The Gang of Five
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F-14 Ace's art

F-14 Ace · 60 · 15633

General Grievous

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Nice!  He looks great.  Can't wait to see the next one. :yes

F-14 Ace

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I finally made a drawing of Heather the moose.  Enjoy.  

General Grievous

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It looks nice but her nose doesn't look right for some reason.  It needs to be colored in a little more.


  • Ducky
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Looks great.  :D
What you can do is, draw the outlines a bit stronger so you can see more of the picture.  ;)
Good work, anyways. :^.^:


  • The Circle
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A Nice picture. Continue to draw and trying to improve and looking back to see the improvement you have made.

F-14 Ace

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This new picture is Sgt. Reznov in Stalingrad from Call of Duty: World at War.  He is a tough Soviet soldier who doesn't mess around.  He is also one of my favorite characters from the game.  I'm sorry if he looks somewhat like Osama bin Laden.  That wasn't my intention.


  • The Circle
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Nice picture and interesting background.  Hope you continue to draw and share here.

General Grievous

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Wow, Reznov is the most awesome videogame character ever!  "Mark my words, comrade.  One day things will change.  We will take the fight to their people!  To their land!   To their blood!"

Do you plan on doing more?

F-14 Ace

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Throughout history, there have been many great battles.  Time and time again, there have been examples of bravery and courge as a small group of soldiers makes a stand against an overwhelming number of enemies.  Several examples come to mind, such as the Battle of the Little Bighorn or the last stand of the 300 Spartans, but there is one that, for me at least, stands out above the rest because my childhood hero died in that battle.

The picture isn't quite finished.  I still need to draw the battle scene and I definately plan to color it and make some changes.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... the Alamo!
(Davy Crockett was my childhood hero, by the way)

The Ballad of the Alamo, the song that inspired me to draw this picture.

In the southern part of Texas
In the town of San Antone
There's a fortress all in ruins that the weeds have overgrown
You may look in vain for crosses and you'll never see a-one
But sometimes between the setting and the rising of the sun
You can hear a ghostly bugle
As the men go marching by
You can hear them as they answer
To that roll call in the sky.

Colonel Travis, Davy Crockett, and a hundred eighty more
Captain Dickinson, Jim Bowie
Present and accounted for.

Back in 1836, Houston said to Travis
"Get some volunteers and go
Fortify the Alamo."
Well the men came from Texas
And from old Tennessee
And they joined up with Travis
Just to fight for the right to be free.

Indian scouts with squirrel guns
Men with muzzle-loaders
Stood together, heel and toe
To defend the Alamo.

"You may ne'er see your loved ones,"
Travis told them that day
"Those who want to can leave now
Those who fight to the death let 'em stay."

In the sand he drew a line
With his army sabre
Out of a hundred eighty five
Not a soldier crossed the line
With his banners a-dancin'
In the dawn's golden light
Santa Anna came prancing
On a horse that was black as the night.

Sent an officer to tell
Travis to surrender
Travis answered with a shell
And a rousing rebel yell
Santa Anna turned scarlet
"Play deguello!" he roared
"I will show them no quarter
Every one will be put to the sword!"

One hundred and eighty five brave men
Holding back five thousand
Five days, six days, eight days, ten
Travis held and held again
Then he sent for replacements
For his wounded and lame
But the troops that were coming
Never came, never came, never came...

Twice he charged and blew recall
On the fatal third time
Santa Anna breached the wall
And he killed 'em, one and all
Now the bugles are silent
And there's rust on each sword
And the small band of soldiers...

Lie asleep in the arms of the Lord...

In the southern part of Texas
Near the town of San Antone
Like a statue on his pinto rides a cowboy all alone
And he sees the cattle grazing where a century before
Santa Anna's guns were blazing and the cannons used to roar
And his eyes turn sorta misty
And his heart begins to glow
And he takes his hat off slowly...

To the men of Alamo.

To the thirteen days of glory
At the siege of Alamo...


  • The Circle
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Very interesting F-14 :)
I see you made sure to depict the chapel of the Alamo without the gable which we see today but which had not been there at the time of the battle.
Have you visited the Alamo?
I take great interest in the Texan war of independence and the battle of the Alamo. Did you watch the 2004 movie "The Alamo"? It is a lot more accurate than the John Wayne movie of 1960, though it does depict an unlikely version of Davy Crockett's end. The 2004 movie has him being taken prisoner and later executed, a claim based on one single controversial source from one of the Mexican soldiers. Still the movie was well done.
In the sand he drew a line
With his army sabre
Out of a hundred eighty five
Not a soldier crossed the line
This famous gesture is most likely a later invention (not mentioned in any sources of the time), but it has become an integral part of the legend of the Alamo. One man however actually did decide not to stay at the Alamo. Louis "Moses" Rose left and lived on until 1850 or 1851. Modern research also found indication that there may have been one more survivor of the battle. A man named Henry Warnell is believed by some to have escaped during the final battle. He died shortly after the battle of the Alamo of wounds, but it is not absolutely certain if he suffered those at the Alamo or elsewhere. I must admit I don't know further detail on his case so I am not sure if there is any substance to this.


  • Banana Egg
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that was great!!!
i can't wait to see more!!!

F-14 Ace

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I see you made sure to depict the chapel of the Alamo without the gable which we see today but which had not been there at the time of the battle.
Well I'm trying to draw the battle so I wanted to make it accurate.  Hopefully I will have it done soon.  My dang scanner removed several small details from the picture though.

Have you visited the Alamo?
Right after I was born, my dad got stationed at Randolph AFB in San Antonio, where we spent three years.  Unfortunately, in all that time, we never once visited the Alamo, even though it was practically right across the street from us.  I wouldn't have remembered it anyway.  I was only three.  

Did you watch the 2004 movie

Again, no I haven't.  I wish I had though.  I have been looking for it at the store but haven't had much luck.  I have seen bits and pieces of it on Youtube though.  the only movie I have seen involving the Alamo was the 1955 Davy Crockett movie.  It was probably one of the more historically accurate ones in regards to the battle.

Yes, I've heard of Rose.  He has been called the Coward of the Alamo.  Whether he actually deserves that title or not is a matter of opinion, but I imagine he spent the rest of his life like Bruce Ismay, shunned and humiliated.  Somebody even made a song parodying Rose, called "Moses Rose of Texas" to the tune of "Yellow Rose of texas".

General Grievous

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Can't wait to see it when its finished!


  • The Circle
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the only movie I have seen involving the Alamo was the 1955 Davy Crockett movie. It was probably one of the more historically accurate ones in regards to the battle.
Do you mean "The Man from the Alamo"? The movie (this information is just from Wikipedia, I don't know this from anywhere else) was shot in 1953, but I never saw it myself.
The 1960 film with John Wayne depicted the legend, but with very little concern for historical accuracy.
Yes, I've heard of Rose. He has been called the Coward of the Alamo. Whether he actually deserves that title or not is a matter of opinion, but I imagine he spent the rest of his life like Bruce Ismay, shunned and humiliated.
Most definitely. I must say I pity him.
After all the man did stay until the day just before the final battle when it was sure that no more support would come and that all defenders were going to die. Rose's presence would not have changed anything about the fate of the defenders. He had fought in wars before. I think the deliberate decision to accept certain death with nothing visible to be gained for it anymore (Santa Anna already had been delayed for quite a while) is something that is hard to demand of anyone.
I'm looking forward to see the completed image.


  • Ducky
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I know your proud of these drawings.

F-14 Ace

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Here it is!  Unfortunately I wasn't able to draw a battle scene.  I didn't think it would look good.  I may draw one later though.

And here is the song to go with it.


  • The Circle
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Very nice colored version of the drawing F-14 :yes
As for the song, it sounds quite impressive, but from a historians perspective it is definitely from a very pro southern perspective (of course nobody ever claimed it to be an accurate depiction of history). One thing I noticed was the mention of the "rebel yell" a term which is more linked to the Civil War times. But most strikingly is the notion that the Texans were fighting for "the right to be free". In a sense the claim sounds a bit ironical. One of the most important "freedoms" denied to the immigrants into Texas (who were granted every right of Mexican citizenship) was the freedom to own slaves. Sad as it sounds before the background of the Alamo myth one may rightfully question whether or not there had been a revolt in Texas at all had it not been for the matter of slavery :(

F-14 Ace

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Wow, I haven't updated this thing in a long time.  Here's my newest picture.  Say hi to Fletcher, my new gryphon RP character.  I love gryphons and I think they're very underrated.  I mean, there are tons of movies and books about dragons but the only movies I've seen that have gryphons in them are Quest for Camelot and the Narnia movies (and they didn't get much screen time in that one).  I heard there was one in the Alice in Wonderland book as well as a couple of the movie versions but I've never seen those.  

So anyway, here's the picture.  He was a real pain to draw.  


F-14 Ace

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Ok, so I decided to dust off my colored pencils and try my hand at drawing something other than dinosaurs and buffalo.

My first ever attempt at drawing a dragon.  This is supposed to be Saphira from the Inheritance series.  She's my favorite dragon of all time so I decided to give her a try.

Here is my second attempt. Unfortunately, I am not so good with tiny details such as scales so I didn't include them here.