The Gang of Five
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A new world...Same old faces


  • Chomper
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Plate shook as he had no idea what was going on and tried to spot Cyrix.

"Wierd huh?" Crunch said from behind Plate cousing him to screech.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail followed behind Viega and when he saw the group of fastbiters surrounding his friends, Longtail used his tail and whipped the nearest fast biter in the face and stood next to Cyrix. He looked down at his adoptive uncle... and was shocked to see his condition. Longtail had seen this same look on Zaine... and knew what it meant. "N-no..." He leaned over and nudged his uncle trying to get him to respond.

Cyrix felt something against his face and he opened one of his eyes and looked up to see none other than Longtail with a grief stricken face. "I... don't have alot of time left Longtail. Just... promise me... you'll continue to fight... for survival and not for revenge... and don't mourn my passing... I.. like Zaine... will always be watching... so... s-stay out... of... trouble." the last word was said at a whisper as Cyrix closed his eye and stopped breathing.

Hunter was shocked to see Cyrix so badly wounded, and upon realizing they were surrounded took a defensive stance. She then poke to Luna, "Listen... I'm going to fight these fools... and when I tell you to... I want you to run back the rest of the herd. Understand?!"

Pearl who was still sitting on Littlefoots back shuddered.
"I... I've suddenly got a really bad feeling about something... I hope everyone is alright."

Sweetie who upon following Littlefoots orders had elected to sit on his back as well and sighed when she heard Pearl's comment. "I'm sure everyone is fine... you worry too much." she said with a caring, and positive tone.


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Nero had soon stopped in his tracks when more of them showed up and gave off an annoyed sigh "More of you so called heroes? Very well then, I shall have to deal away with each and everyone of you lot" he looked over to Cyrix, who had soon stopped breathing and simply smirked, glancing to Longtail "One down, more of you to go, and I think that you shall be next"

He held up a hand quickly and the fast biters moved around some, surrounding everyone else so that he could take on Longtail himself, watching him rather coldly, chuckling coldly as well "A shame too, your little friend there, seemed to have such promise, but oh well, no point in crying over spilt blood, now is there?" he gave off a smirk by that point "Let's see how well you can keep on your toes....whall we?" and without warning he lunged forward, taking bites at Longtail, and rather quickly for that matter before swinging his tail at Longtail's feet and slamming his head into Longtail's lower jaw, biting at his neck some.

Luna in turn, looked to Hunter and shook her head "No, I can't....I can't leave you alone....not now...." she told Hunter as she stood ready, although, shaking somewhat as well.

Skye had seemed to had gotten annoyed by that point "I can't take this anymore!" she practically called out before starting to storm off in the direction of where everyone else had headed off to "I'm going to see what's taking them so long"


  • Cera
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Littlefoot couldn't help but agree with Pearl. "I don't know Sweetie. Something really feels wrong here. No fast biters have attacked yet, but where are they?" He didn't want to leave the others, but at the same time after watching Viega and Longtail bolt in away he knew something was wrong. "Cera, keep track of the others!" With that, Littlefoot rushed in the direction Longtail and Viega left, with Pearl and Sweetie still on his back. When he reached the others, he was shocked to find the group of fast biters, and even more so Luna and Hunter down, and Cyrix not moving. Oh god, please no. Not Cyrix too! "Stay on my back, and hold on tight," he warned Pearl and Sweetie. With that, he rushed towards the group of fast biters surrounding Viega and used his tail to chase them off. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Viega replied. Now able to move, he dashed past the fast biters and headed towards the one biting on Longtail. He grabbed the fast biter and threw him off Longtail. He noticed the rainbowface was down and not getting back up. "Zaine, the rainbowface is not moving."

"Cyrix........ Damn it. There's nothing you can do for him now. Keep Longtail safe."

"Okay." Viega turned his attention to Nero. "Why not fight somebody your own species instead of picking on those weaker than you you coward! You're going to pay for hurting him and the rainbowface!" he yelled in sharptooth. With that, Viega lunged towards Nero and slashed at him numerous times with his claws.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter looked at Luna and replied, "Fine... but you had better willing to do ANYTHING to keep yourself alive... I'll help you when I can, but there are alot of these guys." She then watched as Littlefoot used his tail to whip half the fastbiters down and out of the way. Hunter then turned to Luna and said "Now may be your only chance to run back to the herd if you want."

Pearl gasped aloud and shuddered as she realized that Cyrix was dead. "no..." was all she could utter at a whisper.

Sweetie looked shocked and almost upset that Cyrix had passed.
"This... can't be happening..." She then looked at Longtail who was still at Cyrix's side. "What... is he.... gonna do?" she asked quietly.

Longtail once again was frozen.. his world had come to a stop, he could hear nothing, he felt no pain, and his body was almost cold to the very touch. But inside his emotions were raging out of control... one after another his love, anger, jealousy, empathy, sorrow, joy all threatened to overwhelm him and drag his mind into a hopeless despair, but in the final moments, something inside Longtail snapped. His breathing caught in his throat and for a moment he himself didn't move, and then... he blinked. He then blinked again and looked back at his friends, and more intently at the one who had done this.

Tears began to fall from Longtail's eyes and down his beak, but these were not tears of sadness, nor even tears of anger, but... tears of acceptance. He slowly and shakily stood up and turned around to face his attacker and his posse. "NO!" he said loudly to Viega. "Nero... is... mine." he said as his voice cracked with a strange monotoned, but seemingly passive and almost joyful tone. Longtail then took up a battle stance and said with a half snarl half grin "Your move... Nero."

Cera groaned as she heard Littlefoots statement and turned to Skye. "Come on, we need to keep everyone together." she then turned and began to take stock of everyone in the herd to ensure that they were all there... and she suddenly noticed that Ducky and her mate were missing, along with Aurelia and Spike. Cera stepped over towards Ducky and her group. "Come on..." she said, "We have to stay together. Littlefoot says there might be a sharptooth attack coming this way. I want to make sure everyone is safe."


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"Yeah," Chomper said, nodding to Cera's comment. He was concerned about where Longtail was, but he had to trust his instincts and just keep going.

Ichy began sniffing the air. "Something's not right," he told Dil, "I smell fastbiters, and they're ones who aren't in our group."


  • Littlefoot
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Nero started to dodge each of Viega's swipes, yet, was soon slashed once across the chest, to which he only smirked at it "You managed to strike me....not bad...." was all he said as he rushed in, swung a claw at Viega and in the process, used his head to slam it into Viega's jaw before he swung his tail in order to trip Viega up and seconds later, slam his foot into Viega's throat.

As Longtail spoke up, he then turned his attention to him and chuckled "So, you know who I am....impressive....then again, I would imagine someone of your status would....Longtail...." he smirked back to him and stepped towards him "I know that you're a good fighter, I know that you can defend yourself rather well, much better than these....worthless dinosaurs"

Luna looked to Hunter for a moment and shook her head, standing her ground "No, I am not leaving you alone...." she spoke, almost with a slight growl in her voice as she lunged at a nearby fastbiter.

Skye on the other hand, came to a halt as Cera approached her "Alright, I could go and see if the others are fine, the ones that went off...." she begun as she kissed Cera on the lips rather softly "Only if you want me to that is"

Cancerian Tiger

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"Cera's right.  We are safer in numbers," Spike spoke up before he led his group over to Cera's group.

"I wish things were like they were before our home was destroyed and family members were lost.  It will never be the same, nope nope nope," Ducky whispered sadly.

"Tell me about it.  I'm so sick of being stalked by these damn fastbiters," Renn agreed.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix blinked. He had to think for a moment... he knew he was dead, there was no getting around that. But as he took a look around wherever it was he currently inhabited, he found it strange. "Well... I suppose after living in the Great Valley for so long, I was expecting the Great Beyond to be... a little more... scenic." he said with a slight chuckle. He took a tentatively step forward and called out, "Zaine... Zaine my boy I know you're here... somewhere... I think."

Longtail continued to face Nero down without moving an inch. "It would seem we know a great deal about each other then Nero. You, being cold, manipulative and heartless..." he said with a neutral tone keeping his eyes on his enemy.

Hunter stayed in step behind Luna and brought her own paw down upon the head of another fastbiter and said, "Fine! Just be careful!"

Pearl was glad to see her mate was in control of his emotions once more but the large group of fastbiters seemed like a very real threat. She looked over to Sweetie and smiled. "Care to team up?" she asked casually.

Sweetie upon hearing Pearl's question grinned herself and replied, "I would love to!"  Both flyers then flapped their wings and lifted themselves off of Littlefoots back. Flying in tandem they began to pick up one fastbiter after another and dropping them from the air.

Cera blushed for a single moment after being kissed by Skye and sighed as she faced Ducky and began to speak with a caring and honest tone. "Ducky.... I know... this isn't easy for any of  us... but I know, that our families wouldn't want us to be sad. You and I... our whole herd is alive and as long as we remember that and look out for each other, I know we'll find a new home and be able to keep our families alive in our hearts."

Dil snapped her jaws twice and grinned. "I could use some food that fights back... but with my bad eyes I can't really see too well."


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"So we'll have to ignore it for now," Greg said to his mother.

Rory and Myra frowned, they hated how pretty much every other fast biter they saw was a bad one.

Chomper followed behind his parents and besides Ruby.

(OOC: Could we play the dead characters in the Great Beyond?)

Guido climbed a small cliff to try to get some air to glide, but their was no gust and he landed on Cer'a head. "Ooh, sorry," he apologized fastly and nervously.


  • Littlefoot
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Nero continued to look Longtail down still, still smirking away in the process "So, you do know quiet a bit about me....that's good....saves having to bring in any real formalities...and to be able to get straight to the point..." he glanced over to his herd, looking to Hazel for a moment, moving his head ever so slightly, but that was all Hazel needed to do to be able to act.  He looked back to Longtail once more "So tell me, who else out of your little herd here, would like to see die next?" he chuckled coldly.

Hazel on the other hand, had indeed, acted, looking to Luna and Hunter in particular and was just grining as she looked at Luna mainly "'ll do..." was all she said and without warning, she attacked.

Luna stepped back and attempted to bite at Hazel a few times, but so far, with no luck at all, Hazel was indeed, quick, not as quick as Nero, but still rather quick regardless.

Roux on the other hand, was on the sidelines, watching as the fast biters took on the others, yet, she did not join in to help her kind as she looked at those who were being attack.  She looked over to Nero rather silently as he was facing off against Longtail, yet, she remained as quiet as could be, only saying one thing "This....this is not....right...." sure, it was as quiet as ever, but it was something she had said regardless as she started to step back away from the fighting before turning and simply started to walk off without so much as a word out of her mouth.

Skye leaned against Cera a little bit and looked to everyone else, seeming to look a little bored, yet, rather happy that she had Cera to keep her company at the very least "So, I take it we just wait around then?  Cause I mean....I could go and take on some of those fast biters....saves my Cera having to do anything like that" she added in, giving Cera a little nuzzleas well.


  • Chomper
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(OOC: Excuse me, but can I quit this RP? I've hardly contributed anything and I don't like, unlike the other RP's I'm in, so can I quit this one? Just this one, I want to stay in the other ones I'm in.

The Great Valley Guardian

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OOC: (Don't worry about it Aerodactyl if  you want to leave it is your choice, however if you ever want to you are more than welcome back as well! ;))

(To Brekclub: Yeah, I had indeed planned on having us control at least a few deceased characters in the Great Beyond)

Longtail felt a shiver go down his spine, and he couldn't figure out why, but he quickly pushed the reason out of his head and with a quiet snort charged straight at Nero with his teeth bared and his claws and talons ready to fight! 'Uncle Cyrix... please.... just be at peace.' thought Longtail as his eyes dilated and he swept this claws forward.

Hunter wanted nothing more than to interfere with Lunas fight... just to make sure she was safe... but something was holding her back, she couldn't tell if it was her unusual sense of honor or if she wanted to see if Luna could truly protect herself.

Petrie was natrually worried, although he knew everyone was able to take care of themselves he couldn't help but ask, "I really hope nothing else bad happens... we've had enough trouble for a while now."

kit had to nod her head in agreement with Petries statement as she kept a close eye on the hatchlings in the herd.

Cera grinned lightly as Guido landed on her face. "It's alright Guido... just try to be more careful... I do have three horns now."

Sweetie grinned as she pecked at another fast biter and got its attention. "Hey ugly I heard your mom ate her foot cause she didn't love ya!" She taunted with a laugh.

Pearl then swooped in and using her momentum picked up another fastbiter and dropped him out of the air and onto it's head. "Yeah!"

Terri and Dein were getting anxious. All this fighting so close to the herd but not being able to do anything was getting to them.

Ruby stepped up to Chomper and placed a hand against his leg and asked, "Chomper... are you alright?"

Cyrix looked around for a while more before he sighed and asked aloud, "Is there ANYONE here in the Great Beyond that can help me?!"


  • Littlefoot
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Nero noticed Longtail's slight paused and simply smirked as he ducked underneath one of Longtail's swipes as he spoke to him "What's that matter? Feeling a little preoccupied? I take it that the death of...I'm gussing you're so-called....uncle, is getting to your mind?" he continued to smirk some more as he swiped back at Longtail again.

Luna on the other hand, was on a standoff up against Hazel, watching her movements as she had to indeed, step back a little from Hazel's attacks before lunging in for her own attack, yet, she missed completely as Hazel simply stepped aside.  Hazel then simply grinned back at her and lunged in at her throat and managed to get in a bite, ripping some flesh from her throat, causing Luna to stumble back some more as Hazel continued her assault on Luna, striking her, causing her to bleed some more, to which Luna fell to the ground.

Skye, was eyeing Cera, just a little bit, smiling to her rather lovingly for a bit before in the corner of her eye, she noticed Roux, the stray fastbiter leaving the herd, to which she got an idea, quickly rushing over to Cera, glancing to Guildo for a second before looking to Cera "I'm gonna see if I can get some answers from that fast biter over there okay?" she smirked to her love lightly, kissing her on the lips before running off after Roux.

Roux heard the approaching footsteps and stopped in her tracks, glancing over to Skye, yet, she did not say a word to her.  Skye ran in front of Roux and looked to her for a second, then looked over to the fighting in the distance "Why aren't you helping out your friends there?"

Roux just remained quiet, looking at Skye, then back over to the fighting herself, then back to Skye once again, still remaining silent, not bothering to answer the threehorn.

Skye groaned some more "You do know that it's rude to not answer someone when they ask you a question?"

Roux just remained silent still, which was only annoying Skye even more as she groaned a bit more louder.

"Listen meat head....I don't know what your problem is, I don't know why you and your friends over there are attacking our friends, but it has to stop, so either you go back over there and tell them to stop their fighting, or I'll have to hurt you" Skye spoke, sounding rather annoyed as it was.

"Do what you wont matter....Nero doesn't listen to anyone but himself...." Roux spoke back rather quietly.


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In the Great Beyond, there was a voice that responded to just wasn't who he expected.

"Just give me a second..." called the voice of Screech. The fast biter and his boss, Redclaw, were currently chewing up their meal, the spirits of a few swimmers who had died in the massive tragedy. After they had eaten their prey, the swimmer spirits reformed in a flash of light.

"If you're gonna eat us, you could've just asked," one swimmer grumbled as they walked off. Since this was the land of the dead, any prey eaten by dead sharpteeth would come right back unharmed.

"But hunting and pouncing is just so enjoyable," Redclaw smirked. "Now, what was it you wanted?" he asked Cyrix.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix blinked for a moment as his previous instincts to flee kicked in, but after seeing the two swimmers walk away he steeled his nerves as he stepped towards Red Claw and Screech. "So, you two made it here too... well that answers one question I've always wondered. Although why did you two seek me out?" he asked genuinely.

Ruby was worried when Chomper didn't answer, so she asked again. "Chomper... are you sure you're alright?"

Longtail's eyes continued to shed tears, but his emotions were almost non-existent. He continued to claw, kick and sweep at Nero with his tail and talons hoping to end this fight.

Now realizing that most of Neros' group had been left unconscious or dead both Pearl and Sweetie landed nearby, and both waited with baited breath to see who would win the fight between Nero and Longtail.

Cera seemed stuck. she continued to look from Skye, to the fight and back to Skye. In the end she rushed over to Skye and asked almost immediately "What do you THINK you're doing Skye?! This fastbiter could really hurt you!"


  • Littlefoot
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Skye looked over to Cera once she rushed over "Well, she doesn't seem to want to have to hurt me" she looked over to Roux, only to find that she was gone and groaned a little and looked back to Cera again and took a deep breath "Sorry....I didn't mean to worry you, it's just that....I thought I could get some answers from her is all....and it seems like I failed at that.....miserably...." she grumbled a little.

Nero on the other hand, continued to duck and dodge from Longtail's attacks, yet, he did take a glance around at what had happened to the rest of his herd, which opened him up enough to be struck across the face, stumbling back a little in the process.

Hazel continued to assault Luna, injuring her even more as she struck Luna in the legs before slamming her head into Luna's lower jaw, chuckling all the while "Sorry kid....but at this rate, the way you're fighting, you wont stand a chance against me....let alone Nero...."

Luna stumbled back from the attacks she was recieving and the moment her legs were stuck, she fell down to her knees, badly injured as it was, yet, doing her best to stand up, only to fall back down again, not being able to hold herself up, yet, she tried again and yelled a little bit in agony as she did her best to remain standing up, yet, her legs were shaking as if they were ready to give way once again.


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"I am...well, I'm trying to be," Chomper finally replied to Ruby. "I mean, I still have you guys, my folks, and Rita...but we've already lost some of our group, you know..."


"Eh, something to do," Screech replied, "Plus all the leafeater spirits were busy."

"And we'll be more than happy to help," Redclaw smirked, "If you agree to be a snack once in a while...."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail reached out with his tail and wrapped it around Nero's neck and using his weight pulled the fastbiter down to the ground. However his emotions were still no where to be seen and almost to prove that point Longtail didn't even open his beak to offer any form of surrender or peace, he just used his tail to squeeze harder and harder on Nero's neck.

Cera sighed.
"Its fine Sky, let's just get back with the rest of the herd... I don't like being away from them for too long. Not that I'm scared or anything, but they might need our help, we are threehorns after all." she said with a confident but nervous air.


Cyrix thought about it for a moment, and slowly nodded his head. "S-sure. I'll be your prey every once in a while. Certainly wouldn't hurt." He then laughed at his own joke as he asked, "So, aside from hunting, what have you two been doing around here in the Great Beyond?"


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"Catching up with old friends and family," Redclaw said.

"Yeah, it seems after everyone dies, they don't age anymore," Screech commented.