The Gang of Five
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Cats Don't Dance 2

Mr. Clubtail

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    • Posts: 155
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Release date: January 1, 2007

Created by: Mark Dindal

Music by: Jon Brion, Geoff Zanelli, and Sean Bean with additional music by Alan Menken for the Darladdin segments and Elliot Goldenthal for the Batman and Robin segments

Scott Bakula as Danny

Jasmine Guy as Sawyer

Hal Hobrook as Cranston Goat

April Winchell as Frances the grumpy old fish

Kathy Najimy as Tillie Hippo

Rick Logan as T.W Turtle

Jon Rhys-Davies as Woolie Mammoth

Rene Auberjoinois as Flanigan

Tara Strong as Darla Dimple

George Kennedy as L.B Mammoth

Billy Crystal as Pudge (He's an adult in this one)

Cody Arens as Pudge for the Batman and Robin segment

Aria Noelle Curzon as Kitty


Summer, 1950

After the opening titles, the camera zooms into Hollywood.

Danny: Since I was a little kitten, I had a dream, ♪ My name in lights: Danny the Song and Dance Cat! ♪ I got on a bus and came to the town, where dreams can come true. ♪ It’s gonna happen for me. ♪ It could happen for---

Pudge: You already sung that.

Danny: Oh, right. ♪ Our time has come ♪ Walk in the sun ♪ Oh I’ve packed my hopes, we’re ready to roll ♪ We’re on our way, ♪ With a little faith we can, ♪ Step from the shadows and tell everyone, ♪ Turn the spotlight on, ♪ Now our time has come, ♪ Our time has---

Cranston: Stop singing!

Tillie: Why should he stop.

Frances: It's annoying. Simple as that.

Cranston: Yeah right, I don't give a flying d, I meant *baa* about his singing.

Later, in the night, Woolie Mammoth is playing "Our Time has come" on his piano in his camper trailer, since his old trailer toppled because the trailer was too old and fragile.

Cranston tries covering his ears with a pillow in his house while Frances made her way out of her house with Cranston following her.

Frances: Stop playing that tune.

Woolie: Oh, so sorry. I'll play a different tune.

Cranston: That's better.

Woolie: By the way, since those people who forced me to wear those huge tusks and trumpet loudly every time a Mammoth Pictures film started retired, I've finally got my chance to write music for the motion picture films.

Cranston and Frances walk out of the caravan trailer and go back to sleep in their houses.

Later, in the morning, Danny, Sawyer, T.W turtle, Pudge, Frances, and Cranston were on the stage while Woolie was preparing to play the piano while waiting for whatever film is about to start.

Then Danny walks off to find something to do as Sawyer says "Where are you going, Danny Boy."

Then Danny finds a cat that looked similar to him on the stage except it was a female, had lavender eyelids, wore a white dress with black sleeves, and a longer tuft of fur on her head.

However, the moment the cat saw Danny, she screamed like a little girl in fright, scaring Danny as well.

"What's your name" the cat said nervously.

Danny: The name is Danny.

Kitty: Mine's Kitty.

Danny: How did you get there.

Kitty: I was part of the cast for the Grumpy Old Fish motion picture.

Danny: Say, you probably must be more attractive than Sawyer.

Sawyer: (offended) Hey!

"DANNY HATES SAWYER, DANNY HATES SAWYER, DANNY HATES--" Cranston and Frances sing teasingly before Tillie whacks the two with her umbrella. "Enough" Tillie says.

"Good job, Tillie." T.W Turtle says.

Flanigan: The film's title will be The Grumpy Old Fish. Lights, Camera, and Action. Cue the canvas.

A canvas of Woolie Mammoth with huge tusks and hair on his head is installed and Woolie Mammoth starts playing the piano.

"Come back you little-" Frances says as she chases Danny with a bullwhip. Then she catches up with him and beats him up.

"No one hurts Orange Cat" Tillie says as she hits Frances with an umbrella, sending the fish flying into Cranston who is 30 meters away.

Cranston: Hey, watch where you're going, penguin meal!

"No, you watch where you're going, horny-head" Frances says as the film creator says "Cut!"

Later, Danny, who has a black eye, lost a few teeth, and has a cast in his leg, is being wheeled in a rolling stretcher and T.W Turtle is watching "Darladdin" on TV.

The Cave of Surprises on TV: Who disturbs my sleep.

T.W Turtle: Hey, that's Danny boy.

T.W sees Darla Dimple playing Darladdin on TV entering the Cave of Surprises

Darla as Darladdin on TV: Would you look at all those coins.

Then T.W sees the Magic Carpet following Darla playing Darladdin on TV who then rides on the carpet as the Cave of Surprises begins to shake as a lava wave is chasing Darla playing Darladdin riding on the Magic Carpet while dodging walls and falling debris.

Darla as Darladdin: Whoa! Carpet, let's move!

Meanwhile, Danny, who is better now, leaves the doctor's office and invites Kitty over to his apartment for liquor.

Then the scene cuts back to T.W Turtle watching Darladdin on his TV.

L.B Mammoth as Genie on TV: You leaving me? I don't think so. Not right now. YOU'RE GETTING YOUR WISHES SO SIT DOWN!

T.W Turtle: Jeez, what is wrong with L.B Mammoth.

The scene cuts back to the apartment.

Danny: Thanks for coming over on time, Kitty.

Kitty: By the way, who is Sawyer.

Danny: She is a lovely white Persian cat who can do a romantic ballet that I spent quite a bit of time with until I met you.

Kitty: And I want to say that I am so sorry for being scared when I met you for the first time.

Then Danny gets a phone call by Flanigan.

Flanigan: Danny, Sawyer, T.W turtle, Pudge, Frances, Tillie, Cranston, Woolie, and Kitty. You are 15 minutes late for The Grumpy Old Fish Motion Picture.

Later, The Grumpy Old Fish Motion Picture continues.

Frances: No you watch where you're going, stupid.

Cranston: No you, shark bait.

Then Tillie hippo whacks the two with a bullwhip.

Tillie: You two argue like spoiled old brats.

Frances: Will you just stay out of this?!

Then Frances gets a shotgun and chases Tillie Hippo with it who is dodging every bullet.

"Give me that!" says T.W Turtle as he steals Frances shotgun and chases her with it until he appears to run out of bullets and checks the shotgun and points it at himself to see if there is any bullets and then the shotgun explodes, charring the turtle.

Filmmaker: CUT!

Later, T.W is in a bathtub so he can get clean while watching Darladdin on TV.

L.B Mammoth as Genie on TV: Thank you for flying on Magic Carpet. Don't stand until the carpet stops completely

Darla Dimple playing Darladdin on TV: (As she gets off the Magic Carpet) Genie, what would you wish for.

L.B Mammoth as Genie on TV: Me? No one's ever asked me that. Forget it.

Darla Dimple playing Darladdin on TV: Come on.

L.B Mammoth as Genie on TV: Freedom. It’s all part-and-parcel, the whole genie gig. (Grows gigantic, voice echoes) PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS!

Meanwhile, Tillie Hippo is doing chores. However, she doesn't notice that the stack of clothes is about to fall and hurries up before the stack of clothes fall.

The scene cuts back to T.W Turtle watching Darladdin on TV while he is in the bathtub.

L.B Mammoth as Genie on TV: (As he reads a book) Let's see here. "To make a princess". Say the magic word.

Darla Dimple playing Darladdin on TV: Genie, I wish for you to make me a princess!

Then T.W Turtle sees Darla Dimple playing Darladdin on TV being turned into a princess by the genie as he gets a phone call from Flanigan to resume acting for the Grumpy old fish motion picture.

Later, The Grumpy Old Fish Motion Picture continues. Pudge grabs Frances by the tail as he approaches an oven.

Pudge: Tabby girl, get the oven ready. I'm having fish and chips for supper.

"Let go of me." Frances says as she blows smoke into Pudge's face, forcing the penguin to let her go.

Frances then writes "FISH AND CHIPS" on a bag of potato chips and gives it to Pudge.

Pudge then puts the bag that says "FISH AND CHIPS" in the oven as Kitty turns on the oven. However, the oven explodes, charring both Kitty and Pudge.

"What did you to my oven, penguin." Kitty says to Pudge.

"I thought it was fish and chips, missy." Pudge says.

Kitty: No, no, no. You shouldn't have done that.

Then Kitty kicks Pudge, sending the penguin flying into Danny, who is 30 meters away.

Danny: Watch where you're going, fatty!

Pudge: No, you watch where you're going, twig.

Danny: Why you-Take that, charcoal!

Then Danny leaps onto Pudge, sending them both tumbling down the hill. As they stop tumbling, Danny is ready to punch Pudge in the face as Frances blows smoke into Danny and Pudge.

Frances: You two act like spoiled little brats.

Cranston: Hippo said we act like spoiled little brats as well, penguin meal.

Frances: Shut up, crank-ston.

Filmmaker: CUT!

Later, Pudge is in an ice cold swimming pool so he can clean up while drinking a lemonade he got from a stagehand and Kitty is in a bathrobe watching Batman and Robin on TV with Danny who also is in a bathrobe.

Sawyer as Batgirl on TV: Where is Cranston.

Pudge as Robin on TV: Now you can stay in this building and I'll tell you who Cranston is.

Sawyer as Batgirl on TV: Actually, I'm looking for Cranston.

Cranston playing Alfred on TV: Batgirl?

Sawyer as Batgirl on TV: Cranston.

Kitty: What does L.B stand for.

Danny: Louis Big.

Then Kitty gets a phone call from Flanigan to resume acting for the Grumpy old fish motion picture.

Later, The Grumpy Old Fish Motion Picture continues.

Danny gets a file for a breakup by Sawyer but Sawyer says "I still love you." and then tries to step on Frances.

Frances: You can't catch me, little-foot.

Then Tillie hippo catches Frances by the tail fin.

"No one makes fun of Persian kitty's feet." Tillie says as she throws Frances into T.W Turtle who hides in his shell.

T.W Turtle: Why does it smell like smoke in here.

Then T.W starts coughing up smoke as he removes Frances and the filmmaker shouts "CUT!"

Later, T.W is given a puffer while a medic uses a stethoscope and Danny invites Sawyer to his apartment.

Danny: Sawyer, I just wanted to apologize for caring about you less than I used to.

Sawyer: It's ok that you don't have to apologize though.

Danny: What I said about Kitty offended you though.

Sawyer: That time when you closed a door on my tail was far worse.

Danny: Oh right. I remember that.

Then Sawyer gets a phone call by Flanigan.

"The Grumpy Old Fish motion picture is almost complete. Make your choice." Flanigan says.

Later, The Grumpy Old Fish Motion Picture is almost complete.

"Hello there penguin meal" Cranston says.

"Oh hello there what are you doing here." Frances says.

Then "Cranston" unzips himself, revealing himself to be Danny and Frances's cigar disintegrates and Frances turns red as she is furious that Danny tricked her as she chases him with a grenade.

Frances then jumps on Danny and believes that she finally fed him a grenade but then the fish realizes that she ate the grenade which then explodes, charring Frances.

Danny: (To Frances) Can we have a truce.

Tillie: (To Frances) Chocolate hearts will do.

Pudge: (To Frances) Your bucket will do as well.

T.W Turtle: (To Frances) And a cigar will-

However, Frances blows smoke into Danny,, Tillie, T.W, and Pudge's faces as the audience claps and a "THE END" sign is installed.

Flanigan: Take a picture, people. Danny, Sawyer, T.W turtle, Pudge, Frances, Tillie, Cranston, and Kitty will make history great. And give Woolie an award for "Best original Score in a Film"

The camera cuts to a newspaper of Danny, Sawyer, T.W turtle, Pudge, Frances, Tillie, Cranston, and Kitty altogether and another one of Woolie Mammoth getting an award for "Best original Score in a Film" as it writes "THE END"

Based on a dream I had last year.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2022, 04:32:12 PM by Mr. Clubtail »