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Gamers' Wishlist

F-14 Ace

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Gee, how come only one other person wants Bioshock 2?  I can't wait for it!  Anyway, other games I want are:

Modern Warfare 2...

That new Batman game...

and that's about it.


  • The Circle
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Good shout there LBT13Fan! I completely forgot there is to be a new Golden Sun heading for DS! I played the first one on ROM emulator but never quite got to the end. Will be good to see a new installment head our way since the GBA! Chalk that one on my wishlist too! ;)


  • Yet another wordsmith
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I really can't wait for Star Wars : The Old Republic and Batman:Arkham Asylum,Super Mario Galaxy 2 looks great too.



  • Cera
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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Sep 29 2009 on  12:20 AM
Gee, how come only one other person wants Bioshock 2?  I can't wait for it!
I'm excited for it, just not AS excited as for the games on my list. Also I haven't played the first one besides the demo so I wouldn't have any idea what is happening in the 2nd one.

I'm also excited for Star Wars Old Republic. As long as it is not an expensive price or even free, I will definitely be getting it.


  • The Circle
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Check one off the wishlist! I landed my copy of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves on Friday! Gotta say the gameplay is excellent! Multiplayer is fun too! So, that one title bagged...just about 300 quid's worth of more games to get in the next 6 months! LOL  :lol


  • Jedi Knight
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Dude, I can't wait for Metroid: Other M! I just watched the trailer again, and I'm so pumped for a good Metroid game!


  • Ruby
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Battlefield Bad Company 2 is the most promising PC title since 2005, can't wait to get my hands on it.

I wish they'd make another JP Trespasser game.


  • Cera
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I am asking for the following for christmas:

Call of Duty Modern Warfare2
Left 4 Dead 2
Dead or Alive 4


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- Left 4 Dead 2
- COD: Modern Warfare 2
- Brutal Legends
- DJ Hero

That's about it. :p


  • The Circle
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One title I'm miffed about not having a 360 for: Left 4 Dead 2. Won't be getting that one unless I get a better spec'd computer (no chance of that happening any time soon)

Another title I'm looking forward to: Assassin's Creed 2 (out this coming Friday)


  • Littlefoot
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God of War 3

I love the God of ar series and can not wait for number 3 to be released along with the God of War Collection ^^


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My next big title (first one of the new year) is Planitum Games' Bayonetta. Basically, think Devil May Cry but with a female protagonist and witchcraft. It's super fast, super stylish and rather torturous in some places. A bold step trying to follow up a title like DMC but it looks like they've done a good job. I mean, the girl's got a flippin' machine gun pistol built INTO her stillettos! :DD It comes out over here this coming Friday. ;)


  • Jedi Knight
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I just got a PS3, and I can't wait for Gran Turismo 5. It looks awesome!


  • Littlefoot
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Should've also mentioned that I'm looking forward to BioShock 2 as well.....and the Serious Sam remakes that are suppose to be coming to at least, the XBLA, and I'm hoping to the PSN store as well.


  • Jedi Knight
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The PS3 game Dark Void looks cool, too.


  • Littlefoot
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Dark Void? It doesn't sound familir, so I wouldn't know myself.  However, the name sounds intruiging, so I may look into it.

But yeah, not many games that do catch my eye this coming year, save for what I've just mentioned really.


  • Ducky
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The games I'm looking forward to are...

Tales of Vesperia, Final Fantasy XIII, Star Ocean 4 for the PS3,
Golden Sun for DS
Kingdom Hearts - Birth by Sleep for PSP
Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid - Other M, the new Zelda title and Tales of Grace for Wii.

Yeah, I'm quite the RPG gamer.  :lol


  • Petrie
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I will be dusting off my HOTAS setup for Battle of Britain: Storm of War. Fingers crossed for a release date sometime this year.

Most realistic clouds in a video game, ever... oh, and there's planes too!

Neeeeeeeeeooooooow Pew pew pew!


  • Jedi Knight
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Quote from: MrDrake,Jan 3 2010 on  10:40 PM
Dark Void? It doesn't sound familir, so I wouldn't know myself.  However, the name sounds intruiging, so I may look into it.

But yeah, not many games that do catch my eye this coming year, save for what I've just mentioned really.
Here's some info, though I don't now much myself, either:

Also, really looking forward to Resistance III, which will possibly be released by the end of this year.