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The Land Before Time - "Dawn"

Lillefot · 725 · 37369


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In the time of our good friends, who play in the Great Valley, things are about to change.
This adventure, one of their greatest ever, takes them trough events that lies further away than they've ever been before.
Even beyond the Mysterious Beyond...

This adventure lies beyond imagination!


Dawn in the Great Valley. Over by the mountains, the bright circle was rising again. Like it always had.
As the light made its way trough the lushy areas, it was reflected in the watering holes and all the morning dew. The whole Valley was sparkling.

Littlefoot yawned as he woke up from his good night sleep.
He stood up, stretching his body and tail.
Then he looked out over the Valley that was his home.
He could feel the morning dew under his feet.
He would never stop to be amazed by the beauty of mornings such as this.
Littlefoot then heard someone approaching behind him, he looked around and saw his grandpa.
"Goodmorning Grandpa!" Littlefoot said.
"Look at the Valley, it's so beautiful, isn't it?"
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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The sunlight touched Ducky's eyes. Sleepy she opened them, seeing the beauty of the morning.
"Spike! Spike! Look. Everything is so pretty" She pounced her brother. "Wake up sleepy head" She said with a big smile. "It's a new day agian, yep yep yep."

Shera slowly woke up, stretched and yawned. Her tummy was making a hungry noise.
"I'd better find something to eat" she said to herself. She saw a small tree, full of treestars. "Yum!" She ran at the tree and rammed it, so that the treestars could fall of.
Happily she ate a few of them. "That's much better."
As usual she walked to the drinking place to get something to drink. Maybe I see someone to play with too! She thought happily.


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Spike was lost in his usual slumber, happily snoring away...  Not even Ducky's attempts to wake him seemed to rouse him from his dreamy bliss...  ...However, as she continued to attempt to awaken him, he felt the bliss of his dreams start to fade, yet he was still so sleepy...  Yawning, he opened his eyes - and cupped his front paws around Ducky, returning to a sleepy state!  This was not going to be an easy task...
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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Diver awoke, partially due to she was about to wake up anyway and some of Ducky's attempts to wake up Spike helped as well.  She yawned and started to extract herself from the pile of brothers and sisters where she slept with the others.

At the watering place Mim was swimming underwater seeing how long she could stay down and  swimming around as well, one of her forms of exercises.  Mia was half swimming and half floating on top, having learned to swim from Diver before.  

Mr. Thicknose was elsewhere, not hear the watering place, at the top of a hill where he sometimes went to watch the sun rise and to enjoy the view of the part of the Great Valley one could see from there, and noticing how unfit he was during the groundsparkles incident and the inhabitants having to leave the great valley till the ground sparkles melted had decided he should do more walking anyway.


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Chomper was playing with his friends, like every day. "Chomper, chomper", Littlefoot shouted, "come to the other side of the river, here are much Crawlers for you."
"I¥m, I am coming." "But how," Chomper thought. "Swimming would be the best solution." So he jumped into the water and,.... went down. "My body,... so heavy,... can¥t... breath." "Uaaaaahhh!!! Pfuuh, just a dream." Chomper was waken up from some water, which was dripping on his nose, while he slept. "Oh man, I really should find another whole one day." He stood up, stretched his body and yawned. "Better go outside and find some crawlers." So he walked out of the cave.

Ruby, who was sleeping next to the cave of Chomper, heart him screaming and woke up. "What,... what¥s going on," she asked herself. "Better take a look, yaawwn." So she stood up and walked in the direction, from where she heart the scream.


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Dante cheerily landed next to Mia, grinning broadly.
"Morning you guys!"
He said cheerily...

Virgil stood a good distance off, rubbing sleep out of his eyes and yawning. Motochika was nearby, sitting on a tree branch watching Dante.
"How does he have that much energy?"
He asked, amused...


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Zaine woke up from a peaceful sleep story. "Aww man. I really liked that sleep story I had last night. Oh well. Might as well look for the others." He stood up and stretched his legs out. He left his sleeping area and walked through the valley in search of his friends.

The first one he found was Shera, who had just knocked down a bunch of tree stars. Wow. She's just like Cera. He smiled and walked towards her.

"Morning Shera. You don't mind if I steal some of your green food do you?" He then leaned down and grabbed some in his mouth. "Too late," he said in a muffled voice and laughed.


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Mia smiled at Dante, "Hello, how are you this fine morning?" She asked looking at Dante.

Mr. Thicknose looked at the view as he rested enjoying the sight as he often did.  

Petrie was finishing eating breakfast with his family.  He wondered what his friends would be doing and couldn't wait to fly off and find out.  Though he did want to just fly off to see what his friends were doing, he did enjoy spending some time with his family as well, and his mother insisted that they all eat breakfast before going off to do anything else.  

Mim was heading towards the surface a short distance off from where Mia and Dante were.  She had finished her swimming and was thinking of where she'd want to go to eat some of her breakfast.

The Dark Patriot

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In a smallish, somewhat out-of-the-way cave, a pair of fast-runners slept, curled tightly together to ward off the chill of the night. As the bright circle rose, its rays shone into the cave, and the light awakened the one facing toward the exit.

Argh, morning already? the runner, a girl named Kariya, thought to herself, disentangling herself from her brother...who didn't even respond.

"Spiral," she whispered. Still no response, so she tried again, a little louder...he just curled up tighter. Maybe this'll work... She thought, and gave him a light kick to the side. Perhaps not surprisingly, it worked - with a small squeak, he shot sideways...and slammed his head into a rock.

"Ow, my head...You pick the best of ways to wake people up, hmm, sister?" Spiral said, getting to his feet and stretching out, a series of quiet cracks sounding as his joints settled.

"Sorry, but the bright circle's rising. You did say that you wanted to be up when it did," Kariya replied. "Food time?" She asked.

"Food time," Spiral confirmed, grabbing his fighting stick and making for the exit, his sister following close behind.

"Why do you always take that thing with you? It's not like we need it here," Kariya noted, pointing to Spiral's stick.

Spiral stopped for a moment, and just put the stick to the side. "Good point." They moved out of the cave, looking for something that looked tasty. Neither of them were sure exactly where they were going, but both were confident that the other would notice something good.


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Ducky was stuck "Spike! Let go!" She tried to push herself away from Spike. "oo.." She gave up, still being tired. "Wake up, pleaase?" She asked once more.

Shera saw Zaine. "Hi!" She saw him eating and sighed "Yes, go ahead, I have had my fair share already anyway." She smiled at him, sat down and waited for him to finish. "Shall we go to the watering place when you're finished...?" She asked him.


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Spike continued to sleep contentedly, hardly aware of Ducky's vain attempts to free herself from his loving grasp...  Sleep rumbles were his only response, and Ducky was exhausted from the hard work...
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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Diver finished extracting herself from the pile of her siblings and seeing Ducky's problem decided to try to help.  She went over to a bush to pull off a leaf.  With this she  walked closer to Spike but remained far enough so he could not grab it and waved the leaf.  "Here is a tasty leaf Spike.   Aren't you going to eat it?" She asked ready to step back if he should come towards it.


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Spike slowly started to sniff the air, coming into a trance...  Getting up onto his feet, he slowly started to walk towards Diver and the leaf, continuing to sniff the air...
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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Ducky managed to get away. "Phew, thank you Diver" she said.
She turned to spike again. "Spike, look how beautiful everything is. It's almost gone! Please look."

Shera was making some nice drawings in the sand with her nail. She was working on one of herself now, thinking of her reflecting face in the water. She started to hum a melody, enjoying the drawing.


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"I"m glad I could help, I certainly am." Diver said to Ducky.

Diver continued to carry the leaf while walking, making sure not to trip over anything and continued to walk, doing her best to try to keep ahead of Spike.


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Elsewhere in the Valley, Vylor and Argaya were stretching. "Ah, what a beautiful morning." Vylor said as he got up on his four legs. "We should go find everyone else." Argaya added.


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"Yawn, Chomper, are you alright?" Ruby asked, as she came to chompers cave. The little sharptooth came out, strained his eyes because of the bright circle, blinked some times and looked over to Ruby. "I.. I am fine so far. Just had a bad sleepstory. And my cave is wet. I should find another one soon." "Oh, than it¥s okay. I just heart that you were screaming, that¥s why I got worried," Ruby said. "Let¥s find something to eat?" She asked. "Sure, we should," Chomper answered. "So they went away from the cave, looking for some foot.

On their way, they passed Shera and Zaine. "Hello you too," Ruby said. "How are you two doing? Isn¥t it a beautiful morning?" Than she noticed the Treestars. "May I have some? These ones look tasty. I would understand if not." She looked with an asking look at Zaine and Shera.

Chomper looked at the Treestars. "Yuk, nothing for me." Than he saw a worm between the leaves. "Aah, food." He jumped on the worm, got him and ate him. As he noticed the aghasts faces of the others he said, "sorry," and went back where he stood before.

Ecco awoke from the hot stone under his body. He sighed in an amusent way and listened to the birds in the trees and the rising river under the stone he were lying at. He turned around that he lies on his back now and rested in this position for a while now.


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Shera smiled by seeing 2 other familar faces. "Hi Ruby, Chomper! Well, yes go ahead, I hope Zaine doesn't eat all of it." She saw Chomper eating the worm.. "Eww.. Chomper. O well, I guess you will never understand why we like greenfood either."
She drew another drawing in the sand, this time a pile of threestars. "This time sand does look tasty" she said joking.


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Over by the Thundering falls, animals began to gather for a daily drink.
However, there was someone there already.
On a rock, out in the rapids of the fall, sat a blue fastrunner with its eyes closed.
His name was Blueberry. Or atleast, that's what his friends called him.

Blueberry had been sitting on that rock every morning for a very long time, most of the residents have became used to it.
Bleuberry was meditating. That's what he always did, every morning at the same time and place.
That could've given him the reputation of being... boring.
But Blueberry was like any other kid in the Valley, after he was done here, he was most likely to be found playing with his friends.
It was just in the mornings that he acted like this.

Blueberry opened his eyes. He feelt cold water on his back, as he looked out over the Valley. "Another beautful morning!" he said to himself, as he got up from his sitting position. He turned around, and jumped to another rock, and from that one, he jumped to the shore.
He stretched his body, and feelt relaxed. Ready for another day.
"I better find something for me to eat" he thought, and set off walking.
After a while, he saw some familiar faces. It was Ruby, Chomper, Zaine and Shera.
"Hi guys, care to share me some treestars with me aswell, or do I have to search elsewhere?" he said with a bright smile.
"Wonderful days is it? Wanna do something?"
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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"O, I hope there is enough for all of you guys. Otherwise I might get some more." She smiled at blueberry "Sure, go on, you can have something."
She was thinking "Yes, it's a very pretty day indeed. I'd love to do play with you guys. After you have had something to eat I'm going for a drink. Maybe we could search the others after that?"