The Gang of Five
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A Christmas Tail

Nahla · 1 · 1103


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Hey guys,I haven't done any work on fanfics in a looooooong time. So I decided to make my return. However,Dawn of The Shadowlands won't be coming back as of yet because I'll be celebrating Christmas with you LBT fans with 'A Christmas Tail' no it 's not meant be tale but tail as in..dinosaurs have tails...yeah. There will be movie characters such as The Gang,their families as well as OC'S such a Nani,Hades,Laila,Nahla and a few more.

Yeah you won't know Nani yet as she doesn't appear until part 2 of the Shadowlands Trilogy and Laila and Nahla not till part 3. Yes I know Christmas didn't really exist in the dinosaur ages..but...SCREW LOGIC.

SHORT SUMMARY: Christmas is coming to the valley and everybody is busy preparing. However when two of their newest friends gets kidnapped ,Littlefoot and co must go on a journey to rescue them while trying to make it home in time for Christmas.Will the gang discover the true meaning of Christmas is not about the gifts or having a tasty feast,but instead spreading love and showing you truly care? (I know it's a terrible summary but I don't wanna give to much away.

This will not be a one-shot but a full chapters story. Anyway I hope you's enjoy and Merry Christmas.


"I SAID WAKE UP DEAR!" a voice called Littlefoot from his sleep he looked up to see his Grandmother looking down on him "Whaaaaaat?" he complained.

"Time to get up dear,the bright circle rose ages ago" Grandma rose her head "Besides,didn't you promise Laila and Nahla you'll help them gather berries for the Christmas Night feast?".

"Oh yeah.." Littlefoot remembered "I did..." he shook his head thinking of the twin sisters. He stood up and sighed "I better go help them or they'll never forgive me"

Grandpa chuckled from where he was brushing away the snow from the area he and Grandma slept with his tail "Yes...we can't have the pretty young girls mad at you,can we?" he teased his grandson.

Littlefoot poked his tongue at him and walked off,looking side to side at the Great Valley residents getting ready for Christmas themsleves.

"JINGLE BELLS JINGLE BELLS" two voices were coming towards the young longneck as Ducky,Petrie and Spike walked towards him. He smiled at his lifelong friends "Hi guys" he greeted.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS LITTLEFOOT!" Ducky greeted him smiling,the little green swimmer giggled. Christmas was her favorite time of year.

"Merry Christmas to all of you" Littlefoot answered "Now I got things to do" he took off soon reaching the resting place of the twins and their parents however he frowned when he saw their mother-Nani pacing back and forth "Mrs Nani?" he asked stepping forward "Is something wrong?".

"It's Laila and Nahla" Nani answered facing him with worry "They'v been kidnapped"

"Kidnapped?"Littlefoot asked "How?"

"I don't know!" Nani answered kicking up the snow with her pacing.

Littlefoot sighed "How do you know they were kidnapped?"

Nani paused at that "You see...this black longneck appeared last night... I thought I could trust him so I invited him to stay..but when I woke they were gone...and so were they..." she started sobbing "I've...I've looked everywhere..what am I going to do?! I've just GOT to find them before Christmas!.

"Hmmm..." Littlefoot said as a voice whispered in his head "Follow your heart.." Littlefoot's eyes flashed as he saw a vision of Laila and Nahla with a black he knew very well. He shook his head as his eyes went back to normal "I know where they are...and I know who they are with...and let me tell you...they are in grave danger"


First chapters?! WHY YOU SUCH A PAIN. Sorry it soooooo short...letssee if I actually get this done before christmas...xD