The Gang of Five
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A Sci-Fi Roleplay

MrDrake · 357 · 31674


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly watched situation unfold as part of her suit slowly opened up so as to not let anyone else notice.  She eyed the alien that had Raiven at gun point as the thrusters on her back lit up "Don't blink, or you might miss it" was all she had said as she dashed forward at the large alien and fired her pistol in the process to at least knock him off balance long enough to get Raiven out of harm's way before tossing him her gun.

Another compartment opened up as she pulled out another device and turned it one to reveal an energy sword.  She hovered in midair for a second as she spoke to Raiven "Looks like your plan backfired" she looked over at Kelthusa "And as for you" she spoke, poitning her energy sword at him "I don't think you'll be taking any slaves back with you" she then seemed to throw her sword aside, only to have it impale her target, the grey that was to take the slave that was next to her, back onto the ship.

She landed down beside the body, grabbing her sword and swinging it at the slave to cut her chains free before pointing it back at Kelthusa "So, we can either do this the easy way, or, we can do this the hard way, your choice" she was in such a position to that if anyone decided to attack her, she would at least be ready.


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Kelthusa certainly hadn't expected this... he was in awe of this alien's abilities. However, he smiled grimly at Firefly, and began to laugh his disgusting laugh. 'Hard way. Kill them all!'

The greys beside him raised their weapons, and Kelthusa himself charged forward.

'Oh hell.' raiven had taken the weapon passed to him from Firefly, and pointed it at one of the well armed greys. A bolt of energy flew forth, and struck the grey right in the chest... sending back in a spray of sparks and smoke.

Raiven tapped his earpiece. 'We've got trouble, Iso. Bring her in.'

'Oh joy. You've done it again.. haven't you?'

'Just hurry up!' He cried as a stream of red struck the ground beside him. Some of the greys had chosen him as their target... and now all hell had broken loose as both sides dove for whatever cover they could find. Peices of rubble on broken pipes made for decent protection as greys fell back, lasguns flaring with streams of crackling red.

The ships ramp shut tight, and the craft prepared to lift off, the engines roaring loudly. Kelthusa made straight for Firefly,making huge leaps and bounds for such a fat creature. His massive tongue waving forth menacinly... and a long stream of greening goo spraying outwards from within his gullet.

'Watch out, that stuff's acid!' Raiven shouted to Firefly. Several spittles of goo struck the ground... and almost immediently bubbled, creating small craters in the concrete.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly stepped back from the acid spits before turning and slicing one grey near her before striking a second one as she looked to Kelthusa "Coward" was all she had said as she turned and went to help out Raiven, slicing and dicing a few of the greys that had him surrounded before flying over to the slave she had rescued before "You want to come back with us? Cause I doubt you want to go back on that ship, am I right?" she smiled to her underneath her mask before holding out a hand to her.
However, she covered the slaver as well when the acid sprayed at her, striking the back of her armour which in turn, started to fizz, to which she had to retract her mask back, the sight through her mask having powered down, revealing to the slave that she was another female.

(OOC: Just so I know, you want to play as the slaver? Or shall I? As I don't mind either way ^^)


  • Petrie
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(OOC: You may play as her, if you so wish. I have two characters at the moment :D).

The greys were in trouble. Raiven had a good position and was firing off as many shots as he could. Firefly had reduced their numbers significantly as well, with her vicious energy sword. However, in the midst of the firefight, Kelthusa had made a run for the ship. In a series of leaps, he bounded onto a side rail attached to the vessel. A small hatch slid open beside him. He gave a blubbery laugh, waving to Raiven and Firefly. 'Nice doing business with you, but I not be captured this day.'

He dove into the open hatch, and it shut behind him. The vessel lifted off the ground, the thruster kicking up a cloud of blinding dust as it rose into the sky. Raiven glanced over to the vessel as the dust settled, and his eyes widened.

Underneath the ship, a large turret turned to face Firefly and the slave. He knew the weapon to be a plasma cannon, a blueish hue begining to emit from the nozzle of the massive weapon.

He ran out of his cover, and straight for the two of them. 'Take cover, now!' He yelled amidst the laser fire.


  • Littlefoot
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(Hehe okay, cool, even though I technically have a second character myself, Blackbeard, but still, having her will be nice actually ^^)

Firefly looked over to the turret that was aimed at them as Raiven spoke up.  She grabbed the slave girl and rushed over to Raiven "We have to get going, now" she told Raiven "Problem is, my thrusters are offline at the moment, thanks to that fat slob"

The slave looked at the turret aimed at them and seemed to grasp hold of Firefly's hand tightly, signifying that she was rather scared.  Firefly just held the slave girl's hand still as she spoke to Raiven "So, what are your bright ideas?" she asked as she ran with Raiven and the slave girl in an attempt to get out of the turret's firing range.


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'Usually I don't have giant plasma cannons pointed at me, but I'm thinking...'

He led them towards the door in which Firefly had been brought out of. 'Okay, I doubt they'll shoot at the bar, so let's get inside... quickly now.'

He led them past the door, and slammed it shut... not that it would help. He kept the group moving... though he knew if Kelthusa and his gang had any intelligence, they wouldn't shoot at the Red Velvet bar.

Then he heard the distinct discharging sound of a plasma cannon. 'Aw shhhhhh-'

Kaboooom! The whole wall was blasted wide apart! Melted fragments of cement and steel flew into the air, and the whole room seemed to heat up as the group was thrown backwards.

'Everyone okay?' Raiven shouted as bits of building fell all around them.

The Red Velvet now had a very large hole in it. Patrons started to panic and scream, and run away from the general direction of the explosion.


  • Littlefoot
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"Give me my gun" Firefly told Raiven as she more or less grabbed it from him "Hold onto this" she said as she handed him her mask before turning to the slave girl "Stay here with him"

The girl could already tell what Firefly was up to "No, don't" was all she said as she grabbed onto Firefly's hand again.

Firefly seemed to hessiate at the moment as this girl seemed to be rather attached to her "Okay, okay, I'll stay, but we need an actual plan.....where's your friend?" she asked Raiven in regards to Isodor.


  • Petrie
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Raiven went for his earpiece, and turned it on... but all he got was a mouthful of words in his ear.

'Holy moley, Rai! Did you see that? I just caught the whole thing on infrared. Oh... are you okay?' Isodor finally asked.

'Gee, thanks Iso.' Raiven glanced over to the others, thinking for just a moment. 'What's the position of the slave ship, Iso?'

'He's on the move now, want me to pursue?'

'Of course not! I need you to pick us up first!'

'Oh, right. Wait... what do you mean by-'

Click. The ear peice was off once more. Raiven then turned to the slave and Firefly. 'Right, we're going to be picked up, and then we're going after that fat bastard. We have enough evidence to put his head on a plate, and we're not going to lose him now.'

And then shortly after, a small white ship landed just outside where the door used to be. It was shaped like the head of an arrow, and looked clean and sophisticated. The police forces finest craft.

The side hatched opened, and Raiven gestured the others to follow.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly followed Raiven whilst holding the slave's hand and got onto the ship with him.

Once she was setting, Firefly took out a spare fusion cell from another area of her suit before taking off the top half of her suit.  She wore a white singlet on underneath as she pulled out the damaged fusion cell and tossed it outside before placing in the spare one "By the way, what's your name?" Firefly decided to ask the girl.
There was a long pause at first, before the girl had finally spoken "It was Zoe, my name I had was Zoe" she replied back.
"Zoe eh? That's a nice name, you can call me Valria" she told Zoe back as she looked over to Raiven "Usually I would go by the name of Firefly, but I suppose you can call me Valria as well"

Valria reached into her leg compartment and pulled out a wrench "Yeah, I tend to keep a few things on me, in case of things like this" she told both Zoe and Raiven as she begun to fix up the thrusters once more "Although, I'm going to need this to be fixed properly" she added on as it was still sparking but more minimal than anything else as she put the top half of her suit back on.

Zoe however, just could not help but stare at Valria, she had indeed saved her, and what was more, she was rather pretty too "Um, thanks by the way, for saving me back there"

"Oh that, don't mention it, you seemed to need rescuing, and besides, I was happy to do it" Valria replied back with a bit of a smile as well "But I do wish to know now, do you have anywhere to stay by any chance?"

Zoe just shook her head back "No, but I uh, I was wondering if I could stay with you"

"Me? Well, that's the thing, at the moment, I'm not really staying anywhere, I just stay in hotels or whichever, always being on the move you know, however, hmm, if I can teach you to fight, then perhaps it's possible for you to come and help me out, that way, if you really want to, you can stay with me" Valria told her.

Zoe just seemed to nod back "Yeah, I would like that"

Valria looked back over to Raiven "Oh, and by the way, tracking down Blackbeard after this might be interesting, usually I wouldn't let anyone tag along, however, I could use some help of some sort, especially if we're dealing with him and a whole crew of space pirates" she said as she was more or less offering him and even his partner to come along "That is, of course, after we take care of this fat slob" she added in as she grabbed her mask from Raiven again and put it on.


  • Petrie
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'I would gladly take you up on that offer,' Ravien replied. 'However, I am not a freelancer. My work is governed by the higher ups. Unless I got promoted to senior officer or something along those lines, I'm stuck with taking orders... which is why I'm trying to take down Kelthusa instead of something more... interesting.'

The inside of the ship had several leather seats, arranged like the inside of an airplane. Two rows of two seats... and then right at the front of the arrow shaped craft was a single seat, right next to a large control panel bristling with buttons, switches and various displays. The ship had no front veiwing window... instead, there was a monitor which displayed from a camera system attached to the front of the ship. There were several of these cameras mounted to the ship, allowing for a full 360 degree veiwing range.

The pilot seat swivelled around, and revealed an odd sight. The light purple alien that sat in the chair was only about three feet tall. He had a large head with a large round pair of dark eyes... long antenae twitched upon his head, pointing towards Raiven. 'Wow, nice find, Rai,' Isodor said sheepishly.

'Oh shut up and start moving... we have a lot of catching up to do.'

Isodor gave a salute with his long, three fingered hand. 'Righto, let's catch a criminal. Buckle up, kids.'

Raiven looked to the others, particuarly the slave. 'Best do as he says... he's a... uh... efficient pilot.

Not soon after he had said that, Raiven was thrown back into his seat as the police craft blasted into life. A wailing siren began to blur overhead, signiling for everyone to get out of the way.

'There he is,' Isodor said, pointing to the large slave craft on the main monitor. 'He's making for the main city. Things could get messy if we try and take him down there.'

'But the buildings will slow him down if he tries to descent. We'll catch him easily. What is he up to?'

The police vessel flipped sideways and pulled a terrifying bank turn. Raiven nearly fell out of his seat. 'What the hell?'

'Plasma cannon.'

'Oh, right. Now I see what he's up to.'

'Rai, if we go down there, they'll be little room for us to manuever. One hit by that cannon, and we'll be out of the sky in a blaze of fire.'

Raiven watched as the slave ship descended into the city, passing by skyscraper after skyscraper. Then, the large vessel made a sudden turn, narrowly dodging a building in the process.

Raiven could only imagine what the slaves about the ship were going through... and it made him furious.

'Just keep pursuing,' he said. 'I have a plan.'

'If it is as good as all your other plans...' Isodor muttered.

Raiven turned to Firefly. 'Val, I need you to go right to the back of this ship. You'll see a large chest right against the wall. Inside is a whole bunch of contraband weapons... see if you can find something that'll cripple a ship... possibly by damaging the thrusters or the engine system. You seem to quite efficent, so I'll have Iso open the top hatch. Once we get down level with the slave ship... I want you to take a shot.'

As far as plans went... it wasn't the best. But, now was the best time to bring the ship down... and cause as little harm as possible for the slaves still within.


  • Littlefoot
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Valria gave off a nod back "So far, it seems like the best thing we can really do in this situation" she told Raiven as she headed to the back and begun to look through the weapon's crate of contrabanded weapons.

She picked up on, a simple rocket launcher as well as ammo for it before climbing out of the top hatch and onto the top of the ship, activating her magnetic boots in the process, to at least, hold herself in place "Okay, lets do this...." she muttered to herself as she stepped forward a bit as well, keeping an eye on Kelthusa's ship, the rocket launcher ready to fire when need be.

The moment their ship got to ground level with Kelthusa's ship, she took off into the air and to the back of his ship "As the humans like to say....stick this in your pipe and smoke it" and with that, she fired a single shot at one of the ships thrusters before reloading the weapon, moving in more closer for a second shot, firing once more.

Her thrusters were, at the moment, holding out rather well, even with them being damaged still as she then watched the scene unfold before her eyes.


  • Petrie
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Kelthusa's ship relied entirely on all four of it's stable thrusters to keep it floating in the air. It was an old fashioned technology, and this case, quite vulnerable. The thruster exploded as the missile arrowed right into the intake, sending whirling fragments of turbine spitting out the other side... and not to mention a lot of smoke.

The whole vessel began to tip, and drop. It began to veer heavily. However, even as it struggled to stay in the air, another turret popped out of a hatch on the top rear of the ship. A flak cannon, four long barrels unleashing hails of flak shards into Firefly's general direction.

Isodor pushed their own ship forward, ducking under the flak. Raiven appeared at the open top hatch. 'Might want to jump some time soon,' he shouted as loud as he could. 'There's about to be a real big crash.'


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly moved back behind a building for cover.  She had only two shots left with the rocket launcher as she loaded one into it and moved back out from behind the building, aimed and fired in under a few seconds flat before reloading and repeating once again for the final thruster before she activated her thrusters and moved in towards the flak cannon.

Once she reached it, she pulled out her energy sword and impaled the flak cannon, twisting the sword before swinging it out of the cannon.

Once she had done that, she jumped backwards into the air and watched the ship again, her grip remaining tight on her enery sword as well before she flew back to Raiven and Isodor's ship, landing on top of it, reactivating her magnetic boots again "You think that'll be enough to take that down?" she asked as she popped her head into the ship.


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The vessel ploughed into the ground... which happened to be a freeway. Only a few civilian hovercars were on it at the moment... however, they veered quickly out of the way, some right into the concrete walls on the sides. The massive slave ship carved a path along the road, knocking streelamps over and cutting a waterline... sending a hail of water high into the air.

One of the thrusters broke off from the ship, and shot into the air like a missile, screaming and spiriling until it did a full turn and smashed into a building.

The slave vessel finally stopped, rear end tilting and smashing back into the ground. Sparks and smoke streamed from the crippled vessel. Car alarms bleated, and there was general chaos all around.

Raiven just stared silently at the carnage. 'Yes, that will be enough,' he finally said... a little too late.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly glanced over and seemed to nod to them as she took off away from their ship, heading over to Kelthusa's ship.  She opened up one final compartment from her suit and pulled out four bombs, setting them up upon the back of the ship where the cargo bay doors were.

She moved back a bit and detonated the bombs, opening up the bay doors before entering it herself, her energy sword back in her hands once again, ready to attack any who would pose a threat to her.

Zoe on the other hand, remained quiet, until she heard the explosion from Firefly's bombs "What was that?" she asked Raiven mainly, rather curious about it as well.


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'Looks likes she's going to rescue the other slaves,' Isodor said, watching from the monitor. The police ship hovered over the mess that had been created.

Inside, there was little resistance. All the crew were either dazed or unconcious. Firefly easily found the compartment in which the slaves were stored. It was inside the cargo bay that the ramp underneath the ship opened up to reveal. Inside, she found masses of what could only be illicit goods, stored within large metal crates.

The remaining slaves were all about, having had no way to brace against the impact. Some of the humanoid slaves were out cold, the rest were either badly hurt or just barely standing.

Only one slave in particular was up entirely. The large rhino like creature had broken his chains and was busy trying to break his way out of one of the side hatches, which seemed to have sealed itself shut.

He turned to face Firefly, and sneered. 'You,' he said angrily. 'Slaver!'

Meanwhile outside, Raiven watched the monitor. 'Wait. what is that? Zoom in, quickly.'

A green blob was bounding away from the wreckage. 'It's the fat bastard himself. He just doesn't know when to quit. Right, let tag him.'

'Hold on a sec, Rai. I'm getting a signal from the vessel. An emergency procedure, I think...'

'Emergency procedure... what kind of-'

They both came to the conclusion at the same time. 'Self destruct!' They said in unision.

'Can you deactivate it?' Raiven asked.

'He's probably using an actual wired bomb. I'd need to be inside to do it.'

'The explosion could risk civilian lives as well as those inside...'

The police craft landed, Raiven jumping out from the top hatch immedienly. 'Iso, warn Val that the ship is probably wired to blow... then do whatever you can to stop it. Knowing a bloat, it's probably a really big bomb, so you'll have some time... I hope.'

He turned to Zoe. 'Stay here, you'll be safe... I promise you that.'

Isodor nodded. 'Got it, partner. And what are you-'

'I'm going to arrest that fat bastard,' Raiven replied angrily. immediently, he bolted into the distance, following Kelthusa.


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"Slaver? me? In case you haven't realized, but I'm busting you out of here" she told the slave before swinging her weapon to cut through the hatch door, making it easier for the slave to break it down "Now, unless you actually want to stay here, it's best you help me get these slaves, and yourself off this ship and to safety"

Firefly then proceeded to help out the rest of the slaves "Come on you lot, we've got to get going...." however, she was cut off by the sound on Isodor's voice, telling her that a bomb was on the ship "Change of plans slightly, you're going to have to help them out, there's a bomb bomb this ship somewhere which is rigged to explode, which is what I'm going to go and find" she told the slaver as she proceeded deeper into the ship to search for the bomb.

"Iso, do you read me, what exactly am I looking for? How big is this bomb exactly?" she asked over her communications device she still had underneath her mask.


  • Petrie
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'Rai reckons it's quite big. I'd take a guess and say it's in the reactor room. That's the best place to rig a bomb, since you have the core of the ship right next to it... and not to mention the radiation emmited from the core would make it difficult to deactivate by hand without the proper equipment.'

The reactor wasn't too hard to find. A reactor was typicaly located near the rear end of the ship, close to the engine and rear thruster... on this particular kind of design at least. The door was already wide open, and seemed to have been forced that way.

There was a strange glow within, and a humming... somewhat throbbing sound. The reactor was a large tube that glowed a light green, right in the center of the room. Several coolant pipes passed up through the tube from underneath the floor. The floor consisted of see-through metal grating, and underneath the floor was a sea of red coolant.

The tube itself was badly damaged, and the room had an uncomfortable hotness about it. Beside the tube was a large metal orb, slightly split in the center. In the center split was a digital readout, and series of numbers... counting down.

Isodor appeared behind her, the small purplish creature making almost no noise on his strange, pronged trio of legs. 'Ah, crap,' he said as he joined Firefly, a hovering toolbox drone floating beside him. 'We have a problem. The whole room's leaking radiation... curse these old ships. They scrapped this design for a damn good reason.'

He looked up her worriedly. 'I can't go in, I haven't got the protection, and I don't want to grow another arm or something. Rather luckily, you happen to have that suit of yours.'

The toolbox hovered beside Firefly. 'I'll lead you through it, don't worry... I've done this before.'

Of course... that was in a practice environment... but he wasn't going to tell Firefly that.


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"Alright, I'm ready" Firefly told Isodor as she walked over to the bomb and slowly followed his steps in disarming the bomb "Now, are you sure this is the correct procedure? As I don't want to be blown to kingdom kong as the humans would say anyway" she added in as she continued to walk on the bomb still.

Zoe however, was all alone in the ship as she looked out over at Kelthusa's ship, then over to the chest of contrabanded weapons, she had an idea of some sort and rushed over to it, looking through all the weapons and finding what seemed to be a Nano Rifle along with ammo.  She had no idea on what the gun could do herself, yet, she took it anyway and seemed to bolt out of the ship and over to where Raiven and Kelthusa were, aiming the rifle at the fat slob, more or less ready to pull the trigger.

(OOC: I do wonder, you know what a Nano Rifle is?)


  • Petrie
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(OOC Edit: Changed this post a bit to better fit with the characters).

'Okay,' Isodor began with a hint of nervousness. He began to gather details about the bomb on a small information tablet. 'These ones are hard to crack open. So I want you to take out the mini-welder in the toolbox, and cut a cup sized circle out of the top...'

Meanwhile, Raiven had caught up to the bloat. Kelthusa stood in a side street, where several citizens were in clear view of the situation. Given what had just happened a few minutes ago, people were all over the place.

'You might as well give up,' Raiven gasped, his pistol in his hand. 'You can keep on running, but the whole force is going to be on your tail. Give up now and they might go easy on you.'

Kelthusa turned to face him, he too was gasping for breath. 'Argh, you win. I can not run any more. I will give up, but this is not the last you'll see of us.'

'Ah, that's what all criminals say.' Raiven approached with a small buzzing gadget. It was a device known as a deactivator, a simple gadget that upon application to the neck, could put its victim into unconsciousness. It was the main way the police force subdued criminals in the future... well, at least it was the way Raiven did things.

As Raiven approached, Kelthusa began to laugh as he put his little hands up.

...and then he opened his mouth. Raiven's eyes widened, realizing a little too late what was about happen to him.

Out came the stream of acid, and Raiven did the best he could to get out of the way. His trenchcoat took several splashes of acid, and began to hiss and smoke. The rest of the disgusting substance splashed onto the floor, creating a bubbling crater.

Raiven threw his coat off as quickly as he could, and then went straight for his laspistol. As he prepared to look down the sights, he saw Kelthusa making a run for it once more. 'Oh you lousy son of a-'

The bloat made his way over to where several people had gathered to get a better look at the crash site. An unlucky passer-by got more than she bargained for this day. Kelthusa jumped onto the female alien, who let out a scream, causing the rest of the crowd to disperse in confusion and panic.

Raiven finally caught up, and aimed his laspistol. Kelthusa placed the hostage in front of him, like a human shield. 'Don't try anything... or she will melt.'

Raiven lowered his pistol. Even if he had a clear shot of the bloat, he could pop like a balloon, spraying acid all over the civilian. So much for an easy arrest, he thought to himself.