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Discuss: The Mysterious Tooth Crisis

Noname · 96 · 37069


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Well, this was interesting. We see Mr. Thicknose perform a bad song, a (possibly debauched) triceratops lead some children to a mud pool, Topsy making Chomper paranoid, Chomper being unusually frightned about losing his body parts (especially his tail for some reason), Petrie flying through a cloud (referencing the 12th movie, when he said that he hated flying through clouds), and Cera being as irrational as usual. Hey! This was my 200th post!


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Quote from: Noname,Mar 8 2007 on  03:49 PM
Chomper being unusually frightned about losing his body parts (especially his tail for some reason)
Oh, I gotta see this episode now!  :lol


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Don't be getting any freudian ideas, now. This isn't that kind of animated series.

Anyway, some details:

-We see that Mr. Thicknose tries to make some sort of glue to hold Chomper's tooth in. It doesn't work.

-The mud spa in question has some sort of heat source (Cera says that the mud is warm), and waterfalls nearby. Cera is reluctant to enter at first, but enjoys it later on. There is also a waterfall that goes into the mud.

-This is the episode where Chomper is seen trying to eat a bee.

-Chomper's tooth falls out when he bites a hard seed that was being kicked around.

-I don't think that Tricia appears in this episode.

-We see a mountain that Littlefoot, Ducky, Chomper, and Petrie have to climb. From there, they can see the whole valley. They had to find Ruby, who knew that Chomper would grow a new tooth over time. We see that Chomper has a very good sense of smell in this episode. When they find Ruby, she sounds like she is on some sort of...leaf...

-Spike does nothing important in this episode.


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Quote from: Noname,Mar 8 2007 on  03:49 PM
Chomper being unusually frightned about losing his body parts (especially his tail for some reason)
It is said that, if a T-Rex didn't have that tail of their's, they would lose their balance and be unable to do certain tasks that require the legs.  In a strange way, I think Chomper knows this about his species, and understands how important his tail is.

-We see that Mr. Thicknose tries to make some sort of glue to hold Chomper's tooth in. It doesn't work.

:lol: Yeah!  I remember that!  Some sort of juice that is made from treestars as I recall.

Speaking of Mr. Thicknose, I kinda like his new voice.  What do you guys think? :)

-This is the episode where Chomper is seen trying to eat a bee.

Yeah, but it stings him from the inside, causing him to let the bee go, then the bee goes back to its nest and brings a huge swarm. :^.^: Smart bee.

-I don't think that Tricia appears in this episode.

Yeah, I noticed that myself.  Did Tria have someone take care of her while they were gone?  I hope so!

-We see a mountain that Littlefoot, Ducky, Chomper, and Petrie have to climb. From there, they can see the whole valley. They had to find Ruby, who knew that Chomper would grow a new tooth over time. We see that Chomper has a very good sense of smell in this episode. When they find Ruby, she sounds like she is on some sort of...leaf...

A spa can have that affect on ya.  You're just so relaxed, you don't have a care in the world.  Seemed that the only thing to knock her out of it was being told that a friend needed her help. :lol

-Spike does nothing important in this episode.

Does he ever do anything important? :P:

As for my opinion on the episode overall, it was fairly good, but not one I want to watch that much.  Maybe I'd watch it if I'm ever bored and have nothing better to do with my time. :DD

Well, that's it from me.

See ya later. :^.^:


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Hahaha! This episode sounds cute! I hope someone catches this in rerun and makes it available for us to download! I've got no TV channels at all (well, I can get a news channel if I fiddle with my TV antenna sometimes...) so I use DVD's and YouTube for all my entertainment. And of course, I come here for all my LBT!


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Both Cera and Ruby, sounded almost stoned... "man this stuff is good' stoned.
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Quote from: Nick22,Apr 26 2007 on  10:48 AM
Both Cera and Ruby, sounded almost stoned... "man this stuff is good' stoned.

abit OT but related

What bout mr club tail in starday celebration wasnt it eating sweat bubbles aka grapes that might just have around a little to long :)

speilburge and crew better becarefull or they will have a might mouse flower sniffing incident on their hands.

Incase any one never seen this back in early/mid 80s was a big stink raised by parrents over the charector mighty mouses sniffing of a flower given to him by another charector. He smelled it when he was weekened by somethign or another and it gave him back his strength etc. Some parents went nuts and the popular newsmedia picked up on it all. They started saying the the flower was a stand in for coke (and not the kind you drink). Corse thanks to the news media prints of that single animation cel were worth a few grand back then. The entire episode was yanked off the air for years.


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Also If you ever saw Super mario Bros, which was a TV show about the video game, in the show mario had to touch a flower in order to gain superpowers. Another reference to drugs..
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You realize that there aren't any drugs in the second episode. The third episode might have some minor alcoholic content, but since it is a dinosaur involved and since the prescene of alochol can't be proven, it is okay to show on daytime TV.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Strange that in the very end Ducky was the only character that didn't go in the mud, and she was one of the few characters that originally sounded intrested in mudbathing. However, she was willing to ride piggy-back on Chomper while he ran in circles at the very end.  :blink: Strange.


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I wonder what Ducky would have thought of the mud if she had gone.


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Today –The Mysterious Tooth Crisis“ was aired over here and again I have a large piece of paper scribbled from the bottom to the top. Many of the points mentioned on that paper don’t really deserve too much attention and if I made too much fuss about some of these points I would rightfully be accused of nitpicking. Many of the elements just have to be accepted as the story would not go on without them. One of these funny things is the question why Tria would want to take seven fidgety children to what she descriped as her “secret getaway”? It sure sounds like a good way to make the place less suitable for relaxing if the whole kindergarten is around. I reckon it is simply that Tria really is simply a kind and selfless character and exemplary in her patience for Cera ;)
Another of these strange things we cannot explain is why dinosaurs are always slipping when it is convenient for the plot. Ducky, Chomper, and Cera all slipped and at least Chomper stood on very level ground when he did so. We can hardly take a gust of wind as a possible explanation as that one would have affected Ducky as well and... ouch, here I go on nitpicking ;)
Further nitpicking questions are why Chomper’s nose failed him when searching for Tria, so they ended up in the cave? Maybe it could be explained with him being so upset about his tooth that he could not really focus on tracking Tria and that he was to proud to admit it once he had lost the track.
When Chomper was sinking in the quicksand Petrie could have “evacuated” Chomper’s tooth, thereby freeing up his hand. Obvious as that solution is, it would have made the whole thing much less dramatic.
I also wonder why Chomper did not swallow that “spicy” wasp which he already had in his mouth. I doubt this would be for regard of his friends who are not eager for “details” about his eating. That wasp had to live in order to get the rest of the tribe and chase the kids out of the cave. From an LBT character’s perspective there is no good explanation. I wonder if that wasp tried to sting Chomper in his mouth. If it did Chomper prooved much less snivelling about that than about his tooth.
When I mention Chomper as “snivelling” this sounds very negative, but it shouldn’t. I find it is a very, very funny idea to introduce such a side of Chomper’s character. While LBT 2 and 5 both told us very little about Chomper’s personality he certainly is becoming more of an individual rather than a sidekick of Littlefoot in the TV series. Certainly a positive development.
It was very obvious in this episode that Ruby is meant to fill the so far unoccupied place of the “whiz kid” (to some degree) of the Gang. I think they are overdoing it a little when she appears to be the only dinosaur in the whole Great Valley (including Mr. Thicknose) who seems to have ever heard about loosing teeth. The movie apparently assumes that only sharpteeth ever loose their teeth which of course gives at least some basis to the idea that Great Valley dinosaurs are not familiar with the whole issue (not wanting to get in touch with sharptooth’s teeth). However, I wonder why Ruby would have so much information on this. Wouldn’t she be potential sharptooth prey too? Omnivore that she may be I still don’t think a sharptooth would like her taste any less than that of a herbivore. Ruby must have been in contact with Chomper’s parents of course (mentioned in the cave of the many voices), but I don’t see why they would tell her about their teeth, but not their son. In general it is strange Chomper’s parents (wherever they may be... another big mystery of the series) would not tell Chomper about this. Ruby was in the Mysterious Beyond, but so was Chomper. Perhaps she is just more inquisitive. Having a smart “thinker” in the gang is certainly interesting, but perhaps they are overdoing it a little at times.
We saw a very cruel trait about Cera’s Dad in this episode. I have thought too much about Cera’s Dad to abhor him the way some of us do, but his frightening Chomper was really mean. It seems like he at least did know about sharpteeth loosing their first teeth. I really wonder what Tria would have told Toppsy if Chomper had mentioned the horror story Toppsy had told him before. It is not really clear if they all took that story for real. There are several scenes implying that they at least had doubts about that story, but nobody really claimed it to be nonsense. I wonder if Toppsy would have played that cruel trick on a planteater as well.
As for the music in this episode it struck me as kind of strange that they were singing about chomper’s teeth after the failing of Mr. Thicknose’s attempts as a dentist. Of course one might argue that it is always a little strange for dinosaurs to sing, but from Chomper’s perspective it must have been rather strange to have everyone singing about his misery.
As for the background melodies they had a rather Hawaiian tune in the scenes at the mudpool, didn’t they? Once Cera endorsed the relaxing in the mud she was acting rather queer which was certainly good for a laugh. I think it was even more pronounced in the German version.
One lapse in the German translation was that it had Petrie refer to himself as a bird(!) while in the English version he just said he didn’t think mud was good for his wings.
Wasn’t it Petrie of all character’s who seemed to enjoy the mudbath in LBT 6? “My skin feel softer already!”
One thing I noticed was that Littlefoot and Chomper almost forced Ducky to come along with them even though she apparently would have preferred to go with Tria. This might support the “Ducky = Underdog thesis” Tails_155 brought up a while ago. It was somewhat regardless to force her to come along like that. Even though Ducky seemed to be happy either way, I doubt they would have tried to force Ruby or even Spike to come along like that.
One last thing I noticed is that several scenes always shown during the title song of the series were taken from this sequel.


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Yeah, but it stings him from the inside, causing him to let the bee go, then the bee goes back to its nest and brings a huge swarm.
Is it so? We see the wasp (if it was a bee it would have died right after stinging Petrie) bumping against the insides of Chomper's mouth, but we don't see any sign of pain on Chomper's part. If it did sting him, he doesn't seem to have noticed much of it.
Does he ever do anything important?
You bet he does!
Just look at the cave of the many voices. Actually I regard the involving of Spike a positive fact on behalf of the TV-series.


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There is something I noticed that I don't think anyone here has mentioned about this episode.

Throughout most of the episode, Littlefoot and the others seem to not know about losing teeth. If I recall correctly he was just as concerned about Chomper's missing tooth. It would seem that he and the others didn't know about teeth falling out as part of the growing process.

Then comes the ending which still confuses me. When Ruby explains to Chomper that normal sharpteeth lose their teeth to let new ones grow in, when Chomper says "Really?" and he looks over to the others, they all nod, including Littlefoot.

This suggests that they knew about losing teeth, otherwise why would they nod their head yes in response to Chomper's question? It didn't look like they were nodding in agreement. It looked like they were nodding to assure Chomper it was the truth.

Tria and Cera nodding I didn't mind. Tria was an adult after all and would probably know about this (though I think Mr. Thicknose probably didn't know because he kept trying to put Chomper's tooth back in instead of telling them about losing teeth), and from Cera's reaction, it sounded almost like she knew there was nothing serious about losing a tooth, unless I'm missing something.

However, what throws me off is the fact that Littlefoot and Spike nodded. Since I see this as a response to Chomper's question, the only explaination I see for Spike and Littlefoot to be nodding their heads is if they also knew about losing teeth. So if they knew, why didn't they tell Chomper?

I can't help but wonder if Littlefoot and Spike, and perhaps Petrie and Ducky, deliberately pretended not to know about losing teeth, and why they'd do that I'm not sure.

Perhaps I'm just misjudging something. Perhaps I'm missing something. I don't know.


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I agree that one might get this impression. Indeed it looks like they were nodding to assure Ruby's statement. However, this really wouldn't make any sense at all. Perhaps their nodding was just meant to reassure Chomper and show their confidence into anything Ruby said.


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There were some things in this episode that bugged me also, some of those have been mentioned already, some I'd have to watch the episode again to remember.   It does seem odd that no one but Ruby seems to know about loosing teeth.  I guess no plant eater ever looses any of their teeth at all.  If that is the case, which seems odd, how would Ruby know all this.  I guess that is her role, but it seems odd to give that role to a character of her age.  Giving the role to someone like Mr. Thicknose would make more sense.  THough if they did that, or had Chomper not magically loose the track of her scent then either of these would have made the episode very short.


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Quote from: Kor,Mar 10 2008 on  08:05 PM
There were some things in this episode that bugged me also, some of those have been mentioned already, some I'd have to watch the episode again to remember.   It does seem odd that no one but Ruby seems to know about loosing teeth.  I guess no plant eater ever looses any of their teeth at all.  If that is the case, which seems odd, how would Ruby know all this.  I guess that is her role, but it seems odd to give that role to a character of her age.  Giving the role to someone like Mr. Thicknose would make more sense.  THough if they did that, or had Chomper not magically loose the track of her scent then either of these would have made the episode very short.
I think she new it because she had been in the mysterious beyond a while and noticed how the sharpteeth lost their teeth and how they came back as adult teeth and such, otherwise i have no clue.


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The strange thing about it is that Chomper was in the Mysterious Beyond just as well as Ruby was. Moreover being a sharptooth he probably would have had easier access to other sharpteeth than Ruby would have. I suppose she is a bit older than Chomper and more inquisitive than him, but still it is a little odd that she as a kid would be so much more aware about a sharptooth's dentistry than anyone else.
I suppose Cera's father knew about it when he played his cruel trick on Chomper; but if he knew about it, it probably would be not so exclusive knowledge.


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They should have given this script at least one more go over and do another draft before they started animating.  

I guess the scriptwiters used their magic powers to make the dinos forget all they knew about teeth and Chomper loose his sense of smell, and one of them whispered in Ruby's ear so she could tell Chomper.  Makes as much sense to me as the rest of what happened in the script.


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Does anyone else think that this episode was partially made for an excuse to show some mostly female dinosaurs relax in mud? You don't find things like that anywhere else... sort of like this teen-titans episode (link to the relevant part, from 1:12 to the end):