeth talk when in V he knew his parent’s roars from the plated sharptooth, “that’s not my daddy or mommy.”

Hmm, which scene in the episode had this continuity issue? I must've overlooked it.

Petrie: And fast biters! (Petrie’s face and eyes, got to get a pic)

Petrie totally has the best faces! :lol

Spike uses vine to make large rocks hit Redclaw in head, is Spike a savior?  Spike is really smart, he suggests sealing the cave opening with rock. This is a nice departure from Spike being only fodder and feeder.

I noticed how well they used Spike here, too! Much too often in the LBT movies, it seems that his only contribution to the plot is causing the Gang's plans to go awry. It's great to see him actually helping out!

The Cave and catacombs is great for tension with Screech and Thud and Redclaw popping up everywhere in a maze of caves. Its reminiscent of Sharptooth in the cave at climax of LBT ORIGINAL.

I agree, the fast biter chase scene was fun and done pretty well.

“Hold them off? Like an appetizer?” -Cera. Cera always has the best wise cracks.

I pretty much learned sarcasm from Cera when I was younger. :lol
Jurassic Park reference, “Redclaw can’t see us if you are still.” (Chomper). Alan Grant, “don’t move! He (T-Rex) can’t see us if we don’t move.”

Oh my gosh, that is exactly like Jurassic Park!

Chomper speaks Sharpteeth at last. Redclaw’s perplexed face. Loved it.

I love that Chomper's bilingual abilities weren't forgotten in the TV show. :chompysmile Plus, his roaring is always adorable. :lol

Ducky’s powerful Yep Yep Yep Battlecry, it was epic and made her sound like an adult!

Ducky unleashing her "big voice" was awesome! I thought it was believable, too, that such a loud sound would cause the sharpteeth to run away. Even relatively large and fierce wild animals can be frightened by noise.

Although, while we're still talking about the sharpteeth, the one thing I thought was pretty weak about them in this episode was how all the kids literally ran right past their legs at one point without being detected. There's no way the sharpteeth shouldn't have noticed them when they were that close, at least not if you ask me. Couldn't they have done the same scene with the sharpteeth a few yards away, instead?

Overall a strong episode, well paced, great wise cracks and cultural puns, and best of all a good blend of levity and tension. It never dragged or got too ridiculous. This episode was better than LBT III, XI, XII, and XIII IMHO.

Yep, yep, yep--this episode was a very good intro to the TV series and a good addition to LBT in general! (Though I won't go as far as saying it tops XII, as I'm a Guido fan, heh heh! But I probably agree on those other three.) There wasn't anything in there that felt too much like filler. Even the obligatory songs at least moved the story forward. I admit I would prefer far less songs than the amount the TV series felt like they had to shove in every episode, but that Chomper version of "Adventuring" wasn't bad.

Now here's something we haven't talked about yet: Ruby. I thought this episode did a great job introducing her. Her interactions with Chomper and Ducky showed her to be level-headed (staying calm about the flooding in the cave), caring (helping Ducky "talk big"), confident (confronting the domeheads who stole the food), and a bit quirky ("be the tree!"). Definitely a distinct character from the rest of the group, and a good one, too. How did you feel about her?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 05:13:57 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Chomper failed to use his Sharpenese when they heard Redclaw and Company; and Littlefoot says, “we’ll we better go see who it is.”

Ruby had a solid episode, pairing her with Ducky was good writing.

Chomper is a little OCD in this series, oppose to his calm demeanor in LBT V.

I didn’t mind the Sharpteeth being outwitted, I found it plausible that Ducky making her noise in the Caves of Voices distracted them. Plus ai like hiw Ducky took initiative and ran to cave to help the Gang escape.

@Goldenwind Thanks! I am loving the series. I feel I’ve missed a major part of LBT lore. :)

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But Chomper might not be able to recognize the "voices" of most sharpteeth as easily as he can recognize his own parents' voices, so I wouldn't call that an inconsistency. When it comes to identifying voices, I imagine anyone would be able to identify their family faster than they'd identify someone else.

Although Chomper's personality is a bit different, it has been a while since we saw him last, so I just chalk that up to the fact that people change over time.
Yeah, I can overlook the distracted sharpteeth because we had a good Ducky-power moment there. :duckyhappy It was just something I couldn't help noticing.
Wait @Gentle Sharptooth are you saying you've never seen the whole TV show? :rhett_shocked

@Goldenwind Yeah, I'd kind of forgotten that brief explanation for Chomper and Ruby in the valley. I picked up something interesting on this rewatch, though: Ruby said something along the lines of "I'm glad your folks let us stay in the Secret Caverns, especially with Red Claw and his fast biters terrorizing the Mysterious Beyond." The word that jumped out at me was let. It's like some dinosaurs hadn't wanted to let Chomper and Ruby into the valley at all, with them being outsiders, but they eventually reached a compromise that had them staying in the caverns of the Great Wall, living not in the Mysterious Beyond but not necessarily in the valley, either. This would also explain why they have to find a cave to sleep in as opposed to sleeping in the open valley like everyone else.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Aye, I’ve never seen the whole TV show. Just three episodes.

I surmise Mr. Threehorn objected to Ruby and Chomper living in the Valley.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 07:10:32 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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I surmise Mr. Threehorn objected to Ruby and Chomper living in the Valley.
I'm quite sure you're right. :rolleye

Gentle Sharptooth

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“The Mysterious Tooth Crisis”

Tria: Cera, always to the point.
Nice Pun.

Petrie: If its secret how will we know about it?
lol great philosophy if you tell a secret it aint secret anymore.

Love how Littlefoot, and Chomper gets out of mud adventure, Ducky caved to peer pressure XD

Ruby is captain obvious, “the sooner we go the sooner we are on our way.”

Mo would be proud of Mud Brother Spike.

Chomper, “My tooth! My tooth! My tooth!” Went Ducky on us.

Chomper loves his tail.

Mr Threehorn, “By nightfall you’ll be nothing but a pile of bones.” Jerkasaurus comfirmed.

Chomper saves Ducky from falling, Chosen One confirmed.

Movie reference, Chomper reaching for his tooth is like Indy trying to reach Holy Grail in “Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.”

Cera is a Mud Sister. Mo approved.

Littlefoot’s tail is a life line. Saves Chomper twice, once on the cliff and a second time in the swamp sinking water.

I was touched by Petrie staying with discouraged Chomper. My two favorite characters together.

“Not hurt?! I’m falling apart! Have you ever heard of a sharptooth with a mossing tooth?!” (Chomper)

Overall, not as good as “The Cave of Voices.” I liked that we saw more of the Great Valley and its perils, but this episode felt too relaxed for my taste. It was good, but not great. My favorite parts were when Chomper was with Petrie, Littlefoot and Ducky. The Mud side story was not to my taste. In conclusion, not a terrible episode but it lacked the balance of tension and levity of “The Cave of Voices.”

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@Goldenwind Yeah, I'd kind of forgotten that brief explanation for Chomper and Ruby in the valley. I picked up something interesting on this rewatch, though: Ruby said something along the lines of "I'm glad your folks let us stay in the Secret Caverns, especially with Red Claw and his fast biters terrorizing the Mysterious Beyond." The word that jumped out at me was let. It's like some dinosaurs hadn't wanted to let Chomper and Ruby into the valley at all, with them being outsiders, but they eventually reached a compromise that had them staying in the caverns of the Great Wall, living not in the Mysterious Beyond but not necessarily in the valley, either. This would also explain why they have to find a cave to sleep in as opposed to sleeping in the open valley like everyone else.
That's pretty interesting!  :olittlefoot Although I still would have liked a episode where we see Chomper and Ruby's arrival to the Great Valley. ^^'

@Gentle Sharptooth I liked the episode, but I agree it was only just good. I agree with the two stories clashing. Nothing really happens, Cera doesn't want to be in the mud, and then she likes it. :rolleye Also didn't like how Mr. Threehorn had no repercussions for teasing Chomper. I believe Mr. Threehorn would have never expected for the kids to be put in danger. However, Ducky and Chomper nearly fell off a mountain with Chomper barely avoiding drowning in the episode's climax. If Tria and Cera found out, they be ramming Mr. Threehorn all the way to Threehorn peak! (Okay, a massive exaggeration, but still) x(cera

Will say I found Mr. Thicknose's song as they try to put back Chomper's tooth to be hilarious. Especially the part where they sing how they were unable to fix Chomper's tooth. This episode resulted in these screenshot gems. :bestsharptooth
« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 11:26:14 PM by Goldenwind »


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And now for Episode 2: "The Mysterious Tooth Crisis." :OhYou

Now, I'll admit it: I'm gonna be kind of biased in my review of this episode. It was a favorite of mine when I was a kid, one of my handful of much-watched LBT episodes. There were a few reasons why that was--and @Goldenwind actually pointed out one of them, which is the fact that this episode contains an endless amount of silly-looking moments that just got laughs out of me. :p Plus, I just tended to like episodes that focused on Chomper. As for that final reason...

Ah, yes, Tria's "surprise" for Cera at the beginning of the episode. I know the side plot about the spa--I mean, the mud pool--really has nothing to do with the main plot of this episode other than the fact that it removed Ruby from the picture up until the end, but I found it kind of fun for a personal reason...I really relate to Cera in this episode. Even as a kid watching this episode for the first time, I knew that I was Cera in it. I'm that person who often has to be dragged into new things, but chances are I enjoy them in the end--even if, like Cera, I'm a little too stubborn to flat-out admit that ("'s better than usual mud..."). So, yeah, I guess that plot just offered me a bit of self-awareness, not to mention some assurance that, y'know, it was okay to like things that I didn't want to like at first. Plus, Cera resting in the mud with a tree star over her head cracks me up. :lol

Chomper's initial reaction to losing his tooth always amused me. ("BUT MY TEETH ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN MY MOUTH!!!!!!")
I agree, though, that Mr. Threehorn STANK in this episode. x(cera WHY would he do that to Chomper?? It wasn't even really in character--Mr. Threehorn might be a grouch, but since when does he just go around picking on already-freaked-out kids just for the sake of it?? If the writers needed a bully character, why didn't they just use Hyp and his pals?

Then there's Mr. Thicknose. Um, since when is he a baritone? His TV show voice still weirds me out after all these years. That song still tickles my funny bone, though! Why is Chomper shoving tree sap, pollen, and mud up his gums so funny, anyway? Probably because it's just as silly and absurd as it sounds. :lol

Then there's that Looking Rock scene. (And then I realized that my childhood love of this episode was showing through in the "Yellowbellies Rule!" RP, because I stuck both the Looking Rock and the mud pools in there.) :p I really love Petrie's moment of bravery here--go, Petrie! :DD

I soon found myself being annoyed at Petrie, however, because as Chomper is in the sinking sand refusing to let go of his tooth, why in the wide, wide world doesn't Petrie just swoop down and TAKE THE TOOTH FROM HIM?? Seriously, no one thought of this?? :rolleyes

Then they get to the mud pools, where Cera delivers one of my favorite TV series moments of all time:

*blink*  "WHAT?? You interrupted my relaxing day for a TOOTH?? A TOOTH?!?!?!"

I always got a kick out of that! :lol :lol :lol

Ruby comforts Chomper in a sweet, big-sister-ish way, and that pretty much wraps things up. Oh, wait, then there's a few funny moments where Chomper insists on shoving his teeth in the other characters' faces. :lol
Yeah, story-wise, I admit this wasn't the greatest episode. Personally, though, I just enjoy the sillier, lighter tone of it. :chompysmile But yeah, like I said, I'm biased.

Gentle Sharptooth

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@Goldenwind Mr. Thocknose’s song was cutsy and fun. I did however have to adjust to his viice, I am use to boice actor from “The Big Freeze.” Great pics by the way. :lol

@RainbowFaceProtege In Petrie’s defense, when he flew to save the tooth from Lookimg Rock (I love that place), he had a straight shot, minus sky puffy. In the samp sinking sand if Petrie tried to get Chomper’s tooth he could have missed and gotten stuck too. Chomper was panicking and flailing his hands, there was 80% probability Petrie could miss. Also Petrie likely remembered the sinking sand in LBTII and how it took the grown ups to save the Gang.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 11:23:18 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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Episode 3 “The Star Day Celebration”

Hopper reference! Hoppers is when Littlefoot and Cera meet Sharptooth in the first LBT movie.

I love this opens at night and there is moonlight!

Littlefoot looks green at night, Shorty pun! XD

Cera as the shadow monster with tree limb pays homage to Littlefoot and company disguised in oil as a monster that scares the domeheads away in the first LBT movie.

Ruby: Just saying how much I love you dosnt show you how much I love you. So true. Expressing our love is hard at times.

Ruby’s parents reveal why Ruby and Chomper must be near the Great Valley, to learn from Gang how to work together and save everyone from Redclaw.
Movie, Mission Chompable, as Ruby and Chomper scale a mountain you hear a theme close to the “Mission Impossible” tune, this happens after they flee Redclaw and get separated from Ruby's parents.

What happened to Ruby’s parents? I am so hooked on this arch.

Saurus Rock Again! This time Chomper says it! So happy!

Cera takes initiative and stops Chomper from trying to cheer Ruby up, letting her have space. Go Cera!

Giving Ceremony, “When you give somebody their favorite food.” (Cera). This should be GOF discord’s food channel name.

Chomper: it doesn’t matter where they grow, of it will make Ruby happy we will go anywhere to find them! Right?! How about the Land of Mists? :D

Remembering made me cry!

Rainbowfaces sighting, shooting star.  :rainbowwave

Ruby has siblings! I hope we see more of them.

Petrie’s vine skills are awesome, “getting dizzy!”  :)petrie

Cera’s branch saves Spike, wait to go Cera! At last she is a savior.  ;)Cera

So grapes are sweet bubbles, are they gonna make some bubbly? :D

Chomper: I’m a sharptooth, I can scare him away!  :chompysmile

Two earth-shakes in one episode! Petrie says “this is a big one,” made me laugh, thinking of San Andreas in Cali. 

Ducky Ruby Hug!  :duckyhappy :thinking

Chomper Ruby Hug!  :thinking :chompysmile

Overall I loved this episode. It gave an explanation for why Ruby and Chomper are in The Great Valley. I enjoyed the night scenes and starry skies, something lacking in the last two episodes. I would say this is my favorite episode thusfar.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 03:01:23 AM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Here we go: "The Star Day Celebration." :thinking
Okay, Spike as a frog is cute. Did I ever mention I love frogs? :SmugSpike

Cera hopping all over the place and growling with that log on her head was kind of hilarious. The way they had her shadow flailing around right before cutting to the theme song was so weird-looking! :lol Then cut back to the show, and suddenly Cera's calmed down enough to use English. :p

I love how beautiful the sky looks when Ruby is showing the others her star! @Gentle Sharptooth The nighttime scenes really did have a great atmosphere here!
We actually got a flashback to Chomper and Ruby leaving the Mysterious Beyond, which is really cool! :chompysmile Though I still wish we'd have found out how they actually became friends. Like, when did Chomper leave the island?

Yep, there's Saurus Rock again! Though, just for the sake of a bigger variety of callbacks, it would've been cool if maybe Threehorn Peak showed up...

Guess we'll never know what on Earth Chomper was miming right before Ruby left. Seriously, what was that? :p

Every flashback Ruby has to her family is really sweet, and it's nice that this episode gave her some development with that. "Remembering" is quite a nice song compared to most in the TV series, too.

Rainbowfaces sighting, shooting star.  :rainbowwave
Yay!!  :Mo

It is kind of unfortunate that Mr. Clubtail/Kosh was pretty annoying in this episode. That scene where he burps in Cera's face is really obnoxious. What happened to, "Morning, kids. Nice day for a tree star?" :rolleyes

Moving on, though, the ending where Ruby gets rescued/cheered up by the others is very sweet. This episode was a great friendship story. I felt like Chomper's relationship with Ruby especially shined here, he's like a little brother to her! :OhYou As for my favorite episode so far...I don't know if I have one yet. Sorry, but I've enjoyed them all! I like the TV show more than I'd remembered! :smile
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 12:12:12 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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Now for "The Canyon of Shiny Stones."

The episode starts out with...DAAAWWWW TRICIA!! :wub <3

I admit, when I was younger, instead of counting, "one thousand, two thousand," I used Ruby's "one tree star, two tree stars." :TreeStar

OH MY GOSH--Littlefoot just ATE CHOMPER!!!! :lol (Kidding.)

The infamous "Oops-Eeps" song! I gotta say, it never struck me as being any worse than some of the other songs from the TV show. I think the phrase "oops-eeps" fits right into Ducky's lexicon. Also, Petrie's dance is pretty funny.

Um, Petrie's faint...has he been taking drama lessons from Pterano? Seriously, though, now I'm recalling that this episode was about Petrie almost as much as Cera.
Oh yeah, this was the episode where the Gang fell victim to some weird CGI animation. It happens at least three times. :areyouserious

Haha: "It...It booms???!" Just something about how he said that... :lol

The Canyon of the Shiny Stones is so pretty! I wouldn't mind going there! Oh, wait, with all that lava involved...meh, actually, I would mind. The volcanic eruptions in this episode were cool, though. We haven't had a volcano scene this intense since Threehorn Peak!

Ah, as usual, the Great Valley parents are oblivious to their children. Until...

Petrie: "MOMMMYYYY!!!" Haha, the look on his face! :lol :lol :lol

Now, I always thought it was pretty sad that the Canyon of Shiny Stones got buried in lava, but you know what's even sadder? Having to watch Cera drop Tria's new stone in the lava, meaning the Gang just ran around a dangerous volcano for no reason.
Wait, now that I think of it, why didn't Cera just ask Ducky to help her get that first stone out of the water to begin with? :sducky That's kind of a glaring plot hole. It was just a creek that this thing fell into, not a whirlpool, and it looked like it just fell straight to the bottom.

You know, I'm not even sure what it is about this episode, but it's easily my least favorite of the ones we've seen up to this point. Getting that stone never seemed even close to being important enough to be worth the trouble the Gang went to. As for Petrie's side of the plot, I guess it just didn't interest me much, either. It was okay, but not particularly interesting, just the same kind of Petrie panic we've seen before.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 12:13:51 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Episode 4 “The Canyon of Shiny Stones•

Chomper being unable to pick a hiding place lol That’s happened to me during hide and seek.

Oopsiez song makes me think of Goldenwind’s Oopsie RP idea!

Petrie getting into the jazz was hilarious!

Petrie: Me not like smokey mountain, it bad place! Smokey mountain is a place in Tennessee.

Petrie: Me made the mountain mad! Alliteration!

Grandpa Longneck Ride! :wise

Overall a great episode. I loved the premise that Cera was trying to get a diamond to replace the one she lost for Tria. Cera tries to make amends and gives a wholehearted sorry, she is really growing in this series. Petrie’s fear that he made the smokey mountain angry was hilarious. I loved the music, parts of music during lava scenes sounded like the lava levels in Yoshi’s Story and Bowser’s Castle (N64). All in all a great episode. 

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Petrie: Me made the mountain mad! Alliteration!

Say it five times fast! :lol

I loved the premise that Cera was trying to get a diamond to replace the one she lost for Tria. Cera tries to make amends and gives a wholehearted sorry, she is really growing in this series.
You have a good point here that I didn't think of initially! Cera did show her more caring side in this episode, which is great! :cerahappy It shows how much closer she's become to Tria, too.

But now for "The Great Log Running Game."

Nice to see a sweet moment between Topps and Tria.

More Tricia cuteness! :wub

Okay, wait a minute: this tune they use in the "Do Anything" song is the same tune that was in "The Cave of Many Voices" and "The Mysterious Tooth Crisis." Already, I'm getting tired of it, and there's much more of it to come. The music has always been my biggest gripe about the TV show, because it gets annoying that they constantly recycle songs. Plus, the music has a totally different feel than the music from the films. I wish they would've gotten Tavera back for this.

You know, log running is probably easy for Ducky to be comfortable with when she at least knows how to swim if she falls in the water...

Wow, they actually remembered that Petrie can fly for once (tends to be one of the most common plot holes in LBT).

Just watching Cera try to mount that log is frustrating. More frustrating, too, is the fact that she just got injured over something dumb her dad said.

Thank goodness Tria's around to bring a voice of reason to the threehorn family.

And then Mr. Threehorn realizes he might have spoken a bit too hastily about that "doing anything" stuff before, so now he proceeds to dash his daughter's log-running hopes and dreams.

Saplings in the Great Valley are really fragile, because Cera barely had to touch those to make them break. :p

Petrie log-running: a couple of seconds, and then, "Me done." :lol

Well, that was a pretty sudden current of water that pushed Cera downstream.
"Fast Water Log Runners to the rescue!" Yep, Chomper, the log runner squad there was pretty cool. :chompysmile

Tria to Topps: "I know, you're going to be very upset."
Um, my response to that is a quote from that random spiketail in LBT VII: "Upset?? That's putting it mildly!"

I like how Littlefoot and Spike have to help Mr. Threehorn move that rock, and he actually didn't hesitate to let them. :yes

The way Chomper, Ruby, and Ducky whooshed back towards the land after grabbing Cera was totally implausible...yet really cool. :lol

In the end, though, it turns out this episode is my new least favorite one so far. It moved significantly slower than any of the others did, and Mr. Threehorn, though not as bad as in "The Mysterious Tooth Crisis," got kind of irritating.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Episode 5: The Great Log-Running Game

Topsy: Go Green! :D Fruit Face!

Mr Threehorn: Threehorns can do anything they set their minds to and be the best at it! Confidence lol 

Dinosaur Land game was invented over this epusode.

“We Threehorns sre proud, we are beat around. So himble Topsy!

Woah, Palm-tree pin ball!

Toops I like to rock and roll, destroys rock.

Ducky invented the treadmill and hamstee wheel.

Four teams:

Green Team (Ducky)
Pink Team (Ruby)
Purple Team (Chomper)
Brown Team (Petrie)

My treestars are on Ducky, Petrie should be disqualified because he can uses his wings as an advantage to stay steady on the log.

Spike helping Cera’s sprained ankles.

Spike is powerful!

Chomper: Fast Water Log Runners to the rescue!

Topps: Move over trees! Bam! Bam!

Overall a good episode. It wasn’t riveting, but I enjoyed it. I am noticing many of the episodes so far are Ceracentric and I like that. Mr. Threehorn was in his total ego maniac mode for most of the episode. I admire Cera’s zeal to try and participate in log run but it was folly in the long run. I was disappointed we didn’t get to see the real competition between Ducky, Ruby, Chomper, and Petrie. I still say Ducky won because she stayed on the log earlier when Cera interrupted.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 05:21:07 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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Epusode 6: The Great Longneck Scheme

Ali! She’s one of my fav guest characters.


Ali: Rhett is very brave but he doesn’t play with kids he doesn’t know. That logic you woykd never have friends lol

Littlefoot: That doesn’t sound very brave.

I suspect CNN (Cameransaurus News Network) propaganda, Rhett uses the same two Sharpteeth in his stories.

Rhett is the first lumberjack lol

Woah Ali.. you are decieved.. “You're just jealous because you can’t knock down trees with your tail.” Cult de Rhett. How Ali believed such tall tales is something inconsistent with her LBT IV self, but I’ll let it slide.

Cera and Littlefoot both mad, “I can feel your anger, it gives you focus and makes you stronger.” (Palpatine, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith).

The gang rehearsing their trck on Rhett with Chomper is like a bad Shakespeare re-enactment play, Petrie: Ahh he is hungry (said so forced you can’t help but crack up)

Chomper being chased by grown up longnecks, this was a riveting reversal, a sharptooth in fear of his life at the hands of leaf eaters; Chomper now knows how leaf eaters feel when at the mercy of Sharpteeth.

Awesome how Longnecks react to Chomper being able to speak leaf eater. I love the Old One’s words, “And you (Chomper) I don’t know how yoy made so many friends here, but I think its good.” The Old One sees a glimpse of the future when Leaf Eaters and Sharpteeth can live in harmony.

Overall, this epusode was great. I finally got to see the infamous Rhett and honestly I don’t get the ire towards him from fans. Yes he bossed Ali around but if yoy remeber Ali marginalized Littlefoot in a similar way by not wanting to play with the rest of the Gang. In the end Rhett confessed his lies and I think he deserves a pardon, he’s just a kid and boasting is common among the insecure.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Ooh, it's the infamous "Brave Longneck Scheme." :rhett_shocked

Well, since the last time the Gang saw Ali, she turned bright purple and developed a hoarse throat. :p

Ah, there's Rhett! Sure enough, he's your typical jerk/fibber at the start of this, but Ali here already rubs me the wrong way more than Rhett does. Way to backtrack in character development--now she's snubbing the Gang all over again, yelling at Littlefoot, "You're just jealous because you can't knock down trees with YOUR tail!" :rolleyes

But it was clear that Rhett was already doubting that all his fibbing was okay, because he quickly started backpedaling: "That mountain of rocks was, uh, um, mostly built...but I did finish the top."
OOC Ali's actually the one who really shoves the fibs in Littlefoot and Cera's faces: "SEE?? He finished the top!" :rolleye

Aaaand it's that same tune from the log-running episode, already. Littlefoot trying to look like a sharptooth is pretty amusing, though. :lol

Chomper: "I'd like to see what Rhett would do if a REAL sharptooth came around!" Haha, the fact that everyone but Cera has forgotten that Chomper is a sharptooth--even Chomper--is hilarious!

Aww, look at the little guy's face after Cera says the sharptooth is "right here!" Cuuuute widdle sharptoof! :wub

I like how even when Cera imagines this prank, Chomper isn't able to get any fiercer than just literally saying, "Grr." :lol

There's some shamefully obvious recycled animation when they flash through shots of all the Gang before "Friends for Dinner" begins. Hmm, this version of "Friends for Dinner" sounds like it's been mixed with the "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" song from Lilo & Stitch...just not half as good. :p

Okay, the scene where the Gang rehearses their prank gets me every time. The first try where they're all giggling and goofy and making funny faces is hilarious! (Not to mention personally relatable for me. Did anyone else try to direct videos featuring a younger sibling when they were growing up?) The best part here is how Chomper is so confused at everyone laughing at first, but then it ends up being contagious, so he giggles anyway. :lol And @Gentle Sharptooth --Petrie, IKR! :lol

Hard to say if Ali yelling in Petrie's voice looks hilarious or terrifying. :lol

Gotta give it to Chomper, he turned out being a really good actor after all!
Hey, there are the Rhett faces that inspired some emojis. :rhett_ohno :rhett_ohsnap

Ali meeting with Chomper was actually very in-character. She was hesitant at first, but she didn't take off, and she came around pretty quickly. Nicely done! :yes
Oh, no--run, Chomper, RUN!!! :opetrie
I also loved that line from the Old One to Chomper @Gentle Sharptooth mentioned. :chompysmile

Rhett was pretty ashamed at the ending. He'd learned his lesson, and, he was so grateful that Littlefoot and co. gave him another chance: "Aw, you guys are the BEST!" I think he could have been a pretty good character, had we gotten to see more of him after this turnaround! I'm with @Gentle Sharptooth , Rhett doesn't deserve so much hate.
I know some others disagree, but I thought this episode was quite good! :rhett_smile The one thing I don't care for is how Ali acts in the beginning, but that's what, a minute or two of screen time? Not worth getting agitated over IMHO. I can't lie, I really enjoyed this episode the first time I saw it, and it turns out I still do!


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I enjoyed the Brave Longneck Scheme as well despite how Ali acted (Honestly didn't mind it, probably because I saw the episode before movie 4  :bestsharptooth). I thought the gang was clever in using Chomper to expose Rhett's lies, although there should have been some thought put into it, in the case any leafeaters weary of Chomper got involved (Spoilers, they do). Though I thought the longneck chase was intense as basically Chomper is running from a whole herd! A clumsy herd, but still. XD It might be the only time in the series where there is a reverse sharptooth chase.  :olittlefoot  I also found how they were trying to rehearse their plan to be adorbs. Especially Chomper, he is definitely the kindest sharptooth.  :chompysmile And the line the old one had to Chomper hit a cord with me as I would also like to see leafeaters and sharpteeth unite, one way or another.  :^^spike Little things like that makes me wish the show went on longer. As for the Rhett hate, I don't get it, but this is coming from the guy who likes the silliness of yellowbellies.  :PCera