The Land Before Time > Land Before Time TV Series (2007)

Favorite and least favorite episode

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well just post your favorite and least favorite episodes and why.

Favorite- The star day celebration
Why i like this one is that it focuses on Ruby who is new in the TV series. And we get to see how she got in the valley.

Least favorite- Log running game
It feels like a filler. All they do is run on logs for about 22 minutes. Theres also a scene where Cera teleports next to Littlefoot when Mr.Threehorn is trying to push the rock. :lol

The only episodes I haven't seen are Amazing threehorn girl, Return to hanging rock, Days of the rising waters, Search for the sky color stones, and the big long neck test.

so now post yours :yes

Escape from the Mysterious Beyond
I enjoyed the translating subtitles as I love the idea of showing what sharpteeth have to say. And this episode got me to love Thud; he's a good sharptooth deep down!

Least Favorite:
Hmm, this one's trickier. I guess the Legend of the Story Speakers as that one really bored me, to be honest. It was also the episode I didn't bother watching for a while because even the title didn't really appeal to me. *shrug*

Hmmm, well let's see here.

Favorite: ? I don't really have one. I couldn't choose. :lol:

Least Favorite: Legend of the story speakers. That one was really boring and Saro acted like a three year old. It sounded interesting when I first heard about it, but once I actually saw it. :slap  It was alright. Just didn't appeal to me all that much.

Favorites...favorites...Well I don't really like most of the episodes. I guess the one I liked better than the others was Big Longneck test. It wasn't really that good but it wasn't terrible.

My least favorite would have to be Legend of the Story Speakers. I'm sorry, Saro is a complete jerk. Yeah, Saro, get pissed at Grampa Longneck because he doesn't want to abandon his mate and his grandchild to go around and tell stories. Yeah, how dare he be a responsible adult. How dare he not want to leave behind the only family he has left.

I haven't watch a TV episode since probably when I opened well over a year ago.  But I'll try to remember everything I can.

I do remember that I absolutely HATED "Stranger From the Mysterious Above."  Seriously.  Spike just falls down a hole, we see weird looking gerbil things, and God forbid Mr. Threehorn and Mr. Thicknose sing together.  It was like watching one long episode of "Oops Eeps." :bang

Most favorite episode?  I suppose it would be a toss up between Canyon of the Shiny Stones and Escape From the Mysterious Beyond.  I will never forget Petrie.  "It - it booms?" :lol: And something actually happened in Escape From the Mysterious Beyond.  It was almost like a drastically shortened movie.


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