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Land Before Time Motivational Posters

Noname · 230 · 53464


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It's not bad, actually.  ;)

The idea is to aim for something general. You know how the real posters talk about general concepts like teamwork and determination? Quoting Bela Lugosi, while funny to think about Pterano doing, isn't a very general concept. Here's one that is:

« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 02:34:42 AM by Littlefoot505 »

Littlefoot Fan

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Haha, some of those are pretty funny. Good job on them.


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Thanks. I make more serious ones as well, although I've only posted one of those so far.

Here's a new one:

Does anyone have screenshots of the dinosaurs in those mud pools from the TV series?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 02:35:27 AM by Littlefoot505 »


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I did this years ago, and they were pretty frickin' good.....but I have no idea where they are now.  Lost somewhere in my picture folder.......which has more than 5,000 images.  I am NOT looking forward to organizing those! :bang Of course they could have been on my database server when it crashed....I don't know.  I've got too much data to keep track of it all.  I need to set up a way to search my entire network simultaneously.  I can't find ANYTHING.  As it is now, I have to search every hard drive on the network separately.  When you're not even sure what the filename is, it can take HOURS even with a search feature!

As for your favorite one is the one about stupidity.  The other ones just aren't very good IMO.  I only make a poster when it's either insanely funny or witty...or if it makes you think.


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I'm glad you appear to be alone in thinking that. I'm not sure WHAT it takes to make you laugh, LBTlover. That "stupidity" one was kinda lame. Maybe you miss having your own available. I would welcome you to add them to this thread if you can find them. I didn't think this was 100% original. Then again, even if it is not totally original, at least it is popular here... with most people!  :lol


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I'm not sure WHAT it takes to make you laugh, LBTlover.

Crude humor mostly.  I wouldn't want to post most of my motivational posters here because they're not exactly "appropriate." :lol I also find certain witticisms quite funny as well as reactions to certain things (though these have to be moving animation most of the time).  I find the way things are said to be funny too.  The way Petrie asked " booms?" in the TV series was priceless!  I watched it over and over till I couldn't make me laugh anymore.....which was like 150 times. :lol Oh and Mr. Clubtail hitting Guido in LBT 12 was a side splitter as well.  "That's a Bopper!" :lol:


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Crude humor. I guess the "when they go at it, it registers on the richter scale" in reference to Sue and her boyfriend isn't crude enough for you. Maybe I should have said "he's an ultrasaurus with a lot of ultra where it counts" or something like that.


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^^Nah.  It's not that it's not crude enough.  It's plenty crude.  The problem is, the poster doesn't include anything that's not painfully obvious.  No duh two dinosaurs are heavy.  And the one about the "Big where it counts" would be funny if it were a picture of a really cheesy smile or something.  

Now, here's an idea for a good motivational poster.  A character with a really surprised expression.  Caption would be:

Wrong Hole

Now that's funny because you don't naturally think of that when you see the picture by itself.


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Not everyone would get that... I would, though.  :lol

To each his own, I guess. If I had more pictures of Topsy and Tria, I could do a whole lot with them. I do have a pic of Tria on DA with a naughty look on her face. Made it myself, too.

I'll upload the version with the fixed head soon.


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Not everyone would get that... I would, though. dino_laugh.gif

The best thing about it is there's many ways to perceive it.  If your head is in the gutter you could perceive it one way, but there are many other ways to perceive it as well....and those ways expand depending on the nature of the image used in the caption.


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That might work for some people. Not everyone. As I said, to each his own.  :DD


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Here are some more:

Thanks to the image archive, I can make literally hundreds of these!

This one was not as good. This Chomper's mom biting her mate. Chomper's dad isn't too pleased with this development.

I don't upload everything here. Some things are just not as good. This one barely made the cut, and more for the odd pose than for the caption.

Cancerian Tiger

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Why do I have the feeling my head is buzzing with sexual innuendos :rolleyes:?

These are pretty good, BTW.  I about wet myself while LMAO over some of 'em :lol  :lol!


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Aren't innuendos usually subtle or allow for a different interpretation?


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Well, usually. You're correct to say that. Sometimes, they can be more... blunt.  :lol

I'll have several more on the way soon. Here's a quick one for you all.


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Here's one that takes a bit of knowledge to understand.

And another:

This one was... meh... hit or miss.


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Here's a silly one:

And somehow, that mud doesn't get into his mouth or in his eyes.  :lol


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